curiouscryptids · 5 years
A Strange Mirror with a Different Reflection
Reddit user u/Danat_Shepard posted to r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix about an unexplainable event he witnessed at 3am while staying at his sister’s house. All the lights were off in the room, but when he looked into the mirror in the room a lamp sitting on a desk was turned on. The lamp was surely turned off but the reflection clearly showed the lightbulb glowing. He quickly thought to take a video before leaving.
But that’s not all. Many Reddit users responded to his post claiming that wasn’t all that was seen in the mirror. Below the desk can be seen the face of a ghostly figure staring at him through the mirror’s reflection. The lamp’s reflection is sure to make you scratch your head’s, but the figure’s face is enough to send chills down your spine. What exactly is happening here? Something paranormal? A clever hoax? Or a real glitch in the matrix? What do you think?
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curiouscryptids · 5 years
On August 8th, 2000 a document was declassified which sparked the interest of many in the paranormal community. The document transcribes a conversation between a monitor from the CIA (MON) and a psychic subject (SUB). The subject was given an envelope which contained a card which said the following: The planet Mars. Time of interest approximately 1 million years B.C. During the interview the subject was verbally given coordinates and were instructed to remote view the location. The monitor wouldn’t ask for specifics but only for the “raw data” that the subject is seeing or sensing. The conversation the two had ranged from nothing to seeing tall figures taking shelter from a bad storm. The whole document is a very interesting read and reads like a Sci-Fi book. However the data collected in the document should be taken with a grain of salt. There is evidence that the whole thing was a trick set up by the Soviets to get the CIA to waste money and resources on pseudoscience. Its also a possibility that the psychic in question could have been faking their observations in order to make an easy paycheck. However it is not outside the realm of extreme possibility that the psychic was truly remote viewing the Mars’ surface. Documents like these tend to spark our curiosity and shouldn’t always be immediately dismissed. What do you think? Stay curious
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curiouscryptids · 6 years
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Ghost Adventures Missed Apparition
The popular show Ghost Adventures has been responsible for documenting groundbreaking paranormal evidence since their documentary aired in 2004. The investigators pride themselves on capturing damning evidence of the paranormal, but sometimes eagle eyed fans see something that the crew may have missed. During their investigation of the Palmer House Hotel, Zak, Nick and Aaron held an EVP session on the location’s second floor. The team begins to experience a large quantity of unexplained activity, including lead investigator Zak Bagans being scratched.
During this hotbed of activity, viewers of the show claim that the crew captured a full bodied apparition and didn’t even know it. While reviewing an EVP, an apparition can be seen standing in the doorway behind Zak. While it does look like the shape of a person it hasn’t been confirmed if this is official paranormal evidence or not. While many viewers think that this a full bodied apparition, it could be nothing more than some debris or other obstructions. Do you agree with the viewers? What do you think it is?
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curiouscryptids · 6 years
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The Boot Hill Cemetery Ghost
In 1996 a man named Ike Clanton took a photo of his friend dressed in period clothing at Boot Hill Cemetery in Tombstone, Arizona. The two were surprised to see that something unexpected was seen in the background of the photo. In the background of the photo a mysterious figure can be seen. Even stranger, it seems like the figure is buried from the stomach down. When zoomed in, you can see that the figure in the background is also dressed in period clothing. Is this the ghost of an old gunslinger rising out of his grave?
Tombstone isn’t a stranger to paranormal activity, and Boot Hill cemetery is no exception. People notice strange lights and see apparitions there regularly, does this photo support those claims? Or do you think that this photo is just a hoax? Either way the photo is definitely strange, and has remained unsolved for 22 years.
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curiouscryptids · 6 years
CSETI UFO Sightings - Vero Beach, Fl
This is a very interesting video captured during a CSETI expedition in Vero Beach, Florida in February of 2015. CSETI were attempting to make contact with extraterrestrial spacecraft when a bright orange light appeared in the sky over the ocean. Minutes later a second beige orange light materializes next to the first one.
CSETI claims to be able to make contact with extraterrestrial beings by meditating and “reaching out” to them. Through this form of communication they claim to be able to invite the extraterrestrial spacecraft to their location, where they can then attempt to make peaceful contact. I’m not quite sure if these methods of communication are legitimate or not, but on multiple occasions it does seem to get results and video evidence like this video is captured.
