echuschasma · 2 months
If your “traumagenic safe space” has “mixed origins Dni” then it’s not a traumagenic safe space
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echuschasma · 3 months
🐠 Idk. Possibly Elio? He likes John Hancock. A lot.
🦀 That was Lena. But Lena is dormant rn, so title goes to Phoenix
🐬 Nico would LOVE being a little froggy. Boing!!
🦑 Arkangel & Yvette
🐳 Venture & Eddie
🐙 Cypher. He is the best at fronting because he knows EVERYTHING about this silly little meat suit.
🪼 If we count a song from a band with 400 monthly listeners as a source: Salem. Biggest source? We've got a load of Overwatch, Valorant & Hoyoverse introjects, take that as you will.
🐡 Eddie is such a little guy. Little buggy you'd love. Cherish.
🐟 Ralph would probably live for the club if he wasn't an android.
system ask game except the questions are moderately unhinged
🐠 who has the strangest fictional crush?
🦀 who is the BRITISH one
🐬 most likely to be turned into a frog by an evil witch :(
🦑 which pillow pet are you (current fronter)
🐳 who says y’all unironically
🐙 who’s the best at fronting (interpret this how you will)
🪼 who has the most obscure source? who has the most well known?
🐡 who’s the most insect adjacent. either in the little guy way or the EEEAAAAGHHHTKGJF FNN KILL IT way
🐟 who should be at the club rn
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echuschasma · 3 months
Sadpost time Hi sysblr, we're back! Life has been kinda not very good.
I was wondering if y'all had any advice on how to cope with system dormancy? We've had a few of our most important members disappear & go dormant and we're really struggling to cope.
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echuschasma · 4 months
Systems and their experience with music! I really want to know how music has an impact on systems, their songtives (if they have any), how their music taste varies between members. If there's songs they cannot stand which other headmates love, if there's songs they got into through another member's enjoyment of it, and how much they love music in general.
Anyone seeing this, hop in our askbox!! Tell us stuff like this!
Alright, let's try something-- You're tired of origins discourse, we're tired of origins discourse--fuck it, let's talk about something else. What's a system-related discussion do you wish we were all having instead? Reblog, reply, anything.
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echuschasma · 4 months
Mixed origins system here! I feel like we count for this discussion because we're partially endogenic.
Anti-endos try to appear scary and much more convincing than they actually are. They claim endogenic & non-disordered systems are "invading" or "appropriating" DID and other dissociative disorders, but have no proof for that.
They toe the line between plain stupid (denying the existence of something very real) and incredibly harmful (perpetuating the idea that all endogenic systems are in denial about their trauma, which often encourages systems to go digging for possible trauma - this stuff is repressed for a reason).
Never do they have a source beyond an unverified carrd, or an equivalent of the timeless "trust me bro". Anti-endos have done immense harm to many of the people we know, us included. Their idea of trauma equating to systemhood is wrong, and it sent us on the beginnings of a spiral we (thankfully) escaped before it seriously hurt us.
Anti-endos view plurality as (and I despise this term) an "Oppression Olympics" of sorts, resorting to the idea that you cannot be "truly plural" unless you have a severe trauma. They ignore tulpamancy, willowgenic systems and other created systems. They deny that being plural is more than constant pain and sadness. They ignore pro-endogenic studies, resources and papers, with some I've seen going as far as admitting they never read the sources people cite.
Pro-endogenics, and endogenic systems themselves, don't do this. There is none of that suffocating, almost nausea-inducing mentality. Just support in a community bonded over shared existence, that cares for their peers, shares scientific studies and makes the change they need to exist safely. Pro-endogenic spaces are where we've met some of our best friends, and where we learned more about what it means to be plural, whilst anti-endogenic spaces closed their doors to us on the basis of our existence.
And to be endogenic is to simply be plural. To acknowledge the existence of multiple self-aware entities inside your physical brain, just as a traumagenic system does, just like a DID or OSDD system does.
I'd say it's pretty self-explanatory which side to choose, but I'm not you, so I won't force you. Our blog is always welcome to you if you decide pro-endo is your path.
