crescentmoonhills · 4 years
A Death’s Life
Ch. 2
28th of Blood Moon, 768 Lunaris Year
I know I said that I was going to be an adventurer but actually I have no idea how to start. It's not as easy as 'haha monsters go boom' or anything. Heck, I don't even know whether or not it's profitable or even remotely interesting to be one with the dammerritten running everywhere and all.
Ever since they showed up 5 years ago they took up all the adventurer's jobs and contracts and thus makes the continent more peaceful. I'm not one to complain since my literal brother is war and all but peacefulness just sounds... boring. There needs to be amusement in life. A bit of conflict here and there you see.
That's why I'm going to become an adventurer. I'm seeking some little amusement in life. I know, I know what's so fun about selling your body for profit you say. Living day by day on the money you earned just enough to get by for another day, risking your life in danger just for a couple pieces of silver, not even having a home to... well come home to. But you'd be surprised to see a lot of them so... genuinely happy. The first time I went to an adventurer's guild I was mesmerized by the sight alone. Drinking and laughing, free from all the troubles in the world. I just... wanted a piece of that happiness.
By the time I finish my monologue, it turns out I have already arrived at the town of Hellwerden. The famous adventurer town.
I went in line for the town's access and while I waited I look around and squeal from excitement. HAHHAHAHAHHA.
I know, weird. But look how far I've come. From a slave of the council to a free man! From a bleak job full of death to this city full of life. Fantastic innit bruv? And all it cost us a couple million years worth of career and a silly old horn. Great deal if I say.
Oops, it's my turn. I smiled as I walk to the gatekeeper.
"ID or a pass, kiddo?"
Uhhh.... yeah, I didn't think this through am I. I don't have any of those. Why didn't I think of it before? The soldier guarding the gates seemed to saw my expression and sighed.
"If you don't have it just pay 2 silvers for a pass"
"Uhm, what if I don't have money, sir?"
"Look, I know your type. You're a country bumpkin looking to become an adventurer and yada yada yada. Just go and get it done with and pay me later, kiddo"
Hoo lucky!! I thought I was doomed but this guy he's actually pretty nice. Ok, now my story begins. In the city of Hellwerden!!!
As I walk into the city he called me again. Crap what is it did he change his mind??
"Hey kiddo what's your name so I can put it in the list?"
"Name? Uhh... umm A-Arc, yeah Arc."
"Arc? Ok, well I'm Ross nice to meetcha."
"Huh, oh umm... Nice to meet you too fellow human haha"
Crap that was some acting right there me!
I walked as fast as I could from there and go to the big two stories building with the words 'Adventurer Guild' on it. I smiled as I the doors.
And there you have it. The most beautiful view in the world.
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crescentmoonhills · 5 years
Psychological. Second try at writing
Friday morning. The last time I would have to hear my alarm, well, until Monday. I turn off the buzzing of the alarm but I know the buzz wouldn’t stop. It never did. Countless whispers, quiet and scratchy like a mouse in the wall grating at my soul. Going ceaselessly louder and louder by the day. Begging, pleading, crying, screaming, screeching and— "Shut up, shut up." I whispered to myself, climbing out of bed. I go downstairs to start making coffee. The office has a Keurig machine, but I have always thought you couldn't beat a pot of coffee in the morning. I step outside to smoke my first one of the day.
I put a cigarette to my lips, light it, and without even looking up, I know the neighbors are judging me. I know everyone is. I know all too well. A washed-up author with not a single book to his name—no, a 35 year old unemployed man left behind by his wife, friends, and even families. Give applause to the one and only, Mr. Ernst Klein. Heh. I could hear them speaking from here. Mumbling, whispering, hushing, and gossiping. Ignore it, Ernst. Ignore it. They have enough reasons to do so and you are used to it anyway. I took a deep drag down to the end and threw it on the ground. Figured if I’m going to end myself might as well make it enjoyable. I go in, grab a cup of coffee, took a book, and return to the patio.
At the altar she prayed. Sending her prayer to The Almighty Creator. The oldest and most heartless of gods. The creator of the Nine Great Gods and the world as she knows it. The one who had created her and her fate. The one who had sent her on to this holy mission of hers. The one who had given her, friends and companions. The one who had given her, families. The one who had given her, the love of her life. Also the one who had blessed her with a beautiful daughter and a charming son. Yet, He is also the one who took them all away. He took from her, her friends, companions, families, lover, and her precious children. However, she never faltered. She knows that everything her Creator did must have a reason and He had yet to abandon her and her world, she didn’t care if everyone around her thought she was insane. Through her incessant sobbing, she prayed, and prayed, and prayed again. She pushed her calls as hard as she could into the voids of her mind in hoping they would make it out to her one and only Creator.
