dorksnoace · 4 years
Hey guys!
I honestly think my favourite thing is when I have written half of every request I have received, but I can’t figure out where to go next.
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This is me to myself right now😗✌🏻
Anyways, thats why requests have been pretty slow, I’m really hoping to get one up sometime this week. However I’ll likely post an old request if I can’t seem to finish them!
Also I think I’ve finally decided what my schedule is gunne be, so I’m gunna post that on friday!
Anyways I hope you guys are having a good day!
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dorksnoace · 4 years
Quick update!
Heyy guys! Just wanted to let you know that I should have a request completed for friday. I had an exam today and a few assignments due for this week, so I’ve been pretty focused on school.
Thank you for everyone who has sent in a request, I’m really excited to write them! Just a warning I’ve gotten more scenario requests, so they may take a little longer to complete them! I think I’m going try to set a up a schedule, so that way you guys have an idea of what days I’m gunna be posting.
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dorksnoace · 4 years
Hello! can I request some relationship hcs for Chris Yuu and Isashiki Jun? Thanks!!
Thank you for requesting, and here are some relationship hcs! I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone! I’ve only just started my blog and I’ve gotten so much love already! So I just wanted to say thank you so much for giving me such a warm welcome!💗
Jun Isashiki
He might seem rough on the outside, but he's actually a teddy bear when it comes to being in a relationship.
Jun is very protective of you; he doesn't want anyone messing with you.
If anyone dares to flirt with you or makes you uncomfortable in any way. He may possibly punch this person in the face.
When you guys are cuddling together, he loves when you run your fingers through his hair. He secretly likes to be treated like a baby, but definitely won't let anyone know this except for you.
Isashiki loves coming up behind you and giving you surprise hugs. When you are just standing around doing something, he will sneak up behind you and snuggle you.
Isashiki really likes to show off that you are dating him. He will do this by holding your hand or having his arm draped around your waist.
Though I feel like he might be a little too embarrassed or even nervous to kiss in public, I feel like he would definitely wait to kiss you when you guys are private. However, if you were to kiss him in front of people, he would definitely get flustered but try to play it off as smoothly as possible.
This boy loves when you attend his games and likes to hear you cheering for him. He already has a significant impact on his team's mood, so when you there he's yelling even more than usual when you are there. So it definitely makes his teammates pretty excited.
When he gets a good hit or a home run. Jun will definitely point at you out of excitement.
100% will read Shojo manga with you, or force you to read it with him.
Isashiki would definitely like giving you piggyback rides, or just carrying you in his arms. He loves when you run at him and say, "catch me," it's one of those things that he would do with you a lot.
I feel Isashiki is a bit inexperienced when it comes to relationships, so he might get irritated very quickly (maybe because he's a hothead?). He may not exactly know how to act when he first gets into the relationship, but he is sure to get better as time passes.
Chris Yuu Takigawa
Will always be super encouraging and comforting when things get complicated.
Since he's like this, he doesn't like to raise his voice or let himself get out of line when he's upset. Chris has good self-control when he's angry or even upset with you.
He loves cuddling and then falling asleep together. His favorite mornings are when he wakes up to you beside him.
He loves resting his head on your chest or in your lap while you guys are relaxing. Once you start running your fingers through his hair in this position, he will definitely pass out.
If you are willing to help him stretch his shoulder or give him a massage, he loves it.
The boy is protective but is almost silent about it. If a guy approaches you and starts flirting with you. He won't say anything to them. Instead, he will just glare at them from a distance. Chris will hold this menacing glare until they walk away.
However, if they can't take a hint to back off, he will walk up to you and ask you to go with him. Chris doesn't like it when you find out the real reason why he asked you to come with, but sometimes it is unavoidable.
So if you do find out why he came over, teasing him about it a little is the way to go. Chris will definitely be a bit embarrassed or even flustered, though once you assure him that you are only for him. He will hug you and bury his head into the crook of your neck and mumble, "Thank you so much."
