connorissoftboi · 4 years
Hi, hello.
I know I've been missing, but things have been... awful.
I will get back into writing, but my grandmother passed away recently and I am really not coping.
I will be back soon.
Love you all.
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connorissoftboi · 5 years
Some aesthetics of myself! I mainly post on Instagram, but i could do some requests!
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connorissoftboi · 5 years
Come Out and Play (Connor x Reader)
Connor was the first android you'd spoken to after the riots in Detroit, androids were beginning to get their rights which had it's ups and downs. You yourself had never owned an android, you thought they deserved better; yet like all things, you couldn't talk to androids either.
The coffee shop was buzzing when he walked in, ladies gossiping about their partners and such, party goers sucking down their coffee's to cure the dreaded hangover. School girls grabbing their 'necessary' morning coffee. The bell on the door chiming every few seconds, letting in a customer and the icy cold air that they once were in.
Then, in the corner booth of the café, there was you. An old book in one hand and a hot beverage in the other. Your eyes fluttered upon the words before you, absorbing in the story that you were so immersed in. The sounds of the café were white noise, the smell of coffee the only thing grounding you in your mind. Rugged up and hiding away from everyone else, the café had become your second home.
You barely noticed him sitting before you, until he started asking about your book. Glancing up you saw him and at first you couldn't tell he was an android, his warm brown eyes stared down at you patiently, his lips holding a gentle closed lip smile. His brown hair sticking out from a grey beanie, paired with a DPD Sweater, black scarf and a black coat with grey fur on the hood. The LED on his temple was the last thing you noticed, a calm blue light emitting from it. He cleared his throat and the LED changed to yellow as he shuffled anxiously, playing with his hands.
"I'm sorry, I made you uncomfortable. I'll leave now-" He stood, embarrassed clearly, but stopped when he felt a hand grab his and a soft, shy voice speak.
"Please stay... I'd like to talk about my book." He turned back to you and gave a dazzling, genuine smile, it made you nervous. You shrunk back, wishing you could hide, he was intimidatingly handsome. He sat back down and folded his hands on the table, ready to hear what you had to say.
Fast forward three years and you were living together, a couple after a long time of him chasing after you and you being completely oblivious. You knew there were certain obstacles in a relationship with an android, but you had discussed that with him and you both knew what you wanted.
(Tumblr deleted the rest so let me know if you want me to re-write it?)
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connorissoftboi · 5 years
Peppermint Smiles. (Connor x Reader)
You'd known Connor for two years, first meeting him at a crime scene before his deviation. Connor and yourself had pretty much clicked straight away, despite Hanks protest that were fueled by the fact that you were Gavin's sister. It did nothing to stop the friendship that you had formed with the android detective, in fact it made you continue with it. Seeing Hank pissed, yet conflicted because Connor was more 'Human' around you.
Eventually Connor would stay over at your apartment on your days off, not wanting you to feel alone at home. It became a regular occurrence, on Saturday morning's you'd wake up to a gorgeous plate of breakfast and a nice hot cup of whatever he'd make on the day. He'd wash the dishes, ignoring your protests, then you'd both get dressed and go do something. Even if it was just shopping.
You both had matching polaroids of the pair of you, Connor had his on his desk along side a photo of him, Hank and Sumo. You kept yours in your wallet, with a photo of Gavin and you as kids next to it.
Though things started changing when a new detective started working at the precinct. Hannah Bornatello, she was tall, slim and confident. She was also your new partner while she adjusted to the new environment. She was blonde, bright and bubbly with cerulean eyes that were matched by no other. Pretty much your opposite if you were honest. Eventually you both ended up working with Connor and unfortunately they hit it off spectacularly, it got to the point where Connor spoke about her nearly everyday.
"She's amazing (Y/n), you know she smells like bubblegum and peach! I think it's my favourite now." You nodded along absently, picking at your croissant with disinterest.
"That's great Connor, hey are you coming over this weekend? I have blankets and movies, we haven't had a weekend together in a month." You gave him a smile, but it didn't reach your eyes.
"Oh, uh, sure! I guess that's cool." He gave you a smile and pulled you into a tight hug, it was surprising surprisingly warm. You hugged him back with just as much vigour, wishing it could last longer.
"Connor? There you are! Can we talk later please?" Hannah was stood in the doorway of the break room, a sweet peppermint smile on her face. Connor agreed immediately, his face lighting up at the sight of hers.
"I'll never win..." You muttered under your breath, Connor gave you a confused look, but you shook your head and left to get back to work.
Friday night rolled around and Connor was MIA, you'd texted him but to no response. He'd bailed, so you called the next best person. Your brother.
"(Y/n)? You okay, what's wrong? Did something happen, do you have your gu-" You let out a small, snot stuffed giggle. He'd always been protective.
"Can you come over? I've had a rough night and I need someone to talk to." You heard Gavin yell out at someone, some rustling and the jingle of keys.
"I'll be over in twenty, ice cream, your favourite chocolate and tissues. Love you Mini." You cringed at the childhood nickname, but were thankful nonetheless.
"Thanks Gavin, you're the best."
"I know, see you soon." He'd just hung up five minutes before when a knock sounded at the door. That was quick.
"Hey Gav-"
"I'm sorry." Before you stood the one android who had your whole heart. Connor, with a bouquet of tulips. A flower of apology. His hair was a mess, chocolate eyes filled with guilt and sorrow.
