emoji spell for heavy rains!
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Good morning
I am going to denny's for breakfast this morning. What's yall's favorite place to go eat breakfast?
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I baked so many cookies last night, it started out with going to fiesta to get some stuff for sugar cookies and we started making those, then my grandma noticed and mentioned snickerdoodles then she asked us if we could make some peanut butter ones too since those are her wife's favorite, and also my dad's favorite. So me and my mom went on an adventure. We split yhe sugar cookie dough in half and put half in the freezer then rolled half into the cinnamon and sugar mix, then we put the first batch in the oven and started with the peanut butter cookies. I decided not to melt the butter first so i whipped a whole hard stick of butter up in the peanut butter and it was hard work. We used my grandma's cookbook which only had family recipies. The peanut butter cookie recipie said "dad's favorite". Eventually we got both pans of snickerdoodles done, then both pans of the peanut butter cookies done. I remember my dad telling me how he made the peanut butter cookies once but he didnt make them right. He told me he remembered thinking "why arent they as pretty as grandmas?". He said he loved it when his grandma would ask him to criss-cross the top of the cookies because he was helping. Some where during the escapade of making these cookies at 12am I realized that life is too short and that moments like this should always be treasured. I realized that the whole time I wasnt thinking i was just living. Thats what life is about. Life is about making 6 batches of cookies at 12am with your mom and having you dad talk to yall in the kitchen while your grandma confirms the recipie. Life is about your grandma sneaking a cookie and asking her why its colorful and you telling her that you put colored sugar in it because you wanted them to be halloween themed. Life is about enjoying moments and getting lost in them. Life is love and joy.
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i absolutely love when brutalist buildings are surrounded by and covered in a bunch of greenery. the juxtaposition……
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I found the meaning of life again while sitting in the front seat of my dads car with my brother behind me, singing kings of medicine together on the way to ihop at 12am.
I found it a second time on the way back, with a full stomach, with my head against the back seat and my eyes closed while pyramid song by radiohead played and i mouthed the words.
I found it a third time on the way back in traffic listening to wear is my mind by safari riot, looking at the fire truck blocking the way.
And once more I found it when circle by sinch was playing as we passed the ambulance and i saw the crumpled up concrete divider with the front bumper of a car in it.
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“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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Looking at the cottagecore tag made me want to bake some pies from scratch in my grandma's house up in south Dakota with the door open so i could watch the bunnies playing in the backyard
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Cottagecore mlm moodboard
🌼 🌼 🌼 | 🌼 🌼 🌼 | 🌼 🌼 🌼
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frogs, babey!
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Stolen Grapefruit Aesthetic
I present to you:
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I present to you:
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This just affirmed my lust for gordon ramsey
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Some good shit right here
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