dickmagician 27 days
i don't like porn. in fact when I jerk off I put in earplugs and close my eyes in order to receive as little stimuli as possible. sometimes i think about my homework
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dickmagician 27 days
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i hate this fucking show why did they make them ride the killdozer
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dickmagician 2 months
taking a huge shit and i hear the guy in the stall next time me also taking a massive shit. brotherhood.
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dickmagician 4 months
*trying to explain burgers to americans* okay so imagine if you had 2 really really short 9/11s...
*trying to explain 9/11 to americans* okay so imagine if you had 2 really really tall burgers...
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dickmagician 4 months
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Confused readers may refer to the text itself.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
One may make a broad assumption based on post content. About what the Andrew Tate tag might be referring to.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
An exploration of the effect of italicization and emphasis on speech and text (Jenson, Robert 1964)
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dickmagician 5 months
I am autistic in a way that women find very attractive, and not in a way that women find very disquieting.
I am autistic in a way that women find very attractive, and not in a way that women find very disquieting.
I am autistic in a way that women find very attractive, and not in a way that women find very disquieting.
I am autistic in a way that women find very attractive, and not in a way that women find very disquieting.
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dickmagician 5 months
i fucked your mom behind Dennys and she liked it
0 notes
dickmagician 5 months
The cool meat stick is a perfect modern example of a Dawson's Doorknob, an element of literary principle that states that a belief conveyed with excessive laconicism and sincerity, especially when present as a recurring motif in literary works, is typically portrayed in a way that leads it to be met with extreme derision in the face of critics.
cool meat stick
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dickmagician 5 months
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
"I'm gonna beat my shit crazy style," he said, and then he beat his shit crazy style.
An exploration of the effect of italicization and emphasis on speech and text (Jenson, Robert 1964)
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dickmagician 5 months
last night I dreamt that I was in class and accidentally connected to the projector via Bluetooth. there was nothing inherently odd or embarrassing on my screen, but I was in such a frenzied state that I accidentally clicked into the drawing app to reveal the lowest quality porn I've ever seen. the class stared in horror at this one shitty drawing of a lone dick.
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dickmagician 5 months
wow is that really a blog intro how mad how crazy
welcome to the blog
laws of the land:
i fucking warned you motherfuckers
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