emmsisi · 6 years
If you asked most people whether they believed in love or not, they’d probably say they didn’t. Yet that’s not necessarily what they truly think. It’s just the way they defend themselves against what they want. They believe in it, but pretend they don’t until they’re allowed to. Most people would throw away their cynicism if they could. The majority just never get the chance.
Alain de Botton, Essays in Love (via the-book-diaries)
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emmsisi · 6 years
Oh god... I started watching it because of Richard Madden, and now... this ship... Ugh, it won’t be like Sansan, but it’s still going to break my heart. (Also wtf, I loved Robb Stark and all, but his Scottish accent in this is just... Ugh.)
Please give it a watch if you haven’t already. Seriously. BBC’s Bodyguard is amazing. 
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I want you right beside me… not because it’s your job… but because it’s our choice.
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emmsisi · 6 years
New Model Army - Between Dog and Wolf
I swear this album is my ultimate SanSan inspiration... I mean... apart from the album name...
Where the breath is sweeter and the lights are diamond Where the blood runs faster and the taste is stronger And the night uncoils moving around us Come, take what you want in the place Between dog and wolf Between water and wine Between wine and blood 
- Between Dog and Wolf
Tick, tock, tick, tock As one by one the faces we love Slide away into deep, deep waters I’ve still so much to give, I’ve still so much to learn I’ve still so much to love, still so much to burn I need more time, I need more time To make good on the promises I made to the world When the world was moving slower
- I Need More Time 
I watched you as you tried and tried To pull the sun from out of the sky The colours all run and the clouds collide But that was never enough And me, I’ve got a black place in my heart My favourite chord, my favourite card That I draw every time on these occasions
If you leave a fire to burn it will burn itself away It’s a long way back through the dirty waters for you and me Are you still haunted by the hands always letting you go And if I told you not to look, would you do that for me this one time?
- Pull the Sun
We chased each other through those frozen days Through the coldest winter in fifteen years We were rising to break like the sea against the shore Like the land around the sea As we lean back and fall Now counting through these useless empty days Of standing up so tall against the world And I’m lost, I am lost and I can’t trust myself Now I can’t trust myself I am lost here and I’m doubting myself And I’m losing myself As I lean back and fall 
-  Lean Back And Fall
If I tell you that the world is hard All bleached out bone crushed to sand I’ll tell you that I kept my word And more than that I never gave a damn
-  Knievel
So did you lose your faith? Did you fall upon your sword? I know she took a piece of your heart And I know I had a piece of your soul And now you follow me into the room Filled with echoes and mirrors And the sound of something pounding As you hang there just watching And when the music is gone the silence is still ringing With all these conversations between the dead and the living For the ghosts become part of us, the ghosts are part of us Well, you always say you were following your heart As it took you through these rainy streets and on into the dark But there is some kind of reckoning when everything is done For it seems the more that you give, the stronger you become And there is so much more left for the giving In all these conversations between the dead and the living For the ghosts become part of us, the ghosts are part of us
- Ghosts
And their latest album is Winter... just saying...
It's not that I believed in what you said but I envied you your faith Still innocent after all these years, bringing your little fire to the blaze We all find ways to live with ourselves, to pretend we're moving on For if our eyes got used to the darkness, we'd see the damage that we've done
-  Eyes Get Used To The Darkness
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emmsisi · 6 years
What is this fanfic I’ve just been sent? 
What is it about? 
Most scientists now agree that the dog is a sub-species of wolf—Canis lupus familiaris. And while most wolves look and act differently from most dogs, it can be very hard to make accurate identifications, especially since wolves and dogs can and do interbreed and certain breeds of dogs look and act a lot like wolves. Having spent years employed at Wolf Park, in Indiana, authors Jessica Addams and Andrew Miller have encountered hundreds of so-called wolves that turned out to be dogs, hybrids that exhibit the characteristics of both wolves and dogs, and even pure wolves that act like dogs. Between Dog and Wolf takes a fascinating look at how wolves and dogs are related, why they can be so hard to tell apart and what rescue organizations need to know when they encounter a canine of unknown origins.
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emmsisi · 6 years
So... my baby girl was practising her crawling on the floor when there was a crunching sound, but there was literally nothing on the floor for her to put into her mouth... and when I prised it open, I found that she was chewing on a piece of concrete.
She had managed to break the floor with her tiny, baby hands and was literally eating the floor.
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emmsisi · 6 years
Do you love me enough that I may be weak with you? Everyone loves strength, but do you love me for my weakness? That is the real test.
Alain de Botton, Essays in Love (via the-book-diaries)
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emmsisi · 6 years
One of the most amazing things that can happen is finding someone who sees everything you are and won’t let you be anything less. They see the potential of you. They see endless possibilities. And through their eyes, you start to see yourself the same way as someone who matters. As someone who can make a difference in the world. If you’re lucky enough to find this person, never let them go.
Susan Colasanti, So Much Closer   (via the-book-diaries)
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emmsisi · 6 years
Sometimes you don’t look very hard for things you don’t believe will or can happen.
James Dashner, The Maze Runner (via the-book-diaries)
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emmsisi · 6 years
Harrenhal - Chapter 30 - Sandor X - now up
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It’s chapter X for a reason, right? 
I know the fic’s been a bit torn about Sandor and Gregor’s relationship throughout. It’s just... I guess the only other person I remember Sandor talking about killing is Sansa. With other people, he just kills them. 
