dawningofanewday · 3 years
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dawningofanewday · 3 years
Your Arab aren't you? Have you ever dated a terrorist
nah I’m not into white guys sry
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dawningofanewday · 3 years
hey okay so im gonna make a post about this to help boost my chances of actually making this happen.
im a black nonbinary lesbian trying to escape an extremely white and dangerous (for me) area of the country.
i've been living in severe poverty and not able to find jobs or stable housing for YEARS until I recieved a supportive housing grant, and even with housing i have still not been able to secure a job for over a year. the city i live in also has some of the highest housing costs and homeless populations in the entire country. if you dont know about the racism in Portland, Oregon then i humbly suggest you look into it, including how black exclusionary laws existed in this state until the 1920's. i have (white) family older than that.
also, with protests all over the country and a rise in governments cracking down on anyone labelled an anti fascist, or friends with people who were, people close to me have been targeted by violent fascists and frankly i dont want any part of that shit. my childhood neighborhoods have been gentrified and now the places where i grew up are being targeted by fascists and the KKK.
i need to leave this city so that i can thrive. im trying to raise $1,800 to cover gas and for an apartment in the place i want to go. its so much because i have a big puppy who's only gonna get bigger and i need to plan for pet rent/deposits. i'm also going to be doing doordash and am still applying for jobs like mad but i really need help raising this. please reblog & boost !! here's me n the pup
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cashapp $kurloz
venmo @kurloz
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dawningofanewday · 3 years
Ion wanna jinx myself so here
Reblog for Good luck🙏🏼
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dawningofanewday · 3 years
Reblog if you say "fuck" more than 5 times a day.
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dawningofanewday · 3 years
What the fuck is this?
I’m ashamed to live in the same world with people such as these. Please, spread the word. And to r*** survivors, My blog is a safe place.
-Dawn, 5/7/21
Earlier today I stumbled upon a website called Rapey.co. This website is one of (many) forum websites which focuses on REAL people normalizing pedophilia, rape, incest and even murder. They share VERY disturbing stories about children (sometimes even their own) and the fantasies or plans they wish to carry out which involve the rape and murder of women and children. Some of these are accounts asking for advice as to how to rape, how to murder, how to seduce children. If you take a look at my friends Facebook post ( https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1471682506554480&id=100011382334335 ) or at the horrific website itself (trigger warning) there are many disturbing screenshots and posts to read from. You can see it is not hidden, it is in plain sight. This is not found on the dark or deep web.. it is accessible through ANY BROWSER. Imagine being so confident and comfortable with such evil and horrific crimes that you are able to open up an entire website about it? This is because even THEY know nothing is going to be done about it, so there is no need to hide it.
I am ashamed to live in a society where things like this can so easily be posted and encouraged on the internet and the amount of people who witness it and do nothing about it. We live in a society that is trying to justify and normalize rape and pedophilia, and this is UNACCEPTABLE.
The children talked about by adults in these forums are at great danger. One man said he is trying to seduce his own daughter, and if that doesn't work he'd force himself on to her. Although it's extremely disturbing and triggering to read, IT NEEDS TO COME TO LIGHT, SO IT CAN COME TO AN END. (This was copy and pasted from a friends server, next announcement I'm linking the petition to get rid of it)
http://chng.it/NyNDdBQsjV please sign. This website is literally fucking disgusting
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You all better fucking reblog this shit, my inbox should be full of reblogs
@nac-nic @comic-nerd-dc @baeilish @batsydweeb @incorrectbatfam @odd-blue @psychovigilantewrites
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dawningofanewday · 3 years
Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals
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dawningofanewday · 3 years
We are sooo doing this
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So Many Beginnings: A Little Women Remix (2021)
Four young Black sisters come of age during the American Civil War in So Many Beginnings, a warm and powerful YA remix of the classic novel Little Women, by national bestselling author Bethany C. Morrow.
North Carolina, 1863. As the American Civil War rages on, the Freedmen’s Colony of Roanoke Island is blossoming, a haven for the recently emancipated. Black people have begun building a community of their own, a refuge from the shadow of the “old life.” It is where the March family has finally been able to safely put down roots with four young daughters:
Meg, a teacher who longs to find love and start a family of her own.
Jo, a writer whose words are too powerful to be contained.
Beth, a talented seamstress searching for a higher purpose.
Amy, a dancer eager to explore life outside her family’s home.
As the four March sisters come into their own as independent young women, they will face first love, health struggles, heartbreak, and new horizons. But they will face it all together.
by Bethany C. Morrow  (Author)
Get it now here
Bethany C. Morrow is a recovering expat recently returning from six years in Montreal, Quebec, to live and write in north country, New York.
A California native, Bethany graduated from the University of California, Santa Cruz with a BA in Sociology. Following undergrad, she studied Clinical Psychological Research at the University of Wales, Bangor, in Great Britain before returning to North America to focus on her literary work.
She is the author of the adult novel Mem (Unnamed Press) and the editor of the young adult anthology Take the Mic (Arthur A. Levine Books). A Song Below Water is her debut standalone young adult novel.
