courgus · 3 years
nicely done x3
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"I'm going to come after all that hatred inside you as well, someday."
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courgus · 3 years
My ko-fi shop is online. So, the first items are in stock right now.
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courgus · 3 years
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Transport Fever 2
Once more, I started over and began a new game with a map I would like to set up on my own. During the game I will develop the map furthermore like I did in Transport Fever 1. So I will add settlements to the map which will not maintained by the AI.
Here you go with the first 10 in game Shots.
Also, I like to add a Link to my online collection on transportfever.net
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courgus · 3 years
Made a new issue and added some information about my giveaway.
See for your self! X3
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courgus · 3 years
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Skyrim Special Edtion!
Yepp... today I was on walkies with Kadran my Berserk. Well, he always does a great job when he is out to defeat his enemies. So with some easy to use magic, he often wields power to wipe them out.
So take some shots. Maybe more to come, today.
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courgus · 3 years
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Yesterday, in the evening, I decided to play Armello. Last weekend I started over for quite a long time and I totally enjoyed it. Also, I bought "The Rivals" pack to obtain "Fang" as a new Member of the Wolves-Clan.
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courgus · 3 years
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Some last pictures Kadran kept in his mind.
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courgus · 3 years
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Did a little gaming, after a long time ago, I decided to play TES5 Skyrim SE once more. Created a berserk for this session. The template of the character exists for a long time now. So it was time to reanimate this one :3 The nameless hero is called: Kadran
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courgus · 3 years
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Even if it is still a WIP, the view of my workspace gives me something I really enjoy.
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courgus · 3 years
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Been working on a regional map to conclude all the maps I've made so far. The upper left part of this regional map is still not created. But this one will follow soon. It is an important one which shows the first capital of the book. Very important to me. :3
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courgus · 3 years
🏳️‍🌈Happy (late) pride month! U matter! 🏳️‍⚧️
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Aaah I got finally some time to draw welp, yeah here it the quick drawn doodle! Who doesn't know what the flags means/are:
Background: The LBGT+ rainbow flag stand for, that defines EVERY sexuality/gender identity.
Cap: demiromance
Shirt: demisexual
Yup, I label as demi (demisexual+ demiromance= demi). Who doesn't know what demi is. Google it or just ask me.
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courgus · 3 years
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Here I will show you a little piece of art I've created so far. It is a battle map out of my first book which is finished. The map shows a devastated region after an epic battle. Before the fight there was a camp which was located at the center of the black hole. Only the cage is left from the camp alongside some remains like destroyed barrels and weapons.
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courgus · 3 years
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I'm working something big. And I already make a cover for my storyboard/animation 👀. Btw on Instragram I'll post sometimes some parts of my Animation which I'm working rn. If u don't wanna miss them then check my Instagram (lol.annalisa) account out! I may don't post here often, since I'm working on my Animation. What I already mentioned. Btw if it's done, I'll open my yt channel and post it there. Of course I'll let you know, when my yt channel are open and so on ^^
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courgus · 3 years
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Painting somewhere that makes me wish I could step into it 🌙
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courgus · 3 years
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Heyo! With pride month starting, here's a quick comic on pride Etiquette, a short guide / general tips on treating lgbt+ people, for the new, curious, and those who forgot!
1) Treat people's identities as the indisputable truth. Even if you don't think they fit the definition, even if you don't understand (the identity), even if you think they're lying, even if they're a bad person. It's not your job nor your business to tell people what to call themselves. Unless they ask for your opinion, only the individual can make that decision.
*There's very few times when an identity can actually be harmful. This includes predatory labels, labels that are bigoted by definition, or people identifying with culture-specific labels when they're not part of that culture. Otherwise, leave them be!
2) Respect and use people's pronouns, regardless of how you feel about them! If you don't know how they work, ask! If you accidentally misgender someone, correct yourself and move on! No need for lengthy or dramatic apologies. However, also make sure to ask when it's appropriate to use them! Someone may not be out to parents, certain friends, etc, and will ask you to purposefully misgender them for safety.
3) LGBT+ people are not responsible for someone else's anti-lgbt+ views! Strange, unbelievable or confusing identities do not cause bigots to be bigots- the lgbt+ community was made because we don't fit society's box, don't fall into the trap of forcing people into another one! If they're not actually hurting anyone, then leave them be!
4) You're not expected to learn every single lgbt+ term / identity. Nobody knows all of them, not even lgbt+ people, so don't worry about it! Simply learn and ask questions as you go!
5) If you're curious about someone's identity, ask if they're comfortable with questions first! There's no harm in educating yourself, but sometimes we get tired of being walking encyclopedias!
Thanks for reading, and happy Pride!!!
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courgus · 3 years
The Bloodfang Wolves - Chapter 30
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It is all about fate and destiny...
I am very delighted to hand over this important chapter. The battle will be put to an end and Varshgar is about to uncover a secret which was long-lost. A secret which will impact on his way, he needs to take.
So, this chapter will introduce a special character, for the very first time. As the book will be released, the character will be introduced further. I am very delighted to bring him to life within this universe. Thank you.
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courgus · 3 years
The Bloodfang Wolves - Chapter 29
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The next chapter of the English Version is right now online.
See for your self, if ya like to.
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