CRISPR technology at work. Silencing inherited gene structures, editing the DNA per chromosome, to manipulate the physical build of the embryo before birth. They're doing the same tech on high-grade in-vitro babies. Isn't that crazy to think? We got Dino-Chickens and Designer-Babies.
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Activists held the first-ever hologram protest in Madrid on Friday, demonstrating against Spain's newly introduced 'gag law', a law which imposed severe changes in public security laws, threatening the freedom of expression and assembly in the country.
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Take note. This type of activity will no longer be part of a military drill...it will be the police rounding up civilians....give it five years, at most....and this will be what happens to the unsavory or unruly populations.
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Scientists are developing smart contact lenses embedded with miniscule mirrors that can magnify your vision by almost three times, with zoom controls that are controlled by the blink of an eye. (Literally!) I'll never have to wear glasses like my mom does! Sweet!!!! (So much for her claims that reading books in bad light would cause me any harm later in life! Cyborg eyes, count me in!!)
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The future is now. Guns are nothing to a enemy with a laser. Get knowledgable, and know who we're up against. These weapons will not be used for good. They will not be used for your benefit.
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Being an anarchist doesn't mean believing in anarchy,let alone anarchism,can fix everything-it just means acknowledging it's up to US to work things out, that NO ONE and nothing ELSE can do this for us: admitting that,like it or not, our lives are in our hands-and in each others'.
Fighting for Our Lives-An Anarchist Primer (CrimethInc.)
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Q: What’s scarier than a robo-dog that can run 50 mph (on any type of terrain), weighs as much as a grown man, with the ability to keep its balance on slopes, or even against full-scale impact of a person’s kick?….? A: A robot pup that does all that, and also has heat-scan vision, human breathe detectors, laser (LIDAR) 3D vision, and ears that are set to hear the frequencies of human heart rates. A(2): All the above; plus armament with autonomous weapon capabilities.
Yessir, America….that’s what’s on the way. Don’t believe me? Ask DARPA. Or just ask Google.
A new robot designed for the US Army by Google fits criteria of a Pentagon request for the development of a system which could detect and track “non-cooperative” humans in “pursuit/evasion scenarios”. The fact that Spot can operate indoors is somewhat ominous given a 2008 Pentagon request for contractors to build, “A software and sensor package to enable a team of robots to search for and detect human presence in an indoor environment.” The proposal called for the development of robots, “to search for and detect a non-cooperative human subject” during “pursuit/evasion scenarios,” directing that they have the ability to “intelligently and autonomously search”.
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The rise of the machines is well under way. Lo and behold, the new service-bound robocop. If these units need to have a controller back at the station, wearing a virtual-reality-type headset & gloves....then why can't that officer be on the street himself? What's the gain here...? (Other than the system getting the population used to robot interaction and authority?)
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“The American people are being misled about President Obama’s plan to regulate the Internet,” he said in a statement, suggesting that Mr. Obama had pressured Mr. Wheeler into reclassification. “Last week’s carefully managed rollout was designed to downplay the plans of a massive intrusion in the Internet economy … . I have now read the 332-page plan. It is worse than I had imagined,” said Mr. Pai. In particular, he warned that reclassifying broadband would open the door to taxes and onerous regulations, and give the FCC “broad and unprecedented discretion to micromanage the Internet.”
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Senior author Sheng Ding, PhD, a senior investigator at Gladstone, says that the potential of this discovery extends beyond improving the efficiency of CRISPR. "This study is the first to show that we can successfully manipulate genome engineering using small molecules. This gives us greater capability, enabling us to tune the machinery and also turn it on or off with chemicals, which has important implications for regulating the genome editing process."
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Stop eating the bullshit they feed us, America! (I mean that in the most literal sense; AND MORE SO, in the figurative sense of all the LIES we're fed!)
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If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot, stamping on a human face, FOREVER. The moral to be drawn from this dangerous,nightmare situation, is a simple one: don’t let it happen. IT DEPENDS ON YOU.
George Orwell, on his deathbed, during a BBC interview about his book, “1984”.
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...and this is only the beginning. Agenda 21, FEMA, BLM, EPA, DHS...and so much more...all working towards the demise of the individual's right to life. #StandUp #SpeakOut #StopTheFeds
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Agenda 21 is well under way, and will be effecting us all in due time. In regards to the #CSKT compact, here is a link to a story that may soon be familiar happenings to residents of NW Montana. Headline: Man is Fined $1500 for collecting rainwater http://offgridsurvival.com/rainwaterillegal/
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HUMANS ARE AWESOME! (check out these 2 videos for proof!)
Science!! It can be used for good; it’s often used for evil; or,it can be used to make itty-bitty films starring stick-men! IBM’s Fun with Atoms-magnified 100 million times: Http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oSCX78-8-q0
Teamwork!! Anything, (& I mean ANYTHING!) can be done if enough people just set their minds to it! Sports are entertaining and all, but Ohio State makes half-time an epic experience!: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RbxdtOLF8kc
**Technology, training, & coordination..** *And most important:the will to do it.*
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*Connections (& queries):* How does the recent Disney park measles outbreak link to the above-mentioned cartoon? HINT:The outbreak story is told by media (mainstream “headlines” linked below)in the form of repetitive,drab W.H.O.-scripted reporting…with networks using the exact same wording,makes reference to unprompted research data from India (&other countries of mega-central W.H.O.-funded “health” studies),& sums the whole occasion up as a blatant push to go get vaccinated,& dose your infant babies with the aluminum-based injectable as well) HINT: The film made by Disney (photo clip above) was “commissioned” by the Population Council (the spawning place of all things altered of natural-reproduction) to promote “family planning”. HINT: This “Population Council” was founded by John Rockefeller. John and Walt were already familiars in business by then-ones bank funded the others early films. HINT: (bonus!) Walt Disney was commissioned by the government to do many “recruitment”/”compliance” type films, and he was praised by leaders and royalty worldwide.(Doesn’t anyone find it strange that a bunch of rich,old people would be that into a young,bastard-child who makes mouse cartoons?)
**NOT A REAL MATTER OF EXTREME IMPORTANCE,when considering all things….just a bit of (metaphorical) food for (prompted) pondering.**
Measles media-coverage: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2015/01/08/trips-to-disney-theme-parks-in-california-linked-to-measles-cases/
"Family Planning" Disney cartoon: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t2DkiceqmzU
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NO MORE LIES! This "War on Terrorism" will continue on (much like the "War on Drugs" has), COSTING Americans $18.9 MILLION PER HOUR (since "war" was declared in 2001). And that is a low estimate (not-inclusive of all weighing factors,including:UAV/missile procurement&operational costs,NSA spy-programs & data "fusion-centers",costs of supplied weapons to "allied forces",exponential additional disability care costs for returned veterans,the entire existence of the DHS....ETC.) With the wonder of "How did it get to this?!", a bill was introduced, DEMANDING THE RELEASE OF the 28 "CLASSIFIED" PAGES OF THE 9/11 REPORT. SUPPORT this legislative lead to reality!@ https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/114/hres14/text
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