diesel-inthecar · 4 years
could you write some fluff headcanons with chuuya and male could you write some headcanons with Chuuya and male s/o who is a lot taller than him, extremely strong, very affectionate and doesn't care that Chuuya is a Mafia Executive and does cute thing to him like randomly picks him up brida style and spins him around, calls him nicknames and likes to make him flustered. Only sfw please! I love your writing so much!
Aww, this is so cute! And I'm glad you like my writing! 🙏 😭 💖
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"Why are you so damn tall!?"
That's what he said when he first met you. 
But he's gotten used to your height. But that doesn't stop him from teasing you. 
"How's the weather up there, giant?"
Constant jokes about your guys height differences. 
"Oh shit-" - Chuuya Nakahara
Chuuya guessed by looking at you that you were pretty strong. But he didn't think that strong. 
Someone had insulted Chuuya while you two were out for the day. 
Next thing Chuuya saw was someone lying on the floor with a broken nose and a few missing teeth. Maybe you broke their jaw too. 
Chuuya is a little intimidated by your strength. But your affectionate side reassures him! 
He loves any cuddle sessions you guys have. Especially after a long day at work. 
Chuuya is really grateful that you don't care that he's with the port mafia.
If you ever offered to join the port mafia, Chuuya would instantly say no. He does not want you to get caught up in the Port mafia's messes. He's scared you'll get hurt in some way.
"Put me down, y/n!" 
He tells you to put him down whenever you pick him up. But he secretly loves it! 
Tease him about that and you'll have a flustered Chuuya in your arms. 
I explained my reasons for not posting as much 2 posts ago. 👈👀 👈
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diesel-inthecar · 4 years
Idk I was just chillin till this idea came into my head so here's this
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"We'll be late...."
Stirring awake, your eyes slowly fluttered open. You were greeted with the sun kissing your face. It took some time for your eyes to adjust to the light hitting you.
Turning over on your side, closing your eyes once more. You took a deep sigh, letting your mind try and wake itself. You slowly open your eyes once more, and not only greeted by the sun yet again. But you were greeted with messy, dark purple hair.
It took a moment for things to register in your head. Ah, there we go. That messy, dark purple hair belonged to your boyfriend. You smiled, he'd only let a hand full of people see him this vulnerable. You were happy that you were one of them.
Sighing again you look over to a nearby clock. Seeing the time, you realize its almost for you two to get up and ready for school. You were surprised when Josuke's mom let you spend the night. You were happy that she let you, and she was comfortable with you being here.
Letting another sigh out, laying there for a bit. You decided its time to get up and ready. You move to get up, but strong warm arms pull you back down. Holding you close, your hit with the strong scent of cologne. Breathing it in, a overwhelming feeling of comfort washes over you and you relax.
Taking a moment to to appreciate the moment, you lift your head from his chest. "Josuke...we need to get ready..." You say in a slow, quiet raspy voice. He buries his face into your neck, letting out a groan. "C'mon we need to get up, or we'll be late...."
He takes a moment to reply, "Can we just skip school today?"
That did sound nice to you, skipping school and doing dumb stuff with your boyfriend? That sounded amazing to you.
You let out a hum, thinking if you guys should stay in today. "..Alright, fine...just this once though.."
He tighly hugged you, you could've sworn you felt him smile on your neck. Before sleep took over you again, you planted a kiss on his forehead. Thus letting sleep take over you again.
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diesel-inthecar · 4 years
Hi toasty 😊 Im not sure if you write for this if you don't it's fine. I was wondering if I could get an nsfw scenario of Chuuya with his male s/o. Again if you don't do nsfw content it's completely fine and you don't have to write it
Hey! I do write for male and nsfw so your all good!
Hope you don't mind me adding sfw too (^^;
Chuuya Nakahara x Male! S/o
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Although Chuuya seems very aggressive. When he's around you he's very sweet and gentle with you.
If you two are in public and someone gives you a disgusted look HE WILL THROW HANDS. He does not care, no one will treat his S/o that way.
In public he'll always have his arm around you. It's a protective habit of his so don't mind him.