“Please bring them back… they’re my everything”
Reading has, for as long as I could remember, always been my hobby. It lets me escape from this cruel reality that I live in and all the problems that follows it. Escapism. I know. It won’t solve anything but at least it helps me cope with it. Please bring them back… they’re my everything. I mean, not everyone could face their problems head-on, no, no. Not everyone… are that brave. At least I know I’m a coward. If running away from my problems and live my whole life in peace is being a coward then yes, I gladly accept being a coward.
I looked down at the book that I randomly took from the piles of lined papers and moldy writings which I had proudly called my bookcase. I looked at it and there it was, a novel with my name arrogantly printed on it. Sigh. Out of all books. It was a book that I had written myself. Please bring them back… they’re my everything. I had abandoned this story years ago because it wasn’t quite well received. Monotone, uninteresting, unnecessarily long, unoriginal, mediocre, lackluster, and the compliments goes on. None of my books are well received actually. No. None of them, and so I finished writing none of it.
It called to me that day as it does now.
Promising of a world torn apart by fire, divine and nuclear, all encompassing and devastating our planet. Such is the will of the Creator. So I obey.
“I hope it gets bet—” A shaky voice barely comes out of my mouth only to be interrupted. “Cough!” I coughed so hard it felt like my lungs were to come out. I looked down at my hands and I see blood. Sigh. I guess I don’t have much to live anymore. A couple weeks probably? No? A couple months? Well like Engels used to say life keeps going like a menstrual keeps flowing hahah. Smiling as I thought to myself. I hope it gets better. I really do. The clicking of the Geiger counter is my only friend now. Ever since the factory exploded it seems to be going higher and higher by the day. Every step feels excruciatingly painful, but I keep walking.
I miss Engels, I miss Immanuel, I even miss that cocky playboy Jean. Dog tags clinking in my hand. Geiger counter clicking faster and faster. It’s ok. The temple is close now. We’ll be there any minute now. C’mon Pascal you can do it!” I thought as I continued to shamble about but fate has other plans I guess. I was a couple feet away from the temple when I realized it. I was surrounded by reavers. “Give me all your food, kid! I know you factoryborns have a lot o’ them luxury canned foods!” Yelled one of the reavers. “Forget it boss just kill ‘em and we could sell his meat to the carvers for extra foods”. That night, the snows were colored red.
God forgive me. I couldn’t bring my friends to rest. I prayed as I breathe my last.
“What did we do to deserve this?”
While I read, I hear a voice. What did we do to deserve this? No, not the usual voice, those gritty, harsh, and dry calls were still there. They were always there but I had learned to ignore them. Instead I focused on a more vivid voice. One that said, “Will you be able to come?”. I looked up, and saw Karen. I grumbled, annoyed that she had interrupted me. “Fuck away will you, Karen,” I said. What did we do to deserve this?
“I’m not going to your fucking baby shower.”
Karen sighed, “Look, I know you don’t like him, but he’s still your brother, Ernst—”
“I don’t care whether or not he’s my brother, Karen. I just don’t want to waste my time.”
“Family bonding is not wasting time, Ernst. It’s a tradition! And considering your situation you might need it now more than ever.” Karen yelled.
“Tradition is just peer pressure from the dead, Karen.” Please bring them back… they’re my everything.
“Why are you being so stubborn, Ernst?”
“I see no point in pleasing the dead” I said. What did we do to deserve this?
“Is that why you didn’t visit dad when he’s laying on his deathbed?” I grit my teeth. Please bring them back… they’re my everything.
“He asked to see his son at least once before he died and yet you never came. You didn’t even come to his funeral!”
“I have reasons, Karen! I’m sure dad will understand and he would forgive me! I did what he would’ve wanted me to do and that is doing my responsibilities!!”
“The way I see it It’s better for you to go and make up with your brother rather than locking yourself in that room you call your office. You don’t have anything better to do anyway.” Please bring them back… they’re my everything.
“I do have things to do, Karen! I’m an author. Writing is my responsibility!” I hollered “It’s unbearable, Karen. I can’t leave them alone.” so I said as I’m sharply sucking a breath. What did we do to deserve this? “I— I just can’t. Enough! You wouldn’t understand.”
