curiousmanifestor · 3 months
Streamlining Manifestation: A Simple Guide to Ease and Empowerment in the Law of Assumption Journey
I empathize with many individuals in the law of assumption community, and I want to convey a message of ease and simplicity to those who might be struggling unnecessarily. You see, you have the power to create your own rules in this process, and it doesn't have to be as complicated or mentally taxing as it may seem.
Choose What You Want: Identify what you desire.
Decide on It: Once you've chosen, make a simple decision. In your mind, it's already yours.
It will materialize in your reality. It's like ordering something online – you click, and it shows up.
That's truly all there is to it. Even if doubts, complaints, or mental struggles arise, it doesn't thwart the process. The only way it won't happen is if you genuinely decide you don't want it anymore, just like canceling an order on Amazon.
The emphasis here is that you don't need to engage in complex practices or fight intrusive thoughts. Simply assert that they don't manifest. And guess what? Imagining is optional! "Creation is finished," as they say. It's already done.
So, let's simplify. You're in control, and it's a smoother journey than you might think. This community has the potential to make things easier, not harder. You don't have to wrestle with your thoughts; just let them be, and affirm that they don't impact your reality. Your mental health can even thrive in this process – affirm that it contributes to your well-being. It's as simple as acknowledging, deciding, and allowing it to unfold.
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curiousmanifestor · 6 months
Empowerment through Perspective: Unraveling the Illusion of Circumstances
I totally get why certain situations can feel incredibly frustrating, and it usually boils down to two things: adding meaning to circumstances and being overly aware of them.
Firstly, when we attach meaning to neutral situations, we're essentially giving away our power. Consider this: everything in our physical reality, including the situations we find ourselves in, is inherently neutral. It's our minds, our egos, that slap labels on them. The truth is, that circumstances gain power over us only when we assign meaning to them.
Secondly, constant awareness of circumstances can be overwhelming. Sure, some situations demand our attention, but obsessing over them as if they're unchangeable truths is where we go wrong. Life is like a game, and the rules can be bent. People have manifested incredible wealth even in dire situations. The key lies in understanding that circumstances are fleeting and only hold power as long as we focus on them.
Remember, circumstances are like passing clouds; they only stay as long as you let them. The moment you shift your focus to your imagination and what you truly desire, those clouds disperse, and the sun starts shining again. It's all about where you choose to direct your awareness and energy.
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curiousmanifestor · 9 months
HIII I LOVE YOUR LATEST INSTAGRAM POST SOOOOO MUCH!! Haven’t even finished going through all the slides but I already feel aligned to my desired state and I am so grateful for your posts!!! HAVE THE BEST DAY MUAH!!!
Thank you so much!!! 💟 Have a good one, queen 👑
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curiousmanifestor · 9 months
Embracing Your Infinite Reality
We often perceive the world around us as something separate from ourselves, but in reality, everything is connected as one consciousness. We are not just a body with a mind living in the world; instead, we are consciousness itself. Imagine it as if we are all part of a big dream, and everything we experience is a creation of our own consciousness.
We have been taught to believe that only the things we can see, hear, touch, taste, or smell are real, but this perspective limits our understanding of reality. The concept of "consciousness manifestation" suggests that we have control over what happens around us because everything is a product of our consciousness. What we imagine and envision in our minds is just as real as what we perceive with our physical senses.
Some people find it challenging to grasp this idea fully because they are used to thinking of the world as separate from themselves. They wonder if what they imagine will ever materialize in the physical world. However, the key is to realize that everything is already within us as consciousness. We don't need to wait for things to materialize because, in the realm of consciousness, everything is already there.
We are infinite and interconnected with everything around us. So, instead of thinking that we need to achieve something in the physical world to consider it real or accomplished, we should understand that as consciousness, we already possess everything, and everything is ours.
In summary, this perspective encourages us to shift away from the habit of seeing the physical world as separate from us and realize that we are interconnected with all things as consciousness. We don't need to wait for things to materialize; we simply need to embrace and accept our infinite nature and the connectedness of everything around us.
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curiousmanifestor · 10 months
The Reality of Your Imagination
Your imagination is just as real as what you perceive as the physical reality around you. If you can accept that your imagination is real and has power, then you can also consider that the reality you experience can be as malleable as your imagination.
