dreaml4unch · 4 years
omg this is so so nice ;o; this is the first time anyone has ever left some kind of “review” or feedback on my works and it absolutely made my day!! the fact you liked this enough to read it multiple times made me so 😭😭💕💕 you are so kind! thank you for taking the time to read and reblog and leave such kind words!! ;w; ❤️
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#29: “I have had nightmares every night for the past three weeks and now they’re gone because of you, how did you do that?” & #38: “I’ve spent all my nights dreaming of you in my arms peacefully sleeping and here you are.” + Jaehyun for infiresmanburnthestage
Prompt list here - REQUESTS ARE CLOSED -
genre: mostly angst, some fluff at the end. idol!au word count: 1438 warnings: mentions of depression and anxiety
“Not enough.”
“Not good enough.”
“You’re not good enough.”
These words echoed in his head in a voice Jaehyun didn’t recognize and they had him stirring in his sleep, eventually waking up abruptly in a cold sweat as he struggled to find his breath. 
Every night over the last month, without fail, Jaehyun had been waking during the late hours of the night in a panic, reoccurring nightmares following him into his slumber that voiced his deepest insecurities and manifested themselves in horrific visions that would leave him shaken up for hours – sometimes even days on end.
He glanced over toward his phone sitting on his nightstand and tapped on the screen, squinting as the device lit up and burned its brightness into his eyes in the darkness of his room. The time read 4:04am, and behind the time displayed a picture of the two of you as his lock-screen background. 
It had been weeks since the two of you had last seen each other, as all of Jaehyun’s time had been going toward rehearsals, music shows, and various other schedules as he worked hard to promote the group’s new single. All he had wanted was to curl up next to you and forget the rest of the world for a little while. He loved his job. He loved his fans. He loved his members. He loved everything about it. But stressful promotions like these always brought out the worst of him mentally. Was he really good enough to be a part of this group? Was he really pulling his weight? Did he rely too heavily on the others? Does he really deserve to be here?
The thoughts continued to bounce around in his head, seeping through the rest of his body and leaving him with a dull ache in his chest as he finally stepped got out of bed. Fed up, he haphazardly dug out some clean clothes from his dresser drawer, quickly changing before making his way toward the bathroom to finish his morning routine. If he wasn’t going to get any good sleep, then he was at least going to go see you.
He found himself outside of the door to your apartment no more than an hour later, the time on his phone reading 5:07am as he banged his fist against the door. The dull ache in his chest had started to twist itself into frustration as he made the trip to your apartment. He felt irritated that he couldn’t sleep properly. He felt irritated that he couldn’t get his head on straight. He felt frustrated that his emotions were out to get him and might one day be the death of him. But mostly, he felt frustrated that he hadn’t been able to see you in over 4 weeks and that you had yet to answer your front door.
Before he had the chance to bang on the door again, he heard the sound of the locks clicking before the door was slowly opened, revealing you standing in the doorway with the sleepiest expression he’d ever seen on you, obviously having just woken you up with his loud intrusion. Your hair was a mess and you were wearing mismatched pajamas, but he couldn’t care less about your appearance as he swooped in to pull you into his arms, immediately letting out a sigh of relief as he held you in his arms for the first time in what felt like years.
“Jae?” He heard you ask in a small voice, the sound muffled from where your head was currently pressed against his chest.
The two of you separated just long enough for him to step fully inside your apartment so you could shut the door. Once the door was closed, he pulled you into his embrace once more.
You quickly wrapped your arms around him, holding him tightly as he let out another shaky sigh. You were thrilled to get to see him again after such a long period of time, but you were taken aback as to why he had shown up unannounced, looking visibly stressed and upset without any explanation.
“Jae, talk to me. What’s wrong?” You spoke up finally after another long moment of silence, the two of you still standing in the hallway by the front door in each other’s arms.
“The nightmares are back and they aren’t going away.” He spoke, barely above a whisper as he tried to maintain his composure and not break down crying out of frustration. You squeezed him tighter at the sound of his words, knowing full well what the nightmares were about. He had always been open about his insecurities with you, openly admitting that he often felt like he wasn’t good enough compared to the others, and openly admitting he was always afraid of messing up, afraid of failing. You were always the first to hear about when something was wrong, and you were always there to help reassure him with your arms wide open.