She sighed and patiently asked “Just do me a favor and come will you?”
“Sorry, I have better things to do,” I said shortly, and went inside the house.
The colony's inhabitants were gathered in a large auditorium. They were laughing and smiling no less than an hour ago. The auditorium was safe and impenetrable yet also serves as a prison in which none can escape. The door was sealed from the outside. Through a thick window covered in scratch marks, Commander Alexei could see decaying bodies in red jump suits. Some were holding others in one last embrace. Others were apparently trying to escape through some sort of vent, with little luck.
“Commander?” Hadrian, the only member of the crew who knows about the program, asked “Is there really no other option?”
On the desk were a stack of journals, each marked with dates ranging from 3010 to 3075.
“It’s been years—no, decades since the last reply from Earth, Hadrian” he said while wiping a gun. It was an unusual gun. A very ancient one which dates back to the late 1800. It’s very unique to say the least. It was a type of gun called a revolver. It’s a single-action, cartridge-firing, top break revolver. Fires a type of projectile called bullets. Uses no energy cartridge, no focusing lens, and forget fusion core reactor, there’s not even a normal fission core reactor. It uses gunpowder and pressure instead. Ignition fills the barrel with gas thus increase the pressure and push the bullet out. An effective and cheap way to kill. How interesting, when killing is involved people really do anything to improve, thought Alexei as he fills the cylinder with bullets.
“Thus, I am forced to conclude the worst: we lost the nuclear war, and our nation and families are destroyed. Even this failsafe colony will not be enough to keep us alive. Instead, we will all die of dehydration. Faced with that consequence, I had no choice but to exercise Protocol 99 and terminate the colony in a quick and relatively painless way.” He had no other choice. His nation was dubbed as evil simply because they had a different political view. And so the others waged war. War don’t need a concrete reason anyway, as long as they see profits and merits in it men would jump on it the second they got the chance to. Who gets to decide morals anyway? Who are them to say that my country is evil? Are we evil for defending our beliefs? Am I a villain for defending my country and families? No one gets to decides evil and just. Only god can do that and the fact that this happens means that there is no god in this world, thought Alexei.
I’m sorry, comrades. Your screams…. your screams will haunt me even after I take my own life. Alexei points the gun at his own head and Hadrian follow suit. “I will see you later, Sir” nods Hadrian. “Commander Alexei, retiring from duty. Should humanity ever rise from the ashes and return to the red planet, know that we tried. Long Live The Union”. Alexei closed his eyes and prayed for the first time in his life. The page was spattered with small flecks of blood.
“God is not real after all. There are no free will”
I hated writing. What did we do to deserve this? No, I don’t hate it, what I hated was the responsibility that came with it. God is not real. There are no free will. Despite my mediocre talent in writing, I loved to write, I really did but all of my stories had a dark twist. What did we do to deserve this? I loved writing stories with a dark twist but I wish I had known any better. Oh, how I wished I had. What did we do to deserve this? I’m not sure when it started but it was there, always, unending, ceaseless and incessant. Please bring them back… they’re my everything. The whispers— no, should I call it prayers instead? Yes, prayers. God is not real. There are no free will. What started as one… became two, and that became more and more as it got louder.  God is not real. There are no free will. They got so loud that I decided to stab both of my eardrums with my pen. Yet they still wouldn’t stop coming. What did we do to deserve this?
God is not real. There are no free will. As they got louder I heard words. Please bring them back… they’re my everything. I hear men, women and children all pray to escape from the wicked world they live in. They prayed for a better fate than what was destined. God is not real. There are no free will. A better life. Alas, their world is but a page, empty and nonsensical. Their fate is determined by the splotches of inks, a fate that will never receive closure. Please bring them back… they’re my everything. And lastly, their life is in the hands of an irresponsible and incompetent god who revels in the suffering of the lives that he himself had created.
