countryhuman-hoe 17 days
My friend dead ass said she kidnapped rolly pollies as a child. Why she gotta word it like that 馃槶
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countryhuman-hoe 17 days
UGH! Let's get them back
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countryhuman-hoe 1 month
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countryhuman-hoe 2 months
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countryhuman-hoe 2 months
Maxed both XD thanks to my lover(Rainbowstar-772), candied ghost, justskulkingaround (someone I'm a huge fan of), and others I forgot how to spell the names of!
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countryhuman-hoe 2 months
Animal family! Ready for a boop assault
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countryhuman-hoe 2 months
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Boop the mouse
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countryhuman-hoe 2 months
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She ready for a boop!
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countryhuman-hoe 2 months
Friend. Dearest mutual. Lovely follower. Random passer-by. I know we haven't shared a fandom in 5 years. I know we never talk. I know we may only barely recognize each other's icons, if that. I just want you to know...
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countryhuman-hoe 2 months
I've recently realized that what are meant to be my parents are in reality just sperm and egg that made me. My real parents are the sperm's side of the family, especially my aunt. I was constantly dropped off at her house where she basically raised me, teaching me things parents should. My other family members showed me things too, like feeding a baby, helping people in the kitchen, how to set up a table, how to fucking survive. They taught me how to make Mexican dishes, homemade corn tortillas, Mexican drinks. Everything the sperm and egg was meant to do. The sperm and egg also yell at me for things I don't understand, smacked me for wanting to be left alone while I DO MY SCHOOL WORK, use me to get them extra free stuff making it seem like it was for me, say I'm self and greedy and unappreciative for things I BOUGHT with MY OWN MONEY, get mad at me when I get upset that they went into MY ROOM a place that I HIDE IN TO GET AWAY FROM THEM and taket stuff to let my brat of sisters barrow it and then lose it, have to keepy sisters in mind on MY BIRTHDAY, get upset when I don't want to spend time with them and then get upset when I do spend time with me, the egg said she wouldn't have had me if she knew I'd end up this way( epileptic, fem presenting non binary, asexual demi panromantic, future pagan), didn't care when i was sexually assaulted twice, called me dramatic when they learnt I tried to kill myself, and never gave a shit when they learn I'm being bullied.
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countryhuman-hoe 3 months
HELP! Someone has gone missing.
An online friend of mine who goes by Apex has gone missing, friends of him have been going around panicking. If anyone knows anything about this, please help. 馃挌Apex guardian
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countryhuman-hoe 5 months
Ight so this child is nuts and a manipulative shit, and to prove I have screenshots of her being all "nice" while she did all this shit
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countryhuman-hoe 5 months
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Yes there are two Indonesias, that's because I made him trans f to m. Also Indonesia, Czech Republic, and Greenland are triplets. Poland is NOT a girl btw
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countryhuman-hoe 5 months
I never thought I'd have to say this but here I am!
The Intersex being LGBT is a debate on if it is or isn't, I say it isn't.
Making labels for every inch of aromantic and asexual is stupid (I'm not talking about blank-romantic as that's not what I mean)
Pansexuals and non binaries making different terms for the littlest things is stupid (this isn't talking about demi people I swear)
Not everything is LGBT(like being attracted to knowledge or being a twink??? Wtf is up with that)
Gender is on a binary scale, if you talk about different kinds of cultures and shit than in some places gender identity doesn't exist and in other places two main genders are watered down. It's not that deep
LGBT is just about sexuality and gender identity
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This being my proof.
Quit pulling shit out of lala land and let's remember that just because it's not typical doesn't mean it's LGBT, suck it up. I'm tired of arguing about this so I'm just going to make a post about it here as I do not have the energy or emotional state for this. Don't tell me to educate myself on a community I'm part of and know plenty about. It's the same thing as telling me you know more about epilepsy than I do when you're not epileptic and I am.
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countryhuman-hoe 5 months
Alright I can't be alone with this when I say
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countryhuman-hoe 5 months
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Soviet-nazi family!
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countryhuman-hoe 6 months
As an LGBT minor I will and can proudly say.
Reblog if you're LGBT and are against MAPS/Child Groomers
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