combatbootbabe-blog · 6 years
I'm really good at being bad at math.
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combatbootbabe-blog · 6 years
I'm out here to yeet, not to be yeeted.
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combatbootbabe-blog · 6 years
Sometimes I think to myself "oh, school's not that bad" and then I actually go to school.
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combatbootbabe-blog · 6 years
It was a dark day when I was tricked by both LIGMA and BOFA within the span of five minutes.
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combatbootbabe-blog · 6 years
My Dog: *Jumps up on my lap*
Me: You just see what you want and take it, huh? You’re a taker, yeah, that’s what you are
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combatbootbabe-blog · 6 years
Arby’s: We have the meats
Me: I don't want the meats
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combatbootbabe-blog · 6 years
Bojack saying "I'm above this" when asked if he's a Zoe or Zelda, is my constant mood.
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combatbootbabe-blog · 6 years
“Now, that's a good story about my mother.
It's not true, but it's a good story, right? I stole it from an episode of Maude I saw when I was a kid, where she talks about her father.
I remember when I saw it, thinking ‘that's the kind of story I want to tell about my parents when they die.’
But I don't have any stories like that.”
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This is the best episode of Bojack Horseman.
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combatbootbabe-blog · 6 years
Me: *Going agressively the speed limit*
The Police Officer Behind Me: Bro can you like speed the fuck up.
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