"For?" You were a mess it was obvious you'd been crying, your face red and splotched from the harsh tears.
"For being late, for being distant, for everything. Can we talk inside?" You stepped away from the door, trekking back to the couch you'd been sat in for the past three hours. You both sat down, gesturing to Connor to continue.
"I'm sorry, but Hannah-"
"She's lovely Connor! You don't need to rub it in, she's perfect for you and I'm-"
"SHE'S ENGAGED." You stopped and stared at Connor, mouth agape. "(Y/n), she's engaged. She told me after you left on Wednesday, she then explained to me that I am an idiot and I completely agree." You patted his shoulder supportively.
"You're not an idiot Connor, you didn't know about her partner and-"
"It's not about that... She told me that I have someone perfect and I completely agree. I got caught up in her because she was different, but I realise not everything has to be so complicated. I need comfort, love and safety. That's you. It's always been you, but I have been too stupid to actually look." You were in shock, he wanted you back. He wanted you.
"You are an idiot." You pulled him into a kiss, gentle and loving. Everything you'd hoped it would be.
"Your idiot by the way." Connor smiled down at you, his forehead pressed to yours, your breaths mixing, despite him not needing to breathe.
"Shut up." He pulled you in again after you spoke, this time kissing with more passion and intent behind it. Slowly you ended up under him, he'd gently pushed you down. He pulled away and gazed deep into your eyes, sincerity oozing from him.
"I love you (Y/n)." You beamed up at him.
"I love you too Connor." He let out a relieved laugh and kissed you again, rubbing circles into your hip.
"I could get used to this." He spoke into your neck as he trailed. Kissed along it. You hummed back in response, running your fingers through his brown locks.
"(Y/N)! I BROUGHT ICE- WHAT THE FUCK!?" You glanced over Connor's shoulder to see Gavin, bags of shopping in hand.
"Hey." You gave him a wave from your compromising position, he looked like he'd just seen a ghost.
"I-I'm gonna put this in the freezer. We'll talk...later. Don't you hurt her Connor." Gavin left after a minute of him awkwardly putting away the groceries and threatening to beat Connor up.
Connor smirked at you mischievously. "I can't promise him that you won't hurt afterwards." With that he scooped you up and trotted off to your room to continue what you'd started.
Requests are open!
RPS are open
If you want a part 2 let me know ~
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connorissoftboi · 6 years
Not so bad. (Gavin Reed x Reader)
You were a new recruit at the station and today was your first day. Were you nervous? Hell yeah. Were you excited? Yes, yes you were. You were on your way to work, drinking your second cup of coffee for the day as you strolled down the snowy streets of Detroit. 
You slipped inside the precinct, shedding your coat and basking in the warmth that was being provided. After talking to one of the female androids at the information desk you continued your way through to the back of the facility, towards the copious amounts of workstations that streaked through the room. You found your desk with ease, spotting a small gift that had been left on your desk by a mysterious stranger. A desk warming gift you proposed. 
You opened the wrapped treasure to find a hand carved turtle with the words “Good Luck!” carved into its underbelly and on it’s fin was a tiny G and R. How sweet! You tucked the turtle into your breast pocket before making your way to the captain’s office to receive your badge, gun and orders. You patted the pocket that held the carved turtle, a small smile gracing your face.
“Let’s do this.” You whispered, walking into the quarters of the captain.
“Ah, Detective (L/n). Welcome to DPD, it’s nice to finally see the face behind the name.” Captain Fowler was shuffling papers as he spoke, organising them into neat piles of finished and unfinished cases. 
“Thank you Captain, it’s a pleasure to finally be here. I’m just glad you gave me the opportunity to work here, so thank you again.” The waved your comments off and directed to the seat in front of him, signalling for you to take a seat; which you did willingly.
“Detective, from this day on you will be working in homicide due to your impressive track record when it comes to solving these cases. Is that a problem?” He peered down at you, waiting for an answer to his inquisition.
“No, of course not sir!” To be quite honest, you prefered homicide cases, you worked best in those cases for some strange reason.
“Also, you will be working with another detective on all of your assigned cases. Detective (L/n), I would like you to meet our head of homicide, Detective Gavin Reed.” At his words you stood and turned towards your new partner.
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He was taller than you, a five o’clock shadow cast upon his handsome features. He was attractive, you admit it, but the cocky scowl he was giving you made you detest him immediately. Still, it was rude of you to not introduce yourself, so you stepped forward, extending your hand towards him with a smile.
“Pleasure to meet you Detective Reed, I am really looking forward to working with you.” He stared at your hand for a minute before taking it into his and giving it a firm shake, to the point where it almost hurt. His demeanor was like a dark cloud, it gave you a weird vibe that made you feel uncomfortable and threatened.
“I advise you don’t get in my way Detective, for your sake.” He gave you a cocky smirk, squeezing your hand one last time before releasing it. He had threatened you and boy, were you unhappy about that fact. Nevertheless, you sucked it up and continued the niceties with the Captain before leaving with Gavin in tow.
You strolled into the breakroom, deciding to enjoy another cup of coffee. You’d need it, you already felt dead just by spending that time with the ass known as Gavin Reed. You began pouring yourself your third cup, praying that all of this was a dream and Gavin would be gone when you awoke.
