creepypasta-mfs · 4 years
To those of you who liked and/or reblogged this ,,,
i'm expecting at least the first 3 chapters of a Benny Weir x Reader fic on my desk by Friday, no i do not take late work, yes this will be worth 20% of your final grade
not creepypasta related but I'd like to say
the amount of well written 'My Babysitter's a Vampire" fanfics is criminally low >:((
that is all
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creepypasta-mfs · 4 years
not creepypasta related but I'd like to say
the amount of well written 'My Babysitter's a Vampire" fanfics is criminally low >:((
that is all
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creepypasta-mfs · 4 years
That's gonna be an eeeeyikes from me, dawg
The creator of sally ships jeff / sally she also drew a lot of porn of sally and only aged her up once people started calling her out.
That's a freakin lie I do not see this.
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creepypasta-mfs · 4 years
Do you have any personal opinions about how tall the pastas are? I’m just curious since everyone kinda had their own idea for them
Jeff: 5'8" (little mousy boy)
BEN: 5'6", I see him as being a bit taller than most fics make him out to be but still a lil small
EJ: 6'6". I like the tall demon boi headcanons
LJ: 7'0". I dunno, added height to make him scarrier than he already is
Sally: 4'8", lil babey
Jane: 5'4", average height bb
Toby: 5'8", (lil mousy boy, but with affection)
Masky: 6'0", there's prolly a canon height but I'm choosing to ignore it
Brian: 6'1", 1000% holds that one inch over Masky's head and you can't tell me otherwise
Dark Link: 5'7". I dunno, just feels right. Prolly lies about his height tho
Slender: 15 feet tall. Apparently that's canon holy shit
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creepypasta-mfs · 4 years
Toby fluffy hair That’s it
You're slowly turning this into just a blog for Toby lovers
but completely valid nonetheless, he has so much fluff
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creepypasta-mfs · 4 years
Duuuude what if toby has a mommy kink? I-
y'know i wasn't gonna say it but-
I could totally see that being true
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creepypasta-mfs · 4 years
I have a soft fluffy idea, what about Toby and a culinary student s/o like, they are living together and the first thing that he gets of the face when getting home is food! Like I know that he doesn’t feel huge pains so he forgets to eat but with his gal that is not happening, she loves experimenting and having toby taste test because he is not picking
Y e s, I love this sm
Before meeting s/o, the others had to take on the job of making sure he was getting fed, so they're definitely grateful t h a t responsibility has been lifted off their shoulders.
And Toby loves it just has much! Not only does be get to try out everything his s/o makes (its a huge plus that her creations are always amazing), he just feels the l o v e in everything she creates specifically for him.
Likes the feeling of being taken care of, even if he won't verbally say it, so this really is just a match made in heaven
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creepypasta-mfs · 4 years
OP, is it possible to do a EJ x male reader where the reader has coloboma?
Definitely ! I didn't know if u meant a short fic or hcs, so i just went with hcs because they're easier, hope that's alright !
Eyeless Jack:
× (ive never mentioned it before, but i headcanon Jack's vision to be perfectly fine, cause he's a demon and it doesn't have to make sense :))
× Jack probably came off a bit rude when he first met his boyfriend
× it wasn't intentional and he definitely didn't mean to stare, he's just a natural observer okay?
× his interest was peaked pretty much immediately
× Jack remembers hearing about coloboma, going into the medical field and all, but he never really looked too much into it
× initially his interest in it is simply scientific, seeing as its a pretty rare occurrence
× his boy's gonna have to be prepared to answer a lot of questions
× does it feel.. different? Was he born with it or was it caused by trauma? Has it had any effect on his vision? He wants to know it all
× since getting together with him, Jack has definitely studied up on it, and at this point could probably be considered an expert
× just casually stares at him, if his partner is ever weirded out by it he's just gonna have go bop him on the head
× if it is a case where his vision is affected, expect Jack to become his personal guard dog, especially if its in both eyes. Jack would rarely let him leave his sight, and 100% uses his acute demon reflexes to prevent any possible accidents
× anyone who has anything negative to say is losing a vital organ, sorry he doesn't make the rules
× over the course of the relationship, his interest morphs into just admiration
× like, wow, he can't believe how beautiful they are
× shifts his viewpoint of it from being just a medical condition to something that makes the person he cares for rare, and unique, and wonderful
× because Jack's never really seen anything like it before, not until he met him at least, and he's very appreciative he gets to observe something so special everyday just by looking into his love's eyes
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creepypasta-mfs · 4 years
OKAY BUT HEAR ME OUT ej living vicariously through his med student s/o owo
a h h its so sad but kinda funny when u put it that way ngl
Like he's so proud of them, unbelievably proud. He would 100% spend time helping them study, answering any questions they might have, anything. Its kind of a bonding experience for them.
But he can't help but feel that t i n y bit of jealousy that he wasn't able to complete his studies, have the career he wanted, live a normal life.
He'll love to hear any stories they might return home with though. Maybe a classmate had a stupid question, or they did particularly well on a test, or maybe they're even struggling with something else, he wants to hear about it. Kinda jog his memory on what the stress of that whole human experience was like.