Since reality is essentially a product of your thoughts and perceptions, you have the ability to change and shape it according to your desires, just like you can do with your imagination. For example, if you can imagine seeing a rainbow in your mind, you can also imagine them appearing in your physical reality instantly if you choose to.
The key point is that if you doubt or disbelieve in the power of your imagination to influence reality, then you might face difficulties in manifesting what you desire. It emphasizes that your thoughts and beliefs are powerful creative forces, and if you hold negative thoughts or doubts about your ability to manifest, you may hinder your own progress.
A simple intention, a clear desire, is all it takes to manifest what you want. By recognizing your own power and embracing the idea that everything in your reality is meant for you, you can live your life with the understanding that you have the ability to create and manifest your desires instantly.
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curiousmanifestor · 10 months
Unlocking the Power of Negative Emotions
Negative emotions can be a positive sign when it comes to conscious creation. Sometimes, we fear strong emotional reactions because we think they indicate failure or being out of alignment with our desires. However, these emotions can actually point us to the subconscious beliefs we need to address before manifesting our goals.
It's important to understand that we're not releasing the negative emotions themselves but rather the underlying feelings that trigger them. Negative emotions serve as defense mechanisms that shield us from confronting deep-seated beliefs we'd rather avoid. For instance, irritation may arise as a response to a specific feeling, and our goal is to release that underlying feeling.
We all have unique ways of suppressing negative emotions or knowledge. Some of us become people pleasers, prioritizing others' needs to seek approval, while others become argumentative and confrontational, ready to fight when our insecurities are triggered. By recognizing our own patterns of reaction, we can identify the suppressed emotions we need to release.
This perspective empowers us because any negative thought or feeling becomes a valuable signpost indicating the emotion we should address. Instead of becoming upset about the emotions, we can view them as alarm bells signaling that we're approaching the hidden beliefs our subconscious doesn't want us to face. The more intense the emotions, the stronger the resistance to confronting underlying beliefs.
To apply this understanding, pay close attention to the experiences or thoughts that trigger emotional reactions in you. Rather than fighting or avoiding these reactions, embrace them as part of the process. When the alarm bells ring loudly, resist the urge to shut them out. Keep moving forward, delving deeper into your subconscious.
Fortunately, our subconscious security system is flawed. The alarm bells may ring loudly, but there are no actual consequences for continuing onward. The only repercussion may be louder alarm bells, which is a small price to pay for manifesting your desires. As you approach the subconscious belief that the negative emotions protect, the alarm bells will cease, and the negative emotions will fade away. If negativity persists, it indicates that you haven't reached the core belief yet. When you finally reach it, all negativity will naturally release. The alarm bells will become unnecessary, as you will have fully breached the security system.
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curiousmanifestor · 2 years
Is only Affirming enough to manifest our Dream Body or do we need to take physical actions like workout or diet in order to manifest that?
When you get yourself to the state of the wish fulfilled, you will automatically be internally motivated to take the necessary steps. So, it’s safe to say that all you really need to do at this moment is to live in the end. 
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curiousmanifestor · 2 years
Hey! I affirm “I’m the woman who has it all”. I have listed (on A4) what “all” looks like for me, every desire that version of me already has, how she looks etc. Do you think affirming this 1 af is enough and it will manifest everything - mine “all” (such as appearance, money, sp)?
Let me ask you something, when you affirm such...does it feel like you are manifesting for appearance, money and whatever else it is you desire? Does it bring up that very feeling or they just feel like empty words to you? I mean, initially it is okay if you don’t believe in your affirmations but if they don’t make sense to you at all then find new ones. You don’t have to just stick with one single affirmation, pick 4 that cover all that you are manifesting here and loop ‘em. 
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curiousmanifestor · 2 years
How does this work to be a successful trader and be profitable to get out of debt?
There is no ‘feeling’ you can’t bring up. All that there is to experience is within you. You get into the end state using your imagination and feel like the person who’s cleared their debt. That is how you go about manifesting every single thing out there, consciously or otherwise!
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curiousmanifestor · 2 years
What do u mean by act as if???..If suppose I am manifesting being a wealthy person then do I need to act like I am already rich and so spend my money ???...
Please don't do that. Act As If only in situations which won't harm you. If you are manifesting being rich, maybe you can add things in your cart as if you're going to purchase them right away or look for properties you'd like to invest in, etc. But you don't need to Act As If when you're consciously creating. You just need to 'feel' and 'think' like a rich person...and that can be done through your imagination alone.
