darkshadow7 · 16 days
A cover I made after deciding to rework Aquaria into a H2O spinoff fic.
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darkshadow7 · 2 months
Brenda Song as Mei’s mother Mulan in my Ouat fanfic Disney Academy.
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darkshadow7 · 2 months
Hope’s D-Phone the classic Minnie. Reina bought her the D-Phone, and taught her how to use it. Hope is the prime user after taking her photo to have the phone be scan. D-Phones are made by D-Tech.
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darkshadow7 · 2 months
This is the location, and characters of my Once Upon a Time fanfic inspired by Disney Descendants called Disney Academy.
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darkshadow7 · 5 months
One of my Once fanfic promos for Wondrous Journeys of Hope meeting Star after she made a wish on a star.
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darkshadow7 · 11 months
These are some covers I made for a different version of Wondrous Journeys.
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darkshadow7 · 1 year
i love your h2o mermaid adventures inspired art ☺ if you're happy to take requests i was wondering if you could draw the original trio in the mermaid adventures art style, but closer to how they appear in the live action? so cleo with brown hair, rikki with blonde hair instead of red etc. but no pressure either way 💖💕
hii, thank you so much :) im so happy to see people enjoyed something i made for fun and not meant to be taken seriously hehe
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anyway, it didnt cross my mind to change the anime appearence to be accurate to the live action, so thanks for the idea! here it is
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darkshadow7 · 1 year
On her journey to the kingdom of wishes she learned of what is happening to the realms during the final battle after seeing her mom locked up in a ward, and the Black Fairy demanding her to destroy the book Hope desperate to save her family, and the realms from their destruction she plea to the stars, and Hope & Captain befriended a wishing star name Star.
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darkshadow7 · 1 year
Updated versions
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darkshadow7 · 1 year
A new pic for a fic inspired by the concept art of Wish.
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darkshadow7 · 1 year
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The Heart
After jumping through the light Hope hit the ground causing dust to spread, and she began to cough as she stood up trying to find out where she was, but it was too dark for her to see. Hope took out phone, and turned on her phone’s light scanning her surroundings while she walked till she heard the sound of water that Hope began to run to the source, and found a reflecting pool where she began to clean the dust off of herself, and seeing words in strange letters that looked familiar.
“Wait, this is Atlantean!!”
Hope looked at the language with the light on her phone, but it was difficult for her to see in the dark, but was determined to read it. She looked closely at each letter since she took classes to understand Atlantean. She continued to read it carefully, and she was able to decipher some of the message.
“6 pieces hidden away. Gather to make the star. Leads to the temple of the wishes.”
It was confusing for Hope, but she understood some Atlantean.
“The first piece is the heart. It’s here wherever I am, but where is it though?”
Hope didn’t know which way to go till the water began to illuminate that it was leading the way for her. She began to follow the water even if she gets exhausted, and going through she felt like she is going through a labyrinth. After almost getting lost she found where the water was leading her to. The crystal chamber was surrounded by water, and in the middle was the crystal.
“This must be the heart.”
Hope begin to walk, but a voice stops her.
“Why are you here?”
Hope hesitated a bit, but she needs to save her home.
“I need the crystal to lead me to a place called the temple of wishes.”
“Are you worthy to have the heart?”
Hope begins to feel scared that she thinks she isn’t worthy.
“No. I’m not worthy. I don’t deserve the crystal. Not after everything I've done.”
Hope felt like a complete failure, and was about to leave.
“Proceed. You are worthy. Claim the heart.”
Hope begin to walk to the crystal as the entire water illuminated. She walked on the water as she reaches the crystal that was high above her. She looked at the crystal, and began to float as if she was feeding lighter than air. She lifted her hand up to reach the crystal. When she grabbed the crystal she began to have a vision of the next location where the next piece is as the light glow brighter. She returned to the ground she realized that she’s outside of where she is as she sees the grassy plains.
“Wow I never thought it would be this beautiful, but where is the next piece, and the place I saw?”
Hope look at the crystal in her hand as she puts the crystal in her backpack.
“Looks like my journey has begun.”
Mom, dad, everyone. Give me strength, and watch over me.
Hope began to walk knowing her journey had just begun.
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darkshadow7 · 1 year
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I’m not perfect!!
It was night in the United Realms. In Storybrooke a group of teenagers wearing dark clothes as they take out spray cans.
“We’re ready to do this?”
“Well hurry up.”
“Shh shut up. You’re trying to get us caught?”
“Whatever. Let’s just get this done with.”
“Yeesh what’s eaten you?”
“Nothing okay.”
The teens began spray on the wall, and as soon as they finished the sirens of a yellow bug was coming.
“Shoot it’s her.”
“Grab the cans, and run!!”
They grabbed the spray cans, and began to run as fast as they could till they ended up in a fence alleyway.
“Crap we’re trapped.”
“I don’t think so.”
The teen put the bag of spray cans on one of their shoulders.
“Go!! Go!!”
“What about you?”
“I’ll be fine. Just go!!”
