ember1205 · 10 months
Alright so I have a question for the general rottmnt public
I'm only asking cause I have been going between topics like *insert funny thing here*
Good day/night to you
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ember1205 · 1 year
Does anyone know any trick to motivate yourself? The only thing that I found is several shots of espresso, but I am both too poor for that all the time, and it doesn't always mean that I'll focus on the desired project.
Anything help at the moment. (* ´ ▽ ` *)
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ember1205 · 1 year
Just wanted to drop by and tell ya you’re an amazing artist!!! Love your kibbies and Donnies :]
Thank you so much! That means so much to me. I'll try my best to continue giving you guys some more sketches. Your support makes it worth it ;).
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ember1205 · 1 year
The staring scene really got to me cause I love drawing eyes. So I decided to draw my character into this scene.
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Your writing is amazing. Please keep up the good work.
New chapter dropped! I forgot to give it a title, oops! Please enjoy!
Also please fill out my survey because I am indecisive and need you’re opinion on what would be the best 15k celebration gift!
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ember1205 · 1 year
The staring scene really got to me cause I love drawing eyes. So I decided to draw my character into this scene.
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Your writing is amazing. Please keep up the good work.
New chapter dropped! I forgot to give it a title, oops! Please enjoy!
Also please fill out my survey because I am indecisive and need you’re opinion on what would be the best 15k celebration gift!
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ember1205 · 1 year
Donnie x Reader Oneshot
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Warnings: vague mental health issues if you squint hard enough, I've kept reader gender neutral, fluff, ooc Donnie ig.
Summary: You can't seem to shake the bad feelings that have been going through your head one night and just need to be with someone.
A/N: This isn't proofread and probably never will be. I mostly wrote this for myself because I've been going through some bad feels. I still wanted to make something for other people to read and maybe feel better as well.
To the story!
It was one of those nights. The feeling of dread and fear crawling through your chest like some slimey snake. It brought a chill to your bones.
Maybe forgoing your pants when you got into bed earlier wasn't the best decision. You clutch your pillow even closer to your front.
No matter what you did or whichever way you turned, you couldn't get comfortable enough. Couldn't shake the feelings from your brain. Couldn't sleep.
You reach for your phone for what feels like the hundreth time only to be disappointed with the screen shining 1:14am into your eyes.
The feelings in your chest only seem to be getting worse as the seconds go by. Memories you'd rather forget seem to all want to resurface to make the worse.
You could handle it anymore. You just needed someone, as much as you hated to admit it, even to yourself.
Gravity was fighting against you as you went to push yourself up from the too stiff mattress. Swinging your bare legs over the side of the bed, you sit there willing yourself to stand, the pillow still tight in your hold.
After a few minutes, you're able to slip off your bed, putting your weight on your feet to stand. Bare feet on the cold floor made a shiver go through you. That wasn't the last, though, as the shivers continued to shake your shoulders.
Finding your way through the lair was like second nature to you at this point, even if it is the dead of night. So you took to time at all to make it to Donnie's room.
You lightly knock out of habit before almost silently opening the door when you heard the stirring of a softshell on the other side.
A light glow of neon purple helping you to see your surroundings, you close the door shutting out the outside light.
Bringing your gaze up from the floor, you meet tired turtles sleepy gaze. Donnie had himself propped up with his hands behind him. The blanket seemed to have slipped down him when he sat up as some of it pooled around his waist and only covered one of his legs that were sprawled out in front of him. The other was hanging off the edge of the bed completely bare since he chose to only sleep in his usual black shorts.
"You need something?"
Donnie asked in a soft voice to coax you to speak.
You didn't realize how long you were standing there thinking of what to say until Donnie broke the silence.
"Need you." You spoke quietly. So quietly that he might not have heard you if it wasn't dead silent.
You realized how you might have looked. Like a child going to their parents' room saying they had a nightmare. The pillow clutched in your arms seemed to push that thought even more.
The sound of your voice must have told Donnie something because he was now fully awake and alert to whatever was happening.
"Okay, do you want to talk about it?"
You shook your head.
"Wanna lay with me?"
A pause before you give a short nod.
No more words were exchanged as Donnie scooted over to give you room to climb in which you gladly did.
Your pillow was still to your chest as you layed pressed to his. He didn't seem to mind as he laced the blanket over you both and wrapped his arms around you, one arm behind your shoulders and the other draped over your side. He placed his chin on your head and released a sigh that moved your hair slightly.