Slowly pulling away from his embrace, you let one of your hands trail from his shoulder and down his arm until his hand eventually reached your own, gently lacing your fingers together with his as you motioned for him to follow you toward your bedroom. You knew he probably hadn’t slept for more than a few hours each night, for who knows how long now, and you’d be damned if he didn’t rest for a bit longer while he was with you.
With your hands still intertwined, you carefully pulled him onto the bed to lay beside you, pulling the comforter over the two of you as you motioned for his head to rest on your chest. You let out a content sigh once the two of you were settled, feeling warm and safe with Jaehyun’s arm draped over your stomach and head resting on your chest. You carefully laid your own head on top of his, reaching up to run your fingers through his soft locks of hair before you finally spoke again, breaking the silence that had formed comfortably around the two of you.
“I’ve spent all my nights dreaming of you in my arms peacefully sleeping and here you are.”
Jaehyun gave you a light squeeze, snuggling in closer and smiling to himself at the way you let out another content hum from his actions. “I’ve missed this. I’ve missed you. So much.” He replied, his voice heavy with sleep and trailing off as he began to finally drift off into sleep once more. 
It wasn’t long before you felt yourself doze off alongside him, and you didn’t awaken again until you felt his weight shifting on the bed next to you. You glanced over to the clock on your wall, squinting to make out the time and realized it was around noon when your eyes finally focused. 
“Good morning, my love.” You heard Jaehyun speak from where he was lounging on the bed next to you, his feet propped up on the bed while his head rested on a pillow that was propped up on your headrest. You let out a yawn as you turned on your side to face him, half tempted to tease him about how it was already noon, and that it was in fact, not morning, but the small smile playing on his lips tore you away from all other thoughts as you felt your own smile coming on at the sight.
You inched your way closer to him, slipping yourself underneath one of his arms so you could rest your head on his chest. He let out a chuckle at your action, the vibrations of it resonating throughout your own body. “y/n?” He spoke softly, noticing how you were already drifting back off on top of him and accepted the fact that his day with you was going to be a lazy day in. He smiled when he heard you hum in response against his chest before he spoke once more. “I have had nightmares every night for the past three weeks and now they’re gone because of you, how did you do that?”
You hummed once more, giving a weak shrug of your shoulders and a light chuckle. “Maybe I’ve got a magic touch? I don’t know, but I’m glad I was able to help.” He chuckled at your response and your sleepy voice, his own eyes starting to feel heavy once more from the comforting weight of your body resting against his. “I’m glad you were, too.” He replied, wrapping his arms around you as he let sleep peacefully wash over him once more.
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dreaml4unch · 4 years
I just read the post and i love it so much! Thank u for taking this request 💚💚💚 it's 10:04pm in where i live so that was a really good wrap for my day hehe luv u
You’re welcome!! I’m so happy you liked it!!! 💚
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dreaml4unch · 4 years
hi lovelies!!!
i’m not taking any prompt requests right now, but i do want to hear from you guys and see which members you want to see me write more for? i have some ideas for drabbles and short stories but i’m torn on who to write them for ;w;
i’m also happy to do requests for MTL (most to least) reactions and what not so feel free to send those in!! ♥ i want to interact with everyone more! \o/
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dreaml4unch · 4 years
29 + 38 with Jaehyun? Love ur writing btw💚
Posted here! Hopefully you like it!
I originally wasn’t sure if I was going to write this or not (since I’m not super open to taking requests atm since I’m still getting back into the flow of writing) but these prompts go so well together and the idea for it hit me like a truck haha. As a result, it’s a little long (hopefully you don’t mind!!) and it’s a little angsty but I promise it ends happy & sweet!
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dreaml4unch · 4 years
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#29: “I have had nightmares every night for the past three weeks and now they’re gone because of you, how did you do that?” & #38: “I’ve spent all my nights dreaming of you in my arms peacefully sleeping and here you are.” + Jaehyun for infiresmanburnthestage
Prompt list here - REQUESTS ARE CLOSED -
genre: mostly angst, some fluff at the end. idol!au word count: 1438 warnings: mentions of depression and anxiety
“Not enough.”
