dcugal · 8 years
dougal + attic for the headcanon prompt thing. Thanks :)
•What is the character afraid of?Probably his biggest fear is losing Ted, or Ted going back to the mainland without him, as Ted was his first proper friend and really cared for him. He's also scared of the dark, which is why he shares a room with Ted•How do they deal with bad memories?Ted encourages Dougal to talk about how he's feeling, so Dougal always knows there's someone he can trust. It helps him to know that Ted will always be there to listen if he's feeling terrible •What is this character’s role in a horror movie?Unfortunately he'd probably be the person who gets killed first. Or maybe he'd just hide for the majority of the film and reappear right at the end when the evil has been defeated, with no knowledge of what's just happened •How do they hide their secrets?Badly. He's the type to tell everyone that he's got a big secret which he's not gonna tell anyone and ends up telling them every last detail if they ask him•Which of the Seven Deadly Sins does the character relate to most?NONE.....he's a good pure boy Ok if it had to be one, probably sloth....."God Ted, it's nearly 11, what are you doing up?"
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dcugal · 8 years
Hey! :) I've just got into Father Ted and I LOVE this blog! I was just wondering if you had any headcanons about Dougal's childhood? I just love him and wish we had a bit of background to him, like what his parents were like and how he was at school etc...I mean personally I imagine him to be quite lonely as a child and Ted was probably his first real friend but that's kind of all I have...Anyway I was just wondering what somebody else thought! Thanks :)
AAA thank you! Welcome to the small gathering of about 5 father ted fans on this site!! I'm sorry if you sent this ask AGES ago, I've just been so busy and to be honest I nearly forgot about this blogs existence.......Yeah, I think Dougal would've been quite lonely as a child. I mean he mentions that his parents are dead but that's never followed up so who knows?? I think they'd be strict though, this could be a reason why Dougal gets annoyed when Ted treats him like he's still 24. Also, I bet they'd insist on calling him Douglas; if they ever visited, Ted would be like "Douglas?? Who's he?"I think Ted was probably Dougal's first friend. I like to think of Ted meeting Dougal from the ferry when he first arrives on Craggy Island......he's nothing like what Ted expected but he still cares for him, helping him to settle into life on the island more quickly.This isn't really an area of father ted that I've really considered before but I'd really like to know more about Dougal's family and home life! I'm gonna say that he decided that he wanted to become a priest at quite a young age as he was fascinated at all the stuff that happened in the church. However all the other kids at his school made fun of for it, so he'd often doubt his beliefs. Also at school he enjoyed arty subjects and he still enjoys doing a bit of drawing for funIf you have any other ideas please add them on!!
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dcugal · 8 years
Headcanon Meme Time!
⌆ a nervous tic or habit they do
⏀ describe their usual smile
⇅ do they look up or down while thinking?
❧ describe their usual sleeping position
✑ describe something they like without naming it
✜ what’s their posture like in a normal situation?
❖ describe their hands
❞ write a quote they would find themselves saying
§ how would their hair gray? or would they lose their hair first?
❤ describe how they show affection.
✭ what is one of their favorite items?
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dcugal · 8 years
Send me symbols to learn more about my muse
Send ✚ for one of my muse’s prized possessions. Send ✿ for a happy memory. Send ➷ for a sports headcanon. Send ♆ for something my muse hates. Send ϡ for a sleep headcanon. Send ღ for a crush my muse has had. Send ✄ for a favourite movie of my muse’s. Send ☂ for a weather headcanon. Send ✎ for a school headcanon.
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dcugal · 8 years
Send me a character name + a room, and I'll tell you my headcanons:
What is the character’s favourite food?
Are they good at cooking? How good/bad?
Do they leave the dishes out?
What kind of food is in their refridgerator?
Do they cook, eat out or get take-away/delivered food more?
Living Room:
How does the character spend weekends?
What kind of movies does the character watch?
What do they do with friends?
What’s their favourite pasttime?
What’s their favourite TV show/Film?
How does the character prepare in the morning?
Do they sing in the shower?
What kind of hair product/make-up do they use?
How clean is this character?
Does the character have thousands of shampoo/shower gel bottles by the shower, or do they use only the bare essentials?
How does this character sleep? (Position, sleeping habits, bedtime routines)
What are their pyjamas like?
What do they dream about usually?