- Lena
so I'm not particularly well versed in the working or drama of the internet- I've learned a lot about online discourse from my friends but something I'm interested in learning about and am currently educating myself in is systems (DID, OSDD, etc.). I have some basic knowledge of how and why most systems come about, but I'm learning lots of terminology and as I'm learning these things I'm also learning about some things that appear to have a lot of negative reception.
I would appreciate it if (actual diagnosed systems, Endo/trauma/quoigenic systems, or someone with reliable information like a scientist or therapist) someone could inform me of the problems with endogenic/quoigenic/forced systems? From what I know, they're non-traumagenic and have a lot of very negative reception within the system community.
I am not a system, but I do have an understanding of how and why systems come about and lots of systemic terminology.
If someone within this community could also tag some good blogs/systems that would be willing to help, that would be great. Anything is helpful, whether it be anti-endo or pro, anyone that can give me input. If you can tag anyone you know it would be awesome.
Much obliged,
liv (just someone trying to learn more about the world)
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echuschasma · 4 months
i love endogenic systems. yall are my siblings and you make the world a better place. we are holding hands no matter what the world throws at us.
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echuschasma · 4 months
I really really like plain peppermint tea. It's just so good, like an actual pick me up and throw me back at happy in a mug. Also a massive fan of boba, I always get brown sugar matcha made with oolong tea and that is ICONIC.
- Lena
very important syscourse question
what's you guys' favorite kind of tea?? personally I recently got this vanilla tea that I've been mixing with mint leaves from my garden and it tastes amazing (with the added bonus of making me feel very fancy and aesthetic).
if you don't like tea, just tell me your favorite drink or what color the sky is for you right now or something in your head that you haven't gotten the chance to scream into the void about yet
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echuschasma · 4 months
pls rb if you think cuddling doesn't have to be s3xual
im tryna prove a point to my bf's mother help me out
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echuschasma · 4 months
15 - What's the hottest take one of your system members has ever had? And, adding my own question, whats your innerworld/headspace like if ya got one?
Hottest system take - Probably Lena's idea that if you gatekeep music, you deserve to have warm pillows every night ever. He thinks that music is for everyone to enjoy, and that by restricting it, you're being a nasty piece of work.
Headspace/Innerworld? Currently rebuilding ours, but we want it to be a massive library-like place with comfy chairs and massive bookshelves and everything.
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echuschasma · 4 months
do you like minecraft
Haven't played as much as we should because Lena's Overwatch hyperfixation has lasted forever and ever, but it's really good fun!
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echuschasma · 4 months
5 - how easy do you split? :3
Depends! External circumstances can have a massive impact on this, but generally we do split quite easily.
Also we tend to split off in groups? Rarely ever just one member.
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echuschasma · 4 months
10 - most common sources? and adding on our own questions, whats yalls introjects opinions on seperating from source + also whats all of yalls names+collective name? :D
Okay!! Quite a few here:
Most common sources for us vary a lot! By member count, it's currently Overwatch hands down. We have like 2/3 of the roster in our head. Also a lot of Baldur's Gate and Detroit: Become Human in here. Separating from source? That's quite a personal one. We all strive to be our own selves, but that doesn't mean we can't like/be interested in the same things. Provided separating makes the individual happy, we're happy to let them do it.
System name is currently The Echus Chasma (Mars go brrr) or The Sonic Bloom (this is also a song by Locket I& love that band so much!!!.) Collectively we're predominantly called Danaus and Winslow, although we have our own name hoard somewhere.
Thanks for asking!!!
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echuschasma · 4 months
11 - fav insys names? :3
Yay! I think this is one of my& favourite questions.
There's two kinds of favourite name: - The SILLY. That's Windex & McDouble for you. - The unusual. Like Cerecloth. Although everyone has cool names I just think that is really cool. Linguistics is cool man.
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echuschasma · 4 months
Ask a system!!!
Decided this would be kinda fun to do. Drop one of these in our ask box (number and text!!) and we'll answer! Add your own personal asks to our box if you like, too.
