clonethire · 1 year
Bleeding Love
so I have a draft I wanted to post but I dont know if it will be a series or just snippets... the reader is intented to be female even if its not stated- 
anyways enjoy this little star wars drabble :)
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reader is a togruta like Ahsoka is... the idea is that she is the padawan from Obi Wan but I have to figure out how to proced...
Reki is the same age as Ahsoka but the complete opposite from Ahsoka in form of character. 
Commander Thire x f.reader
Warnings: angst and a bit fluff
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Word count: 2111
its ending on sort of a cliffhanger ;)
Beeping. White light. Silence.
That was all I saw or heard when I was conscious from time to time. I couldn’t remember what or even when it happened. All that I knew was, that my whole body was achingly sore.
And every kriffing time when I tried to stir awake the darkness would already be wating for me. To pull me into its endless depths.
It was the sixth time in a row when I was capable of opening my eyes. The once steady beeping of the machine spiked up. Blinding white lights greeted me with a harsh welcome. The desire to close my eyes was great.
Grumbling and huffing I sat up against the uncomfortable cushions off the cot I was laying on. The beeping of the machine grew steadily and for a moment I wondered what happened to the person who was connected to it.
But that was before I looked down and saw with a blurry vision that I was the pour soul who was connected to the machine. I tried to rub my eyes in hope that Ahsoka was pulling another prank on me with her force abilities but when I moved my hand to my face I could see the needles poking out from my skin.
My stomach throbbed with pain and again I wondered where my pain meds were. Weird circular sticky things were sticking out from under my dress that someone had put me in, because I couldn't remember wearing anything like that in public.
My head was spinning and a headache was slowly but surely making itself known.
Short flashes of images flashed through my head and almost made me throw up. My heartbeat increased and the beeping of the machine got higher and higher.
Bile rose in my throat and before I could stop myself I threw up all over the floor. Tears rolled over my cheeks and my throat was unfamiliar dry. Coughing I blinked warily and found a glass of water on the desk beside me. My hands shook as I took the glass in my hands and before I could drink a sip the glass fell out of my hands due to my shaking.
More frustrated tears ran down my cheeks and left a hot trail.
With a sudden clank the curtain was ripped open and before I could react properly a body threw itself onto me and for a second I couldn’t breathe.
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clonethire · 3 years
Slightly alone
warnings: mention of self harm
chapter 2
It was a mild warm spring day when I woke up. The sun was beaming through my window and groggily I snatched my blanket over my eyes.
I didn´t want to wake up. The last days were hard on me. A constant tiredness ached in my bones and my mental health got worse. But I couldn´t go to my sisters or the Inner Circle. They wouldn´t be interested anyways.
So with the tiredness in my bones I got out of bed. Slowly, so very slowly, I made my way to the bath, washed myself and got into a fuzzy hoodie. The main thing was that my arms were covered.
I stumbled into the dining room and sat quietly. And alone.
My appetite was washed away when I saw the food, but I forced myself to eat at least a toast and some bacon. 
After breakfast I made my way to the training area. Maybe Cass was there and could teach me again. He was the only one who saw my scars. By accident, but he saw them but didn´t forced me to say anything, to explain anything. Since then I trained without my hoodie.
Halfway arcross the house I stumbled over Azriel. He was coming out of his room and stopped completely when he saw me. My cheeks grew a little red and a shy smile formed on my face.
“Hi, Azriel.” My voice was quiet but I couldn´t get myself to speak louder. It was as if my voice was stolen away from me.
He nodded and flashed me a quick smile. I scraped all of my courage together and looked up into his magnificent hazel eyes and asked: “Would you like to go on a walk this afternoon?”
As if he wasn´t aware that I was standing there, his head snapped to me and his eyes widened slightly. He cleared his throat akwardly and shook his head.
“Sorry. I´m busy today.”
And that´s when my whole confidence crumbled and my heart shattered a little more. Without words I nodded and he said no words and walked away.
Sadness and remorse settled in my veins and I quietly walked to the training room.
The same afternoon I walked into the town house and grabbed an apple. My mood was down but when I thought it couldn´t get any worse I looked to the gardens. 
And there he sat.
With my sister. Elain.
My heart broke for good.
Of course it was her. It was always her. Always.
And even my mate was on her side. Looking at her as if she was his whole world.
After this afternoon Cassian noted that Kora had her hoodie back on. Even when it was only him.
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clonethire · 3 years
Slightly alone
Warnings: none
word count: 900+
brief summary: Kora is the youngest Archeron and tries to find love but the cauldron has other plans
acotar azriel x (fem)reader 
It was six in the morning when I tumbled into the kitchen to get some water. since day one after the war I coulndt get one night of full sleep.
It was as if my nightmares where hunting me down every time I closed my eyes.
And then there were my sisters. I was the youngest, one year younger than Feyre and the “baby of the family” when you listended to Feyre. She was the only one who treated me like I was something worth. 
Nesta and Elain were ignoring me or they would put their problems on my shoulders. That was something I was known my whole life.
I would always clear their things that they would be happy, but no. when I was ready with one of their things others would come. 
They heaped their problems on my shoulders. I had to clean up after them, but nothing I did was good enough. And it got worse when we became poor. They complained about every little thing, didn't thank me no matter what I did for them. And note that I was young when it all started. I never got a thank you or a gentle smile. I learned early on how to deal with loneliness.
And it went on until today. Every day I looked after them, took care of them. Why did I do that? Probably because I just wanted their recognition and love. Something I had never known. So every day I dealt with Nesta's bad mood and hurtful words and Elain's reproaches. And then came the feelings for the shadow singer. I had talked to him several times and after a while I got a crush. This crush developed into infatuation and I thought that after all these years I had finally found something or someone that made me happy. But my happiness did not last long. Whenever I talked to Azriel, his answers became shorter and he was looking for something or rather someone. And the pain that settled inside me when I found out who he was looking for again and again was worse than the pain I had suffered in the war. This is my story of pain and despair.
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clonethire · 3 years
So I am thinking about writing a little Fanfiction about Azriel x reader
I`ve never done something like this, sooo here we go I guess
It was always her.
And I hated her for it.
Many of you may think, who do I hate and why...
It`s simple
With fatal consequences for me.
It was always her.
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