communiteee ยท 5 months
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communiteee ยท 6 months
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sandwich :) yay abed's home :D sandwich :)
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communiteee ยท 6 months
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communiteee ยท 7 months
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communiteee ยท 7 months
video edit of this post by @troynabed
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communiteee ยท 7 months
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Thinking abt them
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communiteee ยท 8 months
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Abed Nadir for @plasticdodecagon! ๐Ÿ‰
make a donation towards palestine and get a drawing from me :]
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communiteee ยท 8 months
so like the bites would scar, right? like the zombie bites from epidemiology were deep enough to draw blood, so they would scar right. maybe they assumed before that it was like an animal that bit them so it's not that weird. but you ever think that Abed would be looking at the scar on Troy's arm like really looking at it, and has this weird thought like "hey, that's kind of shaped like my mouth." and maybe Abed like puts his teeth into the indents just to see what happens and they just slot into place and they both have the terrifying realization that there was no animal. idk just have you ever thought about that because I have. at great lengths
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communiteee ยท 8 months
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evidently troy and jeff are the most memeable to me. do with that what you will I suppose
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communiteee ยท 8 months
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Troy and Abed in a draaaawing !!
(since tumblr obliterates image quality i should recommend clicking on the image and also inform you that Abedโ€™s first speech bubble is inspector spacetime)
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communiteee ยท 8 months
controversial opinion - i don't believe "I love you"/"I know" from the halloween zombie episode was a confession of gay love at long last. it really was primarily a reference to Star Wars, because that's who Trobed is. friends who love movies and love each other. Yes it was saying "i love you", but no more than every time they do a movie reference, build a blanket fort, do their handshake. there is so much love in everything they do together.
again, this is NOT to say that they aren't queer. they are both very very queer and in a queer relationship. but they are NOT alloromantic gay lovers and the Star Wars reference was just that.
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communiteee ยท 8 months
i like the theory that Britta is autistic. solid
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communiteee ยท 8 months
my rough and incomplete take on Trobed
I don't think they are or should be in a typical gay relationship. But they are canonically, undeniably queer. Their friendship is like what most people imagine a QPR to function as. It is the most important/valued relationship for both of them out of the study group and everything else. They build their lives around each other (living together, playing together, caring for each other) until Troy goes on his boat ride.
I've heard some aroace Abed headcanons, and though he wore a hoodie with the sunset flag stripes, I disagree. The truth of the matter is, Abed fucks. This is important rep because lots of disabilities are (can't think of the word, but - assumed to not have/want sex because abled people find them undesirable and incapable of wanting/feeling things for themselves - poor phrasing but the point stands). So Abed being canonically autistic and having many hook-ups throughout the show is really cool. I also definitely think Troy is gay.
This is where it gets complicated for those unaware of the nuances of amatanormativity.
I think that Trobed (assuming Troy ever comes back from the boatride) prioritize one another and build their lives together, like people want spouses to do. They live together, they care for each other, they cuddle and talk like they are in a romantic relationship. Hell, maybe they even do have full-on romantic feelings. the important part is, they are best friends first. They are fundamentally FRIENDS, and they also have some other stuff going on. This is not a transition stage, it is not hiding their true feelings. They acknowledge that their friendship is queer. I could honestly see them having sex - as best friends, who maybe have romantic feelings too.
To explain this better, think of the phrase "your spouse is your best friend." I'm almost certain I've talked about this in another post but I'm tired and I don't care. The hypothetical "you" and "spouse" are first and foremost, lovers. You also have a friendship between you. Trobed reverses this. Their friendship is most important. Their platonic feelings drive their interactions and decisions. They also have secondary romantic feelings, like icing on a cake. Sex to them is something casual, like building a blanket fort. It's fun, they enjoy it, and it's a way to show love together. It's not fundamental, their relationship doesn't rest on it, and it's just another activity for them.
Abed and Troy would probably sexually open and having casual flings here and there, like Abed does in the show. Troy would get jealous if someone moved in on Abed like a best friend, rather than an interested lover. Because first and foremost, they are best friends.
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communiteee ยท 8 months
jeff winger is allosexual aromantic i will defend this to my dying breath. i mean this genuinely, i've got so much analysis that i will post when it's not so late at night that it's early
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communiteee ยท 8 months
so there's this video by Innuendo Studios that I saw on youtube
It has a good discussion of the fourth wall in the show Community. There are a few finer points and phrasings that I personally disagree with but that's not the point here. It's overall a fantastic analysis and got me thinking.
Abed is the character written as meta. Abed is autistic.
Innuendo Studios says "It's your job to pretend that it's there ... it's your job to ignore that it's not."
As soon as you enter the theatre, there is an unspoken understanding - a SOCIAL RULE one could say - to ignore that the fourth wall is not present. Abed is autistic, and he does not have the same understanding of social rules as allistics. He does not ignore its absence.
As the video notes, his meta-ness is contained within the narrative. He grew up learning from TV instead of social interaction because it has rules and patterns that make sense to him. He also happens to be in a TV show. This means his references and awareness of tropes make him meta. He does not truly think they are all in a TV show - as he states in 2x1, "I can tell life from TV, Jeff." But he uses it to interact with the world around him, and when that world happens to actually be in a show, he ends up being meta.
Because of this, Abed is fundamentally an autistic character, rather than a character "with autism". I don't know if I have (or can) articulate it well enough at 1:27 in the morning, but it is written INTO his character instead of onto it, as a neutral quality. It is not good or bad - it is humanized. It causes him challenges that the allistic characters don't face, because it's a disability, but it doesn't take away from his character. It is truly a part of his character, and his role in the show.
TL;DR, it's super cool and interesting that they made the meta character autistic because the fourth wall is a social construct.
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communiteee ยท 8 months
Community feels like such a fundamentally aromatic show
-friendship is constantly put first, over and over again. In 2x15 Early 21st Century Romanticism, nearly all the plotlines focus on friendship. Troy and Abed go home together after the dance instead of the romantic interest. The great "I love you" at the end of the day is from Jeff to the study group. Britta and Annie help each other grow (Britta learns a lesson on assumption/egosim, Annie's worldview is expanded). All of this on a Valentine's day episode.
-throughout the show, romantic/sexual relationships are brief or not endgame. It doesn't matter if they're endgame or not, all that matters is the connection and growth (or humor) that they provide, which is anti-amatanormative (if I'm conjugating that right) because they are as natural as the friendships and get far less screen time. Jeff and Britta sleeping together is a funny plot twist in the final episode. They stop immediately upon discovery BECAUSE IT'S WHAT THEIR CHARACTERS WOULD DO!!! Character is not sacrificed for a convenient romance.
-Troy and Abed are the closest thing in the show to a romantic relationship that lasts a significant amount of time, and that is secondary to their friendship. You know the saying "your spouse should be your best friend?" They are like best friends who happen to be spouses - and not even canonically. They are fundamentally queer in that they experience their friendship in a non-amatanormative way.
-Even though Trobed is the closest thing to a romantic relationship, the actual dynamic that underpins the show is between Jeff and Abed which has zero romantic connotations whatsoever. They are two guys who learn mutual respect and grow from each other. They parallel each other (raised by TV, absent parent, seeking connection, etc) and are consistently the ones to truly understand the other. They are both the protagonists and they are friends. This is the "main" relationship.
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