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dorksnoace · 4 years
Hi! Can i bother you a little and request if you could put a warning or tag for angst writings, please 🙏🥺 thank you
Heyy! Yes for sure I can do that! I’ll make sure to put a warning right at the top before the request begins. I am actually super sorry about that! I totally forgot about warnings until this request, so thank you for asking!😊
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dorksnoace · 4 years
Another li’l thing I wrote for my old blog, this wasn’t requested or anything. Something small that I just wrote up out of the blue, so thought I would share this with you guys too. This is the last old post you will see for a little bit, I got some new requests in so I will be working on those!
Sanada Shunpei x Reader
Warnings: Angst
It was awkward, the silence that is. All that was heard within the quiet room was our heavy breathing, though I could feel the frustration behind it. It was hard to sit in this room, I felt like I didn’t belong. I wanted to leave so badly, but I just knew I couldn’t. Something needed to be said, anything at this point. Though before my thoughts could continue, his voice cut through. My ears picked up the voice of the man I love so much, Sanada.
“Well, are you going to say something?” his voice seemed to echo through the room. I honestly wasn’t sure what to say, we weren’t even looking at each other at this point. It felt like hours since we sat beside each other on his bed. Though I slightly lifted my head to the side just to take a glance at him, and muttered the words.
“Well... I really don’t know what to say.” His head tilted towards me, and we finally made eye contact for a brief moment. Though that was before Sanada suddenly turned his head forward again and questioned.
“Really?” I was a little dumbfounded by his response, that was all he had to say?
“Uhh yes, really,” I stated. My words came out more aggressive than I intended, but I couldn’t help myself. After hearing what he had to say I almost felt like it was best if I just left, and without even thinking, I suddenly stood up and made my way to the door. Though before I could leave, I felt a hand grab my wrist, it immediately stopped me in my tracks.
“Where are you going?” He questioned sternly. I could tell he wasn’t impressed with my decision to leave, but I didn’t care. I just wanted to leave, I tried as hard as I could to pull away from Sanada and answered.
“Well if there is nothing to talk about, then there is really no reason why I have to be here.” I regretted those words a little, I didn’t want to be aggressive with him but I wanted to leave now. Though I couldn’t seem to get away from his grip on my arm, I was stuck in place.
“Seriously? Well, whatever leave if you want,” He grumbled. Sanada had released my hand at this point and was already making his way back to the bed. I huffed as my eye’s watched his figure move towards the bed, I quickly turned around and moved to grab the doorknob. I couldn’t believe this was how we were going to leave this conversation. Feeling frustrated, I turned the doorknob and muttered.
“See you later... I guess.”
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dorksnoace · 4 years
Hello! So this is very embarrassing to say but I accidentally deleted an ask when I went to answer it. Which I am very sorry, big oopsy! So this is actually meant for @bokutama , and from what I remember the ask was something along the lines of:
Ask: Hello! I just found your blog because I just got into DnA! I started writing for it too because there is a severe lack of content! Anyways may I ask where I could find the rules at?
Heyy! Thank you for checking out my blog and I’m happy to hear that you got into DnA!! Also that’s really awesome that you write as well, I’ll have to check out your blog! So you should be able to find my rules if you click on this, if for some reason the link doesn’t work. My blog only has about five posts, so you should be able to just scroll to the bottom and find them. I will eventually be making a navigation system, so everyone can find them easier!
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dorksnoace · 4 years
Hi, Lyss!! Thank you so much for starting this blog again, I follow every DnA blog that I can find cause, unfortunately, they're in danger of extinction... Anyway, I wish you all the good luck!!! 🥳🍀(sorry for my English btw)
Heyy, and you’re welcome!! That’s actually one of the reasons I wanted to make this blog again because every time I look for DnA blogs, I feel like I really can’t find any. Also thank you so much and no worries!!😊💗
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dorksnoace · 4 years
Here’s another request I completed for my old blog while I wait for requests to come in!