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curiousmanifestor · 2 years
Consciousness Is The Only Reality - Part 1
According to Neville Goddard, our human consciousness is the only reality. Our physical reality (aka 3D reality...things that we can see, touch, hear, taste and smell) is created in our mind’s eye. It is our perception of the world that creates the world as it is. The world that we see is not separate from us, but our individual consciousness is the only driving force for all that exists in our 3D reality. To sum it up, the world we see outside of us isn’t formed based on any outside forces. The only people who control the way our reality is, is us. It’s you.
When we first learn this as conscious creators, we realize that blaming anything outside of us is nonsensical. How can you blame anyone or anything outside of you when you are the one who created the situation to be in this manner? This isn’t to say that you should blame yourself for the things you created but the way to change your 3D circumstances is to first, forgive yourself for creating such unwanted versions of people or experiences. 
Now that we know consciousness is the only reality, how do we use this to our advantage? How do we remove negative circumstances and acquire our desires? 
Firstly, stop trying to change anything in the 3D or physical world. Since everything out there is a product of our imagination, when we attempt to change something outside of us, we’re only battling with pure reflection. The 3D world is simply not real. It is only reflecting our thoughts, feelings, assumptions, beliefs, etc. When you reduce your focus on the 3D world and start looking inward, you’re going to create lesser resistance for yourself. Another way to look at this is, when we don’t spend too much of our time focusing on something, it manages to ‘go away’. Lack of attention on a circumstance makes it fade away quicker. Don’t focus on the old when you are on your journey to becoming a new person. Now, this only applies to situations that are less triggering or traumatizing. Some situations will need a little more ‘healing’ than others and this is more than okay. 
Second, you don’t have to spend so much of your time reacting to the physical world. The more you dwell in it, the more real it gets and the more it increases your resistance towards consciously creating a better outcome. 
Thirdly, whatever you desire already exists right now. Consciousness is the ONLY reality. So if you desire something, it is not random. There is a reason why it is a desire in the first place. And you can achieve it...simply by dwelling in your consciousness or in your mind’s eye. As you know, creation is already finished. All that exists, exists right now. Be so aware of your desire that you don’t feel the need to acquire it in the 3D world anymore. Our mind does not have eyes, ears, sense of touch, etc. of it’s own. It only responds to whatever you feed it. So if you tell your mind you have your desire and really make it believe so, there is no way your mind is going to think otherwise. Become so loyal to the existence of your desire that your mind cannot imagine a world in which you don’t have it. 
Fourth, become who you desire. If you desire a lot of money, become rich. If you desire a partner, become a wife/husband. You get where I am going with this? Since consciousness is the only reality and nothing outside of you gets to decide how your reality turns out, you can simply become the person you desire, right now. Live as if, think as if, feel as if, know as if, etc. you are the one with your desire. Ask yourself a simple question: How would you be right now if you had what you desire? How would you wake up knowing you had paid off all your debts for example or if you had reached your ideal weight? How would you move around throughout the day? How would you interact with people? Once you know, become. Your mind should completely submerge into this new reality to the point that it no longer relates to what it sees ‘out there’.
Lastly, persist in your imagination no matter what you see in your 3D world. Persistence is key. 
This can be a puzzling phenomenon if you’re new to the Law but once you really understand that consciousness is the only reality - you’re going to become a master at manifesting in no time! This is because you will realize that you are in full control of every single thing in your life - whether it is the friends in your life, the job you work for or even the partners you have. It is the way it is because of your assumption of those elements. Simply, become conscious of who you want to be. As within, so without. 
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curiousmanifestor · 2 years
A coach told me that manifesting someone is to go against god's will. He said that you cannot make someone fall in love with you truly and even if they do a part of him will always stay with that person. He also said that this kind of relationship does not last longer. He gave me an example of a lady who manifested her sp as her husband and ended up having divorce. I paid him 2000rs for coaching but ended up getting disappointed. He said me to find someone better and leave it on God.