1 - Where does your system/collective name come from? 2 - Give me an out of context system quote! 3 - Any subsystems? 4 - How many gremlins are in your head? 5 - How easy do you split? 6 - Are you fictive heavy? Factives? Neither? 7 - Give me a song that reminds you of a random headmate 8 - Any non-human members? 9 - Tell me about your frequent fronters 10 - Most common sources? 11 - What are some of your favourite insys names? 12 - What's your favourite colour? 13 - If you had to sum your collective up in five words, what would they be? 14 - How do you celebrate birthdays? 15 - What's the hottest take one of your system members has ever had?
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echuschasma · 4 months
This is something we noticed too. The fact these people use the universal constant of shitty people to degrade people they're afraid of.
Because that's what it is. A baseless and irrational fear that they perpetuate, seeking comfort in knowing other people are afraid too. Just because one person hurt them, doesn't mean everyone will. It's like generalising that all apples are bad just because you didn't like one. It's stupid, it's not accurate, and it doesn't reflect actual life.
- Shiv
Alright, there's been a rather disturbing trend I'm noticing with a lot of Anti Endos right now, and I feel as though it's something I need to call to attention.
When I see Anti Endos making posts like "I had an ex who was an Endo system and they did x, y and z to me and now I hate all Endogenic systems because all of them are pieces of shit just line my ex!"
Holy shit, we need to take a step back and dissect that for a second.
First off, nobody should have to go through that shit, regardless of stance on online discourse. Some of the shit I've seen on posts like these is downright despicable, and nobody should be subjected to that. So for any Anti Endos seeing this who this post applies to, yeah, I'm sorry you had to go through hell at the hands of people like that, because guess what? Even though we have differing opinions, you still didn't deserve that shit.
With that out of the way, FOR FUCK'S SAKE, stop with the hasty generalization. Just because one or two Endogenic systems put you through hell does not mean we are all pieces of shit! That only means the systems you interacted with before are pieces of shit! It's the exact same thing as saying "Well, a dog bit me, so that means all dogs are horrible animals and need to be put down!"
Or (and I'm using these examples to purely put this into perspective, so get mad about it), "A trans person abused me, so that means every trans person is bad and horrible and we need to dehumanize all Trans people because they don't belong!!!!" Or even "This one furry is a zoophile, so that means every furry is a zoophile and needs to be shoved out of every single space they possibly have!"
This is a logical fallacy, and a very prominent one at that. Please, please fucking realize that just because a few bad apples did some horrible things they most definitely shouldn't have, that doesn't mean the entire group is bad. Please fucking stop generalizing all Endogenic systems for your personal experiences, because guess what?
A lot of us are actually really nice people, if you'd give us a chance. We're not all heartless monsters.
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echuschasma · 4 months
I'm so happy to find other pro endos... our group had to kick out a 'traumagenic system' because they kept being discriminatory towards us... acting as if trauma made them so much more better and special.
i put that in air quotes bc we realized... w nothing to back up their words, they could be making up their trauma, making them just as 'valid' as us, huh? so i tend to cast doubt on anyone even claiming they are traumagenic, i think they're making it up to seem 'more legit'
keep fighting the good fight!
Okay. This is indeed an ask of all time. Here's what I think:
Welcome to a pro-endo blog. That's how it is, and that's how it will always be. HOWEVER, you cannot use your pro-endogenic stance as a veil for dislike and hatred towards others. It's just not right, no matter how many people have hurt you for who you are.
Sure, some people are shitty. But you'll find that anywhere, in any community. It's not exclusive to anyone - I can guarantee there is at least one horrible person in every community that has ever existed, just because people can (and will) be horrible.
Using your anger at this in the wrong way isn't going to help anything. You're weaponizing the anti-endo rhetoric, the "you can't be a unless you have b" idea, and using it for your own perceived gain. Validity isn't given as a rite of passage. You cannot deny them their right to exist, it makes it so you stoop to their level and appear just like one of them. You do not stoop to the level of those controlling the narrative if you wish to spread your own voice.
Essentially: They were an ass towards you, that I understand. But you can't take that one bad experience and generalise to everyone. Yes, a bad apple technically spoils the bunch, but we're not pieces of fruit, we're people. So treat people with kindness.
– Shiv(ani)
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echuschasma · 4 months
hi! you strike me as someone who enjoys frogs :)
here's one i found in my backyard while i was taking care of my chickens!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Thank you for the frog. I absolutely love them.
– Lena
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