curiouscryptids · 4 years
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The Hoia Baciu Forest - The World’s Most Haunted Forest In Romania lies what many people refer to as the world’s most haunted forest, the Hoia Baciu forest. The forest didn’t just come across this title, it earned it. Numerous ghost sightings, disappearances, UFO sightings, and paranormal attacks have taken place over the years. At the center of it all lies the Dead Zone, a near perfect circle where plant life refuses to grow and paranormal activity seems to be the most prevalent. Over the years many people have gone missing in the forest. The earliest known disappearance was known to be a shepherd and his 200 sheep who never returned after entering the forest. Those who searched for him found no trace of him or his sheep. Another story if of a little 5 year old girl who went missing in the forest only to return 5 years later wearing the same clothes and with no recollection of where she had been. There are no explanations for the disappearances of these people, they just vanish. These disappearances have given the forest the nickname of “The Bermuda Triangle of Romania.” Although unexplained disappearances are strange, the forest is also infamous for its paranormal activity. Many people have been able to capture strange photos of ghostly figures and orbs. Many others report seeing shadowy figures, being scratched or pushed by unknown assailants, and even see UFOs. Many people will hear screams, growls, giggles and voices when they’re in the forest with nobody in sight. On top of people have reported numerous UFO sightings over the Dead Zone, light anomalies, and experience malfunctioning electronic equipment or find their batteries drained. On top of all that, some of the forest’s trees grow abnormally into strange, twisted shapes with no reason as to why. There have even been fluctuations in the magnetic field recorded around the Dead Zone. It’s no wonder many people simply refuse to enter the forest. Because of all the strange and unexplained phenomenon in the forest it’s no wonder its earned its name as the world’s most haunted forest. Many believe that the Dead Zone is a portal to another dimension. Some believe the missing people have actually been abducted by UFOs. Others simply think its cursed. The answers lie inside the forest and its infamous Dead Zone. Are you brave enough to find out for yourself?
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curiouscryptids · 4 years
A Strange Mirror with a Different Reflection
Reddit user u/Danat_Shepard posted to r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix about an unexplainable event he witnessed at 3am while staying at his sister’s house. All the lights were off in the room, but when he looked into the mirror in the room a lamp sitting on a desk was turned on. The lamp was surely turned off but the reflection clearly showed the lightbulb glowing. He quickly thought to take a video before leaving.
But that’s not all. Many Reddit users responded to his post claiming that wasn’t all that was seen in the mirror. Below the desk can be seen the face of a ghostly figure staring at him through the mirror’s reflection. The lamp’s reflection is sure to make you scratch your head’s, but the figure’s face is enough to send chills down your spine. What exactly is happening here? Something paranormal? A clever hoax? Or a real glitch in the matrix? What do you think?
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curiouscryptids · 4 years
On August 8th, 2000 a document was declassified which sparked the interest of many in the paranormal community. The document transcribes a conversation between a monitor from the CIA (MON) and a psychic subject (SUB). The subject was given an envelope which contained a card which said the following: The planet Mars. Time of interest approximately 1 million years B.C. During the interview the subject was verbally given coordinates and were instructed to remote view the location. The monitor wouldn’t ask for specifics but only for the “raw data” that the subject is seeing or sensing. The conversation the two had ranged from nothing to seeing tall figures taking shelter from a bad storm. The whole document is a very interesting read and reads like a Sci-Fi book. However the data collected in the document should be taken with a grain of salt. There is evidence that the whole thing was a trick set up by the Soviets to get the CIA to waste money and resources on pseudoscience. Its also a possibility that the psychic in question could have been faking their observations in order to make an easy paycheck. However it is not outside the realm of extreme possibility that the psychic was truly remote viewing the Mars’ surface. Documents like these tend to spark our curiosity and shouldn’t always be immediately dismissed. What do you think? Stay curious
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curiouscryptids · 4 years
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Silver Star Mountain Bigfoot
On November 17, 2005 an anonymous backpacker took these photos on top of Silver Star Mountain in Gifford Pinchot National Forest in Washington. He claims there was nobody else around and that the figure in the photos is not that of another backpacker. When zoomed in the photos truly don’t look like a backpacker at all, and the body proportions look significantly larger than an average human. There’s no visible backpack, camping gear or clothing on the figure as well. The figure in question truly does appear to be that of a large bipedal animal, and many believe it’s a Sasquatch. The backpacker said the snow was very deep and it would be unwise for any backpacker or snowshoer to be up there. What was truly photographed up on Silver Star will remain unknown, but most cryptozoologists and Bigfoot enthusiasts believe it is without a doubt, a Sasquatch.
