cosmicparkerr · 5 years
Hey my name is Sophie and I’m a straight 5’5 blonde. My hair is straight and just over my shoulders, and my favorite colors are red or army green. I’m book smart but more street smart due to living in the city. I’m ambitious sassy, and pretty wild around my close friends, but around new people I can be shy. I am very sporty but every once in a while I can be girly. Who do you think my MCU ship is?
I ship you with Thor!
You two would get along very well because of your simalar personalities. I also think that you were introduced by Loki because you were his friend first.
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cosmicparkerr · 5 years
We should all celebrate 🥳🎉!!!
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cosmicparkerr · 5 years
Do you have a prompt list?
But feel free to request any prompts you have
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cosmicparkerr · 5 years
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cosmicparkerr · 5 years
anonymously send me a song to listen to.
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cosmicparkerr · 5 years
Lol, The fanfic was great with Carol. More funny for me because you used my name 😂 -C
I’m so glad you liked it 😊✨💛
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cosmicparkerr · 5 years
"If my day gets any worse I’m asking hell if they’re having an exchange program.”  “If you kill them you’ll have to kill me too because otherwise, I’m going to kill you.” For Carol please don't know what else to say so good luck!
Today was the day you brought Carol home to meet your parents and to your surprise everything was going great. Your dad and step mom adored Carol. You didn’t think anything could go wrong, until you’re mother showed up. “Well I’m glad too see that you invited me to this little get together.” “I didn’t think you were coming mom.” “Oh why? Because you didn’t tell me about it.” You we’re going to take Carol and your mom to lunch next week because whenever your mom and dad there was high tension and a fight could happen at any moment. “Well I was going to invite you to lunch next week but since your here now why don’t you stay for dinner.” “I’ll think about it.”
~time skip~
Your mom decided to stay for dinner and that’s when the chaos started. “So Carol how did you and (Y/N) meet?” “We met through a mutual friend and ended up hitting it off right away.” “That’s nice. You know I met Carmen through a mutual friend.” Oh know it’s happened, he’s mentioned the step mom. “Oh shut up Dan.” “Why don’t you Maria.” “Make me.” As your mom and dad continued to bicker Carol leaned over to you. “Are they always like this?” “Pretty much.” Your step mom grew increasingly uncomfortable so you decided to ask her to help you and Carol in the kitchen. "If this night gets any worse I’m asking hell if they’re having an exchange program.” At that Carol laughed and your step mother tried to hold back a giggle “If you kill them you’ll have to kill me too because otherwise, Your moms going to come after both of us” The three of you laughed and your step mom and Carol got to know each other while you were doing the dishes. That night may not have gone exactly as planned but it still had a nice ending.
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cosmicparkerr · 5 years
My inbox is empty😱😥 Please send in asks, requests, etc...
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cosmicparkerr · 5 years
Hi guys @cosmicparkerr here just wanting to let you know that I have recently added some features to my blog. My masterlist is now in my bio and people can send anonymous asks!!!✨💛
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cosmicparkerr · 5 years
Requested by:
Hey, it's me again,
could you maybe do one where the reader has fire and heat powers and is angry or jealous because of something or someone and burns or melts something in her hands? Maybe with a pairing with who ever you want to? (But please with al fluff ending❣️)
It was the big night. Tony was having one of his many infamous parties to celebrate the victory of the avengers latest mission. “(Y/N) you almost ready?” “Yeah one sec.” you and Steve were going to the party together and you made sure to look your best. “Hey Steve,how do I look?” “Wow...” “What is it? Is something wrong?” “No (Y/N) you look beautiful.” A small blush covered your cheeks as you made your way into the crowd hand in hand with Captain America. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Bucky walking over. “Some crowd huh.” “Yeah...” just then an old song from the 1940s started to play. You turned your Steve but he wasn’t there. “Hey Bucky, you wanna dance?” “I’d love to.” And with that the two of you started to dance. You were laughing and smiling until you turned around. Steve was standing there with one girl on either side of him, they both seemed so infatuated as he told them a story from his time in the war. You felt jealousy start to boil inside you but decided not to interfere. You’d talk to Steve after the party.
~time skip~
“Hey Steve, can I talk to you for a second?” “Um...ok” “why were you with those girls at the party?” You saw confusion turn to realization as you awaited his reply. “(Y/N) don’t worry about that, i was just telling them a story.” “It looked like a lot more than a story to me.” You felt your hands heat up but you pushed the feeling away “well what about you and Bucky?!” Bucky had started to enter the room but quickly retreated. “I’m sorry that you seem to think me asking Bucky to dance was flirting but you were nowhere to be found!!” You tried to keep your powers in control but the anger bubbling up inside you was too much and the table next to you caught on fire. “Oh my Gosh!!!!” “(Y/N) what did you do!!!” Suddenly all your focus was on the massive fire in front of you that was slowly burning the table tony had just bought. “I’m dead.” “No, we’re dead” Steve corrected as Jarvis put out the fire on the table... or at least what was left of it. “I wasn’t flirting you know. I was just excited that after so long someone asked me about the war.” “I know, I was just kinda jealous I guess, and I wasn’t flirting either.” “I know” there was a short period of silence until Steve spoke. “Are we okay now?” “Yeah” you turned to Steve giving him a sweet hug before being broken apart by a booming voice. “What the hell did you do to my table?!!!”