It’s here on AO3 if you’d like to read it. 
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emmsisi · 6 years
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World needs bad men.
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emmsisi · 6 years
North - one-shot Sansan
Just sharing this old abandoned fic (re-purposed into a one-shot) as @queen-perry1 also mentioned wanting an ABO-verse Sansan with an alpha Sansa and omega Sandor - yay, I’m not the only one!
This is kind of an ABO-verse Blackwater AU, but all emotions and no smut (sorry!), and a bit of a mess, but since it was more or less written and rotting on my hard drive, well, here it is. :-)
North - on AO3
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emmsisi · 6 years
The Magic of Us - Chapter 6 - Notes on the Quidditch Teams
Stark Quidditch Team (aka the Year 4 Team, due to most players being in Year 4)
Seeker: Ygritte (Year 4)
Beaters (2): Robin Flint (Year 6), Smalljon Umber (Year 7; Captain)
Chasers (3): Robb Stark (Year 4), Jon Snow (Year 4), Meera Reed (Year 4)
Keeper: Lyra Mormont (Year 4)
Lannister Quidditch Team
Seeker: Talla Tarly (Year 3)
Beaters (2): Sandor (Year 1), Merlon Crakehall (Year 5)
Chasers (3): Lancel (Year 5), Bronn (Year 1), Alysanne Lefford (Year 4)
Keeper: Addam Marbrand (Year 6; Captain)
Chapter 6 is now up, and is a bit more of a plot chapter. We’ll be back to the Sansan in Chapter 7. :)
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emmsisi · 6 years
Harrenhal Chapter 27 - Sandor IX - now up!
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How many times can I repeat the word pauldron? About a million? (It was actually 9...) 
It’s now up if you’d like to read it!
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emmsisi · 6 years
Harrenhal Chapter 26 - Sansa IX - new chapter up (and a note on self)
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New chapter’s up, featuring a bit of introspection from Sansa. 
So… back when I did my degree, there was a whole section on the self in medieval and renaissance literature, and there was quite a lot on how people used to see and define themselves (compared to how we do today), especially nobility. 
The belief is that you more or less define yourself as your role in your family and society, and perceiving yourself as something beyond that – with an essence that is you – is a more modern thing. I’m still a bit on the fence about that, but it does tie in with how Sansa threw herself into the role of Joff’s future bride after her betrothal to him – because that’s who she is now – and how she tries to redefine herself by drawing strength from Winterfell and being a Stark again after it all falls apart. It also makes Arya’s journey to being no one, and Sansa’s rethinking herself as Alayne, all the more heart-breaking.
(The image is from an illumination of a French manuscript by Giovanni Boccaccio's De mulieribus claris; it pictures the Roman artist Marcia looking in a mirror, painting her portrait.)
The new chapter is here if you want to read it!
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emmsisi · 6 years
The Magic of Us - Chapter 4 - now up - plus staff list reference
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For reference, here’s a list of staff at the school - the subjects in bold at the top are the core subjects. :)
Headmaster: Joer Mormont – House Stark
Charms (Head of Stark; Deputy  Head): Wyman Manderley – House Stark
Transfiguration (Head of Lannister): Tywin Lannister – House Lannister
Herbology (Head of Gardener): Olenna Tyrell – House Gardener
Potions: Professor Snow – House Arryn
Defence Against Dark Arts: Theon Greyjoy – House Stark
Astronomy: Professor Pycelle – House  Lannister
History of Magic: Professor Aemon – privately  educated
The Study of Ancient Runes (Head  of Arryn): Yohn Royce – House Arryn
Muggle Studies: Edmure Tully – House Gardener
Divination: Melisandre d’Asshai – from Essos
Arithmancy: Harys Swyft – House Lannister
Care of Magical Creatures: Greatjon Umbers – House Stark
Flying: Lysa Arryn – House Arryn
Matron: Walda Frey – House Gardener
Librarian: Nestor Royce – House Arryn
Caretaker: Ilyn Payne – House Lannister
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emmsisi · 6 years
Harrenhal - Chapter 23 (Sansa) - notes of the visit to Maggy the Witch
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The whole woods witch scene in this chapter is based on Cersei’s visit to Maggy… I just found Cersei so horrible (as usual) when she went to visit Maggy the Frog. Just… no basic manners and super arrogant.
The sorceress was sleeping in the dream, as once she'd slept in life. Leave her be, the queen wanted to cry out. You little fools, never wake a sleeping sorceress. Without a tongue, she could only watch as the girl threw off her cloak, kicked the witch's bed, and said, ‘Wake up, we want our futures told.’
‘Begone,’ croaked Maggy, a third time. Listen to her, the queen would have cried if she had her tongue. You still have time to flee. Run, you little fools!
The girl with the golden curls put her hands upon her hips. ‘Give us our foretelling, or I'll go to my lord father and have you whipped for insolence.’
This all happened when she was around Sansa’s age at the beginning of AGoT. Sansa would never. That’s why I don’t get people who think Sansa will turn out like Cersei… Their values are fundamentally different.
If you want to read the latest chapter, it’s here.
(The painting above is A Visit to the Witch by Edward Frederick Brewtnall)
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emmsisi · 6 years
Harrenhal - new chapter up - Robert VII
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Aka Chapter 22. 
Basically how I imagine Robert by the end of the chapter... 
You can read it here. : )
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