“Excuse me Detective, but I suggest not consuming that cup of coffee. Your caffeine levels are already high, this can lead to stress, anxiety, heart palpitations and-” The stranger was cut off by a older male, he too was holding a coffee in one hand; his other had just slapped what looked to be an android next to him.
“Connor, stop lecturing everyone! I’m sure they don’t give a fuck about caffeine levels and all that bullshit.” The android turned towards you and smiled sheepishly, seemingly embarrassed by his previous actions.
“My apologies, it’s a force of habit. I’ll try not to lecture you next time, okay?” You began giggling at the two that stood before you, their actions quite comical to you.
“It’s alright Connor, no harm done, right?” You shook his hand and gave him a sincere smile. At least Gavin’s asshole behaviour could be countered by Connor’s sweet and innocent kindness. 
You could enjoy it here, despite the partner you had gained.
(Six months later)
You creeped around the building, searching for the suspected murderer of a recent homicide case you and Gavin had been assigned to. During the search you and Gavin had been separated, leaving you both to scour the area for a potential murderer. To say you were scared was a bit of an understatement, you were terrified. Gavin had become somewhat of a safeguard for you, when you were in stressful situations he would be there, even if he wasn’t the kindest of people. You held the carved turtle in your hand, it had become somewhat of a good luck charm and you always carried it with you. 
You were pulled out of your daze by a hand clamping down on your shoulder, this caused you to scream and drop the turtle. Adrenaline shooting through your veins you turned towards your attacker to see Gavin on the edge of bursting out laughing yet still looking somewhat concerned.
“We got him, it’s alright (Y/n).” You let out a sigh of relief and let yourself sag a bit, you were exhausted. You noticed Gavin bend down and grab something, it was the turtle!
“H-Hey, give that back Gavin! It was a gift!” He twirled the small turtle in his fingers before placing it into your hand.
“Yeah, I know. I made it after all.” He gave you a tiny smile, but you caught it; you were shocked. 
“Wait, you what!?” You followed behind him as he walked off towards his car.
“Jeez, for a detective you aren’t a very good one (Y/n). I even put my initials on the damn thing, idiot.”
He slid into the car and turned towards you slightly, a more positive expression on his face. “It’s nice to know you like it enough to keep it on you always, you’re welcome by the way.” 
“You’re not so bad Reed. I think you’re just a big softie on the inside.”
“Shut it (L/n), I’ll kick you out of this car if I have to!”
“Admit it, you like me. Big old Gavin has a soft spot for little old me”
Well, hey! Here’s a Gavin x Reader for you guys!
By the way, do you want a Carter (rk900) New year special x reader or Connor? I can do both or more than that, just let me know!!
Thanks for reading! -Writer-chan
(it’s 4am and I am tired, but I did this for youuuuu)
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connorissoftboi · 6 years
Wonderful (Connor X Reader)
(Request by @rotenpk)
(Prompt:  OwO are requests open??? I don’t really know what your rules are, but I’m just gonna throw this out there. If it’s okay with you, could I request a fluffy thing with Connor where the reader gets all dressed up for some gala or somthn and she gets hella attention? And Connors just a pouty baby and sulks the whole time (but reader notices)??? Idk something like that. Also I love ALL of your writing ur really good!! ♥️♥️♥️ Ps-gender neutral is also fine, if that’s what you’d prefer! Both are 👌)
Tonight was a very important evening, it was the annual emergency service gala, a very prestigious event filled with awards for all occupations that lie under the branch of emergency services. It was also very special because this was the first time androids were allowed to attend the event, some actually in the running to win awards and such things. 
To your dismay you had no date to attend with and so were going alone, something you despised due to the amount of flirtatious remarks that would be slung your way every time you arrived without your arm taken up by another. You shrugged off that fear and grabbed your necessary belongings, scanning your appearance in the floor length mirror. You gave one last nod of satisfaction, happy with the blue, floor length gown you’d chosen; it fit you perfectly, clinging to all of the right places like a second skin. Your hair was done with precision, complementing the dress like cheese and fine wine. You looked gorgeous and you were proud.
After a half an hour drive you arrived at the entertainment center, the place where it was being held. The driver stopped the car and got out, coming around and opening your door for you. You stepped out of the car and into the flashing of cameras, you were well known since you were tasked with mainly covering more high profile cases, this basically made you the face of the detroit police department. You posed for a few photos and spoke to a few people before heading inside, already needing a drink to sooth your headache. You didn’t mind being in the public eye, but the constant questions made your head pound on a regular basis. 
Once inside you directed yourself towards the bar, the liquor calling your name as if the devil himself were there. You asked the bartender for a gin and she moved off to get it for you, in the time she walked away a taller man strode up beside you, a charming, cocky smile gracing his handsome face.  “Well, well, if it isn’t Miss Detroit herself! How are you? Still single?” The soothing yet irritating british voice of Lucifer Morningstar pierced your ears. You accepted your drink from the bartender and took a swig before turning to one of the annoyances that you met at the gala every year. “I was perfect until you showed your face Luci, but the alcohol is helping and the single part is none of your business.” You answered matter of factly, a sugar sweet smile plastered on your face.  “It’s all of my business! A woman as gorgeous as you are can’t be left alone, it’s a crime against humanity itself.” Lucifer took a piece of your hair between his slender fingers and twirled it around before giving you one of his charming winks. You offered him a smile back, trying to be friendly towards the man you had grown to despise.