How neat/tidy is this character?
How affectionate is this character?
What is the character afraid of?
How do they deal with bad memories?
What is this character’s role in a horror movie?
How do they hide their secrets?
Which of the Seven Deadly Sins does the character relate to most?
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dcugal · 8 years
thinking of reblogging some of those prompt posts, you know the "send me a symbol and a character and ill talk about it" type ones
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dcugal · 8 years
For the headcanon meme, Dougal and Ted please!
Gladly, anon!
2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod: Ted keeps some hymns on there to balance out the disco.  Dougal’s is mostly eurovision songs :)the one place they sometimes end up falling asleep (where they’re not supposed to): Ted and Dougal have both fallen asleep in confessional. the game they’d destroy everyone else at: I don’t think it’s a surprise Dougal is great at football?  Ted is really good at Dance Dance Revolution. the emoticon they’d use most often: Ted unironically uses that glowing praying hands one.  Dougal’s texts are composed primarily of emoticons, so it’s hard to pick just one.  He uses a lot of dogs, though. what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep: Dougal is more likely to understand things and make helpful suggestions (Ted has to stop himself giving Dougal coffee and keeping him awake when he needs help planning things.)  Ted talks more often and really quickly. their preferred hot beverage: Neither really gets the chance to try anything but tea. how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump: Usually they’ll just open the curtains and be either impressed and brightened by decent weather, or comforted by the fact it’s miserable outside, too. what they wanted to be when they grew up: Ted briefly wanted to be a doctor, but has always been more interested in being a television presenter.  Dougal wanted to be a teacher when he was young. their favorite kind of weather: They don’t get much choice in this, either.  But of course they enjoy sun when it shines. thoughts on their singing voice: Eh.  Neither minds when the other sings, so I guess decent. how/what they like to draw or doodle: Dougal draws all sorts of things in hymnals… dogs, footballs and goalposts, guitars.  Whatever’s on his mind.  Ted isn’t really prone to drawing, but sort of scribbles lines if he’s talking to someone, bored, and holding a pencil.  Which, with his luck, doesn’t usually happen all at once. 
I could talk about britcoms all day, bless you for indulging me.
Ask me about characters?
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dcugal · 8 years
Dougal, for the character questions :D
2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod:Dougal is a huge Elvis fan and has all of his songs on his ipod. He’d also have some classic Eurovision songs and cheesy 80s/90s pop
the one place they sometimes end up falling asleep — where they’re not supposed toHe’d probably fall asleep in front of the telly, and then be rudely awakened when Father Jack is disturbed by the noise it’s making and kicks the screen in. Sometimes when he watches a scary film he has to sleep in Ted’s bed for comfort
the game they’d destroy everyone else atDougal is the Buckaroo Master™
the emoticon they’d use most oftenI think Dougal would use a lot of exclamation marks and emoticons when texting. The emojis he’d use most are the animal ones and of course these cat ones 😻🙀😹😺he’d also use the satan one, much to Ted’s horror and the 💩 one
what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleepHe’ll either be really hyperactive, or start dozing off every 10 seconds. There is no inbetween. He’ll also be irritable and start swearing at people which is a shock for everyone
their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever.Dougal never really gets a break from tea but when he’s ill Mrs Doyle makes him special hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows as a treat
how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slumpDougal would spend time looking after and playing with Sampras the rabbit and Ronaldo the hamster. He might also go and play football or run around outside with Damo (if Ted lets him)
what they wanted to be when they grew upHe either wanted to be a pop star or a vet. However he gave up on the vet dream after he found out that some people have spiders and snakes as pets….. He only likes fluffy animals…..
