apparently a new HF patch came out yesterday! Did you update?
Nope, wasn’t aware of that. I may only try to update if it’s super simple or compatible with my definitely-legally-obtained copy. Depends on what it has, really, and if it’s worth trying to mess with a system that I’m certain works now.
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This unethical purge has the strong vibe that it’s going to happen. Regardless of how many users complain, protest, or leave. Sadly, it’s thus time to move. This has been the kick in the pants needed to finally set up a pixiv account and begin uploading there. I’ll be transferring content from here to there, plus of course uploading new sets there going forward.
This blog might still have a place as a terminal for requests and English-speaking fan interaction, and some slice of life fluffery, but that’s about it. If I can even stand to be on a site so divorced from every reality but the corporate boardroom and the bottom line.
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Hey, can you explain how to download character cards from pixiv? I understand getting extra mods, but like the character cards themselves are saved as jpg images in pixiv. how do I import them?
I was having the same issue, here’s the post about it.
Hope it works out! There’s also the MEGA I established, both of my own characters, and ones pulled from that kindly-offered pixiv and modified to work with less mods. Not mod-free, but not ‘freaky invisible faces’ either.
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Tumblr’s decision to go after NSFW content is pathetic. 
it’s not just stupid, not just directly harming its own platform, it’s also morally wrong. I don’t care if the aim is ‘merely’ all photographs or actual IRL porn, that’s still wrong. Not to mention, this assumes the implementation of their new policy will be free of issues.
On Tumblr.
Couching it in ‘we want a free and safe place for everyone to express themselves uwu~~~~~’ while literally only limiting the free and safe expression of its users is the cherry on top.
My blog has, so far, not been touched by any of this, and I don’t even necessarily expect it will be.
However, that just makes it more important for me to say ‘fuck that’ to this whole thing. This is absurd. It’s obscene. Forget the images of people fucking, this is true obscenity.
It’s also, in all likelihood, not even going to work. So at least we can enjoy watching that together, and seeing just how much damage Tumblr will inflict on Tumblr, before it either realizes it messed up and charts a hasty 180 degree course correction... or just doesn’t, and shrinks, and loses part of the entire reason people go to this site.
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You did really good with the lighting on the Komaru one! Just thought I'd let you know!
Thank you! I can’t claim credit for making that image from scratch; it was a scene card I downloaded as part of one of this big bundles you can find online if you look around. Yet, I feel like finding and using resources is as much a skill as actually moving each arm into position and all that.
I’m very happy with how it turned out.
I’ll look into using other bits of scene data so I can provide content in a timely fashion, while I work on bigger sets and prior requests.
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“Touko, are my strings coming loose?”
“I w-wish...”
At least we’ve finally found a way to get Touko into water on a regular basis.
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I thought only links in the description box caused tumblr to purge you, not links in answers? I'm really afraid now..
I don’t have any specifics and I don’t want to add to any kind of panic, I really don’t know. 
Except enough to know that Tumblr tried a typical tech-company solution, deploying a big dumb algorithm to torch huge chunks of their site instead of deploying the needed human oversight to actually fix the problem it saw, the admitted plague of porn-spam-bots. And now they have to clean it up. T
ry not to worry too much, I do think they will get this sorted in time.
Just glad this blog’s function hasn’t been interrupted, in spite of how lewd it is.
By the way, guys, I am loving the requests coming in. I may not get to some quickly, or at all, especially as more pile up, but I really appreciate that you guys want to see more of my stuff. Heck, it’s great for giving me inspiration and ideas on days where I run low on that. Thanks!
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Would you mind doing some Chiaki x Kaede? Or maybe Chiaki x Mikan? I just love how you do yuri! Keep up the good work!
Thanks for your lovely words, and your request. I got inspired, so why not have both-
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What mods to I need to make Ibuki work? I got Koikatsu recently and I dont have any mods yet, but I really want Ibuki.
Really, the only one you need for the verison of Ibuki on offer on my MEGA collection is the ‘hair accessories’. Essentially, the hairs you see here that aren’t vanilla are carefully-placed accessories, colored appropriately to look like their actual hair. Look for sideloder mods, some people have set up brilliant collections, there’s a Discord for Koikatsu you can find with certain threads, etc.
I’m being vague a bit to avoid implying some things, a bit because I’m lazy, and a bit because direct links make Tumblr, uh, not very happy these days. Which sucks bad, but hey. Tumblr’s going to Tumblr.
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A rare in-progress shot, and a brief look at the Studio, the primary way to make Koikatsu content.
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Illusion games tend to have some kind of ‘main mode’. Typically the Studio is the main event and the ‘primary mode’ is a vestige people can ignore. 
At least this time, Koikatsu’s confident enough to have a storyline of sorts, offering definition in such a free-form situation. Dialogue is through a very VN structure, so it basically offers a knock-off quality VN with some fun scenes and story events, while also giving you a class of custom-made characters to interact with.
I finally made and got enough cards to pretty much entirely fill up that roster, so last night I ended up starting Makoto on his journey through Hope’s Peak Girls’ Academy.
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Yep, only male student in a school full of girls.
I always admire doujin plots for what I call Purity, and I’m not talking sexual purity. I mean getting to the point. Being direct. Delivering what you’re here for, lots of it, and not being shy about it.
Anyhow, I took some screenshots, amidst hours of the standard Artificial Academy 2-like gameplay loop of ‘chat up girls, befriend, lewd them’. Makoto’s done 1 and 2, still working on 3.
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Sadly, the game omits the actual UI and conversation bits, although while the main story beats are actually translated by fans, the conversations with girls have to be machine-translated on the fly.
It’s not truly great, but it functions, and every alternative is much worse.
That should be illusion’s company motto-
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Two Mius, because fucking jesus christ, Miu. Second largest chest size (not necessarily the same as breasts, but ah well) in the series for girls, after Sakura of course. And the models in this game would not allow for her, sadly. Also, Ibuki in a rare moment of anything but abject enthusiasm.
Mukuro’s brick-shithouse muscular frame clashes with the cute default school swimsuit, but I think it’s charming.
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Also, Komaru challenging her brother to Sports, losing, and pouting about how boys are unfair. She’ll win next time, after her time in Towa City-
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Walking home with Chiaki, a very acceptable end to the day.
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I’ve figured it out, with some help. So, it turns out it was in fact Tumblr. Stripping metadata from images is probably a good safety precaution for large services to take, buuut it does end up breaking things like illusion character cards.
Therefore, going forward, I’m going to establish a MEGA folder here that will have an updated database of my cards. I’ll keep it up-to-date with changes and new additions to the roster, as often as I can remember.
Most of the mod-using cards are in fact imports from here, and all credit to them for their fine work. My versions of their cards are basically ones that work without some of the mods or are otherwise adapted. 
All vanilla-version cards are my own creation.
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Will everyone's favorite gremlin be making an appearance
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Working on importing him, as well as others, from this lovely pixiv account.
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