dawndream59-blog · 12 years
Are you Native American or do you have Native American heritage?
I hope this doesn't come off as offensive, but I am writing a novel (romance) that involves a Native American Tribe. I really want to be accurate here. I do have some heritage to the Black Foot and Cherokee Indian and my great-grandmother was the last one who could have helped me out personally. She passed when I was 14. I am hoping someone can give me a little help as far as a few words and traditions. If you would like to help, please email me at [email protected] I would very much appreciate it.
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dawndream59-blog · 12 years
Iron Man gives boy with Down syndrome a very Reddit Christmas
The moderators of r/RandomActsofChristmas probably anticipated having their hearts warmed several times over by all the redditors who go out of their way to donate their time, energy, and pocketbooks to making Christmas a little brighter for children and other members of the community.  
But they probably never expected that one of those redditors would be Iron Man, or that the superhero—or at least one cosplayer—would warm everyone’s hearts this holiday season.
In November, mod Pookie85 posted a request to the r/cosplay subreddit looking for someone to play Iron Man for a special kid:
I am hoping to find an Iron Man Cosplayer near Southeastern Kentucky who could visit a little boy named Cameron. He has down syndrome. He’s a sweetheart and loves Iron Man.
If we can’t find one who can come to KY, then I would like to find one (with an awesome costume) who could make a video and say hi to him, as well as wishing him a Merry Christmas.
We do our best to make the Christmas Magic happen for kids all around the world. This is our second year running. This little guy did not ask for toys, just a visit from his hero. So if you know of someone who cosplays as Iron Man, please let me know! Thank you!
After being flooded with offers from Iron Men across the forum, Pookie85 made a decision and contacted Redditor MartyJMcFly, who, in true Iron Man form, promised he’d “make it happen.” Pookie85 sent MartyJMcFly a customized Iron Man a script personalized for Cameron and his family, and make it happen they did, in a video where Iron Man congratulates Cameron on being such a great kid and promises to put in a good word for him to “the big guy” at Christmas:
Read the rest, and see the heartwarming response video Cameron made, at the Daily Dot!
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dawndream59-blog · 12 years
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Awesome shirt for awesome people. Great gift idea for Dad, Grandpa, and even Mom! http://www.zazzle.com/too_old_of_a_cat-235194778010521540
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dawndream59-blog · 12 years
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One of the most mind blowing stories from last year was when a young autistic man (who was a HUGE Packers fan) received tickets to the Christmas game from a generous redditor. I hope everyone can see why Random Acts of Christmas means so much to me. It is the heart warming stories, the smiling faces of children, and the truly amazing generosity of complete strangers showing kindness towards other human beings.
It deserves a reblog.
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dawndream59-blog · 12 years
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According to Yahoo, we're numb to the deaths of our troops. I am not numb. I will never be numb.
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dawndream59-blog · 12 years
I've been working A LOT on my latest novel.
I'm really happy with how it's going and I can already tell it will have a sequel and it may possibly turn into a trilogy. Blood Betrayal:Jude's Rebirth. It's happening, and it's awesome. I'm so excited.
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dawndream59-blog · 12 years
They only scheduled me for 16 hours this week....
What the heck?
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dawndream59-blog · 12 years
Well, that was a ridiculous spike in blood pressure.
The girl who originally agreed to let me use her photo as my cover art for my book...sent me a message (to an address I don't use that often, mind you) when she had my most frequented email and didn't bother to try to talk to me. After four months, she decided she no longer wanted to let me use her photo and threatened to sue me. : / I changed it. It's all down now and I'm going to work with very ordinary book covers...but it's okay. I just wish people would communicate with me before deciding to threaten me. Blah.
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dawndream59-blog · 12 years
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Alexa Vega and Max Adler hangin' out on the grass between scenes. It was a gorgeous day for shooting--if we had been doing exteriors.. Courtesy of 23 Blast on Facebook.
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dawndream59-blog · 12 years
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Max and Kim have such great fan bases because they are such genuinely nice people in real life. It's as simple as that. Courtesy of 23 Blast on Facebook.
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dawndream59-blog · 12 years
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But don’t, cheat on me.
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dawndream59-blog · 12 years
One of my friends on Reddit is having a contest in RAoP for a day of significance in your life...and though I'm not entering the contest, I decided to share mine anyway.
