creepyfoxwriter · 3 years
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creepyfoxwriter · 3 years
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Pearl form Steven Universe belongs to White Diamond! Idk if anyone has noticed, BUT all the Diamond’s Pearls have their.. well, pearls in the same place as their Diamonds. Blue Pearl has her pearl on the chest like Blue Diamond. Same with Yellow Pearl and Yellow Diamond. Pink Pearl has her pearl on the belly like Pink Diamond does. But White Diamond doesn’t seem to have her own Pearl which is a little weird if you think about it. The other Diamonds have their Pearls and they’re below her. Pink had a Pearl before she even got her first colony. Why White Diamond doesn’t have a Pearl? Then I remembered that White Diamond has her diamond on the forehead, just like Pearl does! And then I remembered that Pearl was given to Pink Diamond right after she hurt Pink Pearl. So, it is my official theory that Pearl was originally White Diamond’s pearl. But then, wouldn’t she remember she used to belong to White Diamond? Idk that but it’s very likely she got rejuvenated after White decided to give her Pearl to Pink. If that’s true Pearl used to be called White Pearl making her older than Volleyball. What do you think?
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creepyfoxwriter · 3 years
Been doing that my whole life and people STILL don't take seriously 😅😂
“The less you say, the more your words will matter.”
— Rae Carson, The King’s Guard
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creepyfoxwriter · 3 years
This thought will haunt me next time I sit with a group of strangers... Thanks...
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“Just because you don’t say much doesn’t mean people don’t notice you. It’s actually the quiet ones who often draw the most attention.”
— Amy Efaw
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creepyfoxwriter · 3 years
Sometimes i wonder, can we actually get to know ourselves? Honestly, it feels like the more you try to know yourself the further away you get from acheiving it.
Is it just me?
“I am a different person to different people. Annoying to one. Talented to another. Quiet to a few. Unknown to a lot. But who am I, to me?”
— Unknown
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creepyfoxwriter · 3 years
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creepyfoxwriter · 3 years
I like how, in Stenen Universe, the song "What's the use of feeling (Blue)" has two meanings at the same time. It means "what's the use of feeling sad", but rewatching the episode, after finishing the fifth season finale, you can also interpet it as "what's the use of feeling emotions". Apparently, in order for Yellow to implement White's rules perfectly she'd have to put her feelings aside. Maybe that's also the reason why her gems, such as Peridot, view her as the perfectly objective being.
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creepyfoxwriter · 3 years
Νομίζουμε τους εαυτούς μας ελεύθερους και ανεξάρτητους...
Κατά βάθος, όμως, είμαστε δούλοι των φοβιών και των ανασφαλειών μας...
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creepyfoxwriter · 3 years
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Βλέποντας την φίλη της να περνάει σηκώνει αυθόρμητα το χέρι της να χαιρετήσει. Διστάζει όμως. Καταφέρνει να το σηκώσει λίγο πιο πάνω από το ύψος του τραπεζιού, καθώς η φίλης της την προσπερνά χωρίς να την αντιληφθεί. Δεν βρήκε, τελικά, την δύναμη να της μιλήσει ούτε αυτή τη φορά. Συνέχισε να πίνει τον καφέ της... ολομόναχη.
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creepyfoxwriter · 3 years
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Γέρνει διστακτικά προς τον καθρέφτη να δει την αντανάκλαση της. Αλλά δεν έβλεπε τον εαυτός της. Μόνο το σκελετωμένο κουφάρι του ατόμου που ήταν κάποτε...
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creepyfoxwriter · 3 years
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creepyfoxwriter · 3 years
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creepyfoxwriter · 3 years
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creepyfoxwriter · 3 years
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creepyfoxwriter · 3 years
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creepyfoxwriter · 3 years
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creepyfoxwriter · 3 years
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