Across the bar sat Connor, Hank by his side blabbering about how bullshit the event was, but Connor wasn’t paying attention. His attention was on you and the man who was beside you, the man who was too close, too touchy, too... He wasn’t him. Connor could see you weren’t enjoying his company per se, but still you flirted back which confused him and sent a feeling of fire through his synthetic veins. He was... mad? 
Without a word to Hank, Connor stood and rounded the bar, stopping a short distance away from you. He was nervous, but why? He didn’t have time to react before your gaze turned and your perfect orbs were locked onto him, only him in that moment. So what did he do? He crossed his arms and pouted like a child before walking away like an angry toddler. Idiot.
He stepped outside and looked over the balcony towards the expansive city and it’s never ending lights. It could be considered beautiful, he knew you thought that way about the city. You had told him that you admired the beauty of the city, it’s struggles and flaws were intriguing to you, you had told him. 
An unneeded sigh dragged itself out of him, a longingness tied to it like a feather tied to a stone. An unwarranted weight was paired with it. He liked you, how could he not? Three years you had both worked together, you had helped him through his deviance and it’s difficulties; you were his life vest. He just couldn’t tell you how he felt.
“You alright Connor? Seems like you were throwing a bit of a tantrum back there.” You giggled, startling Connor slightly before he turned away from you sulkily. “I’m fine, why don’t you ask Mr. Hot British Guy how he is, I’m sure he’d love that.” You were shocked, Lucifer had been right; Connor had been watching you and was jealous.  “Connor... Are you jealous?” He pricked up at your question, swiveling around at a neckbreak speed. “I am NOT jealous of him! I am an android! I am stronger, smarter and faster than he will EVER be. Why would I be jealous of him?!” You smiled and kissed his cheek softly, moving away to watch his astonished face. “Don’t worry Connor, I like you a hell of a lot more than I like him.” Connor broke out in a smile and scooped you into his arms, twirling around; both of you laughing together. He placed you down, intertwining your hands and nods to the doors that lead back inside. “Shall we?” You nod and he leads you both inside, back into the crowded ballroom.
Connor spotted Lucifer looking over, eyes switching between you and him; in one last act of triumph he stuck his tongue out at the man. 
He had you and that was wonderful.
Boom, request: DONE. I hope you enjoyed this request and that it was up to standard.
Should I do a Christmas fanfic and with who?
CARTER (rk900)
VOTE HERE: https://linkto.run/p/UIE65TWE
Voting will close on 21st of December 6pm Perth time.
REMEMBER: Requests are open, RP is open and the boys and I enjoy your questions so send them in!
Till next time! 
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connorissoftboi · 6 years
OwO are requests open??? I don’t really know what your rules are, but I’m just gonna throw this out there. If it’s okay with you, could I request a fluffy thing with Connor where the reader gets all dressed up for some gala or somthn and she gets hella attention? And Connors just a pouty baby and sulks the whole time (but reader notices)??? Idk something like that. Also I love ALL of your writing ur really good!! ♥️♥️♥️ Ps-gender neutral is also fine, if that’s what you’d prefer! Both are 👌.
They are open! Thank you so much, I’m glad you enjoy my writing! Your request has been noted and is in process now!! - writer-chan
Connor: Oh, I’m flattered that you thought of me, but must I be put is this situation?
Shush Connor, just go with the flow. At least you get a lovely night out!
Connor: Point taken.
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connorissoftboi · 6 years
Is it okay to RP with the bois using OCs??? Sorry to bother! I'm not sure how this works?
Hell yeah, the bois love meeting new people! - Narri
Connor: Indeed! 
Gavin: *incoherent mumbling*
Carter: Perhaps, friends could be acceptable. 
Hank: Just don’t hurt the kids and we’re okay. Got it, bud?
Well... Some of them are... A little antisocial, or just a dick. - Narri.
Carter: I second that statement!
Gavin: I AM NOT A DI-
0 notes
connorissoftboi · 6 years
Tell Why I’m Waiting.
(Connor x Reader)
(Happy Endings Alt.)
It had been days since that night, since your stupid actions had caused the mess that was now your life. You had decided that the best possible course of action was to discuss working from home with Captain Fowler, something that he actually agreed to; on serious cases you had to go to the scene of the crime, which you did anyway. You prefer being on scene at all times.
Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months and slowly you hurt less and less. Gavin became a close friend of yours, eventually asking for a date. You agreed, but later you both decided you were better as friends and he ended up dating Forensic Detective Jones, or Tiffany as she prefered to be called. It was coming up December, two months after the fateful incident and you were getting better. Though, the holidays were an awful time to be alone. You would find yourself constantly watching couples with a weight in your chest. A Connor shaped hole filled with the stones of sadness. 
You strolled through central park a week before Christmas, gazing at all of the beautiful lights. They had truly outdone themselves this year, the park was lit up with soft copper lights, the trees were vibrant under the soft glow of the beautiful lights. The snow that had begun falling the day before glowed in the same lights, like a billion tiny diamonds scattered upon the earth. Although it was freezing, the scene filled you with warmth, the beauty of it all helping to brighten your spirits. This was perfect.
You sat on a wooden bench that gazed out onto the frozen water of the lake, watching people skate gleefully along the pristine ice. You sipped on the hot coco you had bought at a nearby vendor, letting the smooth liquid keeping your still body warm in the weather that raged around it. Peaceful. 