He isn't one to do much PDA in public, your the only one who can see him all cuddly and affectionate.
VERY affectionate in private! Loves to gives you kisses anywhere on your face. He'll constantly tell you how much he loves you or what things he loves about you.
Sweet touches always. Hugging, kissing, or just having a arm around you.
When cuddling or sleeping he has to have his hands on you. It makes things feel more real to him.
He's a switch between lil spoon and big spoon, depending on height difference. Which your probably taller cuz he's a lil shortie.
He likes to be the lil spoon though, he just loves to get affection from you in anyway.
If your in the port mafia with him, he will accommodate you on any mission. He will risk his life for you any day.
If your not in the port mafia then he'll keep you FAR away from them. He's scared someone will try and hurt you so he tries to keep you far away from them.
Since he his a executive he is very busy, but if guys have any plan he'll make sure to come always.
Be his wine buddy after a hard day at work and he might just cry.
NSFW under cut!
He's a switch in the bedroom but leans more to the Dom side.
VERY gentle with you if its your first time.
Knows how to make love to you, he's very romantic.
He's very into bondage, seeing you tied up underneath him all flustered gets him going.
Not really into hard degradation, but loveeesss to Praise you. Loves to see you squirm when he lightly touches your body, loves seeing you blush by his praises.
10/10 has a praising kink
Praise him too! He gets all blushy and warm inside when you praise him.
Will make you cum from teasing alone.
He likes to tease you with hickies on your neck and inner thighs.
Likes to make you beg for him
"Hm? Tell me what you want, and will give it to you~"
Overstimulate him while sucking him off and he'll cum, hard.
He also likes bondage as a sub too!
Praise tease him and he might just cry.
Tug on his hair while he's suckin you off he loves it
Aftercare with him is very sweet ❤️
He'll set up a bath for both of you, maybe a lil wine, ya know?
If y'all get drunk enough y'all might do round 2 .
He'll kiss you anywhere you hurt.
Cuddles you when y'all finally sleep anf gives you a goodnight kiss.
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diesel-inthecar · 4 years
Reader is not in passione. Sorry but I feel like if reader was in passione then all the hcs would be the same and no Trish Una in this one, I couldn't think of anything for her.
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Best mom- 
A n y w a y s , you guys met in that Restaurant/Cafe(?) that Bruno likes so much! 
You didn't feel like cooking one night so you decided to go out and get yourself something to eat. 
You've been to this restaurant plenty of times, so you already knew what you were going to get before you had gotten there. 
You brought the exact amount of money you knew your food cost………at least you thought you brought the right amount.
Apparently you had miscalculated the amount of money for your food. 
So when the waiter brought you your check you started to freak out. Your face was getting heated, and your hands started to shake. 
Well well well...when the waiter came back to your table to collect the check, all they said to you was "You won't have to pay, someone paid for your meal." And just walked away. 
Wait what? Someone paid for your meal? You tried to recall the last person who walked out of the restaurant but you drew a blank. 
When you had the chance you asked your waiter who had paid for your meal, you wanted to thank them. Sadly, the waiter said they didn't know their name. But they gave you a description of what they looked like. 
You promised yourself next time you saw someone with the given description you would thank them.
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I love this goth bara tiddy man 😔👉👈
You guys met at an album store! While waiting for your turn to purchase your items. You had noticed that the person in front of you had the same album copy as you. 
He looked intimidating and kind of irritated 
But since you knew it would take a while before you could leave the store, so you decided to strike up a conversation with the man. 
Surprisingly he wasn't in a bad mood that day (his face just naturally looks pissed) , so you guys talked for a while. 
Surprisingly you two had a lot in common, mostly music wise. 
After you guys parted ways, you made a mental note to greet him next time you saw him. 
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Precious boi in general 
You guys met when Giorno was working under leaky eye Luca! 
You guys had seen each other a few times but never really talked.
You guys first talked when Giorno asked you to help him with a scam. 
You agreed cause you wanted to be a nice coworker 
The scam went smoothly and as planned 
After that you guys met up a few times, mostly to talk about splitting the money (since Luca didn't know yall worked together) 
He took a liking to you quick, you didn't fawn over him like many girls do. And he truly respects that. 