Request: Sanada, Mei and Miyuki relationship headcanons
Narumiya Mei
When Mei is trying to get your attention, you better pay attention to him quick. If not, Mei will get super whiney and even defensive. When you finally turn to focus on him, he will try to ignore you as much as possible so he can make you understand how he felt.
This boy is super confident when your watching and cheering for him at his games. He loves looking up into the crowd and seeing you there for him.
He is super clingy. He loves to always have his arms wrapped around you, or just be holding your hand. Mei doesn’t want to annoy you, but he can’t help it; he loves giving affection.
Since Mei always wants to be close to you, he tends to try to tease you when you guys are out in public. Such as trying to give you a quick kiss or just small touches. He wants to make you flustered.
Loves cuddles, but once you start cuddling good luck getting away from this boy. If you have to get up, he will hold your by your waist so you can’t getaway. You may be stuck there for the rest of the night.
Mei would definitely wanna show off his relationship. He would want to make sure that everyone knows that you guys together. Might even get to the point where he brags to his teammates what you guys do in private
Even though Mei might not seem like it, he is very loyal. He loves getting attention from his fans (literally anyone), but if anyone actually tries to make a move on him, he will make sure to shut it down quickly. 
Sanada Shunpei
Sanada loves when you wear his clothes; loves how you look in his clothes and how big they are on you. He also loves getting his clothes back because they smell like you, so he will tend to wear it as soon as you give it back.
Loves walking up behind you to give you a hug, after he likes to turn you around in his arms and give you kisses on the head.
He also likes picking you up and spinning you around. He thinks that you look super cute and loves the fact that you are in his arms.
This boy loves to tease you, both in public and private. He loves seeing your face all red and how you stutter in response.
Sanada loves giving you little gifts, like a bracelet, key chain, or even flowers. He always wants to try to spoil you, wanting to make you feel important.
Whenever you are together out in public he will always be holding your hand, though if for some reason you refuse to hold his hand. He will keep trying and eventually just pouts at you until you finally give in.
When watching a movie, he will ask you to sit in his lap. He likes resting his head on your shoulder, so he gets a view of your face and the movie. He might even accidentally fall asleep in this position.
Miyuki Kazuya
Like Sanada, Miyuki loves to tease you (obviously), always wanting to make you flustered. Whether it would be through touches or even just whispering dirty jokes in your ear.
Neck kisses are his thing. He loves giving you kisses on the neck, especially if he's surprising you with these kisses.
He likes coming up behind you and running his hands up your sides, before wrapping his arms around you and then leaning close to your ear and whispering something along the lines of "Hey cutie."
Not very into public affection, he would prefer to be behind closed doors. Miyuki is a private person and would like to keep his relationship that way too.
When he feels down or is super stressed, he will bury his face into the back of your head or shoulder. When you ask him what's wrong, he will just mumble into you. You may be stuck like that for a while; eventually he will lift his head up and let you know what’s going on.
May struggle with jealously, though he will never say that he is jealous. Instead, he will just constantly pout or may even blatantly ignore you. It will stay that way until you make it up to him or eventually he cools off from it.
Miyuki prefers when you’re laying on his lap, then the other way around. Its not that he doesn’t like to lay on you, but he usually has something he needs to do with baseball. So when you lay on him, he can still complete this while being close to you.
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dorksnoace · 4 years
Here’s another request that I completed for my old blog but this time it’s a scenario!
Request: hi! thanks for making this blog and I hope you have fun with it! can I request an imagine angst for miyuki? something like him and his s/o not really being able to be together b/c of baseball and she finally moves on but he still can't.
Warnings: Angst
“(Y/N) I think we should break up,” the room was silent for a moment. Miyuki’s eyes rested on your figure, you were looking down. They laid there waiting for your reaction and finally, your head slowly raised up. His eyes widened, tears were streaming down your beautiful face. He could feel his chest tightening, he never realized it would have been this hard.