“Not good enough.”
“You’re not good enough.”
These words echoed in his head in a voice Jaehyun didn’t recognize and they had him stirring in his sleep, eventually waking up abruptly in a cold sweat as he struggled to find his breath. 
Every night over the last month, without fail, Jaehyun had been waking during the late hours of the night in a panic, reoccurring nightmares following him into his slumber that voiced his deepest insecurities and manifested themselves in horrific visions that would leave him shaken up for hours -- sometimes even days on end.
He glanced over toward his phone sitting on his nightstand and tapped on the screen, squinting as the device lit up and burned its brightness into his eyes in the darkness of his room. The time read 4:04am, and behind the time displayed a picture of the two of you as his lock-screen background. 
It had been weeks since the two of you had last seen each other, as all of Jaehyun’s time had been going toward rehearsals, music shows, and various other schedules as he worked hard to promote the group’s new single. All he had wanted was to curl up next to you and forget the rest of the world for a little while. He loved his job. He loved his fans. He loved his members. He loved everything about it. But stressful promotions like these always brought out the worst of him mentally. Was he really good enough to be a part of this group? Was he really pulling his weight? Did he rely too heavily on the others? Does he really deserve to be here?
The thoughts continued to bounce around in his head, seeping through the rest of his body and leaving him with a dull ache in his chest as he finally stepped got out of bed. Fed up, he haphazardly dug out some clean clothes from his dresser drawer, quickly changing before making his way toward the bathroom to finish his morning routine. If he wasn’t going to get any good sleep, then he was at least going to go see you.
He found himself outside of the door to your apartment no more than an hour later, the time on his phone reading 5:07am as he banged his fist against the door. The dull ache in his chest had started to twist itself into frustration as he made the trip to your apartment. He felt irritated that he couldn’t sleep properly. He felt irritated that he couldn’t get his head on straight. He felt frustrated that his emotions were out to get him and might one day be the death of him. But mostly, he felt frustrated that he hadn’t been able to see you in over 4 weeks and that you had yet to answer your front door.
Before he had the chance to bang on the door again, he heard the sound of the locks clicking before the door was slowly opened, revealing you standing in the doorway with the sleepiest expression he’d ever seen on you, obviously having just woken you up with his loud intrusion. Your hair was a mess and you were wearing mismatched pajamas, but he couldn’t care less about your appearance as he swooped in to pull you into his arms, immediately letting out a sigh of relief as he held you in his arms for the first time in what felt like years.
“Jae?” He heard you ask in a small voice, the sound muffled from where your head was currently pressed against his chest.
The two of you separated just long enough for him to step fully inside your apartment so you could shut the door. Once the door was closed, he pulled you into his embrace once more.
You quickly wrapped your arms around him, holding him tightly as he let out another shaky sigh. You were thrilled to get to see him again after such a long period of time, but you were taken aback as to why he had shown up unannounced, looking visibly stressed and upset without any explanation.
“Jae, talk to me. What’s wrong?” You spoke up finally after another long moment of silence, the two of you still standing in the hallway by the front door in each other’s arms.
“The nightmares are back and they aren’t going away.” He spoke, barely above a whisper as he tried to maintain his composure and not break down crying out of frustration. You squeezed him tighter at the sound of his words, knowing full well what the nightmares were about. He had always been open about his insecurities with you, openly admitting that he often felt like he wasn’t good enough compared to the others, and openly admitting he was always afraid of messing up, afraid of failing. You were always the first to hear about when something was wrong, and you were always there to help reassure him with your arms wide open.
Slowly pulling away from his embrace, you let one of your hands trail from his shoulder and down his arm until his hand eventually reached your own, gently lacing your fingers together with his as you motioned for him to follow you toward your bedroom. You knew he probably hadn’t slept for more than a few hours each night, for who knows how long now, and you’d be damned if he didn’t rest for a bit longer while he was with you.