their favorite kind of weatherSunny! Not that the sun shines very often on Craggy Island. However he can’t cope when it gets too hot
thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?)Dougal thinks he’d make a good pop star, and was disappointed he didn’t get to sing much in My Lovely Horse
how/what they like to draw or doodleLittle flowers, smiley faces, hearts and that kind of thing. He usually doodles all over Ted’s important documents
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dcugal · 8 years
Hey, love your blog! I don't know if you do headcanons or not but if so do you have any Ted/Dougal friendship hcs, as I just love their friendship. I also wish Damo was in more episodes as I like to think of him and Dougal becoming really close and Ted starts getting jealous and tries to hide it - he misses spending time with Dougal as he's grown so used to having him around. Idk I just want Ted to start appreciating him more and to realise what Dougal means to him as a friend! Thanks :)
Thank you! And I LOVE Ted headcanons (Tedcanons)!! I made a sideblog to put them all on but I haven’t updated it for a while because I’m a big fool. I’m gonna try to get back to that….What you said about wanting Ted to appreciate Dougal more…..you could’ve taken those words right out of my mouthI love their friendship so much though, like Ted says in Flight into Terror, they really are “the best of friends” -Firstly I can see Ted going to meet Dougal from the ferry when he first comes to Craggy Island. Bishop Brennan has told Ted that a new priest is arriving but he has no idea what to expect. Dougal is pretty scared at first, I mean he’s caused a massive accident and now he’s in a completely new, unfamiliar place. But Ted is the first Craggy Islander he meets which helps to make Dougal feel better. Ted looks after him and since Dougal’s parents are dead, becomes a sort of father figure to him.
-Before Dougal arrived on Craggy Island, Ted was pretty lonely, seeing as he was used to the “big city” and the majority of Craggy Islanders are middle aged women. It was refreshing for Ted to have a friend like Dougal then, as its pretty hard to hold a conversation with Jack or Mrs Doyle. Ted soon found he and Dougal had a lot in common (they’re both diehard fans of Father Ben!!)
-The reason they share a room is that when Dougal first arrived, he frequently had nightmares about the Blackrock Incident and wasn’t used to sleeping in an unfamiliar place, so they moved his bed in with Ted’s. Even when he had nightmares less often, they decided to keep the beds in the same room because they were used to it (and there’s a draft in the spare room). However this means they always talk late on into the night which is why they wake up so late. Dougal will often wake Ted up in the night to ask him deep philosophical questions
-Their two favourite things to do together are: playing board games, when its raining, and exploring Craggy Island, as there’s so many amazing places there. If the weathers really good they’ll take a picnic -Ted probably does feel jealous of Damo, since he was Dougal’s first friend and now he feels like he’s getting replaced. Plus Damo and Dougal play football together all the time but he can’t join in because he’s old. He tries to find out what’s “cool” and “hip” but its just incredibly embarrassing for him. Ted will always be the best person ever in Dougal’s eyes though. Even after Damo has to leave Craggy Island Dougal still keeps in touch with him and even though they’re close he’d rather spend time with Ted.
Thank you for your ask, I really love these two so it was fun to talk about them! I have so much more to say about them but I’m tired so maybe another day…….Feel free to add on more if you have any ideas!!
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dcugal · 8 years
I bet Dougal would be really excited about going in the haunted house and wants Ted to come with him, and Ted's pretending to be really confident, but as soon as they get in there Dougal wants to leave. Ted's secretly relieved but then has a massive argument with the organisers over getting a refund. Dougal wanted to dress up as an angel and Ted could be a devil, but Ted refused as it "wouldn't be setting a good example to the parishioners" Dougal gets lost in the maze but when they try and find him, everyone splits up and they get lost as well. They eventually get out and by that point Dougal is cosy and warm back at the parochial house with a massive mug of hot chocolate
Sorry its not a ship but please can you do Halloween headcanons fit the Craggy Island crew??
Of course!
Chooses the pumpkin: Mrs Doyle picks out about a hundred of them by the first day of October. 
Carves the pumpkin: Dougal wants to, with Ted making sure he doesn’t make too big a mess. 
Gets scared and clings the other in a haunted house: Ted and Dougal both pretend they aren’t afraid, which lasts half a minute. 
Matching costume idea: They’ve all gone as nuns for three straight years and aren’t open to new suggestions.
Makes a cozy bed-fort to cuddle in: Mrs Doyle!  Although her version connects the couches in the main room.  Dougal does his best to copy her work between the beds upstairs, but it doesn’t quite match. 
Steals the other’s candy: Dougal would want to take Ted’s, but Ted has of course already taken Dougal’s because that much sugar just can’t be good for him.  But when he goes to reveal this, they notice Jack has taken the whole collection and is not about to give it up.
Accidentally gets lost in a corn maze: Dougal. 
Tells spooky stories to scare the other: Ted wants them to be cautionary and based on Bible stories, but Dougal surprises him by seeing right through this and correcting him on the endings. 