But after a while you didn't see him around anymore, you made sure that next time you saw him, you'd ask him what's up. 
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I love this goofball 
You guys met when Mista was in prison! 
You worked as a guard for the prison. 
You found his case to be interesting nonetheless,you were nicer to Mista then most inmates in there. 
Which Mista being, Mista, he took that opportunity to subtle flirt with you. 
But after a while of Mista being at the prison, you had heard he got bailed out. You were happy for him of course, but the man who had bailed him seemed a bit sketchy. 
But you didn't look into it, after a while of Mista being released you had heard from a few of your coworkers that he was doing really well for himself. 
You made sure next time you'd see him you'd congrat him for doing better. 
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Airplane boi 🛩
You guys met after Narancia was released from Juvenile hall! 
You had met Narancia before he went to Juvenile hall, but you steered clear of him. Since you knew he got into trouble a lot. 
After you heard that he got sent to Juvenile hall, you were sorta shocked. You knew some of his "friends" had something to do with him being sent there. 
After a week you started to hear rumors about Narancia from a bunch of other people. The rumors were mostly about him being sent to Juvenile hall, and some rumors about his mother dying. 
You found it horrible that people would make fun of him for something he couldn't control. 
After another week passed, Narancia was released from 2 weeks of Juvenile hall. 
Once he came back you were shocked to see that his left eye had a bandage around it. And when he came back people treated him horribly. 
So once you found him alone, you talked to him and offered to help his eye. Once he agreed, you two were inseparable, you guys were always with each other. And in that time his eye didn't get any better. He needed to go to someone professional to help his eye healed. 
But one day, you couldn't find Narancia anywhere. You were scared that some local delinquents beat him up. But after hours of looking around you still couldn't find him. 
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Strawberry boi- 
You guys met when Fugo attended university!
Your parent/Guardian worked as a professor at the college. They couldn't let you stay home so they took you to school with them. You'd helped your parent/Guardian with stuff around the classroom. Like a teachers assistant. 
You eventually met Fugo, you were surprised to see a kid your age here! It surprised you even more when he said he was a student here! 
You guys eventually became close friends, you two would hangout after school a lot, either studying or just doing random stuff. 
But one day, while looking for Fugo, you were shocked to see Fugo in handcuffs. Your mind raced, what did he do? Did he loose his temper over something? And ending up to him doing something irrational? You were scared and concerned nonetheless for Fugo. 
But after that day you never saw him again.  
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diesel-inthecar · 5 years
BSD boy sleeping hcs
Sleeping hcs (Possible spoilers)
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Dazai Osamu
Cuddles all the way
Before y'all fall asleep, and during
He'll usually wait for you to sleep first. He likes to watch you sleep, (not inna creepy way) your sleeping face looks cute to him. He likes to lightly play with your hair while he's at it.
He likes to be touching you in some way. Just to make sure your there. If you weren't there he'd most likely have a nightmare. Your like a charm that protects him from bad dreams.
But he's staying cause he's scared having another nightmare. Before he went to the ADA he was a whole mess at the port mafia. He would constantly have nightmares. Which slowly led to insomnia. When he left the port mafia to go to the ADA his nightmares lessen so did his insomnia. But when he did have nightmares it would scare him more then it did when he was in the port mafia.
But now that he has you, he has more peaceful dreams. Or no dreams at all. He really considers his s/o as a charm.
He's most likely a switch between big spoon and little spoon. He loves when your the big spoon tho. To him it gives him motherly vibes. Which he loves ofc, but he doesn't mind to be the big spoon!!
He'll most likely be a big spoon when you have a rough day.
Butttt when y'all wake up the next day it looks like a t o r n a d o happened. Your both sprawled out, Dazai most likely fell off the bed. He's probably still sleeping too while he's at it.
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Chuuya Nakahara
If you can even make this man sleep jfc
He's usually not home with you cause of the Port Mafia over working his cute ass.
Even if he is home he's most likely stocked up in paperwork or on the computer typing some executive shit.
