//okay it's been a bit- but uh what happened was my mom let my bird out when we all went to school I do home schooling do we all weren't back I had to stay my family went home at about 11 am- I stayed until 2 pm I got the call from my sister when I was getting on my buss home from school saying my bird died and I found out that my mom was (she already did) moved to Utah and that my grandfather- he uh has cancer-.. soooo yea! That is what happened
//this is a small announcement- uh, something happened, and I kinda just need time off of tumblr and stuff. I just need a break. I'll post when I am back, so yea- have a good day,night, or afternoon-
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//my foot hurts heeeelp!
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Can you tell me what happened? The time u took a break
//maybe not right now? If that is okay- I'll tell you guys here soon, maybe when it's been a week since. I'm just not ready to tell everyone yet. Please do understand :)
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//found this
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i hope you're doing okay :3 if you don't want to talk about it, that's okay, of course, it's all up to you. just know that we're here for you if you need it, and you're safe here :) i hope you're okay!
//I am doing okay. I guess I might talk about soon, and thank you ^^
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What happened? ooc
//I just rather not talk about it if that's okay
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//250 posts!
well that is something :D 250 posts yay!
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peeking in ~
:o hiii!
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//it's been about three days?- So yea, I guess I'm back now- I can't just lay in bed all day not literally you know- what happened was bad and I got the news at school- but yea I guess I'm back now
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//this is a small announcement- uh, something happened, and I kinda just need time off of tumblr and stuff. I just need a break. I'll post when I am back, so yea- have a good day,night, or afternoon-
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//okay I now run
I have no idea what I am doing, so bare with me on this xD (if the person who helped me is seeing this thank you again), I don't wanna ping him so
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//I just finshed self defense- man my leg and arm hurts but hey I am still alive so!
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//still in school so
//school is something today. xD The gym was pretty loud
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//school is something today. xD The gym was pretty loud
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//I don't think I'll make it through the day with like three hours of sleep xD, but hey, at least I got my school work done :)
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//choked on a chip :)
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Seeeeeeeeeeeeee blue grass :)
It's blue
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