Collects cool-looking leaves: I think Ted might, actually.  He wants to have them framed but never gets round to it.
Ask me about Halloween Headcanons!
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dcugal · 8 years
hello! hope you're having a nice day. you got any lgbt+ father ted headcanons? :)
im having a good day, thank you! and ive got a few headcanons but normally i dont go into much detail, i just say stuff like Dougals Not Straight, but lets see how we go!
-ted is bisexual but sadly due to him being told it was wrong for a lot of his life he’s repressed his true feelings which has led to him hating himself. this and being sent to craggy island in the first place contributed to his depression. he feels like he can’t be himself especially in a small community where everyone knows him
-dougal is homoromantic and asexual and in the seminary when they told him he had to stay celibate he said he didn’t care and would only have a problem if the church had a rule against eating a whole jar of jam.
-damo is a trans man and he’s gay as well (thanks crow for this one)
-fr stone is gay and has feelings for ted, although ted is completely oblivious to this, even after the golf incident
-niamh connolly is a lesbian and she’s probably written a lot of songs about beautiful girls -the spinmaster is gay (thanks biz for this one)
-imelda (winner of the lovely girls competition) is a lesbian. her girlfriend is probably also a lovely girl
-i like to think father cave and father gallagher (from flight into terror) ended up together
if you want to add any feel free!
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dcugal · 8 years
headcanon that dougal became a priest because despite not believing in god he’s fascinated by all the ideas behind religion. this is why he was able to persuade bishop eddie to leave the priesthood; he really knows his stuff and he’s got good debating skills. he’s also read most of the religious books on the shelf and he wishes he could discuss them with ted but ted was never arsed to read them so its a very one sided conversation. the only use the books have for ted is that he can use their dust jackets to hide the fact hes reading a racy book or a really soppy romance
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dcugal · 8 years
Ok so Ted's in Slytherin and he doesn't really talk to people in other houses but one day he sees Dougal, whos in the year below him, struggling with potions or something. He ends up helping him because Dougal has no friends and also Ted might get house points if he's seen being kind (Ted's main motive tbh). Dougal's really happy and admires Ted a lot which Ted is embarrassed about at first because he wants to have Cool Friends™ but he soon warms up to Dougal and they become inseparable
Ted and Dougal for the hogwarts houses ask!!
Yes.  Ted is a Slytherin, Dougal is a Hufflepuff.
(Apparently that combination is my weakness or something?)
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dcugal · 8 years
I’ve just noticed how many board games Ted and Dougal play…….cluedo, ludo, buckaroo, scrabble (travel and normal), snakes and ladders….they do puzzles as well. It’s probably the only type of entertainment they have since the telly’s nearly always broken. I bet they have board game nights every night that go on for hours longer than they’re supposed to. I can see Ted being really competitive but Dougal still winning most of the time.
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dcugal · 8 years
Grant Unto Him Eternal Rest: Dougal mentions his parents are dead ("you're up there now with our lord and stalin and bob marley and the rest of them. And of course my own parents") Old Grey Whistle Theft: Ted tells Dougal to take out his earring as his parents are coming over ("i'm not having you looking like that. what'll your parents think when they get here?") Thoughts?
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dcugal · 8 years
I really feel a painter vibe from Dougal, I bet he actually has huge talent but either forgets about it or isn't very interested, and only does it after being encouraged by Ted cause he can sell them for some ridiculous sum
Yes I love this!!Also Mrs Doyle would support him...Dougal would be unsure at first but becomes more confident, and even lets the others hang some of the paintings up! (the ones Ted doesn't sell)He'd probably hold a church fair to sell them and say that the proceeds were going towards church funds but then just keep the money for himself........
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dcugal · 8 years
So we know Dougal was involved in the Blackrock Incident and the SeaLink incident (probably similar to what happened on the plane). What if the SeaLink incident happened directly after the Blackrock incident? Dougal was on the ferry ready to go to his new parish, but he pressed a button and the ferry had to divert and Dougal ended up on Craggy Island by accident. Ted took Dougal under his wing after the people who were supposed to collect him never came back (for whatever reason)
Yo buddy that sounds like canon to me! Well, their loss for not coming to get him - maybe some other priest showed up in his place and everyone just went with it? Of course Ted’s more than happy to look after Dougal, because he’s found someone who will listen to him.
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