The other teens began to climb over the fence, and fled as the yellow bug arrived, and a woman wearing a red jacket named Emma Swan came out of the vehicle with a gun.
“Hands up where I can see them.”
The teen raise the hands up as Emma approached the teen, and pulled the ski mask off revealing to be a teenage girl with blonde hair, and blue eyes.
A few hours later, having her be detained at the police station, and bringing her home, they began to argue with Killian after Emma grounds Hope for 3 months.
“Yeah just ground me for not being pathetic, and not being perfect, and being immature.”
“Hope you better stop with this attitude.”
“No, I'm not going to stop!! I’m not the perfect daughter!! No prince is going to come for me!! I will never be good enough to the entire family!!”
“You don’t have to be perfect Hope, but you can’t keep getting in trouble, and breaking laws.”
“Oh like how you stole the yellow bug, multiple watches, killed Cruella, and dad stole a navy ship, Gold’s previous wife, killed both his dad, and gramp’s dad?”
Emma, and Killian were shocked as Hope went upstairs, and went to her room slamming the door in rage, locking it in the process. She went to her bed, and screamed in the pillow.
Emma was still shocked from Hope’s words as Killian grabs her hand.
“Swan I understand that you’re hurt, but it’s best to give her some space. I’ll go talk to her.”
Killian went upstairs, and knocked on Hope’s door as Hope was holding her Pooh bear toy in her arms with tears.
“Go away!!”
“Hope just open the door, and let’s talk about it.”
Hope went to her door till a huge quake hit causing the lights to flicker till the lights went completely out. The only light shining is the stars outside.
“What was that?”
Hope, confused, grabbed her phone turning on the light as she unlocked it, and opened the door noticing her dad wasn't in front of her door, thinking he was downstairs, and went downstairs seeing no one, not her parents. She dialed her mom’s phone, and her phone rang on the table causing Hope to breathe rapidly. She quickly head upstairs, and went to her room grabbing her backpack packed her things, and found her dad’s sword tying it to her jeans via the scabbard, and put on her red/black jacket after changing out of her dark clothes putting on regular clothes, and black boots as she headed downstairs with her things as another quake hits that she nearly tripped that she sees the house beginning to be devoured by the darkness that she quickly got out as the house is devoured.
She went downtown seeing everyone panicking, and disappearing by being devoured by the darkness. The clock tower begins to crack, and fall as Hope moves out of the way. Hope then sees Henry that she ran up to him.
“Henry what’s going on?”
“Magic is dying.”
“Magic is dying, Hope. It’s causing all the realms to disappear.”
“Like they’re being erased from existence. Is there a way to save it.”
“The library might have the answer.”
Henry then began to be devoured by the darkness.
“No, no, no, no Henry!!”
It was too late. Henry is gone as she begins to shed tears. Wiping her tears she headed to the library checking each book.
“The enchanted house, Legend of Sisu, Melody Times. It’s not here. What’s this?”
She takes out the book, and blew the dust off the book.
“Legend of the Wishing Star?”
Hope then sees the library start to be devoured by the darkness as well that she put the book in her backpack, and quickly gets out as the library is completely devoured by the darkness.
“What am I going to do?”
As Storybrooke begins to be devoured with the darkness approaching her, Hope begins to feel hopeless till the wishing star begins to shine, showing her a path guiding her to a place. As the darkness chases her after devouring all the realms, and Storybrooke Hope begins to run to where the wishing star is guiding her to a light. She breathed heavily as she saw the way collapse as the darkness approached her ready to devour her.
“Looks like I have no choice. All I gotta do is jump!!”
Hope jumps into the light as the darkness consumes everything till there’s nothing.
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darkshadow7 · 1 year
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Once Upon a Magic
Have you ever wondered where magic came to be or where magic came from? Well I thought of the same thing, and wondered where it all began. Well the answer is the star, but not just any star, but a wishing star. Long ago the night sky was filled with darkness, no light, no way to guide us with darkness we lived in fear. However in another world, a young apprentice of the legendary sorcerer seeks to bring the light to the night sky, but during her quest something happened the young apprentice was attacked by the monsters of the dark wounding her to the point of death. The sorcerer finding her deceased apprentice, and vanquishing the monsters knowing about her wish the sorcerer granted her wish by having her be turned, and she is reborn as the wishing star. The wishing star became a guide to anyone to another world where its magic spreads. How do I know this? Because I encountered this world, and am guided by her, the wishing star that shines in the night sky. My name is Hope and this is my journey.
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darkshadow7 · 1 year
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The cover of the story.
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darkshadow7 · 1 year
So I began this Ouat fanfic that is a tribute to Disney’s 100 years. Here’s the summary.
Magic is dying, and the United Realms even it’s inhabitants are starting to be devoured by a unknown darkness. Hope must travel to a strange world beyond the United Realms that is her journey into the unknown to bring magic back with the wishing star as her guide.
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darkshadow7 · 1 year
Same but a Disney Channel version. One for Meg Donnelly, and one for Keli Berglund.
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darkshadow7 · 1 year
A fan concept pic of what would be 2010s series on Nickelodeon.
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