“Why…” you whispered, “ What changed your mind?” Your voice was barely audible at this point, and with each word, your voice cracked even more.
“What did I do wrong?” You asked, almost pleading for the answer. Miyuki never thought he would witness someone break, the more you continued speaking, the more your tears continued to fall. He never realized it would affect you this much, he dreaded every moment of this.
“(Y/N).. you never did anything wrong, I just think… I should focus on baseball.” He stopped for a moment only to continue, “ I just think having a relationship is too much to deal with, especially because I have so many more duties since I became captain.” He explained. At this point you were staring at him with red puffy eyes, blinking you looked down and asked.
“Miyuki do we really need to break up because of that.. isn’t there any other way we can make this work?” he stiffened, his eyes just taking in your figure. Miyuki continued to stare before closing his eyes and looking to the side, he slipped his hands in his pocket before responding.
“No I don’t think there is another solution, I think this is the best decision for me.”
Well It's been three months since then, and Miyuki has never been so lost in his life. He felt like he didn’t know how to do anything anymore, he never would have thought that his decision would have this much of an effect on him. He was the one who made the final decision to break up, yet now he couldn’t help but regret it. He struggled to focus in class, and the lack of sleep was beginning to catch up to him. Miyuki would do anything to have you back, but you stopped texting him a while ago. That was when it really started to affect him.. he realized you had finally given up on him.
That happened over a month ago, but Miyuki finally made his decision, he was going to approach you. He needed to talk to you, he needed to hear your voice, at this point he just wanted you back in his life. Miyuki missed his relationship so much and would do anything to get it back, but if you weren’t ready for that, he would plead to be friends.
However when he finally took his time to go find you at school, he witnessed something that was too much for him to handle. There you were sitting on a bench with another man, you guys were holding hands and laughing with each other. Miyuki’s heart couldn’t help but break, not only did he give up the perfect woman three months ago but now he completely lost her.
He couldn’t stop staring, his eyes lingering on the couple. Though before you could see him, he quickly left the scene. He never thought that he would stress over a woman, let alone you but seeing you with someone new shocked him far too much. He couldn’t handle it; he felt like he couldn’t breathe. Miyuki never realized that nothing could hurt more than a woman can.
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dorksnoace · 4 years
Here is a sample of my writing, this is a request I completed for my old blog, I decided to give a sample of headcanons and a scenario request.
Request: Hello there~ May I ask for a relationship headcanons for ((our beloved sunshine boi)) eijun? Thank you!  
This boy has a hard time not being by your side, he is always so excited to see you. Sometimes when he really wants to see you he will keep asking when practice will be done, which leads to miyuki hitting him on the head for asking too much
Sometimes Eijun will forget that people are around and will just kiss you out of nowhere, though once remember his teammates are around he will become a stuttering mess and continuously apologize to you.
Eijun blushes easy when you compliment him, He gets all excited from your kind words.
Eijun loves giving hugs to you, especially if there surprise hugs. When you return his hugs, he is so overjoyed!
Sometimes Eijun will get jealous but he doesn't know how to explain his feelings, since he doesn’t realize he is jealous. So when he tries to explain to you why he’s upset, he will say something like “when Haruichi was talking to you, I suddenly got a little angry and I really just wanted to take you away from him. Kinda weird right?”
When you watch his games, he is glowing. He is beaming with happiness, He just can’t help it. Eijun can’t believe that you would want to come watch his game, He becomes even louder than usual while playing. (if that's even possible)
Eijun feels like he plays extremely well when you are watching, so he will ask you to try to come to as many games as you can.
When Eijun gets down on himself, he likes reassurance from you that he is doing well. He usually doesn’t talk to people when he is upset, but Eijun will immediately go to you for comfort and some reassuring words. Eijun loves that you always know what to say when he's upset.