You always go to sleep before him. Even he told you to not stay up late for him. It worries him when you don't get good sleep! He feels responsible and guilty for you not sleeping properly.
He's big spoon when you sleep before him. He always puts his face in the crook of your neck too. But it doesn't bother you cause you know he's there with you.
Now, when you both go to sleep at the same time or around the same time. Which is rare, and Chyuua with never admit this but-
Because he's short boi, he likes for you to be big spoon. He just feels protected, and since he hasn't had a lot of affection throughout his whole life. It comforting to him, and he really appreciates it. It shows that he can be himself around you.
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Ryūnosuke Akutagawa
This poor Victorian doll...
Has...has this boy ever felt love?? Affection??
Bb, your gonna be the light in his life
He may not show it but he loves you
He probably hasn't had affection in Y E A R S, while he does have Gin, he doesn't show much affection towards her. But we all know he's a fuckin softy.
While being the bog spoon seems natural to him...he just can't seem to be the big spoon. On rare occasions he will be the big spoon. But majority of the time your the big spoon.
Plz play with his hair while he's sleeping
He would never admit it but he likes to have his hair played with. Plus cmon, we all know it would be fluffy 👀
The mafia probably fucked him up too, some slight nightmares and insomnia. But he'd most likely take meds to help him.
Playing with his hair really helps him to fall asleep no problem.
But he could have a nightmare here and there, but holding him tight and playing with his hair. Telling him your there really helps him to fall back asleep.
But if he can't fall back asleep expect to have deep conversations till the sun rises.
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Atushi Nakajima
Lil sushi boi
Lil kitten boy 😭😭
Plz give him love omggg
He doesn't show it, but he needs love.
The orphanage fucked him up big time, so having you is a blessing too him 💖
Like Chyuua he might be busy with work, so not every night will you two get to sleep together. But majority of the time you'll be sleeping together.
He probably doesn't know much about Big spoon or Lil spoon, and when you two first start sleeping in the same bed, he's kinda awkward about it. Things like "Am I too closer to them?", " Am I taking up too such space?", "Am I taking up too much of the blanket??".
He stresses big time about it
But reassure him and he'll lighten up about it.
When you guys have been together for a few years, he loves when you cradle him in your arms. Its soothing abd gives him peace. He feels really safe and relaxed which is what the bb needs.
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Kunikida Doppo
Congrats on being his ideal women👏👏
He's also like Chyuua, mostly doing his work and stays late at the ADA.
While Kunikida does get most of his work done a lot, Dazai always is bothering him. So he sometimes he has to stay a lil late.
Even when he's home he'll do some work there. Poor boy needa stop stressing
Even when you guys sleep, he's tense and stressing. But you won't realize that for a while.
In the beginning of the relationship he most likely have different rooms for you guys to sleep in. He's awkward about sleeping together in the beginning.
But after a few months he warms up some more and you two now share a room.
That's when you start to notice him stressing a bunch. About work, what the Port Mafia might be planning. He's stressin'
Rubbing light circle in his back helps relax him. Let's him know your there for him.
Expect to stay up late with him, as he rants about his worries and stresses.
Cradle him too while your at it. 👀
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Ranpo Edogawa
I love him but
I feel bad for u
I don't think you'll be even able to sleep around this man-
Maybe a nap or two but most of the time he wants to goof off and eat together.
Ya know? Maybe get lost in the city? Like every Tuesday afternoon with Ranpo.
But he's baby I love himxhgcfc
But when you guys DO sleep...he's really cuddly with you. Like. He's all over you. He has to be touching you.
8/10 to start a tickle fight with you, which ends up in a tickle war. And not sleeping for the rest of the night.
If you guys just can't sleep for some reasons you'll guys will stay up talking about random stuff.
On rare occasions like those, he'll talk to you about his worries. Makes him better to talk to you about his problems.