[SuperheroesInColor   FB / Instag / Twitter / Tumblr / Pinterest / Support ]
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dawningofanewday · 3 years
Day 1 & 2 of The Pride Challenge.
Day 1
My name is Dawn, as you may know and my pronouns are She/They.
She/Her/Hers - 9/10
Use these, I’m comfortable with them
They/Them/Theirs - 10/10
Also use these, I really don’t mind.
Pride Flag(s)
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Pansexual :)
Day 2
Something that makes me happy:
That’s all from me for now,
Reading books! And also, of course pro-LGBTQIA+ posts and videos!
That’s all from me for now!
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dawningofanewday · 3 years
Hi, I’m Dawn. Your new Internet mother.
I really don’t care that I’m probably younger than you. I’m your mother.
First things first
I want you all to know that this blog is a safe space and I’ll be DAMNED if anyone so much as thinks about you all wrong. I’m already omw to delete their kneecaps. If they gonna be discriminatory against ANY of my followers, they clearly don’t need them.
You can come out to me, rant to me, ask me for advice, etc.,etc.,
I’m now your Internet mom. And if anyone touches my kids, they’re already on the next ship to hell, the Fields of Punishment, I don’t mind. I learned fencing for a reason 🤺🤺🤺
Ask me about myself, I’ll most likely answer within a week.
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dawningofanewday · 3 years
No incest/rape/dubious or shady consent.
No over the top villainizing of canon love interests.
No extremely specific prompts/requests - allow me room to work please!
Please don't make characters absolute assholes,please.
I’d really prefer not to write smut, seeing as I am ace, but if the people want it..... *sigh*
No homophobic/racist/misogynistic/transphobic prompts, unless it’s conducive to the story/headcanons/drabbles e.g: Percy Jackson standing up/comforting Y/N after somebody discriminates against them. Otherwise, it is not condoned on my page. I have faced this discrimination in my daily life and will not hear ANYONE
Out if they do much as THINK a slur/homophobic/racist/transphobic/misogynistic thought.
I want you all to know that this blog is a safe space.
More to be added later
-Dawn 2/7/21
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dawningofanewday · 3 years
Imma do this real quick, also request lgbt oneshots or drabbles and I will oblige
Well, well, well, will you look at that? It’s Pride again.
You know the drill by now. It’s June 1, and suddenly everything from banks to big box stores has slapped a rainbow on their logo. Rainbow capitalism knows how to target LGBTQIA+ customers. For exactly 30 days of the year. How quaint.
Of course, it’s nice to make things bright, and colorful, and pretty. But it’s meaningless if that’s all it is.
Pride should be about uplifting and celebrating you, the community. And it should be year-round, not just 8.22% of the year. So, we’re signal-boosting your posts that celebrate, support, and honor all genders and sexualities over here. Follow to keep your dashboard lovely and gay as hell all year round.
And, yes, we’re also making a bit of a fuss right here on @celebrate (apparently, we just can’t help ourselves). So if you’re interested in talking about what Pride means to you or want to celebrate Pride but don’t know how to go about it this year, we made a fun little 30-day Share Your Pride Challenge list. Because you do, in fact, deserve to be celebrated.
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Tag your posts with #ShareYourPride if you want to make them a little easier for other people to find. And Tumblr? Happy Pride. We’re glad you’re here.
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dawningofanewday · 3 years
The events that unfolded over the past 24 hours in Atlanta were not isolated incidents. Hate crimes against Asian Americans have increased nearly 150% in the US in the last year. 
Last June, in the wake up of yet another uprising in hate crimes committed by white supremacists, we released the following statement:
White supremacists, Nazis, and other purveyors of hate can fully fuck off. They are not welcome here.
These words are as true today as they were then. We stand with the Asian American community. If you see hate speech on Tumblr, please report it. That shit is not tolerated here. 
To help the survivors and families of yesterday’s hate crimes, please consider donating to a nonprofit like the Atlanta branch of Asian Americans Advancing Justice if you can. If you can’t, consider spreading the word. We’ll list more resources and reblogs over on @action as we find them.
As always, please make sure you are taking care of yourself as well. If you’re struggling for any reason, please reach out to any of the free and confidential counseling services listed here.
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dawningofanewday · 3 years
Hi! My name is Dawn Caspian and I'm going to be posting random little drabbles! You may ask for the following fandoms:
The Fault in our Stars
Harry Potter
Murder Most Unladylike (Not well known)
Hamilton:An American Musical
SIX the musical
Maze Runner
The Hunger Games
The Book Thief
‼️MCGA and Kane Chronicles are on my TBR‼️
There'll be other fandoms that I can't remember off the top of my head, but I'll update as soon as I can!
I'll also be posting rules about what you can request!!
See you soon!!!
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dawningofanewday · 3 years
Reblog this if you love Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus. Just do it. You’ll understand later
you must have ask button
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dawningofanewday · 3 years
reblog if you're slytherin and proud
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