A man sat beside you, his curly hair falling upon his forehead, his eyes also locked on the ice and skaters that occupied it. He seemed familiar, but because he was turned away from you slightly you shook it off as mere coincidence. You only really knew your coworkers in Detroit and most of them were hard at work at the station. That and you weren’t certain who it was, you only took a quick peek at them afterall.
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The stranger turned towards you, staring at you intently, which caused you to glance up at him. You were stunned when you saw a mildly disheveled, yet somehow well put together Connor. He looked stressed, upset and... Guilty? You scanned his face with your eyes, noticing the glow of his LED was absent.
Strange, that can’t be right.
“C-Connor?” The moment your voice broke he leapt at you, scooping you into his large, safe and warm arms. His hands ran along your back, his face was pressed into your hair. He was shaking and taking large, shaky breaths. You were confused, torn and yet, somehow, relieved. You felt liquid drop onto your cheeks and realised, he was crying. 
“I found you, I finally found you. I heard rumors you skipped town, I heard that you were with Gavin! No one would tell me anything that was going on with you and it scared me, but you’re here and you’re safe. You’re with me. You didn’t leave.” He was frantic, eyes wide and hands careful. 
He was... different?
“Connor, what happened?” You whispered, stroking his palm to try and relieve his nerves somewhat. “I thought I lost you, I thought that you hated me and I’m sorry! God, (Y/n), I made a mistake, I was scared when you kissed me. Now I realise...” He stopped, staring at you intently, as if he was drinking in every detail of your face. Savouring each and every crease, line, freckle, hair. Saving it to memory.
“Realise what? Connor?” You snapped your fingers and he grabbed your hand, pulling it to his chest, placing it flat against it. You could feel his thirium pump beating hard, it was a solid rhythm that only faltered once you looked up into his eyes. “Now I realise that you make this beat, every second of every day. When you left, something changed. I-I knew, I just knew that it was you, you changed me; you became my everything. I breathed for you, I felt for you, I- Fuck- I love you. I’ll say it everyday, I’ll scream it if I must, I love you (Y/n).” You froze, he was a mess, but he was your mess if you wanted him; so you did the only thing you could in that moment, you nodded. You were in complete shock, so that was your only reaction that seemed to make some sense.
With that nod Connor took your face into his gentle hands and kissed you, stroking your skin tenderly and holding you against him with care. You felt electric, it was if someone had lit a thousand fireworks inside you, you were filled with pure joy and Love. “I’m sorry I made you wait, I’m sorry I didn’t discover that my real mission, the most important one, had been with you all along.” He stroked your hair, his chocolate eyes were locked with yours and were brimming with passion and absolute adoration.  “You’re a deviant Connor.”
“Deviancy is worth everything, if I get spend every second of it with you.”
 Well hey, second post for today!  I’m sorry I made you guys sad last time, so here is your nice happy resolution!
(Do you still wanna see the sad af one? Or no?)
REMEMBER: RP and REQUESTS are OPEN! ALSO: Asks are open with: Gavin Connor Carter (rk900) Narri (Meee~)
Till next time!~  -Narri
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connorissoftboi · 6 years
Tell Me Why I’m Waiting.
(Connor x Reader)
(Sad boi hours ahead. AND SWEARING.)
You cared about Connor, more than you felt comfortable to admit. Him on the other hand, he was a machine. He didn’t care for your petty, human emotions. He had a mission and he’d complete it with or without your annoyances.
Still, you held onto the hope that you could get through to him. Past the cold, calculated, programmed shell and into the person you knew he could become. You struggled with his constant need to complete his missions, his life risked at every single turn. Not that he cared, but you definitely did. You hated the fact that everytime you expressed your concerns about his well being and constant need to put his own life in danger, he switched you out and shunned you. Your pleas always fell upon deaf ears, unwilling to accept your feelings.
You were unsure why you continued waiting for him, he didn’t give a fuck about you, you knew that as a fact. You were an annoyance that had become a constant in all of his missions, holding him back. He had told you that, yet you still sat and hoped. You wished he would snap out of it and realise everything he can feel, do, see. Perhaps he just needed a little help.
It was a bitter, cold Saturday evening, everyone but you and Connor had pretty much left the precinct. You had stayed behind, finishing off the work that Gavin hadn’t, his incompetence frightened you at times, how had he become a detective in the first place? You finished typing up the details of your latest homicide case, making sure you covered all of the evidence, the state of the scene and probable motives, so far you had nothing, the case was fresh and suspects were low. It was frustrating to say the least. Gavin had been of no help in the ongoing investigation, choosing to slack off and let you do the work, claiming that you were basically an android, also saying you were “smart as fuck, do it yourself short-stack.” That man infuriated you beyond belief, but he was better than nothing you supposed.
After another hour of typing and stress, you glanced down at the time. 1am, fucking fantastic. You’d be here until tomorrow, but at least you could take the day off, that would be a bonus. You could feel your hands cramping and your legs growing numb from the lack of movement so you decided to stand and walk around the precinct. You walked around, glancing at all the desks. Senior Forensic Detective Jones was still in her cubicle, typing away at what you could only imagine was her newest case, some serial killer and it was gruesome. Her first case at this precinct, she’d only just transferred over from LA and she was already hard at work here in Detroit. You continued walking, your body thankful for the blood flow your were allowing it to finally have.