With your hands still intertwined, you carefully pulled him onto the bed to lay beside you, pulling the comforter over the two of you as you motioned for his head to rest on your chest. You let out a content sigh once the two of you were settled, feeling warm and safe with Jaehyun’s arm draped over your stomach and head resting on your chest. You carefully laid your own head on top of his, reaching up to run your fingers through his soft locks of hair before you finally spoke again, breaking the silence that had formed comfortably around the two of you.
“I’ve spent all my nights dreaming of you in my arms peacefully sleeping and here you are.”
Jaehyun gave you a light squeeze, snuggling in closer and smiling to himself at the way you let out another content hum from his actions. “I’ve missed this. I’ve missed you. So much.” He replied, his voice heavy with sleep and trailing off as he began to finally drift off into sleep once more. 
It wasn’t long before you felt yourself doze off alongside him, and you didn’t awaken again until you felt his weight shifting on the bed next to you. You glanced over to the clock on your wall, squinting to make out the time and realized it was around noon when your eyes finally focused. 
“Good morning, my love.” You heard Jaehyun speak from where he was lounging on the bed next to you, his feet propped up on the bed while his head rested on a pillow that was propped up on your headrest. You let out a yawn as you turned on your side to face him, half tempted to tease him about how it was already noon, and that it was in fact, not morning, but the small smile playing on his lips tore you away from all other thoughts as you felt your own smile coming on at the sight.
You inched your way closer to him, slipping yourself underneath one of his arms so you could rest your head on his chest. He let out a chuckle at your action, the vibrations of it resonating throughout your own body. “y/n?” He spoke softly, noticing how you were already drifting back off on top of him and accepted the fact that his day with you was going to be a lazy day in. He smiled when he heard you hum in response against his chest before he spoke once more. “I have had nightmares every night for the past three weeks and now they’re gone because of you, how did you do that?”
You hummed once more, giving a weak shrug of your shoulders and a light chuckle. “Maybe I’ve got a magic touch? I don’t know, but I’m glad I was able to help.” He chuckled at your response and your sleepy voice, his own eyes starting to feel heavy once more from the comforting weight of your body resting against his. “I’m glad you were, too.” He replied, wrapping his arms around you as he let sleep peacefully wash over him once more.
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dreaml4unch · 4 years
You couldn’t fight back the smile that crept onto your face as you were enveloped by the warmth of Jaehyun’s oversized hoodie draped over your frame. The article of clothing previously worn by him just moments earlier made you feel cozy and safe, and his scent still lingering on it had your heart racing. Mindlessly, you pulled the hood over your head and pulled the drawstrings together, quickly shielding your face and drawing a laugh from the both of you at your now hidden appearance.
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dreaml4unch · 4 years
9+23 for the prompts with jaemin? thank youuu
Posted here! I’m so so sorry this took a billion years to write and finish, and it’s so short too... 😔 writers block has been killing me for almost two months but I’m trying my best to get the inspiration back ✊🏼 thanks for being so patient and I hope you like it!! ;n;
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dreaml4unch · 4 years
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#9: “When you sleep, you snore.” & #23: *gentle head massages until the other is alsleep* + Jaemin for anonymous
Prompt list here - REQUESTS ARE CLOSED -
genre: fluff word count: 240 warnings: none
“You know that when you sleep, you snore, right?”
You had just barely started to drift off into sleep, Jaemin’s fingers gently carding their way through your hair easing you into sleep as a movie played quietly on the TV in front of the two of you. Your peaceful slumber, however, was now being interrupted by the sound of your boyfriend snickering in amusement.
You raised your head from where it was currently rested on his lap and sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes before sending him a glare, the teasing grin on his face never budging despite your best efforts. His hand that was previously in your hair had now moved downward to rest on your lower back, his arm wrapping around your hip to pull you closer to him and motion for your head to rest on his shoulder.
“I’m just teasing you, my love.” He spoke with a chuckle, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead before continuing with his previous ministrations, his fingers once more combing through your locks causing your eyes to flutter shut against his chest. “You’re cute when you sleep, even though you snore... and sometimes drool on me.”
He laughed happily when he felt a weak slap from you against his thigh, satisfied in giving you a hard time before adjusting so the both of you were resting more comfortably and drifted off into sleep with you on the couch.
