culturecoacher · 11 years
do people realize if they included poc in frozen, they would most likely have to be slaves
it’s the same issue with brave, it’s not historically accurate sorry
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culturecoacher · 11 years
Just found this tumblr recently and I just want to say I really enjoy your work and look forward to more! I appreciate how much effort it takes to make these things (research and editing!) and I just want you to know how wonderful of a job you're doing and to keep it up! :D
That is so sweet of you! Thanks so much! I have so many video plans I want to implement but ugh time. I think I’m on 3 current half-edited videos? ffff
Edit: I feel like I should mention that blankd here is the creator of deSTRESS a comic that I discovered well into it's run and will be revisiting when I get around to that episode
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culturecoacher · 11 years
i'm deeply sorry for my idiocy but i can't manage to like or reblog things on your theme, could you tell me what i'm doing wrong? :(
You are absolutely not an idiot, anon. In fact I am. As much as I love this theme, I’m probably going to have to get rid of it temporarily - because I have been trying to track down the HTML or JavaScript code to re-install a reblog button on this theme without success. I can’t even find a theme with a similar aesthetic that does have a prominent reblog button. The day that I can do this full-time, I’ll sit down and craft one of my own from scratch.
From what I can tell on this one, you have to be on the Notes page in order to reblog, and that is just plain silly. So consider the theme gone for now. :)
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culturecoacher · 11 years
Pre-Blip Bloopers
The underlying 'theme' to this episode is the true story of how I tracked down the family copy of Final Cut Express after a call to my brother, which eventually led to support for a new camera and microphone. :')
Still, learning to laugh at myself has been one of my biggest struggles, so I hope you get a laugh as well!
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culturecoacher · 11 years
WC009 - WorldCat.org
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culturecoacher · 11 years
WC005 - MedievalPOC on Tumblr
MedievalPOC, I only hope that this sendup adequately conveys how awesome your blog is. :)
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culturecoacher · 11 years
Frudence kicks off her first theme month with a dash of retro cheese and a healthy disclaimer for those who were glad to leave school behind. This is, after all, a series about resources for webcomic creators.
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culturecoacher · 11 years
I just discovered your series at the TGWTG blogs, and I can't seem to find a way to contact you other than here. (Email or something, please?)
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culturecoacher · 11 years
Jennie Breeden (The Devil's Panties) Interview will be up tomorrow at 10AM
You'll find it on my blip page at 10AM EST :D
"Works 'Cited #2 - Return to GenCon 2013 as Jennie Breeden took a moment amidst the chaos of Exhibitor's Hall D to speak on the fickleness of art appreciation and working from home via the internet - in bed!"
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culturecoacher · 11 years
Interview with Rob Balder, Creator of Erfworld
Works 'Cited #1 - At GenCon 2013, Frudence caught up with the creator of the webcomic Erfworld, Rob Balder. He provides insight on knowing your audience, keeping track of story continuity, and the finest in foul fan festivities.
(Not sure why the link stopped working, but here we go again!)
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culturecoacher · 11 years
Works 'Cited #1 - At GenCon 2013, Frudence caught up with the creator of the webcomic Erfworld, Rob Balder. He provides insight on knowing your audience, keeping track of story continuity, and the finest in foul fan festivities.
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culturecoacher · 11 years
GenCon 2013
WOW folks, Saturday was an intense day! Woke up at 5AM, left by 6AM, got into Indy around 9:30AM, conducted 4 interviews, got some swag in Exhibit Hall, and finally got in a Pathfinder game that ran until 11PM. We landed back home close to 3AM Sunday morning. Needless to say, I was trashed today.
I was able to caption and render 90% of the first interview to be posted, but alas I do have to work tomorrow morning. It should definitely be up tomorrow night and I'll be sprinkling the rest in 2-5 day increments, i.e. shorter than normal episodes take.
First up: Erfworld's creator Rob!
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culturecoacher · 11 years
On the road!
Headed out for the big day at GenCon! Will any of you webcomic creators be there? :)
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culturecoacher · 11 years
Episode 03 Progress Report
13:24 into the first pass of the video and that's all I can accomplish before GenCon. I really wanted to have it up on Sunday when we get back, buuut that's unlikely now. :( I had to spend a fair bit of time testing out the new microphone.
Hopefully one of the interviews from the con will be short enough to render for an update.
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culturecoacher · 11 years
Tumblr media
Time to take the new mic for a spin before GenCon. Are any webcomic artists going to be there? :D
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culturecoacher · 11 years
CC002 - Unsounded and The Eco Pillar part 1 is now up on Blip as well. Exciting times!
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culturecoacher · 11 years
Culture Coacher: CC001 - Worldbuilding Styles episode 1 is now up on my new home, Blip! It includes a brief intro and commentary to my less than stellar first video. Coming soon yet today, Episode 2!
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