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curiouscryptids · 4 years
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The Washington D.C. UFO Incident (1952)
From July 12th to July 29th, 1952, Washington D.C. was invaded by a fleet of UFO’s. In the beginning the object’s were spotted by the civilian population until the night of July 19th seven objects popped up on radar at Washington National Airport. Air traffic controller Edward Nugent spotted the objects 15 miles south of the city on his radar which was later corroborated by senior air traffic controller Harry Barnes. They noted the objects’ abnormal behavior of sudden turns, sudden acceleration and quick ascending/descending speeds. Two other radar technicians in a another tower spotted the objects on their radar and even saw one of the object’s with their own eyes, noting a “bright light” that moved at “incredible speed.” When the objects moved over the Capitol and White House Andrews Air Force Base was contacted who also spotted objects on their radar and saw an “orange ball of fire” that moved at “unbelievable speed.” At Washington National Airport they noticed objects on radar converging on the position of pilot S.C. Pierman on the runway who spotted 6 “white, tailless, fast moving lights.” After jets were scrambled and moved towards the objects the objects disappeared. After the jets returned to base to refuel the objects came back and were gone again at sunrise.
That wasn’t the last they were seen. The following Saturday night on July 26th the crew of a passenger plane noticed bright lights above their plane. After reporting the lights, both Washington National Airport and Andrews Air Force Base spotted the objects on their radar all over D.C. They witnessed that the objects would move slowly, sit still, and even move up to 7,000 miles per hour. Two jets were scrambled to investigate, one of the pilots pursued four white lights but couldn’t keep up and lost them. The other pilot reported the objects were “all round me.” When more jets were scrambled one pilot saw a white light that disappeared when he moved towards it. Civilian aircraft continued to see strange glowing objects in the sky throughout the night.
Both Albert Chop and Major Dewey Fournet from Project Bluebook were on site during the events on July 26th. It was recorded that the objects seen in the sky were made of solid metal and were not weather balloons. The public was anxious for answers so the USAF’s official statement was that the objects were simply meteors and illusions, however behind closed doors officials in the USAF and from Project Blue Book knew different. It is also worth noting that some of the pilots in the skies on July 26th saw nothing unusual. So what exactly happened? What were the object’s in the skies over Washington D.C. and why did they seem to move in a way that didn’t obey our laws of physics? Did these object’s have extraterrestrial origin? Why did they leave at sunrise? The answers were in the skies of Washington D.C. in July 1952 and may never be truly known.
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curiouscryptids · 4 years
Thanks for 10,000 Followers
Hey everyone! I’d just like to take a brief moment to thank all of you for following me and supporting the blog over the past couple of years. Recently I have been on a hiatus as I worked through an accelerated college degree but have since completed it and am back now with plenty of time to dedicate to CuriousCryptids. During my time away you all were still supporting my blog and I genuinely wholeheartedly appreciate it. This journey has been a helluva ride and I can’t wait to continue it and see where it goes. You can expect more creepy content coming regularly as we let our curiosity drive us deeper into the unknown. Thank you for sticking around, and stay curious my friends.
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curiouscryptids · 5 years
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The Faceless Girl: Hungary 1943
A man took this photo of his wife leaning against signpost in Hungary, 1943, but the photo captured a bit more than that. There are two figures in the photo but the most disturbing of which is the faceless, armless girl standing on the road behind the woman. And directly behind the woman is a full frown man appearing to be walking. This photo is something you’d expect to see in a horror film and its honestly worthy of one.
The photo surfaced back on July 1st, 2016 on Paranormal 360 with the uploader named Szigeti Gyöngy claiming he lives in Hungary and had just found the photo of his mother and the photographer was his father. He also provided the raw photo and writing on the back of it that can’t be translated. The photo was not altered and was actually taken in 1943. What the two figures are is unknown, but disturbing nonetheless.
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curiouscryptids · 5 years
Bigfoot on Police Dash-Cam
This is a quite famous Bigfoot video that was filmed back in 2009. It is of a couple officers driving down a dark road in Georgia. As they’re driving a bipedal creature darts out in front of them and crosses the road. The video is too dark to see the top half of the creature but its legs are visible, which proves whatever it was is bipedal. The anomaly appears at 0:40. There has been no proven or disproven theory as to what was captured on the dashcam that night. There have been claims that one of the officers involved believed it was two college kids pranking drivers that night with a gorilla suit, but this has never been proven. Nor has it been proven that it was a Sasquatch. The explanation for what was caught on camera is still unknown to this day.
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curiouscryptids · 5 years
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The Amityville Ghost Boy
Taken in 1976 by Gene Campbell during an investigation by Ed and Lorraine Warren, the Amityville Ghost Boy has been a subject of much controversy. The ghost in the photo is said to be the spirit of John Defeo, one of the family members murdered in the home just years before. The Lutz family lived in the home after the murders but fled the home after a series of terrifying paranormal events within a period of 4 weeks, leaving everything behind.
The Amityville Horror has become one of the world’s most famous hauntings, and has become the subject of multiple books, movies, documentaries and other media. The house recently just sold for $850,000 to brave new owners. What do you think of the photo? Genuine or staged? It is no doubt that the home is haunted, is it really that hard to believe that this photo could be genuine? The answer lies in the home, perhaps the new owners will have some insight into the activity within the house.
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curiouscryptids · 5 years
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Orange Eyes
In March of 1959 three teenagers went out onto an old country road nicknamed lover’s lane in Mansfield, Ohio. What they went there for one can only assume but their night didn’t go as expected. The three teens fled the area when an 11 foot tall, 1,000 pound creature with large glowing orange eyes emerged from the forest. Therefore the area of Mansfield and Charles Mill Lake birthed a local legend.
