emonychan 5 days
And you speak for all adoptees why?
Also maybe don't call the trans girl "dude".
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going to ruffle a few feathers with this one
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emonychan 5 days
I'm also literally adopted, and it is not dehumanizing in the least. Found family is about people you have found or who found you and took you as their own. not all adoptions are found family situations due to abuse, trafficking, etc, but MANY are.
Also, Laios and Falin are literally siblings so why would you even use Dungeon Meshi as an example?
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going to ruffle a few feathers with this one
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emonychan 5 days
Nah, found family includes adoption, sibling terms, etc. The "found" part literally refers to you finding someone as opposed to being of blood, and then creating family with them.
Narrowing a term like this is just lingual fascism and we need to stop with that crap.
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going to ruffle a few feathers with this one
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emonychan 5 months
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emonychan 1 year
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Decided to draw the best fish lesbian.
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emonychan 2 years
Trans women will never be free until people stop having strong emotions about penises. Like we, as a society, have got to stop caring about dicks! Dicks have to stop symbolizing maleness, obviously, but they also have to stop symbolizing power, dominance, sexual agency and aggression, violence, and even sex itself. Like trans women can鈥檛 be free if the very conceptual presence of a penis represents an intrusion(!) of unwanted(!) sexuality(!) in public life. Like that鈥檚 why trans women are abhorrent to both male chauvinists and radical feminists, because both groups have extremely strong feelings about what a penis *represents*, and find the conceptual and actual presence of a woman with a penis to be simultaneously vile and nonsensical because they鈥檝e loaded so much symbolic baggage onto both women and penises.
Anyway dicks are totally neutral body parts and seeing a dick, or a bulge in a swimsuit, or simply knowing that there鈥檚 a dick somewhere in the same bathroom as you isn鈥檛 harmful or violent
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emonychan 2 years
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this is exactly what was said. change my mind
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emonychan 2 years
God I love this artwork.
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emonychan 2 years
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someday, together,
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emonychan 2 years
These two are the real ship.
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Just like that.
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emonychan 2 years
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emonychan 2 years
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Pew pew
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emonychan 2 years
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Zaku III my beloved nemesis.
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emonychan 2 years
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Gundam protagonists
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emonychan 2 years
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The Albion is still my favourite ship in all of Gundam. White Base may be the meme, but The Albion is the real star!
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emonychan 2 years
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Loran Cehack just howling at the moon, nbd.
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emonychan 2 years
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I love the Powered GM from Stardust Memory so, so much.
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