emerywrites · 3 months
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emerywrites · 6 months
Because the new wave of aphobia in 2023-24 seems to heavily revolve around "screenshot complications of (supposed) ace people and ace inclusionists having bad regressive takes about kink at pride," let me just say three things:
Sock puppet accounts don't account for every "bad ace opinion," but aphobes have been using sock puppets for as long as "ace discourse" has been a thing on tumblr;
You can name literally any sexuality and find someone of that sexuality, or someone who agrees that said sexuality is LGBTQ+, who has utterly dogshit opinions (both about kink at pride, and otherwise), and that still doesn't fucking speak for every other person of that sexuality;
The following doesn't justify sex negativity from anyone, ace or otherwise, but. Surely, you can understand why ace people. Especially younger ones. Might have a bad knee-jerk reaction to the idea of sex positivity, when. When fifty percent of posts defending kink at pride feel the need to include some combination of the ideas "sex is what makes us human," "sex is what makes us queer," and "virgins are boring cringe stinky losers and socially acceptable to bully."
Aphobes have never written a genuinely good argument for sex positivity instead of getting lost along the way trying to "own" the people they don't want to see in the queer community. Ace people deserve better than this. Sex positivity also deserves better than this. Be better than this. Come on.
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emerywrites · 6 months
yes critical analysis of media is super valuable but I think suspension of disbelief isn't practiced enough
"the beginning relied so much on fate/chance meetings/a bizarre set of circumstances that could have solved the conflict if avoided" babe that's an inciting incident
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emerywrites · 6 months
Writers' Resolutions
A bunch of resolutions for writers and people who want to try writing this year. It's in no way something you must do, these are just ideas how you can set out to improve your writing in the new year.
Try something new
Try to write something you have never written before.
Write something silly, write something serious, write in a different genre, try to write characters that you haven't explored yet.
Write consistently
Writing consistently will not only give you exercise to become a better writer, it can also keep your voice as a writer consistent.
If you have a first draft, write it down quickly and without big breaks inbetween.
Don't wait for inspiration
Waiting for inspiration to come can take forever. So don't wait for inspiration: search for it.
Make writing into a habit that comes natural to you every day, look up writing prompts, read a book you like, get yourself into the mood to write and do it!
Do your research
As a writer, you need to know about a lot of different things.
You can do research by reading books, listening to podcasts, watching movies, talking to other people, etc.
Take this year to learn something new and then tell your reader all about it.
Edit that draft
We all have that one story we wrote a while ago and then stopped at the first draft.
Take it and reread it and then rewrite it. You have a new perspective on it now and maybe this will be the year you turn your idea into a book.
Set yourself a goal
This explicitly doesn't have to be a goal about how many words or pages you write.
Your goal can be to finish something, to edit something, to write a few sentences every day, to share more of your writing or to publish something.
Don't compare
Try not to compare your writing with that of someone else.
Writing is about finding your own voice and telling a story that only you can tell. Also: other people's accomplishes don't diminish your own!
Whatever the outcome of your writing may be and whatever you want to do with it, if you want to publish it, if you want to share it with friends, or if you want to keep it to yourself: just start writing!
Do what you love to do.
To all my lovely writers, I wish you a great year, may everything work out in your favour!
- Jana
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emerywrites · 6 months
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emerywrites · 6 months
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emerywrites · 6 months
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Merry Christmas Eve!!! 🎄🎄🎄
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emerywrites · 6 months
Anxieties! Attack!
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emerywrites · 6 months
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Reblog to kill it faster
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emerywrites · 7 months
When we’re new to adulthood, it doesn’t immediately occur to all of us that you’re almost always allowed to leave a situation, because growing up we’re forced to stay in situations until someone dismisses us and/or takes us home, or if we do leave on our own accord there’s someone waiting at home to say “we don’t quit in this family!” Boring party? You can leave. You don’t like the lecture? You can walk out. New doctor not working out? You can end the appointment, you don’t need to wait for them to dismiss you. Bad date? You can just go home. Leaving a situation prematurely might have consequences, but unless you’re under arrest or serving prison time, it’s pretty much always allowed.
–commenter Allison @ askamanager
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emerywrites · 7 months
I want to preface this by saying this is not victim blaming. This not calling people online lazy or grifting or whatever.