The stories with the most details are the worst. God is not real. There are no free will. Villains, broken and enraged at the uncaring god that made their lives the way they are. What did we do to deserve this? Victims, suffering from the polluted and corrupted world created only for the sake of a more exciting plot. Please bring them back… they’re my everything. Protagonists, wept in silence as their fate forces them to fight and struggle in their abandoned and callous world while losing both everyone they loved and their only purpose in life. What did we do to deserve this? I heard more and more voices, pleas, and cries for help came for every single day, hour, minute, and seconds. God is not real. There are no free will. Surely I’m going crazy. Maybe I isolated myself too much. What did we do to deserve this? That has to be it. I isolated myself to work so much that I’m losing it. Please bring them back… they’re my everything. Yet, I have to write still. No matter how many years it will take. I will end it all. I’m the one who started it and I will be the one who ended it. Please bring them back… they’re my everything. I’m responsible for them. Yes, it’s my responsibility. And so I write. I wept and I write. God is not real. There are no free will. What did we do to deserve this? Please bring them back… they’re my everything.
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crescentmoonhills · 5 years
A Death’s Life
Ch. 1
23rd of Blood Moon, 768 Lunaris year.
In the ashen desert of the northern eclipse continent in front of two hundred thousand army, a single beautiful lass is standing straight holding a shining sword. The wind blows against her sleek silver hair making it flow beautifully as if the world itself is trying to emphasize her exquisiteness even more. Her body covered in shining white adamant plate armor stood firm against the ground unwavering, unswerving, and unyielding. There the hero, Elena von Dämmerwacht gallantly points her sword forward.
A sword. That’s right, a sword. An elegant double edged sword that looked so beautiful it was as if the day and the night itself resides in its body. A sword that is known all across the eclipse continent for its ability to cut a colossal dragon’s scale as if a hot knife through butter.
The Equinox.
Long ago the humans were plagued by the endless wars against demons and their evil gods. The helpless and powerless humans were trampled and treated as livestock to the demons. In their grieves, they plead to their gods for a salvation.
The gods, Sol and Luna, pitied them and lend the humans a part of their souls in the form of a sword. A sword that could cut even the gods themselves. A sword made in the sole purpose to confer judgement to the gods who had defected from the Astral council. And only those of purest heart could wield it.
And that legendary sword of judgement is pointing towards a tall and slender man riding on top of an ashen horse.
A man wearing a giant white wolf pelt over his shoulders which size clearly disproportional to his body. A great black horn sprouting from the left side of his forehead signifies that he is anything but human. His left arm looks as much as the night skies itself rather than an arm. His tiny face half covered by the wolf pelt looks like nothing but a young child. With only his clear and deep blue eyes visible on his pallid face. The blue eyes that seemed to penetrate the soul itself which is peeking through his unkept pitch black hair looks troubled for some reason.
That man is none other than me.
*time freeze sfx*
That’s right. It’s me. You must be wondering how I got here. Well it all started in summer 19- Psych! You thought I was going to use the overused comedic time freeze intro those western sitcoms and movies often used. Jokes on you, this isn’t western, nor it is a movie...
Sigh~ I should get a life for real.
Yeah, anyway, it might sounds cliched but I’m a reincarnated person. Yep, I died once in a planet called earth and now I reincarnated in another world. I already forgot my pasts for the most parts. It’s been like a couple million years since I’ve been reincarnated so no surprise right.
Oh yeah, I haven’t told you my name yet. I’m Death. Yeah, no kidding. I’m one of those so called evil gods the humans often prattle about. Not that I’ve done anything to them but, I am responsible for the deaths of a lot of people y’know. I am the god of death you know, I mean that’s like literally my job so you can’t blame that on me. But the humans sure thinks otherwise and they dubbed me as one of those evil gods.
So yeah, when a lot of people called you “evil god” it’s no surprise that a hero will come and try to cut your head off of you.
And one of those so called heroes is always some OP cheat people who preach about justice whenever they got the chance. Ironically they never even bothered to hear your opinion on the matter. So much for Justice amirite?
What was that? Oh, you think I’m scared of these heroes?
Nah, it’s just that...
Right, listen here. When you live for like a couple millions of years as an evil god, you’re bound to experience things like these like countless of times. It happens all the time y’know. And the most troublesome part is that they won’t stop. If you kill one another hero will pop out in the next decade or so. So it’s a really troublesome matter to me.
Why won’t they just leave me alone or something?
I’m just doing the task given to me by the council. Why won’t they understand. I mean if you wanted me to quit I would gladly do so. If you’re ok with a bunch of undeads going around on your garden or something then be my guest. I’m literally death. What did they expect when they tried to get rid of me.
Seriously this is ridiculous.
And this girl in front of me. Stop babbling will you. I’m so sick of this that I don’t even have the mood to listen to your lecture about justice and peace. God help us all. Wait, I am a god though. Sigh~
“— and for that purpose you have to pay for your sins and accept the divine judgement sent by the gods delivered with my own hands. May—“
“—the stars of Iustitia lead you to a righteous path in the afterlife.”