Cuddle him plz after that, he'll be happy boi 😊
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Fyodor Dostoevsky
I love this sadistic mf
9/10 he's probably not gonna sleep with you cuz he's a busy MF
Plottin' some evil shit, like the evil fuck he is
He's the best to sleep with 10/10 👀
Big spoon always
Before y'all fall asleep and you two are laying there he likes to whisper sweet nothings in your ear. Saying how much he loves you, n' other stuff 😳
Always keeps one arm around your waist, and keeps you close to him.
Sadly the next morning he's probably gone, but leaves you a lil sweet note saying he'll be back later that day.
If you wanted too, he'll gladly listen to you and your problems as long as you want.
But insists that you two get at least some kind of sleep.
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diesel-inthecar · 5 years
Dabi hcs
Ask: (From an irl friend) Hcs for Dabi? 
At first he's not as affectionate, since he hasn't had real affection since he left home. 
But once he's used to your affection, he's all over it. He starts to initiate most of the affectionate actions. He mostly gives hugs, especially from behind. He likes how flustered you get.
He likes when you ask about his piercings, he likes to tell you how he got them. 
 When you guys cuddle he's really warm. In summer it's hell. But in winter you force him to cuddle with you. 
In winter he'll give you his jacket, (or whatever he's wearing) it's nice and warm from his body heat. He doesn't get cold easily either. 
Sometimes when you guys are just chilling out, he'll mess around with his fire. Making weird abstract things with it. 
If you are in the LOV with him, he'll always be there to protect you. Every mission you go on, he's with you. If he's not with you he's worried af. 
Later in your guys relationship, like y e a r s. He'll open up about his past and he'll tell you his real name. 
When you call him Touya he gets really flustered. 
(Added by my friend) He's really kinky when upset at you. Which I agree with 😳.
He will tease the fuck outta you. Like he'll make you cum from just teasing you. 
He's not afraid to fuck you in public. 
He'll fuck you till your begging him to stop. (Which will be a long time) 
Makes you cum at least 3 times, that's when he usually stops. 
Aftercare with him is the sweetest thing. Kisses all over you, he praises you. 
Sometimes you'll guys will have showers after you guys are done. He'll message any parts of you that are sore. 
In the morning he might go for round 2, but you didn't hear this from me. 
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diesel-inthecar · 5 years
Fox demon Sabito being mischievous little fucker plz. Bonus for terrorizing his gf
Damn aight 👀👍
If foxes are mischievous then so is Fox demon sabito.
If he's a fox demon I wanna say he can turn into a fox...?
He'll definitely want to come on missions with you if your a demon slayer.
You mostly travel thru forests especially when it cloudy. The clouds and trees blocking the sun is perfect if Sabito wants to come out of the box and hang around you. Sometimes he'll wander off since he's a curious boy. One time he didn't come back after a while and you got scared that another demon had came out and killed or even a demon slayer.
You started to call out his name, but it soon turned to sobbing. Sabito heard this and came straight for you. When he was confused as to why you were crying. Did someone hurt you? When you told him he felt realllly bad. So after your mission it was a bunch if hugs, kisses n' cuddles.
After that you trusted him more going on his own. Sometimes you guys make it a game of hide n seek. Whoever wins has to make dinner for the night.
But this one time had really scared you.
Sabito had gone wandering off again. You calm and relaxed by the sounds of the forest but you stayed alert incase of a demon.
Next thing you knew a demon had jumped out at you. Since it caught you off guard you couldn't get a good look of its face nor a good attack on the demon.
But your reflexes kicked in a quickly pulled out your sword. You had just cut off its arm. It landed behind you with a whimper. You turned around to get a good look at the demon only to be greeted by sabito.
Your eyes widened in true horror. You screamed but quickly placed your hands on your mouth. You could've killed him.
Sabito feels s o b a d . He had never intended for either of you to get hurt. But he should've known that you would have reflexes and done some kind of attack.
Once his arm grows back your already full blow crying. He trys to show you that he's fine and his arm regenerated back.
He'll take you back to your guys house. Cuddles all night, even if you try to push away from him he'll slip into your arms. He'll be constantly apologising, he'll even compliment you on your reflexes to try and make you feel better.