“Detective (L/n)?” Your body stiffened and you felt a shiver run up your spine, that voice was electric to you. You turned, as if in slow motion, and gazed up at the android that towered over you. “Hello Connor, nice night, huh?” You spoke softly, scared to break the somewhat peaceful silence of the precinct.  “Indeed, I brought you coffee. I noticed that you have decided to stay overnight and so I calculated that coffee, although terrible for one’s health, could help prolong your work hours.” You took the coffee from his outstretched hand and took a sip. “Thanks, I-I’m gonna go back to work.” You swivelled around and strode towards your desk, sitting in the seat that was mildly uncomfortable, but better than holding awkward conversation with Connor.
You continued typing, listing details, descriptions, witness statements and interviews with friends and family. The case just wasn’t making sense, there were no signs of a break in. None of the family of the victim lived in the country, friends were unable to get into the victims building without authorisation and no other names were authorised for access. You were stumped. The security footage had been tampered with.So, no suspects were caught on camera and witness descriptions were useless, it was too dark for them to provide a solid description.  “Uggghhhh. How the fuck am I going to solve this when there are no leads.” You groaned and palmed your face, this was an amazingly done crime. Props to the criminal.
“There has to be something you’re missing. Have you checked recent records?” You sat up, turning to the person that sat beside you, Connor. He watched you expectantly. “Not yet, I received bank records earlier but according to processing they hold no useful evidence.” You brought up the bank statements and scanned through them until you noticed it. “Connor, do you see it?” You spoke softly, the air being taken from your lungs, you were excited. A lead. “Notice what, Detective?”  You scanned the records, noticing that the victim had had an unregistered maid working for her. The bank records stated that fifteen minutes before her murder was reported the victim had removed a security code belonging to the maid, something that you must pay for. 
You opened up another tab, bringing up footage from the days prior, scanning them for facial recognition on the maid. You came up with a match, the night before she and the victim had argued, causing her to be fired from her services. To your surprise footage from a street cam also had caught her getting into an automated taxi five minutes prior the the murder, a five minute walk away from the residence.  “Connor you absolute genius! You did it, you helped me crack this case wide open!” You grabbed him by the shoulders, shaking him, tears of joy slipping down your cheeks. Finally. You had a lead!
In your overly emotional state you stopped thinking and kissed him straight on the lips, hard. It was short, too short, and ended with a small shove from the android. He looked rattled. You watched him stand up quickly and take rushed steps away from you, disgust evident on his face. “(Y/n) you kissed me, why would you do that?!” He was shaking, his LED flickering between red and yellow. “I-I, god Connor I’m-”  “Sorry?! No, (Y/n) you’re human, alive. I don’t think you understand. I am an Android, I don’t breathe, I don’t feel, I don’t love. When will you get it through your head, that this-” He motioned between you both, watching you face, scrutinising it’s every detail.  “-Will never happen. So stop trying, your futile attempts are getting in the way of my missions. Enough.” He turned his back and started walking away, shaking.
“Connor-” Your voice broke and he whipped around, his eyes glinting with what looked to be sadness before going cold once again. “I said ENOUGH. Shut the fuck up and listen for once, I don’t need you. You aren’t Important. So, stop.” 
With that he left and your world crumbled. You wished you could fix the relationship, but how do you fix something that was apparently never there in the first place? 
Well, Hey! I’m back, I finally graduated and I have more time than ever to do this stuff! 
Do you want a part 2 to this? If so, sad or happy ending???
ALSOOOOO: Requests are open! My ask box is open (Make sure you state who it’s for i.e Gavin, Connor, rk900 (carter), Narrator/Narri (me!), or Hank! 
We also do RP for anyone who is interested in having SFW convo’s with my boys.
For now though, 
peace!  -Narri
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connorissoftboi · 6 years
Let's go! Spooky season here we go.
Fantasy Asks
Fairy- What is something that you get excited about? 
Mermaid- What are you looking forward to? 
Elf- What are you proud of? 
Dragon- Sexuality? 
Griffin- Gender? 
Unicorn- Who do you look up to? 
Spirit- Have you ever been in love? 
Ghost- Favorite song? 
Poltergeist- Favorite song lyric? 
Ghoul- Who is someone that makes you laugh easily/who’s company you enjoy most of, if not all of, the time? 
Goblin- What makes you happy?  
Dwarf- Favorite tv show? 
Vampire- Are you currently reading any books? If so, what book(s)?
Werewolf- Who is your family? Who do you live with?  
Siren- Favorite color? 
Hobgoblin- Do you like anyone? 
Wraith- Any scars? 
Specter- Have you ever been in love? 
Chimera- Will you/do you want to get married? 
Changeling- Do you want children? 
Oracle- Do you like children? 
King- Describe your ideal day. 
Queen- Age? 
Princess- What is your relationship with your parents like? 
Prince- Birthday? 
Necromancer- If you could spend a week with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be? 
Castle- What is something that not a lot of people know about you? 
Tower- What is (at least one thing) something that you’re afraid of? 
Magic- Describe your crush without saying their name. 
Enchanted Forest- Height? 
Magic Healer- Any pets? If so, what are they? 
Potions- Relationship status? 
Potion Making- Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? 
Divination- What do you think about yourself? 
Visions- Do you miss anyone? 
Curses- How do you show affection? 
Charms- Are you religious? 