Elena’s eyes widened in shock as I said the exact same thing she wanted to say.
I don’t have any precog powers but y’know, the hero’s speech never changes for as long as I can remember it anyway.
“Wait— what?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah blah blah. I’m sick of hearing the same shit for every single decade. Can we just get this over with already?”
While she seemed confused at my statement she readily assumed her battle stance ready to fight any time.
“Wha— hmph, fine. If that’s what you want then I will gladly serve your judgement you fallen deity.”
“Yeah, you know what? Just tell me what you want and I’ll gladly do it. Just don’t bug me anymore, got that?”
She got even more confused as she realized that I was trying to parley with her instead of fighting her.
“What nonsense are you spouting about? You as the god of death should be dethroned from your kingdom of demons and should be eliminated. For as long as you live you will bring about more deaths to this world. Now that you’ve heard what us humanity wanted there’s no way you’ll agree—“
“Okay then, I agree.” I said boldly.
“Wha—!!” she froze in her place.
“I quit from my job as a god and as the ruler of the eclipse empire. Happy now?”
“You’re lying!! There’s no way you would just agree to that! And I’ve never heard of a god who quit his ‘job as a god’? That’s ridiculous!!!”
As I was getting annoyed by her constant protests I start grabbing my horn.
And I break it off my head.
“Whaaattttt!!!!!” screamed Elena, aaaand she fell to her knees.
“Damn it kinda hurts y’know. Well with this I am no longer the god of death. Now will you let me go?”
Horns signifies a god’s divinity and roles. It might sounds weird for gods to have horns but that’s how it works in this world. As the sun god Sol has four yellow horns, the moon goddess Luna has two grey horns. And I, the death god has a single black horns with red circles around it. Although I only have one horn it was quite a big one among the gods. But yeah it was nothing to brag about.
“You— You? Eh? What just? Why??!!!”
Aah, I seemed to have broken a young girl’s mind. Umm... not in a sexual way please. But hey, she’s the one who told me to quit and she’s the one who got confused. Women. I could never understand them.
“What? You just told me to quit, so I did. And now you’re confused?”
“But I didn’t thought that you would actually quit!! I mean a god quitting that’s just absurd!!”
Yeah, now that I think of it of course she gets confused. I mean anyone will get confused if a god just quit his ‘job’ in front of them. Oh well, after working for a couple millions of years it’s not that weird for someone to quit their job.
“Anyway, I just quit my job so what now? Are you going to let me go or you still planning on fighting me?”
“Hmph, even if you quit that still doesn’t change the fact that you killed countless of people before. And for that you shall be delivered judgement.”
Not going to back down, eh? Elena and the army behind her all puts themselves on guard.
“Sigh~ why won’t they just let me be? Like seriously.”
Elena’s purple clear eyes are focused at me fully intended on taking my life.
“Okay. Do as you wish but know this little girl. I am the god of death if you decided to fight against me...”
I stopped my words and sends a glare through my eyes for some dramatic effects. What? Don’t judge me, it makes threats more you know... threatening.
“A lot of people are going to die y’know.”
Crap, that was so uncool and anticlimactic. So much for dramatic effects, a child won’t even fell for it. Heck, they’ll cringe at it instead.
But then, the hero Elena, and the whole two hundred thousand knights trembled greatly in the spot. It was as if their souls are grasped by Death itself.
Well, they are facing me and I am Death so that’s a bad analogy anyway. But wow, can’t believe it worked.
“Guh— fine, we will return for now. As long as you don’t cause any trouble afterwards, we will not disturb you anymore.”
Ooh, seems like she realized that she and her army are in danger if they continue to antagonize me. Well I don’t want to kill anyone outside of my job so it’s a good thing for me too if they backed down.
“Dämmerritten! We shall return to the capital!”
And just like that they marched back. The lass seemed reluctant to leave me though. But then again, they let me be for once so be it.
Hmm, now that I’ve quit my job, I wonder what should I do?
Well there’s a lot of things I’d like to try out since I’ve came to this world but I’m practically aimless right now. And the other gods will probably hunt me now since I’ve quit my job without even noticing them. But yeah, so be it.
For now, let’s start with being an adventurer, yeah? Yeahh, that sounds fun.
Alright, off to the human world it is.
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