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curiouscryptids · 6 years
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The Bigfoot Capital of the World
The town of Willow Creek, California is known to be the “Bigfoot Capital of the World.” The town sits on State Route 96, which is often referred to as the “Bigfoot Scenic Byway.” These nicknames weren’t just given, they were earned. This area is known for a high concentration of Bigfoot sightings, and many people go looking for the elusive creature there every year. The town also brings in Bigfoot hunters every year during the town’s annual Bigfoot festival every September.
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curiouscryptids · 6 years
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Robert Johnson and the Devil
Robert Johnson was an American blues musician from 1928 through 1938. He was an extremely influential musician and very talented. So talented that some say that he may have sold his soul to the Devil to gain his immeasurable skills in songwriting, singing and playing the guitar. His life was short lived and he became another one of the many talented musicians who also died at 27. This is one of the very few photos of him to exist, in fact there are only two photos confirmed to be him and just a few others that are disputed. However, it turns out that Mr. Johnson may have sold his soul after all, in the top-right corner of the photo is what appears to be a faded and ghostly face of the Devil staring at Johnson. You can distinctly make out eyes, horns, a nose, and the entire shape of the head, below which appears to be a ghostly mist.
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curiouscryptids · 6 years
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Tewin Bury Farm Ghost
In 2008 a man named Neil Sandbach took a photo of Tewin Bury Farm in Hertfordshire. He was taking photos for a couple’s wedding invitations and stationary who were to be married there. After Neil put the photos on his computer he noticed a strange figure in his photo.
During the couple’s wedding, the newlyweds asked the staff of Tewin Bury Farm if they’ve ever seen anything “spooky” on the property. The staff had no knowledge of the photo, but told the couple that on several occasions that they have seen a young boy dressed in white. There is no tragic history that would suggest that Tewin Bury would be haunted, which makes this photo all the more mysterious.
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curiouscryptids · 7 years
An Example of Great Ape Bipedalism
Humans are not the only bipedal apes, many other great apes can walk on two legs. Something I noticed here in this video is the striking resemblance between this Gorilla and videos of Sasquatch. Skeptics always claim that Sasquatch videos are just “men in monkey suits” but there is a difference in the way apes walk versus how humans walk. The gorilla here is much shorter than Sasquatch when bipedal, but it’s not hard to see the resemblance. I thought this video was interesting in showing the similarities between apes walking and videos of Sasquatch walking, and wanted to share it with you all, stay curious and have a good rest of your night!
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curiouscryptids · 6 years
Mexico Flying Witch Footage Stabilized
In 2004 the city of Monterrey, Mexico had numerous sightings of what the locals were calling witches or “La Bruja.” These claims were backed up once this footage was taken in 2006 of what people were seeing. The video shows a flying humanoid creature as it passes a mountain side. The footage has become quite popular over the years and many have claimed it was faked, although there are still many who think the footage is genuine. 
Some of the claims of the witches in Monterrey were from reputable police officers who claimed to have had encounters with these witches. They all shared the same information of the witch being dressed in black, some described it as having large claws and others as having a bird-like body with an old or disfigured face. The witnesses also claimed they had black eyes, and in some encounters they had red eyes.
This footage could have been faked and there are ma y who immediately dismiss it. There are some who believe this footage is genuine and backs up the claims of the law enforcement officers and witnesses from around the area. There are those who don’t believe this to be a witch at all but think its a extraterrestrial humanoid flying through the air. Hoax or not this footage is chilling and will bring some closure to the witnesses of La Bruja.
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curiouscryptids · 7 years
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Orange Eyes
In March of 1959 three teenagers went out onto an old country road nicknamed lover’s lane in Mansfield, Ohio. What they went there for one can only assume but their night didn’t go as expected. The three teens fled the area when an 11 foot tall, 1,000 pound creature with large glowing orange eyes emerged from the forest. Therefore the area of Mansfield and Charles Mill Lake birthed a local legend.
The decades that followed gave many other individuals the opportunity to see this mysterious creature. On one occasion a group even armed themselves and headed out into the forest and country roads to kill the creature. One night in 1968 a group of pre-teens reportedly chased after the orange eye’d beast with baseball bats and rope intending to capture the creature but it managed to escape. In 1991 Orange Eyes was spotted for its final time by two fishermen. The creature eventually faded into local legend and was never seen again.
