cosofthe9 · 15 days
gonna use my platform to help people
genuinely starting to resent the popular tumblr userbase in the recent couple of months, just seeing what posts (and who) gets reblogs and what doesn't. everyone's blog could be a case study.
in this past day one of my joke posts from a year ago gained almost 2k notes. my posts about my friend Hazem's family (verified family #281 on evacuation spreadsheet) has gotten less than 100. they've only raised less than €500 in this entire day and there hasn't been a donation in 3 hours.
if everyone who reblogged the joke post in the past 24 hours donated just €10, Hazem's family would not only have the funds to not go hungry but also be evacuated. this is how dire it is.
the parents are facing a real, terrifying possibility of not being able to evacuate with their children. please help them get to their 50k goal.
€30,846 / €50,000 as of September 1
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cosofthe9 · 1 month
Yeah, there's something wrong with this and it needs to be made public to more people. Rezzy does not deserve any of this, and could certainly use help getting the word out to confront what this is, and get them banned. Because it's something worth caring about.
Hello, I am Krispytigerdaze. This is my closest friend @yaboirezzy . Today, my friend told me that some people have recently sent death threats to him.
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These people are sending more and more and more threats. He needs our help. Please, reblog this to show that you care and get these people banned.
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cosofthe9 · 1 month
Got A New Project Idea- Feeling Lear-ish
I suspect it's mainly an attempt to get back into the writing business I once was so active and charged up to work in, but it's also very much a genuine passionate attempt at a good creative work. It's sort of a new thing, a mix of the sorta socially conscious comedies that Norman Lear and like Jim Brooks used to do in the 70s, (AITF, Taxi, WKRP, MTM, etc.) mixed with like the more campy ensemble comedies of later times, including like I guess Friends (even though I really dislike it) and the Big Bang Theory (despite most people finding it garbage)- so sorta like Will and Grace in the end or the Nanny (flawless connections)
The idea? A youth-oriented comedy set at a college/university in a city, with the main focus being a group of 8 friends, 6 of them neurodivergent, 2 neurotypical.
Since I'm autistic myself, it certainly helps give all this stuff proper cred where it belongs. I got three reasons for producing this potential idea- First of all, I feel that television is very much in terms of neurodivergent representation lacking. In America, for example, despite like up to a fifth of the nation being neurodivergent, they only got Atypical, TBBT, Young Sheldon and fricking the Good Doctor as their saving graces. Britain is quite a bit better at this, and in Canada, where I live, there's practically nothing there on television.
Secondly, where there IS representation, it's rather flawed, and a bit one note. For example, and using the Big Bang Theory again here, Sheldon's a neurotic genius who happens to be obnoxious, and while we do see some reason for this, it's not really expanded upon, and makes sympathy hard to reach.
Finally, the increasing lack of empathy and sheer discriminatory anger and derisiveness being launched at the neurodivergent community is certainly rather rough, and I highly suspect it comes from an extreme lack of cultural understanding and an extraordinary excess of stereotypes being overplayed and information being sorta misrepresented contextually. With shows like TBBT and The Good Doctor, they reinforce quite a few stereotypes here and there, and while semi progressive at times, they are far from what we should be striving for in terms of proper representation on network television.
I believe a new show that confronts all this head on, with proper grace and tact, could not only help the neurotypicals understand things from another perspective, but also ensure people who are autistic, have ADHD, are bipolar, have OCD and any other neurodivergent that they're seen, heard and understood.
Just a thought at the end of the day though- and it needs some serious development and help to go from a good concept to a real show thing with real potential.
So Tumblr, what do you think?
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cosofthe9 · 1 month
I can't donate but I can spread the word
Please stop ✋🚨 you're the only hope to save a child🥺
My name is Mounes Al-Kafarna, and I am a father of two young children. One of them, under the age of five, urgently needs milk, while the other requires treatment for skin diseases, as shown in the cover photo.
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Please donate and/or replog 🥺🙏🇵🇸
I live in a tent on muddy ground, surrounded by many insects😭.
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I also lost my home in this devastating Gaza war🥺.
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Please donate and/or replog 🥺🙏🇵🇸
Please consider donating. If you can't, a simple reblog of my page's content can make a difference.
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cosofthe9 · 1 month
Okay, So Update- August 2024
Good times and bad times alike hit me with equal impact.
These are their results.
So, remember that time I mentioned I'd be doing my big project of trying to revive both Seniors and C-Students (Upper Class Lower Class), by putting them together into one big package. Well, good news is I did end up producing a bit more material during my development stage, and a CastingCallClub profile has been made.
The bad news is, the thing is still very dead and needs a lot of help. Now again, for the second time in a row, I ask for some help. I won't ask for free advertisements or whatever, that's just cheating the game and on a website I actually like for its quietness. But at the moment, the show is still again, in a moribund state.
This time, I ask for advice. I do have one opportunity to turn things around, in the form of a promo video to be sent off to a notable Twitch channel for a potential major audience to see. Other than just advice on that front, I'd like it if anybody could tell me what I could do to help fix the situation I'm in-
I could use a guide, as shockingly, this represents my first major struggle with a written project in at least a few good years, and it is making me question whether or not it's worth it to continue with creative writing.
Honest question here, is it right to reconsider something you've spent months of your life working on?
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cosofthe9 · 2 months
welcome to the machine
so haven't really done much with the old tumblr
i am entering 12th grade soon, so i may do LESS with this tumblr
happy almost august everybody
i do not know tumblr etiquette
i am a complete lunatic
with that said, please join this lunatic on his journey
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cosofthe9 · 6 months
New Project, New Poster, Big Update- March 2024 by CosmicThames
can’t believe my first post on this site essentially equates to a glorified ad, but it’s for an artistic purpose
a project i’ve been leading and working on for the past six months give or take, is on the fritz, and due to inactivity or busy schedules on behalf of the writers, combined with a distinct lack of animators, I don’t got nobody to write or animate this thing I’m working on. Did I mention what the thing is, by the way? No? I’ll change that rather quickly with two words: Help wanted.
TLDR- We kinda need some writers and animators, to help lead up the team that’s helping develop a reboot/revival/combo/whatever of Seniors and C-Students, two of AnimatedJames’ most well known original shows, and two of the internet’s finest could’ve been mega hits.
We’d appreciate some support. I’d appreciate some volunteer requests. We’ll take contacts any way, by any dimensions. If you want, apply right now.
Contact us please.
something something magic
whether it’s deviantart, twitter, discord, here on tumblr, whatever, we’ll contact anybody anyway possible that might be interested
thanks- also look at the even longer DA post attached for more context and words.
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