You know what? You can be religious (believe in a God) and still be a master at manifesting. If you feel comfortable, you do not have to address yourself as God. Most of my clients come from religious backgrounds and I always advice them this. I mean, heck even I believe in God. But the law of assumption has nothing to do with your religious beliefs. You have the freewill to do whatever you desire. And you're not stripping anyone off their freewill, when you analyze your past patterns with relationships, money, health, etc. you will realize that you have created the way things are playing out in your reality.
Now, first thing - do not go to such a coach ever again. I always suggest working with a coach who aligns with what resonates with you. How do you find that out? Follow them on all socials, see what their podcast/youtube videos are about. Don't just read a few posts and/or see a bunch of testimonials and take coaching with them. Second, you do not need to take coaching in order to be a master at manifesting. Read Neville for starters - that is pretty much all you need but if you want to go beyond that, do your own research...read books by Dr. Joe Dispenza, be a part of law of assumption groups on facebook, read success stories from other conscious creators, etc. I did not learn anything through coaching (initially) and you don't have to either.
Third thing, things play out in your reality based on your thoughts, beliefs and assumptions. There is no higher power controlling your reality. You have the freewill to decide how things play out for you in your reality. Don't pay heed to that coach's limiting beliefs...don't let any of that get to you because, heck it is not true at all. You can manifest absolutely whatever your heart desires, keep that in mind!
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curiousmanifestor · 2 years
What to do when the deadline of the thing you are manifesting is close and you feel panick?
Time is not of essence. Time only exists in the 3D world. Don't put yourself in a time constraint or you're going to increase your resistance towards that particular desire. When you manifest your desire in, you will not feel the time that has gone by. And if you do, you're so powerful that you can actually revise it.
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curiousmanifestor · 2 years
How to manifest marriage if we are in not committed relationship and for him love is impossible that's y he never committed to me,bt I want to marry him,should I manifest in steps or live in the end please guide me.
I don't know why you are so focused on what the 3D world is showing you. It is not real, right? You are the one who created it to be this way in the first place so why is it that you need to make decisions based on a reflection?
Manifest in steps. That is how I go about manifesting anything really. If going to the end doesn't seem very 'real' to your subconscious then I recommend going in steps.
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curiousmanifestor · 2 years
How would you recommend manifesting a move to a different location when you live in the undesirable one?
The same as manifesting any other desire out there. You have your vision in mind:
- What the location is
- Where do you plan to live
- Where do you plan to work
- What kind of people you want to surround yourself with
- Who will you be breaking the news to first
You know, things like that. You don't need to figure out every single detail. It is not a necessity...you'll figure it out in time but once you have an idea, you go from there. See which technique works for you. I personally recommend the alarm technique to get started and SATs - they're gold! These two seem to work the best with me.
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curiousmanifestor · 2 years
how should a person work on their self concept if it has always been negative and they have trouble focusing on the good aspects? I'd personally try to work through it for a while but then get discouraged after a day or two
If you really want to get to the root of your self-concept, make an elaborate plan. Take a day and analyze your relationship patterns, work patterns, lifestyle and so on. I talk about this in detail in my Self-Concept workbook so check it out if you're interested but if you're serious about this - you need to go back in time in your childhood and see what are the recurring patterns you encounter often.
Once you find these, you work on them individually (by affirming, visualizing, etc.)
I only recommend doing this if the triggers are huge, like you've been through something traumatic that needs healing. You don't have to do these for small triggers because it does not make sense to dwell in the 3D when you can spend majority of your time in your mind's eye, enjoying the new you.
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curiousmanifestor · 2 years
What does putting your desire on the pedestal mean?
It means giving that desire more importance and more value than giving yourself.
Let us say you're consciously manifesting a new job. You have the company in mind as well as the role. In this case, putting yourself on a pedestal would sound like:
- Of course I am getting the job, I know I deserve the role.
- I am well prepared for what the role is asking me of.
- I don't care how many people are applying for this role, I know I will get the job
- The hiring managers are rooting for me to get that role.
But let's say you're putting your desire on a pedestal, it would sound like:
- I don't think I am deserving of this role, there are better people suited for it.
- There are 50 other people applying for this role, yeah there is no way I am getting this job.
- Maybe I should "face reality" and apply for jobs that are better suited for me.
You see the difference above? When you know the Law, you understand the basics of it - why would you think anything out there is not achievable? Why is it so hard to believe that you can have absolutely ANYTHING you desire? Stop letting the 3D decide for you. You are the decision maker.
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