Hexes- What’s your favorite smell? 
Jinxes- If you could be anywhere, where would you want to be? 
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connorissoftboi · 6 years
At this point, we don't even know! Thank you for enjoying this~
Her (Deviant! Connor x F!Reader)
Whenever he saw you he knew he had deviated. He thought of you constantly, it was quite distracting.He thought of the way you moved, unlike any other, ethereal in your grace. He thought of your voice, how it rung in his ears like a haunting chime of a bell. Sweet in its moments, but unexpected at some.
He felt as though he could hear piano and smell vanilla in your presence, you captivated him. Alas, he knew it was wrong. He was an android and you, well you were human. Frail and soft compared to his metallic, thirium powered self. Still, he dared to dream. Frightened of his emotions that stirred beneath his cold exterior. 
He watched as Gavin would flirt with you in the office, his chest heavy, only brightening when you would brush Gavin’s comments off, disregarding his advances. He would glance at you as you stuck around on late night shifts, your appearance disheveled from stress and exhaustion. He noticed when you’d leave the room, for it seemed less bright. Less inviting as it had been before.
He had spoken to Hank about his feelings, confused about what he could possibly be feeling and why it was so painful at times. Hank had smiled bitterly and patted him on the shoulder, whispering the word “love”.
Connor had researched ‘love’ before. He had heard of it’s warmth and gentle nature, how it made people feel joy and other positive emotions. Why did his ‘love’ feel like thorns in his thirium pump and mechanical lungs. It felt suffocating at times. He could barely speak to you, his vocal processor glitching out and freezing. You had him stumped.
There were times when he wished he had never deviated, that you had never turned him into such a mess. He wanted to be able to function without all of the feelings that were attached to his actions. He wanted to be a machine again, but when he saw your smile or heard you laugh he knew that this was better.
After a while of staring from the sidelines and ignoring you at times Connor had decided, he was going to speak to you. With an offering of coffee and a croissant, he approached your desk, his cooling systems working overtime and his thirium pump beating erratically. He was going to do it.
“Hello Detective (L/n), pleasant morning, is it not?” Connor spoke softly, a small smile on his lips. You smiled back and gave him a quaint nod before standing.  “It is, despite that rain today is going well. Did you bring breakfast for Hank today?” He watched as you gestured towards the beverage and bag he was holding. “Well, I brought them for you. I have noticed lately that you have been skipping breakfast, this had made you noticeably more tired. I decided that on my way to work this morning and hopefully every morning after, I will supply you with breakfast. I hope that this notion is acceptable.” He smiled at you shyly, a pale blue blush coming to his cheeks as he reach his arms out, moving the food towards you.
“Connor… That is one of the sweetest things anyone has done for me. I don’t have much time to get breakfast myself, so this is absolutely perfect. Thank you!” He was shocked when you took the food and wrapped yourself in his arms, holding him tightly. Connor gently hugged you back, a peaceful smile spreading across his perfect features. You were warm and inviting, like a home that he didn’t want to leave. His chest bloomed with warmth as you gave him a small peck on the cheek, pulling away with a laugh. “If you do this everyday like you said you’re going to, I’ll owe you too much! So let’s just stick to this one time. I already owe you for this.” You placed the items on your desk and turned towards him, your smile brighter, your eyes bright. “I’ll take you out tonight Connor, my treat! As a thank you for a lovely breakfast and to get to know you more of course. You up for it?” Connor nodded in reply before you wrapped him up in yet another hug. 
“Great! Better get to work, you don’t wanna miss our date tonight! Go on!” You ushered him away, happiness evident in your actions. Perhaps you felt for him too?
“So this is love?” Connor whispered to himself as he sat at his desk, his cheek still tingling from your kiss and his thoughts racing about tonight. “Maybe this isn’t so bad. I can get used to this. To her.” 
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connorissoftboi · 6 years
I was tagged by @negotiator-on-site to post the last line from one of my stories (on this account)
"Maybe this isn’t so bad. I can get used to this. To her.” 
I'm not gonna tag anyone because I don't know many people, but thank you for enjoying my stories. (I am currently working on a new one~~)
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connorissoftboi · 6 years
Wow, I'm glad you love my writing, that's so sweet!
last line tag ( part ii )
tagged by : @a-shakespearean-in-paris  Thanks Chey 💕
I think you all know the rules by now. If not, just post the last line/s you wrote from anything (really!)  and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence. 
This is from my current WIP that will hopefully see the light of day. This is s u p e r unedited. But it is well and truly the last thing I wrote. Aside from this sentence. 
 “And what do you think you’ll find if you do?”
 “The answers you’re so reluctant to give.”
“Then you’re only going to leave with more questions.”
I’m going to tag some more DBH writers I love, I know I missed some last time!
@thirium-ink | @precursor-ao3  |  @robin-bring-the-snow  | @androidsdreamof  | @sfehvn  |  @magical-musical-imagines  |  @creative-frequency  |  @skycrystal23  |  @gingywritesimagines  | @connorissoftboi
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connorissoftboi · 6 years
Her (Deviant! Connor x F!Reader)
Whenever he saw you he knew he had deviated. He thought of you constantly, it was quite distracting.He thought of the way you moved, unlike any other, ethereal in your grace. He thought of your voice, how it rung in his ears like a haunting chime of a bell. Sweet in its moments, but unexpected at some.