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cosmicparkerr · 5 years
I’m back!!! My trip was super fun and I got some writing done on the way home that will be posted soon✨💛
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cosmicparkerr · 5 years
I’m not going to be active for a week because I will be on vacation. I’m currently working on one request which I will post after my trip✨💛
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cosmicparkerr · 5 years
A/N: this was based on a true story and all unfortunate events that are in this happened to me this morning
It was 7:00am on a Saturday and all the avengers were at training except for you and Peter. Training finished at 8:30 do you figured you and peter could be nice and bake some muffins for the other avengers. “Hey Peter you wanna bake some muffins?” “Sure, what kind?” “Hmm, how about strawberry.” You’ve never made strawberry muffins before... or any muffins at all but it’s always fun to try something new. “Ok so it says we need to put the oats and milk in a bowl and let it sit 5 minutes.” “Ok I’ll do that while you put the other ingredients in the mixer.” “Ok.” Nothing could go wrong, or so you thought. The first thing that went wrong was when you were putting the flour in the mixer. “AHHHH!!” “Oh my gosh (Y/N)! What are you doing!?” Peter was laughing as he came over to help you turn off the mixer. “Your supposed to put the flour before you turn on the mixer.” “Well I didn’t know.” Peter just laughed as he dusted some flour of your shoulder. “Well at least most of the batter is still in the bowl.” “Yeah, I guess we should probably put the strawberries in now.” “(Y/N)... we don’t have any strawberries, there out of season.” “What? I thought we had some.” You started to panic when Peter saved the day yet again. “It’s ok, I think we have some in the freezer.” You got the strawberries, defrosted them, and chopped them up. “Ok let’s fold them into the batter and put them in the oven.” “Ok, is that everything?” “Yep.” After 10 minutes the muffins were ready to go in the oven although there was batter all over the kitchen. “Ok I set the timer for 20 minutes.” After about 3 minutes you found something you wished you hadn’t. “Peter!!” “What!?” “Were we supposed to put this in the muffins?” “Oh my god!” Peter then proceeded to take the muffins out of the oven and try to frantically scoop the uncooked batter into the bowl of oats and milk which sat out for way more than 5 minutes. “Peter what are you doing!?” “I’m saving these muffins.” You laughed at his pout of determination. “Peter the muffins are already partially cooked.” “I know, but the other avengers don’t.” “ I’m pretty sure they will when the muffins taste terrible.” Suddenly Peters face got really serious and he stared at you directly in the eyes. “These are going to be the best muffins you’ve ever had.” After he was done stirring he poured the batter into the now crumpled muffin wrappers. “I’ll put them in the oven and the should be ready in 20 minutes.” “Whatever you say.”
~time skip~
20 minutes later the muffins were ready and the avengers were back. “Hey guys.” “Hey (Y/N). Um, why are you covered in flour?” “Oh, Peter and I made muffins.” The avengers exchanged concerned glances remembering the time you and peter tried to make cookie dough. “That’s...nice.” “Tony relax, we followed a recipe this time.” Soon peter came in with a plate full of muffins, if you could even call them that. “Why are they shaped so weird.” Natasha asked the question that made you and peter laugh. “I’m not sure, do you know Peter?” “Nope.” The avengers all cautiously reached for a muffin until Clint chimed in. “Guys, these are really good!” The others all nodded with agreement causing you yourself to reach for a muffin. “Wow...your right!” You turned towards Peter who had a giant smirk on his face. “See (Y/N), I told you they would be the best muffins you’ve ever had.”
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cosmicparkerr · 5 years
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cosmicparkerr · 5 years
Hi can you a preference with the guy avengers where the female reader has really good hearing and they try to sneak up on her and scare her but she always catches them out before they can and her reflex is that she defends herself before they get too close thanks.
TONY: it was almost time for dinner when you heard quiet footsteps behind you. Tony had been trying to scare you all night but you shot down all his attempts. You had expert hearing and knew he was coming. ABABUBOO!!! Tony screamed behind you making you turn around and punch him in the nose. *crack* “Oh my gosh! Tony I’m so sorry.” “It’s ok, I should have known better.” “I’m so so sorry I didn’t mean to punch you, it’s just...” “I know, you don’t need to apologize.” You gave Tony a sweet smile and kissed him on the cheek. “Why don’t we take you to see Bruce?” “Ok.”
STEVE: Steve was never one to try and scare people but today was Halloween night and everyone in the tower was trying to give each other a fright. It was all in good fun though so you decided to play along. You listened intently as Steve approached quickly grabbing your shoulders. You jumped and almost kicked him across the room “Steve don’t do that!!” He looked slightly frightened but soon started to smile. “Sorry (Y/N).” He turned around with a small chuckle. “See Bucky, I told you I could scare her.”