August 15th, 2001. My mom made a choice that at the time, devastated me and turned my world upside down. I was only fifteen years old. I was 'golden' and I thought the world was just picture perfect and everything would remain perfect for me. I was proud to be one of the only kids at school who had parents who were still married. On August 15th, I was in the middle of World Civilization (a class I would later fail thanks to the following event.) I remember the phone ringing and Mrs. Kinsel looking at me and saying, "You're needed in the office." Of course, I was thinking "Oh, crap, what did I do?" because I was a greatly well-behaved kid in school. I did what I was supposed to, always. (That would change, too after the following event.) I made that eternity long walk to the office, still pondering over what I had done. As I entered the office, they sent me straight to the back to see my principal, and at this point, I'm freaking out. They don't just send you to the principal's office straight away. As soon as I entered, I saw the principal there. She was a short lady with short dark hair, and she had a friendly smile. So when I saw that smile, I at least felt I wasn't in trouble. But then I turned my head and saw my mom sitting there, with my school counselor. My first thought then was "Oh crap, who died?" "You need to know I'm leaving your father. I'm getting a divorce." If there were ever a moment in which you could physically feel your heart breaking....that was it for me. My entire chest ached and my lungs no longer wanted to function. I stared at her for several seconds and she didn't feel the need to let that sink in. No, she continued on. "I want you to go get your things together. We're leaving." So I did as I was told. Though the walk back to class took much, much longer than the walk there had originally been. My parents were getting divorced. Either I would no longer see my dad, or I would no longer see my mom. There would be scheduled weekend visits with somebody. I had to choose. I had to choose. I felt just like Dawn from the Babysitter's Club. I had read those books and I had read her struggle...and God, I was going to be just like her now. I have to tell you though...I knew my parents were going to get a divorce. My mom had admitted to me many weeks prior that she was having an affair with a 21 year old man she worked with. I can't imagine who in their damn right mind tells their 15 year old daughter that they're screwing around on the other parent. And worst, was she told me to keep it a secret or my dad would 'beat my ass'. Her words, not mine. I also cried then and asked her to stop. I told her that my dad loved her and that we were a happy family. It was nearly as horrible as the time when I was 12 and we discovered my mom was smoking weed. But that's another story. I still cried, and I begged her to stop. Maybe she felt bad for making me cry, or maybe she just wanted me to shut up--but she said she would stop. She promised. Clearly though, that promise had been broken because now, I was walking down the hallway, trying to hold myself together (which I got better at as this went on), though when I entered my classroom and my classmates were looking up from their work....I broke. There they were, sitting as pretty as you please. (It's not their fault though.) They probably still had Mommy and Daddy happily in love (most of them at least) and for those who did, I was jealous. They weren't hurting like I was. They didn't understand. They couldn't understand. I hated them for a few seconds, because I was jealous they still got to be so innocent and happy...and I didn't. I sobbed like a six year old kid that had just cut her knee open after falling off a bike. I sobbed like....it was pathetic. I barely managed to see through my tears to find my books. Sometimes I wonder if my classmates still remember that day as clearly as I do. The Day That Something Broke Tonya. Once we were in the car and on our way, my mom was listening to Bette Midler's "The Rose" and that song will forever hold a meaning for me other than it's a pretty song. It will be on the soundtrack of the most devastating day of my life. Sadly, my dad was there at 3:10 to pick me up as he always did....and do you know who was there to greet him? Not his 15 year old sophomore. No... It was a deputy with a restraining order. ..I can't imagine how he felt that day, but I'm pretty sure that day was just as bad for him as it was for me. I didn't get to see him for 27 days after that. My mom moved in her 21 year old boyfriend that same night. I went into my bedroom and I closed the door. That's where I stayed for 25 days. I didn't go to school (because she wouldn't take me) and I picked up the habit of smoking since "that would make me feel better" according to my mom. I listened to ICP...(cringe) nearly non-stop, and today..I hate them so much. They remind me of a person I didn't like and I never want to be again. August 15th is not a day I like to recall, but I know that it was because of that day that I became who I am now. It's really true what they say, you know? What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. And I'd like to think that I am so much stronger now than my naive, innocent 15 year old self.
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dawndream59-blog · 12 years
Host a foreign exchange student today!
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Please email me to find out more information. 5-10 months of having a student from one of over 60 countries in your home, learning your culture as you learn theirs. I'm here to help you learn more. [email protected]
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dawndream59-blog · 12 years
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Max looking all Hollywood. LOVE that baseball cap! Courtesy of 23 Blast on Facebook.
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dawndream59-blog · 12 years
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Max Adler interviewed by WYMT News on set. He is very charming. :) Courtesy of 23 Blast on Facebook.
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dawndream59-blog · 12 years
Extras needed for 23 Blast film!
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Noooo, I'm not 100% sure that Max will be there tomorrow night, but they ARE looking for extras. I know he's supposed to go home sometime this weekend for the Glaad awards. But still, extras are needed from 7pm-3:00am. Email Schann at [email protected]. Wear Red, Gray, and White (Redhound apparel) if you can make it! Can't wait to see you! (Also, thank you so much to whoever made these gifs from my video. I love them.)
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dawndream59-blog · 12 years
I LOVE how you made my video into gifs. LOVE LOVE. Fantastic. ;)
Drool post...
Drooling over…
Max Adler
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gah i love him so much
Josh Hutcherson
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I want to have strong jaw lined babies with him…just saying
I cant think of any more right now, theres tons but these two gah i would have their babies and there are a lot of people whose children i would bare, haha im like the female Miroku…gah I am a nerd for refering to inuyasha.
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