You're not sure what it was, whether it be the warmth of the blanket, the tightness of Donnie's hold on you, or just being with him, but everything seemed to spill out.
Your body tensed more, if that were even possible, and you pushed your face deeper into Donnie's colarbone. Your teeth clenched, and lips pulled together tight. Tears quickly started to gather in your eyes before falling down your face onto Donnie's skin.
You pressed into him more and he began rubbing his hand up and down your back and nuzzled into the top of your head. Your breathing became uneven and your shoulders continued to shake, bit it wasn't from the cold anymore.
No words were exchanged and you went on like this for some time before everything that you held in your chest was let out. You followed Donnie's breathing to help calm yourself down (something Mikey had taught you) and soon all your anxieties and cold feelings melted away leaving your body limp against Donnie's hold.
Feeling you had calmed down, Donnie places a soft kiss on your head. After a second, he pulls away just enough to free your face from his neck. This gave him enough space to continue his kisses on your face.
One to your forehead.
Then to the corners of your eyes. Ridding them of any stray tears.
One to the bridge of your nose.
One to your cheek.
And lastly, he ghosts one onto your lips before pulling away and placing his forehead against yours.
"I'm here with you."
It's whispered, and your nearly numb mind doesn't catch it, but it registers after another minute of silence.
Slowly, you move your hand from its spot on your pillow to lightly touch whatever part of Donnie you could reach first. To let him know that you're also there. No longer lost inside yourself, but laying with him in the moment.
He gently moves his head away to place it back atop yours and moves the hand around your shoulders to the base of your head to pull you closer to him.
He gives you one last squeeze, and let's out another sigh. You both relax into one another, sinking into the mattress.
With your mind and heart cleared and the comfort of the softshell around you, sleep begins to take hold, and your consciousness begins to fade, and eventually, you fall into a peaceful sleep.
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ember1205 · 1 year
Yes it is late when I post this but I wanted to ask before I forgot.
In my Donnie x Reader fic, would u guys be okay with a fem reader that turns gender fluid?
I feel like it would be fun, and I never see any gender fluid characters (If u know any, please let me know).
I mostly wanted to ask because my oc that I'm using as a base for reader is genderfluid and I'm afraid it would be taking away too much of the creative interpretation that the reader is supposed to have.
Anyways, here is some more art to tie u guys over:
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ember1205 · 1 year
Look at them!
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Precious baby🥺, before getting hit with the main character, trama Stick. Don't u just wanna hide them away before the world can get its nasty hands on them. 😪😔
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ember1205 · 1 year
I am slowly but surely making progress on writing my story. I just want to make sure I get everything fleshed out. I've started making to designs for our mc and I think I'll give them to everyone whose been waiting as a little sneak peak treat.
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I'm pretty proud of it, but if yall have any ideas or whatnot, don't be afraid to comment.
Anyway, I'm hoping to get a little further in writing this weekend since I'm on break.
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ember1205 · 1 year
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I was not paying attention in ELA today.
These are three of my cats. I like calling them the terrible trio lol.
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ember1205 · 1 year
It's a blue straw day
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What color straw r u today?
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ember1205 · 1 year
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Been thinking about plants lately, idk
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ember1205 · 2 years
Okay okay. So like.. I had started writing a prologue for the story and I also had notes for chapters one and two done buuut.... I ended up changing my mind on how I wanted some of the story. And with that, it was just easier to completely start over with the prologue and edit some of the notes.
I've been wanting to give the reader some cool powers but I didn't want the story to feel like an eight year old wrote their character with the ability to beat up everyone in the world. I wanted them to have defaults to and it's a very delicate balance between 'I'm the greatest ever' and 'I'm traumatized beyond comprehension'.
So thank you for your patience I'm trying to get some motivation with this story and a feel for how it should play out and I'm grateful for anyone who is waiting for this.
Here's some pictures of my cats for you:
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ember1205 · 2 years
I am struggling with some mental heath stuff and I swear this turtle is the only thing that makes me happy
Here's some more art for ya~~~
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ember1205 · 2 years
Some nonsense 😛
Y/n: *walks into leo's* hey dude, I was wondering if I could borrow-
Leo: *wearing a skirt and crop top, sweating nervously* yeah?
Y/n *deadpans* seriously?
Leo: *face falls* what?
Y/n: *gestures at his clothes* those don't match
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ember1205 · 2 years
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**Violently throws some art at you cause I haven't been working on my story**
**runs away**
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ember1205 · 2 years
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Oc art cause I forgot to do something for Halloween (I'll be sure to get something up soon tho 😮‍💨)
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