You eventually forgive him cause he's to cute to say no to. F a c t s
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diesel-inthecar · 5 years
Giyuu or Sabito giving a back massage (maybe with oil? 👀👌🤔). Give me that good good bb
Gotchu bb, ima make it both of them cuz having two daddy is better than one. Enjoy~
If your really sore from a mission they'll definitely give you a massage. Giyuu will massage your shoulders and arms. While Sabito will massage your legs and feet.
2 things can happen during this. 1. Y'all have a nice sweet time 2. You for some reason moan and your getting fucked by two guys who are gonna make you cum six times.
Mostly its nice, sweet and relaxing. A bunch of kisses and affection from both of the boys.
Sabito will praise you the most. Talking about how much he loves you and your body. Or just random things that he thinks you should be reminded of.
Giyuu on the other hands is giving you sweet pepper kisses on either your shoulders, head, ect. He doesn't talk a lot when he massages you. But he gives you those kisses to let you know he loves you.
But when you introduce body oil for them to use when massaging you. You done fucked up.
They'll demand you take off all of your clothes. Their excuse is that they don't want the oil all over your clothes. So you just go with it.
Sabito is mostly putting oil on your thighs with a smirk on his face the whole time. Giyuu is constantly putting oil on your breasts always groping them, he also likes to feel your sides since it makes your whole body shiver.
Sometimes it'll be sweet and nice but most of the time sabito makes a move. He'll tease you and rub your inner thighs, when giyuu catches on he'll grope your breasts more seductivly and he'll give you hickeys on your neck.
If anything they know your tired and won't do full on sex with you. But sabito will most likely put some digits in your womanhood. Giyuu will be still giving you hickeys but he'll gently pinch your nipples.
Overall their really sweet and gentle with you. Until you bring out the oil.
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diesel-inthecar · 5 years
Could you do some Gyomei smutty headcanons with a Male? 👀
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How could you not want Gyomei? He rip and thicc
I feel like it would kinda be hard to get smutty with him. Idk he just looks like this big wholesome bean.
But after being in a relationship with him you'll get needy. At first its just for his affection. Which he'll happily give to you if you ask him to.
When you start to get more needy Gyomei is just oblivious towards it. He won't get your lil hints, teasing, jokes, ect ect.
One day you just flat out told him. And holy fuck were you a blushing mess. You may or may not have fainted. I mean he couldnt just say no to you. He respected how brave you were to say that to him. And your red face was just killing him.
He just carries you to his room. You could tell he's a lil nervous. So you decide to take the lead.
You start out with a simple pecks on the cheek. Then its starts to get more heated, it turns from a few simple pecks to a full on make ot session.
You start to unbuckling his belt. Gyomei broke the kiss and started to attack your neck with kisses and hickeys. It made your whole body shiver with pleasure. You were so focused on his hot breath on your neck you almost forgot what you were doing.
Finally get ahold of yourself you dig your hands in his pants looking for his treasure. Once you find it you pull it out of its hiding spot. 'Just right' You thought to yourself.
Getting on your knees and your head near his member. You decided to tease him a bit by lightly moving your finger tips across his length.
He shudders with pleasure making him more impatient.
Wasting no more time you took in as much of his length that you could. Skillfully you wrap your tounge around his length.
Gyomei was highly impress on how good you were at this. You had a whole mess. He was panting and groaning everytime you would swirl your tounge around his tip. He couldnt hold for much longer.
You made it worse when you started to bob your head up and down his length. Gyomei started to thrust his hips to match paste. You felt a twitch indicating he was very close. With one last thrust you felt his seed shoot into your mouth. You swallow it with a smirk on your mouth.
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diesel-inthecar · 5 years
Dad fox Sabito being handsome and cute hcs. I regret nothing.
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Never in your life has your heart melted more when Sabito was playing with his kids. Or sleeping with them, it made you so happy to see him trying his hardest to be a good father.
When he plays with the boys he likes to slightly rough house. Nothing too major to were he'll hurt anyone. You'll tell him to tone it down a bit with his son(s) but he'll just tell you he's making them into "real men".
When the boys are old enough, Sabito will teach them how to use a katana. Then teach them breathing techniques. It worries you a bit but it warms your heart too see and hear the boys say how much they look up to their dad.
