eclecticccrone · 3 years
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Following the illuminating experience of The Sun, we arrive at Judgement, where we receive the call to take all that we have learned and use it as a catalyst for rebirth. In The Sun, we realize our fundamental unity with all things, as well as the true essence of our self. Now, we use the lessons of The Sun to build a new life that is more in alignment with our true and most authentic self and our spirituality. We begin to live a life where we have taken accountability for all that we are. We cannot move into this new chapter before first coming to know our own soul, and embracing not only our light, but our shadow as well, so that we may move beyond it. Notice that the figures pictured in this card are nude, showing no shame and hiding nothing from the angel pictured. Instead, they are ready for Judgement, whatever that may mean for them. Another important thing to note is that all of the figures are, in fact, rising from their coffins; it is necessary to let the old, ego-driven self die in order to be reborn into a higher consciousness. Judgement, at it’s core, is about spiritual awakening; the moment of becoming awoken into a new state of being.
When this card comes up in a reading, it is an indication that you are already on this path. Perhaps you have been on a journey of self-discovery, and you are ready to make some important changes in your life. Maybe it is time to take responsibility for your mistakes and start fresh in some area. Or, maybe you are considering a major move or career change that will bring you closer to where you want to be in life. Either way, you are being awoken now to your higher purpose, and are at a crossroads in your life where one of your choices involves a complete rebirth of sorts. While the future may be unclear to you right now, it is important to trust in this process, and to keep in mind the way that your experience with Judgement can help and inspire others. Allowing yourself to take true responsibility for your life and make bold changes to release the past and usher in the future will help you to ascend to a new awareness that can truly impact those around you, and humanity in general.
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eclecticccrone · 3 years
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The Sun is a beautiful messenger of joy, happiness, and above all, authenticity. It represents the divine source of energy that we all come from and remain connected to. As such, it signifies our soul, or the truest version of ourselves. The Sun is about expressing our inner selves in the most genuine way that we can. Notice that the baby in the card sits naked and exposed, arms spread out, absorbing the sun’s rays. The baby’s nakedness is liberating rather than shameful, and it meets the sun’s warmth with openness rather than fear. We can view The Sun as a powerful invitation to find strength and freedom in the vulnerability of expressing our truest selves. It speaks to the joy of being you and letting your inner light shine. We cannot find true happiness when we repress the needs and messages of our soul. When we are really in sync with ourselves and the universe, The Sun may appear to let us know that we are on the right track. The Sun can also reference a spiritual experience involving feeling the connection between oneself and the divine. Perhaps you are awakening to your inner power and your connection to the universe, or it is time for you to. The choice to depict the figure in the card as a baby points to the fact that we cannot truly connect with the energy of The Sun if we are burdened by the weight of our experiences and the dictates of society. We must face the world unjaded and with openness. Whenever we see The Sun, is in the querent’s best interest to tune into, trust their inner voice, and express it outwardly. Maybe it is time to take up the hobby you have been putting off, speak your truth to a friend, or begin therapy to improve your confidence. Remember that when we listen to and honor that deep part of ourselves, we can never go astray from our path.
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eclecticccrone · 3 years
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The Chariot marks the end of the first line of the Major Arcana, showing the successful application of the will and the newly developed personality toward meeting a goal. The Chariot is a card of great forward energy and motion, and this energy can be used as a tool to make progress in our life when we see it come up in a reading. Now is the time to gather all your determination and focus and put it toward achieving something. If you can muster enough will power and maintain an unbreakable confidence, you reach your goal. This is a card of self-control, particularly emotional control. Work on becoming more in touch with your emotions and learning to balance and harness them. We cannot achieve our goals if we are constantly being derailed by our feelings. Alternatively, maybe you have already experienced a success and are now enjoying the accolades of others, riding the chariot of their praise. The Chariot does not give up in the face of obstacles, but rather tramples right over them without looking back. You must believe in yourself and your goal, otherwise you will not be able to conjure the commitment necessary for success. This card can also be about using the force of your personality to make things happen. Know that you have power, and you can use that power to manifest the reality that you want if you can learn to direct it properly.  
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eclecticccrone · 3 years
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The Empress takes us from the mysterious, subconscious realm of the High Priestess into the realm of the earthy and sensuous. The Empress is a master of the physical world, and to many a representation of the maternal aspect of the divine feminine principle. She is one with the earth and all of it’s creatures and invites us to explore the ways in which we are all connected. The Empress guides us through the process of connecting with the cycles of nature, and with ourselves as caretaker, or “mother”. Connecting with ourselves in the role of mother does not necessarily mean that we need to have literal children, but rather that we learn to view ourselves as source. It means connecting with our power to create and bring things into being in this world. The Empress encourages us to acknowledge the universal cycle of birth, death, and transformation, the ways we participate in it, and the ways in which this cycle plays out in our own lives in every aspect. With that in mind, it is a wonderful time to explore the outdoors, work on creative projects, spend time with your family, or explore your relationship with the divine feminine if it is in your practice. The Empress, as a life-giver and earth mother, is also a powerful healer, and may be inviting you to tap into your own healing abilities or look at the ways that nature can be a powerful healing tool.
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eclecticccrone · 3 years
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Whenever we see The Fool come up in a reading it indicates that the querent is entering into a transitional phase of some kind, whether this is a change in external circumstance or an internal transformation. Regardless of what the change entails, it will require a great leap. It is important to remember that we cannot make this leap while tethered to the chains of the past. Consider which aspects of your life need to be left behind as you enter this new chapter. You are being invited to reconnect with your true self, and to align your path more closely with the desires of your soul.  The Fool walks in the sun, open to whatever may come next without anticipating anything. He is carried by the energy of newness, the exhilaration and freedom of limitless possibility without fear or expectation. He is the newborn baby, the excited first year student, the joyful vagabond. Embracing The Fool is about quitting your dull day job, leaving the country, pursuing your long-buried dreams. Harness this powerful energy in your own life by opening yourself up to infinite possibility and awaken to your power to choose your own path.
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