easynlean · 10 months
Navigating the Landscape: Slow Carb Diet vs. CICO Diet
Embarking on a journey toward a healthier lifestyle often involves choosing the right dietary approach. Two popular methods, the Slow Carb Diet and the Calories In, Calories Out (CICO) Diet, have gained attention. In this exploration, we’ll delve into the fundamental distinctions between these two approaches, shedding light on their principles, effectiveness, and potential impact on your health…
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easynlean · 10 months
Me ys to a Lasting Love: Practical Tips for a Successful Marriage
Building a successful marriage is like crafting a masterpiece – it requires time, effort, and a lot of heart. Whether you’re a newlywed or celebrating several decades together, here are some friendly, tried-and-true tips to help your marriage thrive. Communication is Key: Imagine your relationship as a garden. For it to flourish, you need to water it regularly. Communication is that water. Be…
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easynlean · 11 months
Unlocking Professional Success: Five Essential Tips for Workplace Triumph
In the fast-paced and competitive world of today’s professional landscape, achieving success at work is a goal that many aspire to. Whether you’re just starting your career or looking to enhance your current position, incorporating certain strategies can significantly boost your chances of triumph. Let’s explore five key tips that can pave the way for success in the workplace. 1. Set Clear Goals…
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easynlean · 11 months
In the dynamic realm of leadership, navigating the intricacies of guiding a team to success requires a nuanced approach and a diverse set of skills. Leadership extends far beyond the ability to give commands; it involves fostering collaboration, inspiring innovation, and cultivating a positive work culture. In this exploration of five fundamental tips on leadership, we delve into key aspects that…
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easynlean · 11 months
Name the most expensive personal item you’ve ever purchased (not your home or car). PRS guitar
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easynlean · 11 months
The Power of Incremental Progress: Getting 1% Better Each Week
Introduction: In a world that often glorifies overnight success, the concept of continuous improvement tends to be overshadowed. However, the philosophy of getting 1% better each week can be a transformative approach to personal and professional growth. This blog post explores the profound impact of incremental progress and offers practical insights on how to integrate this mindset into your…
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easynlean · 3 years
Rice or Pasta
White rice vs Pasta. Have on the carbs and also on the glycemic scale they both score medium. With Rice at 64 and Pasta at 42.Glycemic scale is A glycemic index diet is an eating plan based on how foods affect your blood sugar level. The glycemic index is a system of assigning a number to carbohydrate-containing foods according to how much each food increases blood sugar. This increase in sugar…
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easynlean · 3 years
Facts on Fries
In terms of raw nutritional value, the difference between sweet potatoes and white potatoes is minuscule. “Both potatoes clock in around the same calories (100 to 120 calories) and carbs (25 to 30 grams) for a small to medium potato, “Both contain around 4 g of fibre and contain less than 1 g of fat before any butter or oil is added.”As for protein? Both serve under 4 g, but white potatoes tend…
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easynlean · 3 years
Hidden Calories
The hidden calories:Ketchup has 20 calories per serving size of 17 grams.4 grams of sugar per serving size5 carbs per serving size grams Ketchup is one of the largest hidden calories in many peoples diet. When we use Ketchup we do not think we are using a lot. Next time measure out one serving size of 17 grams and see a little that is and then measure how much you use. If you don’t think it is a…
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easynlean · 3 years
A Banana A Day
A Banana A Day
Banana health benefits far outweigh those of the apple. That’s because they have many more vitamins and nutrients than their round counterparts. Bananas have twice as many carbohydrates, 5 times as much Vitamin A and iron, and 3 times as much phosphorus as apples. Bananas are also rich in potassium, fibre and natural sugars. The vitamin C, potassium and other vitamins and minerals bananas contain…
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easynlean · 3 years
Calorie Dense VS Protein Dense
Calorie Dense VS Protein Dense
How a healthy snack like almonds can turn weight loss into weight gain if we are not careful. Serving of almonds is usually about 30 almonds. I know for me 30 for a snack is not very much. Or if I have two helpings of almonds in a day this adds almost 1000 calories to our diets. I would suggest to keeping almonds and other nuts as a healthy bulking tool. When I am losing weight I will cut almonds…
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easynlean · 3 years
Questioning Healthy Snacking
Looking at different snack options can be eye-opening. We always think popcorn is the healthy choice when you need a snack. But as you can see popcorn can pack in the calories and carbs. It is lower in fat than many other snacks, in this case, Doritos. The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to look at each food carefully and make sure you understand the macros and not go by what you were…
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easynlean · 3 years
Sushi or Pho- Let's break them down
Sushi or Pho- Let’s break them down
Finding a healthy option for food on the go is sometimes difficult. Usually, when you think of a healthy fast-food alternative people gravitate towards Asian cuisine.It usually is a better choice as you can feel full with lower calories amounts. But be careful in what you pick.Sushi is a great and healthy choice with low calories for the amount of food you can eat. Plus the variety to choose from…
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easynlean · 3 years
Morning Nutrient Pitfalls
Getting your mornings started right, starts with the right meal. Some cold cereals are labelled as a healthy choice. Some are marketed to kids with high sugar contents and we know they are bad. It is the ones that look healthy or we are told are healthy that we need to take a closer look at. Here we have Specail K and Cinnonmon toast Crunch. Specail K has been marketed for healthy adults. When…
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easynlean · 3 years
Pass the empty calories
Pass the empty calories
A can of Coca-Cola or a cup of juice takes around 30 minutes to burn off. The nutritional value of each is very limited. Coca-cola is known as empty calories, as they do not provide very little nutrients. It is very high in sugar as 52g are in one can. Orange Juice is high in sugar as well at 21g of sugar per cup.But with Orange juice, you are getting vitamins. In this case, it is not as empty as…
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easynlean · 3 years
BBQ Favorites broken down
BBQ Favorites broken down
Summer is over and you maybe getting the last BBQ in for the season. Let’s breakdown two family favorites on the BBQ.Hotdog on a bun and a sausage on a bun. The classic BBQ staples that do add up fast with calories and marcos such as carbs and fats. They both do lack in protein as well. Another factor for both are they are usually highly processed foods that have many additives to them that are…
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easynlean · 3 years
Empty Calories and Time to Burn
Empty Calories and Time to Burn
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