eastsidewarios · 3 years
skinny legs are all i really want
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eastsidewarios · 3 years
anyone got any groups or servers or w/e i can join to get help with being reminded of my diet so my binge eating ass doesnt break it like always? app reminders dont help :(
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eastsidewarios · 3 years
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Starting a fast!
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eastsidewarios · 3 years
Guess what I did 🤪
Your telling me I’ve borderline starved myself all week, and I haven’t lost a pound???? Aint no way.
I alternate between low and high res during the week but I’ve been doing low restriction all week (except Tuesday cuz I was high) cuz I knew i was going out to dinner on Saturday,,, and weight is the fuckin same.
I kinda wanna binge now since im not loosing weight anyway, might as well eat. But I’m not, I’m gonna control myself.
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🧚🏽‍♂️Hw: 140 , Cw: 128.6 , Gw: 100 🌊
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eastsidewarios · 3 years
Your telling me I’ve borderline starved myself all week, and I haven’t lost a pound???? Aint no way.
I alternate between low and high res during the week but I’ve been doing low restriction all week (except Tuesday cuz I was high) cuz I knew i was going out to dinner on Saturday,,, and weight is the fuckin same.
I kinda wanna binge now since im not loosing weight anyway, might as well eat. But I’m not, I’m gonna control myself.
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🧚🏽‍♂️Hw: 140 , Cw: 128.6 , Gw: 100 🌊
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eastsidewarios · 3 years
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Goddamnit. My goal today was 500 and it was going good then my friend decided she wanted to trek across the city for a koren corn dog. I was feeling lightheaded which I thought was from not eating, so I decided to get one but It could have just been dissociating. Weird how I can’t tell the difference. Anyways Im mad cuz I’ve gone over my calorie limit everyday for the past 2 week when I was doing so well before. The corn dog was kinda good tho.
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eastsidewarios · 3 years
ana rules to prevent binges
(these are for me you do NOT have to follow)
MUST stay under 800 cal. every day
walk at least 5,000 steps
no eating before 10 am or after 8 pm
have at LEAST one fasting day (liquids only)
do at LEAST two work out videos per day
skip at least one meal a day
have at LEAST 24. oz of water
can go over 600 cal. but stay under 1,200
no eating only after 7 pm
do at LEAST one workout video per day
walk at LEAST 2,000 steps
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eastsidewarios · 3 years
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Started abc this week, been going over a bit but its still a lot less than my usual intake so idgaf. Its been really easy since there isn’t usually anything in the house I want to eat. But out of no where my mom bought all of the foods I like, which I usually have to buy for myself because she doesn’t like them. Now there is a bunch of Shin Ramyun and Filo Swirls that my brother is gonna have to himself since I cant eat them 😔
I keep catching myself thinking “well i can have a cheat day🤪” but thank god I stop myslef before I start binging. Fuck, this is gonna be a lot harder now that there is food I actually wanna eat.
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eastsidewarios · 4 years
“I knew there were things I should never find beautiful. Like death. And girls.”
— Andrea Gibson, “Crab Apple Pirates”
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eastsidewarios · 4 years
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eastsidewarios · 4 years
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Yeah a boyfriend sounds nice but an archenemy you can make out with in secret sounds ravishingly pleasing.
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eastsidewarios · 4 years
wow i cant believe adhd doof is canon
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eastsidewarios · 4 years
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(instagram: myfairesttreasure)
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eastsidewarios · 4 years
Have you happened accepted any patterns for denim jackets with patches? Thank you for running such a helpful blog 💙
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you are quite welcome. these were so fun to find!
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eastsidewarios · 4 years
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simple trench outfit designed by kiara of ravioli
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eastsidewarios · 4 years
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i really never got into making qr codes before this but now i feel like i have the tools to do it?? idk i followed @bramblescrossings dress tutorials and mashed em together to make this lil picnic dress 💖💖
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eastsidewarios · 4 years
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Statue of Apollo covered in tulle netting
A copy of the Greek bronze original by Leochares (330 BCE)
Blanton Museum of Art
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