You a proud mother 😭💕💕
With the girls. Oh. my. god. You've never seen him be so gentle in your whole life. When their around 1-2 yr olds he loves to hold them and look at them sleep. He just finds it so adorable.
When they get a bit older around 6-10 years old. He loves to play with their hair, surprisingly Sabito is good with hair. He knows how to do simple braids, buns, ect.
He'd probably make the girls handcrafted jewelry. He would go in public and pick jewelry for them but people would freak out and call him a demon. Our fluffy fox boi doesn't want that. 👊😔
Some times when the kids have a nightmare and are too scared to go back to sleep he'll go sleep in their room. Then when you wake up in the morning and see them sleeping peacefully.
He has them gently wrapped in his arms, as if he was protecting them. While their both sprawled out over the futon.
Your like: gjhfgjydgiyfibufdiucycxtfulgguy???? 💕💕💕??? When you see them sleeping together.
Your just so happy to see your kids look up to Sabito not as if he was a monster but a hero.
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diesel-inthecar · 5 years
That douma nsfw hc one is just🔥🔥 may i request a giyuu one also? Arigathanks
I'm glad you liked it! 💕 Idk if you want me to do demon giyuu or giyuu but imma just do giyuu
He doesn't eat you out often. He only does it when he's trying to clean you up. Sometime he'll use it for foreplay.
And when he does that your literally melting. His favorite thing while eating you out is seeing your reactions. How your face contorts with pleasure, gets him every time.
And he's the one making you make those faces, which makes it 10x better.
You'll constantly try to put your legs together but, giyuu's in the way. He doesn't really mind it. In fact he kinda likes how your trying to get more friction.
But if your trying to put your legs together more than usually he'll put A BUNCH of hickeys in your inner thigh. So that way it'll slightly hurt when trying to press your legs together.
By doing that you'll probably open your legs more then Giyuu had no mercy on you. He practically has you cumming within a minute or so.
After he's done cleaning you up. He'll pull you into a sweet and warm cuddle. If your thighs hurt from the hickeys he gave you he'll massage you there. While givin you a bunch of kisses 🙃
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diesel-inthecar · 5 years
Douma eating his s/o out pls. Cause like, have you seen that tongue? 👀👅
Trust me. I've seen that. Sorry if its a bit short (. . ;
Not only do you praise him but you praise that tounge too.
We all know he would sadistic in bed. Wouldn't be any difference when he's eating you out.
This man can eat you out for hours, and he will. He'll give you some light smacks in the ass. He does it the most when you surpress your moans, he wants to hear you scream for him and let other know who you belong too.
He'll also lightly dig his claws into you
When ever you have bad days he loves to look at your face while eating you out. You just have this pouty blushy face and he loves it.
But when its your period he'll go ham on you. Constantly eat you out, but when the weeks over douma will be a little sad. He likes the taste of your blood.
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diesel-inthecar · 5 years
Smexy Teachers • Kny teacher au smuts
🍱Sanemi Shinazugawa🍱
•Your fucked literally, and both ways. He might be harsh but damn he know what he doin' 
•He has too many kinks to list tbh-
I do see him have a light bondage kink as a teacher though. 
•So imagine that your fail math, annnnd he asks you to stay after so he can help you with what your struggling with 
•He'll probably make you bend over on the desk and put a vibrator in you. So for every question you get wrong he turns it on high max just to hear a cluster of moans come out of you. But if you keep on getting the answers wrong constantly he'll turn on the vibrator on high max until you cum. So by then your dazed, the more dazed you are the more questions you get wrong. The more cummimg and enjoyment for him. 
•10/10 probably cockwarm you, while your doing a worksheet he'll be whispering sweet nothings in your ear and biting on your neck. Make your walls clench, though no cummings or begging. He'll have a punishment prepared for you if you do. 
💎Uzui Tengen💎
•In this teacher au let's just say he doesn't have 3 wives...but he's hella experienced in bed
•Whatever your kinks are, his are the same. It doesn't matter to him whatever brings you the most pleasure. But he definitely try new things out especially on his studennnnt
•This man will do 2 things with you. 