But an underlooked proponent on why some people are nearing homeless and crowdfunding heavily rn is bc society has failed you by making it as inconvenient as possible to learn about social systems and programs that already exist to help your situation as well as not having enough programs and aid.
Lemme give some examples. I have been unemployed for 10 months. My mom told me about a paying job training program a month ago after I already decided to mive in with her to find work, because nothing was coming up in my own city. My best friend didn’t know about affordable housing assistance in my state until she talked to my dad about it on a chance encounter. Some people on here have to see posts about much cheaper alternatives to their current prescriptions or medical plans because its not in the interest of their doctors paychecks to tell them about it. I would have waited to get vaccinated and not have crowdfunded for Uber money if I had known they were going to give free vaccine rides the next month. But I wouldn’t have really known this until I opened the app once that program started, because it is in their interest to keep taking my money until its their desired time for me to reap their “generous” services.
What I’m trying to say is that this is an under discussed aspect of how capitalism fails people. When you are forced to make your life and work and finances so singular and self interested, you are cut off from community and equivalent social services to proper government assistance. You literally don’t know that there is help somewhere out there for you unless you’re told.
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emerywrites · 7 months
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emerywrites · 8 months
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Oh shit sorry my cats fell asleep on ur dash. Yea u can kiss their heads
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emerywrites · 8 months
What a year this week has been.
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emerywrites · 8 months
i actually do like those kinds of books :/ sometimes it’s just nice to escape and enjoy tropes because it’s not real and not everything has to be this groundbreaking piece of literature. it’s fun to read and i’m not really looking for something that defies genre and does what no other novel has done before i just want to enjoy a book and not look for things to hate all the time! i hope that also takes the pressure off your own writing a bit to be honest — i just wanted to say something because i think i have a slightly different opinion than the answers you got and i’m also a fan of yours and am rooting for your work to succeed
Funny thing, I do too xD If I didn't like them, I wouldn't read them. I love the combination of fantasy and romance, lighter tone of writing mixing with some dramatic or horrifying scenes. I love soft light of candles and fully functioning bathrooms (btw, why are people so weirded out by plumbing in a fantasy world, plumbing is an ancient discovery). I love faes and vampires and witches, and all the magic.
Tropes? Tropes are an integral part of any text, there's nothing wrong with them. I definitely have my favourites (I shared some of the ones I love most in romance not long ago on insta). And I get our taste differs. There are tropes people included as the ones they don't like that I love. Reading their opinions doesn't hurt me though.
Anyway, noticing flaws or critiquing a piece of writing doesn't equal condemning it? I don't look for "Ulisses" either, I look for fun. It doesn't mean entertaining books don't show human nature and all kinds of conflicts we face in the real world, but in those novels there's always hope for characters to end up in a good place and that's why they're great. I'm with you in that.
As for my own writing, I don't think I'm a great writer, and I don't aspire to be one either. I write stories to be able to see what I enjoy. If someone else enjoys my writing (eventually) then I'll be the happiest person. Generally I don't think about people reading what I write when I write it because I probably wouldn't type a sentence. But I believe everything has its audience, it's just a matter of luck to find that audience. And umm... know that one of the scenes in my story is inspired by a scene from ACOTAR series. I do love these books xD
And lastly, thank you so much for the kind words. Your support means a lot to me!
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emerywrites · 8 months
Several of my friends who previously self-identified as bi are realizing they've lost interest in men, generally speaking
A friend of mine who's identified as a lesbian her whole life fell in love with a very sweet and shy man
I lost interest in men a few years ago, fell in love with a non-binary person, and now I give them their T shots
Life and love are unpredictable
And "queer" is a great word that all of us like and self-identify with (along with our other, more specific labels), and I love that no matter what else happens, we're still, always queer
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emerywrites · 9 months
Jew here with a friendly reminder that:
Criticizing Isreal ≠ antisemetic
Supporting Palestine ≠ antisemitic
Believing in the Free Palestine cause ≠ antisemitic
A random ass Jew just living their life oceans away has nothing to do with the Isreal-Palestine conflict
Palestinian Jews exist
Jews that support Palestine exist (I am one of them)
Calling out ACTUAL antisemitism ≠ supporting Isreal
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