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dreaml4unch · 4 years
You couldn’t fight back the smile that crept onto your face as you were enveloped by the warmth of Jaehyun’s oversized hoodie draped over your frame. The article of clothing previously worn by him just moments earlier made you feel cozy and safe, and his scent still lingering on it had your heart racing. Mindlessly, you pulled the hood over your head and pulled the drawstrings together, quickly shielding your face and drawing a laugh from the both of you at your now hidden appearance.
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dreaml4unch · 4 years
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dreaml4unch · 4 years
we’ve been on a bit of a hiatus due to writers block but can we talk about this 127 comeback for a min !!!
everything about this concept is so aesthetically pleasing and literally there isn’t a single bad track on the album 🙌🏼 we stan kings in this house
Johnny isn’t even my bias but he’s wrecking me this comeback can we talk about that as well 💀💀💀
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dreaml4unch · 4 years
hey loves!
requests and some new content are (finally) coming soon! both admins have been so busy it’s been hard to keep up with this blog, but I promise we’re still here and still at it! ❤️
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dreaml4unch · 4 years
Haha that renjun prompt was sooo cute! Thank you for writing it 💚
of course love!! i’m so glad you liked it! ♥
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dreaml4unch · 4 years
11, 6 - renjun!! 💚
posted here! ♥I’m such a sucker for renjun (esp soft bf!renjun lol) so this was a lot of fun to write! thanks for the request and hopefully it doesn’t disappoint ;w; 
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dreaml4unch · 4 years
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#11: “I took NyQuil instead of DayQuil on accident and now I’m about to pass out.” & #6: “Carry me up to bed?” + Renjun for anonymous Prompt list here
genre: fluff word count: 391 warnings: n/a, not proofread
“How are you feeling today, my love?”
Renjun smiled sympathetically at your exhausted appearance, the cold you had caught recently was kicking your butt and wreaking havoc on your sleep schedule. You could barely stay asleep throughout the night thanks to the cold sweats from your off and on fever or coughing fits repeatedly waking you up over the last few days.
“Awful. This is all your fault and I hope you know that.” You groaned in response, ignoring his amused laughter while you opened the box of tissues he brought, blowing your nose and groaning at the unpleasant sensation of the material against the your raw skin but savoring the brief moment where you could breathe again.
He had recently gotten over the same cold you had, and while he was sick, despite his protests, you had insisted on trying to take care of him. Clearly a bad idea in hindsight, as you were now struggling to function like a normal human being and ignore the feeling of your head basically trying to implode.
“Did you take your cold medicine yet?” He asked while placing a gentle hand to your forehead to check your temperature, smiling as you nodded yes against his hand. “I messed up though.” You spoke through a yawn, fighting your heavy eyes back open to look at him as you finished speaking. “I took NyQuil instead of DayQuil on accident and now I’m about to pass out.”
Renjun laughed once more, wrapping his arms around you so he could pull you into his embrace and motioned for your head to rest on his shoulder. “That’s probably for the best.” He replied, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head before he continued. “You look exhausted and need to get some sleep.”
You nodded in agreement, letting out another yawn as you draped your arms over his shoulders. “Carry me up to bed?” The sound of your quiet snoring that almost immediately followed your words was all he needed to oblige to your request, carefully carrying you in his embrace to your bed before taking his place next to you and tucking both of you in underneath the covers. “Anything for you, my love.” He whispered softly against the skin of your forehead, pressing a soft kiss to it before drifting off into sleep himself.
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dreaml4unch · 4 years
Sleepy/cozy prompts💤✨
“The bed is cold without you”
“I can’t sleep, you’ve been gone too long”
“Don’t be nervous, you can come closer”
“I’m sorry my bed is so old.”
“My dog...she takes up half the bed, I can kick her off if you w—“ “no, I like it”
“Carry me up to bed?”
“I’ve been living off of coffee for two days I deserve to sleep!”
“Can we at least still sleep in the same bed?”
“When you sleep, you snore.”
“You look so much softer, so much calmer, I wish you could see yourself as you sleep.”
