snappingthewalls · 1 month
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23rd March 2023 // Prince Daniel visited the headquarters of Sinch, a customer engagement platform founded by a group of Swedish entrepreneurs. Before meeting his future wife Daniel was a business man himself, founding a chain of premium gyms. 
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technologiesgtg · 4 months
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Twilio, a leading cloud communications platform that assist in empowering businesses with APIs for voice, messaging, video and more more. With the help of this automated cloud communication platform, you can drive a seamless customer engagement and generate a great brand building of your product and services.
However, for those who are seeking for a adoptable Twilio alternative, platforms like Nexmo, Plivo, and Sinch offer similar capabilities at affordable prices.
Nexmo boasts global reach and robust APIs, while Plivo provides scalable voice and messaging services. Sinch offers omnichannel communication tools with innovative and incredible features.
Evaluating these twilio alternatives allow businesses to tailor their communication strategies effectively in very less timing. Whether it's API reliability, pricing flexibility, or feature richness, exploring Twilio alternatives ensures businesses find the right fit for their communication needs, fostering enhanced customer experiences and operational efficiency.
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aktieportfoljen · 1 year
Tack för kaffet
Tack för kaffet..
Efter omfattande insynsköp hade jag turen att plocka upp Sinch innan Q3 rapporten den 15-17 oktober och betalade 15-20 kr för aktien. Därefter har aktien tillhört vinnarna i börsrallyt och toppade på 53 kr i mitten på januari, dvs en ökning med +194%. Under resan har jag gjort flera vinsthemtagningar på  nivåer över 100% för att aktien inte skulle få för stort utrymme i portföljen. Efter…
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petorahs · 11 months
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hearts and their consumption 🤍✨🪐
day 5, fantasy | howl's moving castle paro
⬇️ extras + explanation below
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i literally needed to explain my casting bc it seems so obvious for howlkechi but i chose akira as howl for personal reasons...(COUGHS sharesthesamepersonalitytypeasbothhowlandjoker COUGHS)
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sanasanakun · 8 months
I need someone who’s smarter than me to write an essay on the dichotomy within this fandom surrounding Gortash. One group is viciously attracted to him (hi, I live here). And while some list their reasons, another sub-group within this category don’t know why they find him attractive (they just do). The second group thinks he’s disgusting (insert emo retired final fantasy beer dad comment). And I just wanna know like…why are people so split on this? Like from an actual academic angle on design and human sexuality lmao
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bludpudding · 58 minutes
the biggest curveball I’ve ever been thrown is the fact that he’s hollow
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cowsarecute · 1 year
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Malleus having his little break up melt down has revived me
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Your brain is so chaotic i want to pickle it and lick it every morning for the kick it could give me
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snappingthewalls · 1 month
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lacnunga · 7 months
Found out 'hough' is pronounced 'hock' not 'how'. The world continues to have it out for me specifically.
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leafyloveslaughing · 1 year
bro. i'll appreciate pretty much any content that's consistent but damn, historical manhwa's where the fashion is consistent? pop off.
#i dont read them that much but when they put in the thought you def notice T.T#the most notable ones are ill be the matriarch in this life and a stepmothers marchen like omg#even if there's the few off artistic choices IT IS LARGELY CONSISTENT they stick to an era and they nail it !!!#of course this isnt to drag on other historical manhwa. i love any pretty outfit when i see them. but it just hits different ok 😭#im just saying this as someone who never studied a piece of fashion history in their life but watched a lot of videos leave me alone-#in illbethematriarchinthislife. the womens wear consist of long dresses that sinch HIGH. just below the breasts. jane austen era i think#AND THE MENS WEAR IS ALSO CONSISTENT !! GOOD LORD !! long shirts. FLAT. not a synched waist to be seen here. no sir.#unless your wearing a uniform jacket then like. maybe a little sinch. just a little.#in astepmothersmarchen. womens wear are BEAUTIFUL. floofy VERY FLOOFY SKIRTS. i swear they gigantic#again i didnt study fashion history so idk the exact era but the SILHOUTTE. chefs kiss. distinction is so important#really frilly tops too. i dont think ive seen a hard lined triangle sinched waist yet. with like a visible corset i mean? thats another era#OOOH- GOING BACK TO illbethematriarchinthislife. the womens wears sleeves?!?! lovely. mostly puffed shoulders with slim long sleeves.#so going by that im now no longer sure if its jane austen era? since that era was puffed shoulder sleeves with really long gloves instead-#i mean they couldve also gone straight up sleeveless but what do i know T.T#their skirts also. unlike jane austen era. very big !! with a part split in the middle like a triangle to reveal only more skirt#i dont have the vocabulary for this...#back to astepmothermarchen skirts. floofy at the sides. lots of frills. they appear round but i wouldnt be surprised if like-#similarities with historical france dresses show up? with the really long sides you know#idk much about the mens wear in this one-#the men wear uniform esque style. casual wears are long poofy sleeves with them white loose fabric#really sinched at the waist tho but im not sure if its the fashion or just the artstyle?#a stepmother's marchen#i'll be the matriarch in this life#if anyone has any recs pls share them !! or any added detail because again. not a braincell in sight with this one XD#hearing people who study about fashion history is such a blast !! theyre all so passionate T.T#most of the historical manhwa ive read are european centirc but the asia centric ones? slay
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aktieportfoljen · 1 year
Stängning på dagshögsta
Stockholmsbörsen hade gula ledartröjan på sig idag och stängde på dagshögsta. Morgondagens inflationsutfall i USA blir avgörande för fortsättningen. I mina portföljer steg 34 innehav, varav 24 med mer än 1% och 11 med mer än 2%. Fiberkommunikationsbolaget Hexatronic rusade idag på höjd rekommendation från Redeye och en uppflaggnning i Handelsbanken fonder. Teknikhandelsbolaget Lagercrantz tar…
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malwarechips · 1 year
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some doodles of my hk ocs
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controversialcoven · 1 year
Please… for the love of god……. Just make Jane fat
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tabellae-rex-in-sui · 2 years
Ghost of Rousseau thrilled that his disciples are overthrowing the monarchy but visibly disturbed by their choice of wardrobe
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