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dorksnoace · 4 years
So the rules for this blog have been changed completely, I felt that my rules before were a little too open and it made completing requests a little bit too difficult for me. Due to this, I made changes so that way it keeps things clear and everything runs smoother than last time:
1. So I’ve decided to make a list of characters that I write for. I wanna start a little smaller with characters that I am more comfortable with, and as I answer more requests I will likely add more characters to this list. Therefore before requesting please check out who I write for below:
Seido: Miyuki Kazuya, Kuramochi Youichi, Yuki Tetsuya, Takigawa Chris Yuu, Okumura Koshu, Seto Takuma, Kominato Haruichi, Kominato Ryosuke, Isashiki Jun, Kawakami Norifumi, Yui Kaoru, Furuya Satoru, Sawamura Eijin
Inashiro: Narumiya Mei, Tadano Itsuki, Kaniya Carlos Toshiki, Shirakawa Katsuyuki
Yakushi: Sanada Shunpei, Todoroki Raichi
Komadai Fujimaki: Hongou Masamune
Hakuryuu: Mima Souichiro
2. I have changed the limit of characters per request: Scenario requests have a limit of two characters per request, and Headcanon requests can have up to five.
3. This blog is for x reader writings only and to begin with, I will only be accepting these type of requests:
Scenario Requests: These involve a scenario you would like with your choice of character(s) (maximum of two), and reader that will be written with female pronouns unless otherwise requested! If you are looking for a gender neutral scenario please make a point to state it.
Headcanon Requests: These requests involve my own headcanons with your choice of character(s) (maximum of five)
4. Please try to be descriptive and specific when requesting, the more specific you are the more likely you will receive what you were hoping for. So try to add more than just “Kuramochi fluff,” give me more details so I can try to answer your request in the best way possible. If you send a Generic request I will not delete it, but I will either ask for more details or answer it with my own Ideas.
5. Please be respectful! Every author has their own interpretations of the characters, so the way I interpret the characters may not match yours.
6. Last but not least, Have fun!
If any request don’t follow the rules or if for some reason I’m uncomfortable with answering it. Unfortunately, your request will be deleted.
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dorksnoace · 4 years
New Diamond no Ace Imagines Blog!
Heyy! I'm Lyss and welcome to my blog! I had an imagines blog with the exact same name that I started back in 2019, Though I ended up deleting the blog. I've come to regret this decision, and I am now remaking the blog, so if you remember Dorksnoace, welcome back!
The last time I ran this blog, I was very unorganized and I really didn't know what I was doing. I love writing but I fell into this routine where I would try to write requests in the order of when they were asked. This became more of a chore that I hated then something I wanted to do for fun in my spare time, and I ended up releasing a few requests that didn’t match the quality of my writing.
This time I'm going to be taking a different approach to this blog. I want my blog to be a place where I can do what I love to do for a positive reason. I wanna write requests for people but I don't wanna feel pressure to complete them, obviously this is going to happen but I let it get to my head too much last time.  
Instead, I'm going to complete requests by which I have inspiration for the most because once I get into a writer's block, I take a while to get back on my feet. Therefore your requests may not be completed fast, but It will be completed with the best content I can provide. I wanna release requests at their best quality, not by a specific date.
Sorry for the inconvenience this brings to anyone but I want my blog to be a fun place for everyone, and that includes me the author. I hope to provide a place where you guys can come to read and even chat with me. I felt my blog was almost too serious the first time, and I want it to be a place where I can be my silly self.
Anyways enough with the storytime, and let's talk about requesting. If you've requested on this blog before, the rules have been completely remodified. So please take a look at the new rules before requesting! You can view them by checking out this post, which will be posted right after this one!
Regarding old requests from before I deleted the blog, I have saved everything that I have previously written on my computer. So I do plan on posting some of these so you guys can see a sample of my writing, but I also because really liked how I answered some of my old requests.
Thank you so much for reading this, I know it was long but I needed to address many things before I get started. I hope you guys can support me on my second attempt at this blog. Thank you so much in advance!❤️
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