“I took NyQuil instead of DayQuil on accident and now im about to pass out.”
“We could...take a nap together?”
“Sleeping with you was the best sleep I’ve gotten in years.”
“I-I miss your arms around me as I slept, I know it’s embarrassing but you made me feel safe.”
“You sleep with the stuffed animal I got you?” “Of course”
“Your pillow smells like lavender”
“If Heaven was a place on earth it would be you in bed wearing this right now and telling me stories until we pass out.”
“What is that noise?” “I have to listen to ocean sounds to help me sleep”
“Is it possible to sleep for two days?”
“I think your hair is cute when you wake up, if only you could see it the way I did.”
“Goodnight love, I’ll see you in my dreams.”
“It’s strange I always dream of you when you’re in my arms...I also don’t want it to stop.”
*gentle head massages until the other is alsleep*
“You’re so soft, if I could ever touch the clouds, this is what they’d feel like.”
*waking up to the other counting freckles on their face*
“I know it’s embarrassing I still sleep with a Night light”
“And then I was—oh, goodnight dear.”
“The prince/princess needs their beauty sleep”
“I have had nightmares every night for the past three weeks and now they’re gone because of you, how did you do that?”
“You smell like vanilla.”
“The sheets are warm!”
“I got us new pillows.”
“You should see yourself when it’s 12am and the moon comes in and hits your face just right, you have a soft natural highlight at the tip of your nose and all your features come out. It’s like your skin is working right in front of me.”
“Will you carry me to bed?”
“One night, just one, I pray we can sleep on our own.”
“This is embarrassing but I had a bad dream and back home when this happens I normally just crawl into bed with my mom or sister but since they’re not here anymore can I sleep with you?”
“Keep talking, your voice helps me sleep.”
“I’ve spent all my nights dreaming of you in my arms peacefully sleeping and here you are.”
“Stop moving into trying to sleep”
“It’s just a nightmare, it’s nothing real.”
“You should sleep in my bed more often.”
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dreaml4unch · 4 years
nct reacting to you getting your astrophysics phd and being smarter than them (nsfw)
sorry for the super late reply with this!! both admins have been so busy and we’re just now able to finish it!
we’ve seen this ask around on a few other blogs so first we want to say, if you just received your phd, congratulations!!! you must have worked so hard and that is absolutely amazing!! all of NCT would be so proud of you 💓 (as are we!)
secondly, we’re not really that great with nsfw content yet but we did our best to answer this as well as we could! both admins had to work together on this one and we hope that you like it, and hopefully the way we answered it is okay!
reactions are under the cut!
Taeil, Taeyong, Kun, Winwin, Jungwoo, Mark, Xiaojun, Jeno, Jaemin
Would definitely make sure to take you out for some sort of celebration —a nice dinner/night out/etc
Afterwards they’d take you home and spoil you rotten
Would be pretty loving and gentle tbh
They’d be happy to give you a massage or a nice bath to help you relax and set the mood
Overall very gentle, just wanting to show you how proud they are of you for working so hard
Only focused on making you feel good, trailing kisses from your neck and all the way down your body until eventually going down on you
expect to be cuddled afterward
Johnny, Yuta, Ten, Doyoung, Jaehyun, Hendery, Lucas, Renjun, Haechan, Yangyang
Would probably have some sort of congratulatory party at your shared apartment / house
Throughout the night, they would be glancing over at you — watching you giggle along with some sort of inside jokes some of you and your colleagues, the subtle way you’d squint your eyes when you smile, etc
There’s something different about him whenever you’d correct some sort of mistakes he’d make when talking
Once the party guest leaves, they’d already have you pin up against the wall, hands already down your panties
“You’ve been driving me crazy all night, doctor.”
Expect it to start at the dining room table, where he has you leaned against the table 
It’s a bit rough to begin with, as it’s mostly pent up frustration for you being a smartass at him, i.e. correcting pronouciation, explaining how things works, etc
Once it’s in the bedroom, it’s more just to show you how proud he is of you
You are the one riding him as he wants to let you take control for a change
Afterwards, there is some cuddling before you both are tangled up and sleeping face to face
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