PEITRO: it was a lazy and rainy day in New York and the avengers were all sitting around watching some horror movies. You were already tense when you heard a strange noise. You looked behind you...nothing there. You heard it again... still nothing. You turned around and Peitro was standing in front of you. Suddenly without thinking you swung right into his hip knocking him off balance. “(Y/N) it’s just me!” “Oh my gosh Peitro?! I’m sorry my instincts just kicked in, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” “Its ok it was still fun.” And with that Peitro zoomed back to his seat as the other avengers chuckled at his actions.
BUCKY:... I don’t think Bucky would try to scare you because he does the same thing when people scare him.
CLINT: You we’re walking towards the training room when you heard noises from the vents. You continued walking with caution. You heard the noises again and sprinted to the training room where the other avengers were waiting as fast as you could. Right before you entered the training room Clint dropped down from the vents making your hands shoot out and knocking him to the ground. “Oh my gosh! Clint! I told you to stop doing that, you know how I react.” “Sorry (Y/N), I guess I forgot.” Clint gave you a sheepish smile and you gave him a hug. “It’s alright just please don’t do it again, ok?” “Ok.” And with that the two of you made your way to training to see a very amused Natasha. “I told you it was a bad idea.”
THOR:...Since Thor was always being scared by Loki I don’t think he would try to scare other people.
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cosmicparkerr · 5 years
Requested by:
You asked to send a request so I have one! Could you maybe do a platonic bucky x teen!stark!reader where bucky is still very silent and sad and a little depressiv (but he lives with the other avengers and all) and reader is helping him trough all this shit he becomes again a bit like the good old bucky and everyone is surprised that they are so amazing friends. I hope it's not too specific...
But that would be awesome❣
Today was the big day. Steve had just gone to pick up Bucky. He was going to be the newest member living in avengers tower and it was your mission to make him feel welcome the second he walked through the door. Steve said he was a bit shy so you wanted him to feel like he was at home. “Hey dad which room is gonna be Bucky’s” “the empty one next to yours, why?” “Just wondering.” You made sure that Bucky’s room looked perfect, there were soft pillows warm blankets and 1930s and 40s furniture and decorations. You put in so much effort that by the time you finished the final touch it was 5:30 which meant Bucky would be here any minute. “Hey I think Steve’s back” “really!?” “Yeah, what’s got you so giddy” Natasha seemed to be amused by your actions and a small smile appeared on her face “I did the same thing when everyone else came to live at the tower too, I’m just excited I guess.” As if on cue the elevator dinged and the doors opened. “Hey guys.” Steve introduced every one to Bucky, he seemed kinda sad so you became determined to befriend the newest resident at the tower. “Hi Bucky!” “Uh...hi.” “My names (Y/N).” “I Steve told me about you, your Tony’s daughter right.” “Yeah...oh um, I decorated your room for you. Wanna see?” “Sure” Bucky was shy but you knew you could get him to come out of his shell a bit. You walked into the room and saw his eyes light up when he saw how familiar everything looked. Steve had helped you pick out stuff that was similar to his old home in Brooklyn. “Wow...did you do all this for me?” “I wanted you to feel at home when you came here. Oh and that’s my room over there so we’re kinda like neighbours.” You saw him smile and you smiled too. Part one of your mission had been a success.
~time skip~
It’s been a week and everything seemed to be going great until tonight. You were going to get a glass of water when you heard muffled crying coming from Bucky’s room. *knock knock* “Bucky?” *sniff* “Bucky it’s me (Y/N).” You saw him look up with sad teary eyes and your heart just broke. “Why are you crying?” He looked panicked for a moment and you regretted asking the question. “It’s not a big deal you can go back to bed, I didn’t mean to wake you.” “You didn’t wake me, if you don’t want to tell me it’s ok but if you ever need someone to talk to I’m right next door.” As you turned to leave you heard Bucky’s quiet voice. “Well it’s just something about my past that’s been bothering me.” Bucky proceeded to tell you all about his time at hydra as the winter soldier. After he finished talking you gave him a hug and assured him that none of the stuff he did was his fault. “Thank you.” “If you ever need anything I’m here for you, ok.” “Ok” by the time you were done talking it was almost time to wake up but you and Bucky skipped training that day and watched a movie instead because both of you needed a break from all the avengers stuff for a day. Steve and Natasha walked by Bucky’s room to hear the sound of yours and Bucky’s laughter filling the room. “Should we tell them they missed training?” “I think they know.” Steve and Natasha we’re stoned joined by the other avengers as they all peered in through the small opening of the door. “I had no idea they were so close.” “Neither did I.” The avengers were happy that Bucky was adjusting to the tower well and tony was happy that he had such a kind daughter who made everyone feel welcome. “Hey guys how about we join them.” “I think that would be a great idea.” You and Bucky both turned as the other avengers shuffled in. “Hey guys, got any room for a few more?” “Always.”
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cosmicparkerr · 5 years
✨fluff 🌙angst 🌟series 💫platonic
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