But all in all he'll push those thoughts aside and just do what he can to help them do what he couldn't :))
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creepypasta-mfs · 4 years
I hope this is no too deep but what about toby confronting his s/o for binge eating, like, is painful for both of them
TW: eating disorders mentioned
Ticci Toby:
× toby isn't completely out of the loop when it comes to the topic of mental health and such
× he's just, u h
× pretty inexperienced when it comes to stuff like this
× he most likely won't really notice something is wrong at first. Its not that he didn't notice at all, he just didn't really put two and two together that something wasn't right
× he had begun paying closer attention when he noticed the pattern of copious amounts of food disappearing randomly, or when his s/o had been going through a rough time
× had witnessed them becoming ill, was there when everything they'd put down had come back up
× he recalled the times he'd spent with them, comforting them on the bathroom floor when they'd gotten sick seemingly out of nowhere
× once he does piece things together, however, he'll immediately get to work on how he should address things
× at what point does he bring it up, when should he do it? how should he phrase it, what areas should he avoid to prevent any negative reactions? He'll spend time completely mapping this out
× but, the uncharacteristically calculated speech he spent so much time preparing had completely gone out the window when the time actually comes
× he'd probably break down on them. He doesn't mean to, he's not trying to guilt trip them or make them feel worse its just he's tearing himself up for not noticing sooner, not being able to help or comfort them
× feels that his job is to keep his s/o safe and happy and okay. he feels like he failed them completely. His s/o is one of the only people he has anymore, he can't stand to think they were going through anything like this alone
× expect to have a long conversation about it. He doesn't want to overwhelm them, he just wants to know when it began, what causes it? he wants to ask why they didn't come to him, but he'll hold that back as to not upset them further
× unintentionally becomes very emotional
× he'll do his own research, might even go to Jack for advice if that's alright with his s/o
× does all that he can to eliminate stressors in his s/o's life, works with them to come up with healthy alternatives
× he definitely keeps a closer eye on them. Doesn't want to be overbearing, just wants to be more aware and in tune with what his partner may be feeling
× works unbelievably hard to help them get through it, is proud of them for any small victory they make along their path of recovery
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creepypasta-mfs · 4 years
The Peter X Jeff started because of a Herobrine cock vore fanfiction. Someone one uped it with Peter x Jeff piss. - PSP (The blog it was posted to was an EJ blog that I'm frequently on.
That's so cursed oh my g 0d
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creepypasta-mfs · 4 years
Pls do Peter Griffin falling asleep next to Jeff the Killer
you know what, maybe someday I'll stoop low enough to write some Peter Griffin x jtk headcanons, but today is not that day homie
Somebody please explain to me where the Peter Griffin x Jeff stuff is coming from guys I'm so scared-
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creepypasta-mfs · 4 years
hii, are u still active? I was wondering if i could get some masky, hoody, and toby with a short sarcastic s/o headcanons c: Thanks!
hello ! Yes, I am still active, just haven't had the time to really write much lately. But yeah I can do that for you 😊
× when it comes to sarcastic humor, his s/o has definitely met their match
× will not hesitate to fire his own quips back at them, honestly they probably playfully roast each other all the time
× he knows when a joke has gone too far though, so they'll never accidentally end up with their feelings hurt
× can take those types of comments from his partner but is easily annoyed with anyone else sending smartass comments his way (so his s/o should consider themselves lucky)
× I imagine Tim/Masky being fairly tall, so he absolutely loves the height difference
× will do that thing where he puts his hand on his s/o's head and holds them at arms distance just to rile them up
× cause he's an asshole like that
× finds their sarcasm very amusing but probably won't send any of his own comments back. just quietly chuckles and pats them on the head before continuing with whatever he was doing
× gets a kick out of seeing them sass other members of the household but will definitely steer them away from certain people
× (cough cough J e f f)
× while he things its very funny, he doesn't want their mouth getting them into too much trouble
× probably didn't acknowledge the height difference at first
× only really notices when he realzies how much easier it is to just throw them over his shoulder when they get themselves into situations they shouldn't
× uses this to his advantage, would probably pop his s/o up on a high countertop or something just to mess with them
× cause he's also an asshole
× he only finds it funny when his s/o uses their sarcasm against other people, please do not use it agaisnt him he is soft
× has trouble telling the difference between you being serious and being sarcastic, so even if you wanted to, he prolly wouldn't get it anyways
× he'll eventually learn to just brush it off, and may even pick up on it himself (much to the other creeps' dismay)
× Toby is more for expressing his love for their shortness rather than teasing them about it
× lowkey becomes their personal doormat lmao
× having trouble keeping up with him? He's completely down to give them a piggyback ride whenever. Wanna feel tall? Let him know so he can pop you up on his shoulders. Need to reach something on a high shelf? Here, use him as a stepping stool
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creepypasta-mfs · 4 years
Sally's creator can do whatever she wants with her own character.
Its the really gross depiction of Sally and BEN/Sally and other creeps in fan art and fanfics that I'm referring too. Especially since Sally is mostly always 8 years old in those fics and BEN is always aged up quite a bit.
This wasn't an attack on the writer at all, its the weird ass incest/borderline cp that often appears in a lot of fan works that makes me hella uncomfy
haven't posted in a bit but ive logged on to say
If you ship Liu × Jeff
Or BEN × Sally
Or Sally × a n y o n e really
u have no rights, sorry i dont make the rules
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creepypasta-mfs · 4 years
haven't posted in a bit but ive logged on to say
If you ship Liu × Jeff
Or BEN × Sally
Or Sally × a n y o n e really
u have no rights, sorry i dont make the rules
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creepypasta-mfs · 4 years
Jeff: Dude, you were pretty drunk last night. You came downstairs and said you were dressed to impress Y/n
Ben: What was I wearing?
Jeff: Nothing
Ben: Makes sense
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creepypasta-mfs · 4 years
Jeff but he’s jd 😳
o h g o d
Creepypasta heathers au, the slender brothers are the three heathers shsbhshsh
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