The decades that followed gave many other individuals the opportunity to see this mysterious creature. On one occasion a group even armed themselves and headed out into the forest and country roads to kill the creature. One night in 1968 a group of pre-teens reportedly chased after the orange eye’d beast with baseball bats and rope intending to capture the creature but it managed to escape. In 1991 Orange Eyes was spotted for its final time by two fishermen. The creature eventually faded into local legend and was never seen again.
Some described the animal as being ape-like similar to Bigfoot. Others believe that Orange Eyes is an alien that was trapped on Earth. In October of 1973 a UFO was spotted over Mansfield which emitted a green beam of light coming from the craft down to the ground. Many locals all saw it from different parts of town, and people began to correlate Orange Eyes with UFOs. What exactly Orange Eyes is we will never know, It hasn’t made in appearance in 26 years and presumably isn’t coming back.
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curiouscryptids · 5 years
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Ghost Adventures Missed Apparition
The popular show Ghost Adventures has been responsible for documenting groundbreaking paranormal evidence since their documentary aired in 2004. The investigators pride themselves on capturing damning evidence of the paranormal, but sometimes eagle eyed fans see something that the crew may have missed. During their investigation of the Palmer House Hotel, Zak, Nick and Aaron held an EVP session on the location’s second floor. The team begins to experience a large quantity of unexplained activity, including lead investigator Zak Bagans being scratched.
During this hotbed of activity, viewers of the show claim that the crew captured a full bodied apparition and didn’t even know it. While reviewing an EVP, an apparition can be seen standing in the doorway behind Zak. While it does look like the shape of a person it hasn’t been confirmed if this is official paranormal evidence or not. While many viewers think that this a full bodied apparition, it could be nothing more than some debris or other obstructions. Do you agree with the viewers? What do you think it is?
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curiouscryptids · 6 years
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The Snow Snake is a snake found in Idaho. The Snow Snake is described as a white snake with a very venomous bite. The Snow Snake was seen by the lumberjacks and it tired to bite anything it could and in the snow only its pink eyes could be seen which is odd for a snake to be in the snow since they are cold-blooded reptiles and cannot live in the snow. Experts believe that the Snow Snake could be a Pit Viper.
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curiouscryptids · 6 years
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“Let him come! I’ll see whether he be dog or devil!”
This sculpture of the Moddey Dhoo (Mauthe Doog)resides where the supposed Hellhound itself does - Peel Castle on the Isle of Man. The Moddey Dhoo is said to resemble a black, curly furred spaniel and has been seen since the 1700s. 
Legend says that the black dog would walk down a dark corridor and curl up by a fire that was lit by soldiers that lived at the castle. The soldiers were wary of the dog, as they knew he did not belong at the castle, but after a while of seeing him, they were less afraid. They would have to walk down the same dark passage to take the castle’s keys to the Captain, and would never do so alone out of fear of the dog. Until one night, when a drunken soldier boasted that he was not afraid of the Moddey Dhoo. His friends tried to hold him back, but he went into the corridor and a moment later, the black dog left the fireside and followed him. There were no sounds for a few minutes, but then there were sudden screams and howls coming from the dark passage. The soldier ran back to the others, deathly pale and scared. Three days later, he died, and no one knows what happened in that corridor. 
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curiouscryptids · 6 years
Thanks for 9,000 Followers!!
Hey everyone, thank you so much for helping me hit this milestone. The support you guys gives my blog is unbelievable, I genuinely appreciate all of you. Thank you so much for your continued support over these past 2 years, it means a lot. Thanks so much and stay curious!
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curiouscryptids · 6 years
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The Boot Hill Cemetery Ghost
In 1996 a man named Ike Clanton took a photo of his friend dressed in period clothing at Boot Hill Cemetery in Tombstone, Arizona. The two were surprised to see that something unexpected was seen in the background of the photo. In the background of the photo a mysterious figure can be seen. Even stranger, it seems like the figure is buried from the stomach down. When zoomed in, you can see that the figure in the background is also dressed in period clothing. Is this the ghost of an old gunslinger rising out of his grave?
Tombstone isn’t a stranger to paranormal activity, and Boot Hill cemetery is no exception. People notice strange lights and see apparitions there regularly, does this photo support those claims? Or do you think that this photo is just a hoax? Either way the photo is definitely strange, and has remained unsolved for 22 years.
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curiouscryptids · 6 years
Heyyy I host a paranormal podcast and I was wondering if I could reference you on my show? You knowledge of cryptids is Stella cool and you have some great stories!!!
Please do! Just send me a link to your podcast when you’re done so I can check it out! 👻
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curiouscryptids · 6 years
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This feline was spotted in November of 2016 and is known as the Wildcat of Warwickshire. The creature was captured on camera by a father behind his family home - he claims that he had seen it before but never had his camera available to capture evidence. Frank Tunbridge, a big cat expert, believes that it could be a leopard, due to the size and coloration. It is thought that it could be about 4 feet in length.
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