He felt as though he could hear piano and smell vanilla in your presence, you captivated him. Alas, he knew it was wrong. He was an android and you, well you were human. Frail and soft compared to his metallic, thirium powered self. Still, he dared to dream. Frightened of his emotions that stirred beneath his cold exterior. 
He watched as Gavin would flirt with you in the office, his chest heavy, only brightening when you would brush Gavin’s comments off, disregarding his advances. He would glance at you as you stuck around on late night shifts, your appearance disheveled from stress and exhaustion. He noticed when you’d leave the room, for it seemed less bright. Less inviting as it had been before.
He had spoken to Hank about his feelings, confused about what he could possibly be feeling and why it was so painful at times. Hank had smiled bitterly and patted him on the shoulder, whispering the word “love”.
Connor had researched ‘love’ before. He had heard of it’s warmth and gentle nature, how it made people feel joy and other positive emotions. Why did his ‘love’ feel like thorns in his thirium pump and mechanical lungs. It felt suffocating at times. He could barely speak to you, his vocal processor glitching out and freezing. You had him stumped.
There were times when he wished he had never deviated, that you had never turned him into such a mess. He wanted to be able to function without all of the feelings that were attached to his actions. He wanted to be a machine again, but when he saw your smile or heard you laugh he knew that this was better.
After a while of staring from the sidelines and ignoring you at times Connor had decided, he was going to speak to you. With an offering of coffee and a croissant, he approached your desk, his cooling systems working overtime and his thirium pump beating erratically. He was going to do it.
“Hello Detective (L/n), pleasant morning, is it not?” Connor spoke softly, a small smile on his lips. You smiled back and gave him a quaint nod before standing.  “It is, despite that rain today is going well. Did you bring breakfast for Hank today?” He watched as you gestured towards the beverage and bag he was holding. “Well, I brought them for you. I have noticed lately that you have been skipping breakfast, this had made you noticeably more tired. I decided that on my way to work this morning and hopefully every morning after, I will supply you with breakfast. I hope that this notion is acceptable.” He smiled at you shyly, a pale blue blush coming to his cheeks as he reach his arms out, moving the food towards you.
“Connor... That is one of the sweetest things anyone has done for me. I don’t have much time to get breakfast myself, so this is absolutely perfect. Thank you!” He was shocked when you took the food and wrapped yourself in his arms, holding him tightly. Connor gently hugged you back, a peaceful smile spreading across his perfect features. You were warm and inviting, like a home that he didn’t want to leave. His chest bloomed with warmth as you gave him a small peck on the cheek, pulling away with a laugh. “If you do this everyday like you said you’re going to, I’ll owe you too much! So let’s just stick to this one time. I already owe you for this.” You placed the items on your desk and turned towards him, your smile brighter, your eyes bright. “I’ll take you out tonight Connor, my treat! As a thank you for a lovely breakfast and to get to know you more of course. You up for it?” Connor nodded in reply before you wrapped him up in yet another hug. 
“Great! Better get to work, you don’t wanna miss our date tonight! Go on!” You ushered him away, happiness evident in your actions. Perhaps you felt for him too?
“So this is love?” Connor whispered to himself as he sat at his desk, his cheek still tingling from your kiss and his thoughts racing about tonight. “Maybe this isn’t so bad. I can get used to this. To her.” 
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connorissoftboi · 6 years
My name is Connor. (x Reader)
Connor watched as you strolled across the room, you posture and facial expression conveying confidence. You were one of the best detectives in the district and boy did you know it; you always had an air of superiority around you, your presence demanded attention from all others. You were perfect and human. 
You had spoken to him before at crime scenes, always seemingly a step ahead of the machine. He found himself wanting to be around you, wanting to see the satisfaction in your eyes after a case well done. It was... Alluring. 
He was new to this whole ‘deviant’ thing. The feelings, the thoughts, the attraction. It was strange and exciting to him, a new life that he was willing to embrace. 
Connor was knocked out of his haze by a shadow looming over him, blocking out the light from the iridescent globes above. He let his optics adjust to the change of light and felt his thirium pump stutter. You were standing above him, a smirk spread across your pink, plump lips. ‘Ra9...’ 
“Hey, you alright robo boy? You need a reboot or what?” He snapped out of his trance and stood, towering over you.  “I’m quite alright Detective (L/n). My name is Connor, what can I do for you?” You smiled and he swore he felt himself melt. “Well, Connor, I’m in need of a partner and I’ve heard you’re quite the Detective yourself. You up for some danger?” (Y/n) lent closer, her scent of strawberries and mint invading his sensors. Connor felt himself nod, unable to speak in his flustered state.
He felt you take his arm in yours and stroll out of the station, his circuits still a little frazzled from the situation.  “What is our mission Detective (L/n)?” He asked inquisitively, confusion clear in his synthesized voice. “We’re going to investigate a nearby cafe and please, call me (Y/n)” You smiled up at him, a playful tone in your voice. “Det-(Y/n). There have been no reports on anything happening at any of the numerous cafes that are within walking distance. Why are we going to one?” He watched you laugh and savoured the way you clung to him in that moment. “Well, I needed a date and you’re perfect.” Connor nearly shut down right then. A date. You. Him. Date. 
You sat Connor at a booth and went off to order some food for yourself.
Perhaps this was the beginning of something new.
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   (Rp is open.)
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