1.He'd cockwarm you, but he puts paint on his hands and starts to feel your body. Feeling your curves, constantly groping your chest. 
•He'd probably put paint on his hand and slap your ass so it'll leave a handprint and probably say something like, "Now everyone will know what's mine." With a light chuckle. 
•2. He's again, gonna cockwarm you but he'd be painting on your body. You'd be whimpering and squirming underneath him since the paint is cold. And he loves how your face contorts into pleasure when you whimper. Pure heaven to him, then he can't control himself to he starts to thrust in and outta you. 
🔥Rengoku Kyoujurou🔥
(If you were a teacher)
•This man is the DEFINITION of passionate. 
If he's gonna be the sun in the anime then he's gonna be the sun here too.
•Praise and body worship kink all the way. He wants you to feel special and on top of the world. 
•Just like Uzui whatever your kinks are their Kyoujurou's now too. Though he would ask you if your alright with every little thing he does. He doesn't want to screw this up and hurt you in some way. He'd never forgive himself. 
•I could see him cockwarming you while he's giving you love marks. SLIGHT LIGHT bondage like-
He'll just hold both of your wrists together in his hand above your head. 
🐍Obanai Iguro🐍
•I love this snake man…yall don't even know…
•This man is a trip in the teacher au, constant. T e a s i n g. Like, your first orgasm will be from his foreplay only. 
•He'd 100% be Dom, no arguing. You thought Sanemi had a light bondage kink?
So does this fucker, he'd tie your whole body up to where you can barely move, AND use a gag on you.
•Definitely use some kind of toy on you while your all tied up. Obanai would just be grading papers while you sit there in complete pleasure and torture. 
•If he didn't feel like tying you up that day then next best thing is fingering you. But he has his own rules. No Cumming without his permission, and if you do, you'll get a hard smack on the ass. 
•And since he's the protective cute fuck he is. Your neck is COVERED I mean LITTERED WITH LOVE MARKS. Especially your chest, sides, and thighs. He likes to claim what's his. 
🌊Giyuu Tomioka🌊
•Last but not least for the guys is the CEO of sex-
•He loves when you bend over and for every question that's wrong you get a slap on the ass. It's his favorite lil game to play with you. Then by teaching you a real lesson and ramming into the back of you while trying to answer the questions. 
•If your just goofing off when y'all supposed to be running the track. Get prepared to be asked to stay after and run the laps you were suppose to run. While your running he just can't help but look at your chest bouncing up and down. Especially your ass, he likes how it bounces then it makes your thighs jiggle. He just can't get enough. 
•After your done running you hit the showers. While you're in there Giyuu couldn't help but get a bulge in his pants from looking at you run. So he decided he'd take matters into his own hands.
He bust opened the girls locker room and went to go find which shower you were in. 
•Once he pulled the curtains and saw you showering you basically scream stuttered his name. He pinned you to the wall explain what happened and said since you caused it, your gonna have to fix it. He told you to get on all 4 and you did as he said.
🦋Shinobu Kocho🦋
•This women vibrates big lesbo energy-
I know you can feel it too. 
•This sadistic women, you either blackmailed her or she blackmailed you. Either way it ended up with her on top of you.
•She was doing 3 things to pleasure you at once. She was giving you love marks on your neck and chest. One of her hands was caressing your sides. Then her other hand is tracing circle on your womanhood.
💕Mitsuri Kanroji💕
•You thought I wouldn't include our waifu mitsuri? Smh-
In this au I decided to make her a school councillor. 
•To be honest it'd be trickery getting smutty with her. But I mean you got your ways so. You were really stressed out during class so you took a pass and went to the bathroom. Or so they thought-
•You wanted to relieve some stress so you snuck into the janitors closet. Badddd choice you were in the middle of your fingers pleasing yourself and you let a lil too loud of a moan. Mitsuri heard this and got out her keys to the janitors room. You heard her put in the keys to the lock while you frantically try to pull up your panties. Click. 
@biznichwrites @stxricebunny
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