Some described the animal as being ape-like similar to Bigfoot. Others believe that Orange Eyes is an alien that was trapped on Earth. In October of 1973 a UFO was spotted over Mansfield which emitted a green beam of light coming from the craft down to the ground. Many locals all saw it from different parts of town, and people began to correlate Orange Eyes with UFOs. What exactly Orange Eyes is we will never know, It hasn’t made in appearance in 26 years and presumably isn’t coming back.
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curiouscryptids · 7 years
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The Goatman
Is it a demon, a human-goat hybrid, or just an urban legend that haunts Prince George’s County, Maryland? Some consider this strange creature to be nightmare fuel and a source for a good creepypasta, but to some the Goatman is all too real. If it is real, what exactly is it and where did it come from? The Goatman is a strange hybrid animal that’s half goat and half man. The strange creature has the legs and head of a goat, but the arms and torso are human. The Goatman is also always said to wield an axe, which is clear in most sightings.This sounds like some animal out of a fantasy novel, but yet there are a handful of sightings. The origins of this creature vary in urban legends saying this creature was made from a failed science experiment to the creature is a creation from Satan himself. Which story is true is unclear, but some still believe the Goatman is out there. The Goatman has been sighted on a number of occasions, and is even blamed for the decapitation of a dog back in the 1970’s. The creature has been described at 6 feet tall and letting out strange squealing sounds. Nowadays most people believe the Goatman is just a scary story teenagers pass around to scare each other. But the question is, are you brave enough to spend a night in the forests of Prince George’s County alone? The Goatman is just an urban legend right? Right?
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curiouscryptids · 7 years
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Oklahoma Octopus
Have you ever swam in a dark murky lake only to wonder if something malicious swims beneath you? Have you ever felt that tingle in your spine and a shot of fear and adrenaline when swimming alone, afraid something is going to drag you down below? In most lakes you don’t have to worry about that, but there are three in Oklahoma that should worry you. Lake Thunderbird, Lake Oolagah and Lake Tenkiller have been known to have a murderous beast that shouldn’t be there, an octopus. The unusually high rates of drownings in the three lakes has people searching for answers. One of them being blamed on an octopus that drags even the strongest of swimmers down to the depths of the lake. But how could a saltwater animal survive in a freshwater lake? Its rare but in some cases octopi have been found in lakes and rivers, the cases are rare and it seems improbable that Oklahoma could have three of those cases but not outside the realm of extreme possibility. Unfortunately there is no physical, photographic or video evidence of an octopus in any of the lakes. The only evidence is a handful of sightings, Native American legends, and an unusually high rate of drown victims. Currently there is no other theory as to why so many people drown in these lakes, but the theory of an octopus isn’t supported by local police. However if you’re looking for a place to swim on a hot day, I would stay away from these lakes.
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curiouscryptids · 7 years
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The Cameron Lake Monster
Yes I know, another lake monster and another fuzzy picture of it. However there is more to this one than just the inconclusive photo. The Cameron Lake Monster has no official description other than its serpent-like appearance. It’s been seen in Cameron Lake, British Columbia since the 1980’s. As with most lakes that report monsters, Lake Cameron is connected to the ocean which makes way for a large number of possibilities. The creature has popped up four times during sonar scans, being approximately 20 feet long during each scan. The photo above was taken in 2007 by Brigette Horvath when she saw something large in the water “spinning around in a circle.” With lake monsters reported all over the world it’s hard to keep thinking that they all have a creature in them. But with a 20 foot long animal popping up four times on sonar, along with a photo, is it enough to prove that there is something large in Lake Cameron? Is it a monster or is it just a large fish or eel that swam in from the ocean? We may never know what it is, but I think theres enough evidence to say that there’s something large in Lake Cameron.
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curiouscryptids · 7 years
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Alberta Sasquatch Photo
This photo surfaced back in 2012 and is supposedly one of the clearest photos of Sasquatch. The very hairy creature appears to be laying in the grass of a forest clearing. The photographer thinks the animal is actually a bear but wasn't sure so she posted it to Facebook. This photo was taken in Alberta, Canada which is hot with Sasquatch activity. In fact I've posted vocalizations from Alberta here before. The BFRO has 39 reports recorded in Alberta, with the last official one being reported in January of 2017.
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curiouscryptids · 7 years
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Little Girl in Window
This photo was taken in front of a home in Savannah, Georgia and what’s captured is chilling. In the bottom right of the window is the face of a little girl. The story goes that a little girl was killed near that window in the house. Many people say that the little girl’s face is simply a lamp or other object but there is nothing behind the window. What’s captured in the photo is not a physical object, what do you think it is?
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