darkvoid-sun · 7 months
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Skoll: "You see, the Sun and Moon's Right Hands are chosen from a group of Eevee on Akala Island. This group already lives longer than average, but the ones chosen get their lives extended during a ceremony where they- the chosen Eevee- evolve into their chosen form."
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Skoll: "In theory, that should mean that each Sun and Moon have two Right-Hands in their lifetime, but it rarely works out so cleanly. Lio was already about 200 when I inherited the title of his Right Hand, for example, and the Sun prior to him lived to be 1026."
Skoll glances back at Hati, who is scanning the tree line rather than participate in the conversation. They contuine speaking, in a more hushed voice so Hati does not hear.
Skoll: "Hati's only just about 50 now, and he outlived the prior Moon... considerably. He was around for her beginning and end, as was I. I was around for the Moon before her as well, and... Well, the past two Moon Spirits have left us suddenly and earlier than anticipated."
Skoll's usual wide eyes soften as they think about their companion.
Skoll: "With that pattern, I understand Hati's anxieties. My typing permits a level of awareness higher than his, however, and my sense is telling me all will be fine. Still... Do be gentle with him, alright?"
[ Skoll and Hati's pages have been updated with the new info. ]
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darkvoid-sun · 8 months
((soon we'll be jumping to the last two characters that need proper introducing, so get questions for Hati and Skoll in now if you have anything left to ask!!))
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darkvoid-sun · 8 months
((Added a Lore page, to keep all the lore of how this universe works that I feel are relevant in one place. Things will be added and rearranged as time goes on.))
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darkvoid-sun · 8 months
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Hati: "Alola can't afford for anything to happen to her."
Skoll: "I know. She cannot leave the island on her own, though, and even if she cannot defend herself, she is more than capable of escaping capture. She's likely just playing, and we'll find her soon."
Hati: "...I know. I just can't relax until I see her."
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darkvoid-sun · 8 months
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Skoll: "Though, given the age of Anu and the condition of Lio-"
Hati: "Ahem."
Skoll: "... Our Great Sun, we have been much more akin to caretakers in recent years."
[ @asksolgaleo ] [ Ask Hints have been updated ]
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darkvoid-sun · 8 months
((im sure ive posted one of these before, maybe recently, but whatever. I've got no asks, and I can send out some asks, so this is a call to GET asks and to GIVE them
Want an ask from Skoll or Hati? comment on what blog, and you can further say who you want an ask from/etc/etc. I'll get around to sending asks by the weekend, if I havent sent you one and you asked I probably just forgot so you can poke me again to remind me. If you dont have an ask hints page I might just not be able to come up with something though.
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darkvoid-sun · 8 months
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Skoll: "Anu is the only Cosmog in Alola, so deeper identifiers are unnecessary. If you see a Cosmog, it will be her."
Hati: "I don't understand how you're being so friendly to these people, entrusting The Young Moon's safety to strangers. I bet you wouldn't be so easy going if it was your charge-"
Skoll: "I assure you I would, and I have been. You and I both know neither you or I alone could take care of him in his current state."
Hati: "Those are the people of Alola, that's different. I know them, trust them."
Skoll: "Well, lighten up and give these folk a chance to earn your trust too, then."
[ @ask-the-shiny-pokemons ]
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darkvoid-sun · 9 months
((as a silly little munday bonus, here was the first drawing / first pass I did for Hati and Skoll's designs. ))
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darkvoid-sun · 9 months
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Skoll: "A Cosmog is a small Pokemon that looks somewhat like a cluster of clouds. She's a red-pink color, should stand out against other 'cloud-like' Pokemon."
Hati: "WHY are you enlisting a TOTAL STRANGER to help?!"
Skoll sighs.
Skoll: "When you are as old as I am, you learn to read people well, Hati. I sense no ill will from out visitor here. You might find it hard to believe, but most people do have good intentions."
Hati mumbles an incomprehensible response- though Skoll seems to understand it well enough, shooting a glare at Hati that makes him promptly avert his gaze.
[ @inaris-pokemon-world ]
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darkvoid-sun · 9 months
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???: "Stop yelling, Hati. Anu has likely just gone to play with the other young Pokemon on the island. She does so often."
Skoll: "There are far more on this island that would act to protect the young Moon than harm her. I am simply saying you do not need to be so accusatory to every person you encounter."
The Umbreon growls at his companion and begins to pace anxiously. He doesn't seem much for conversation.
[ @iamyourdoubt ] [ Hati and Skoll's references are unlocked ]
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darkvoid-sun · 9 months
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You wake with a start, barely realizing you had even fallen asleep to begin with. The nightmare you had is scattered and fuzzy, and you're left feeling that the nightmare wasn't entirely your own.
More importantly, it seems you've woken in a different place than you fell asleep- you can see two Pokemon having an- apparently heated- discussion a little ways down the shore from you.
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Maybe they could tell you a little about where you are?
[ Ask Hints Updated , The mysterious Umbreon and Espeon are avaliable for asks ]
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darkvoid-sun · 9 months
The hours on the island tick by, boredom and exhaustion taking hold as the sun begins to dip below the horizon. Vanta has yet to reappear, presumably still resting. As you feel sleep threatening to claim you, you're faced with a question:
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darkvoid-sun · 9 months
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Vanta fades into the shadows, off to sleep somewhere more private, leaving his visitors to themselves.
[ @symphonies-of-silver ]
[ Vanta is momentarily unavailable for asks ]
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darkvoid-sun · 9 months
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Vanta: "Not much of a history to the island, as far as I know. Chesto berries grow extremely well here- they're just about the only thing that grow here actually- but that's really the most interesting thing about it. Humans are aware of it, but didn't find it suitable to settle. Suits me well enough, though."
[ @askdeoxys ]
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darkvoid-sun · 9 months
One can only assume you are a regular Darkrai, yes? But are there others kinds that you have met? Albino, Shiny, Melanistic? There are even rumors of hybrids as well. What can you tell us about your species?
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Vanta: "People say that the original Darkrai, Echi, creates Darkrai out of fear, and that the source of that fear can effect our typing. I'm sure you can guess what my typing would be reflective of. As for shininess and other such mutations, this can occur in ever species, as far as I know."
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darkvoid-sun · 10 months
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Vanta: “I’ve been to most regions, I definitely rested in a couple different regions after leaving Alola, before I settled on this island. It was never a good idea to stay in one place long. The lack of restful sleep would make the Pokemon- and people- in the area more aggressive.” 
[ @c-a-l-y-p-s-o @ask-the-shiny-pokemons ]
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darkvoid-sun · 10 months
I am out of asks by the way! So this is sort of a, ‘going once going twice’ on asking certain questions to Vanta before things start moving forward on their own ;)
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