emostandoxd-blog · 6 years
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This is so sad, another poor innocent cupcake killed by you LIBERALS 🐱‍👤Thiis has gone on for 2222 FAR. Cupcakes or w,e the fuck people call these disgusting balls of doughy goodness need guns 2222 🔫🔫🔫If these things could defend themselves from the salivating mouths of an obese slime pig man monster then the world could be a better place! 🐱‍🐉🎂🎉
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emostandoxd-blog · 6 years
so i heard you give life tips! well, recently, there's this too-perfect guy in my DMs... he sends me amazing furry fan art and asks me the most profound questions /// should i keep talking to him, or do you think he's out of my league? :'(
Oh. my. lord. child .sorry. to. hear. you. go. through. that. I too have had a perfect person in my DMS, I think you should mute and deafen him from you life so you stop holding back this perfect man. Also don’t forget to send a feet pics payment for this advice and rub snail oil on you to block off the uv rays the aliens are thowing at us so we forget that the world is actually flat. have a blessed day 
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emostandoxd-blog · 6 years
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Don’t trust the SHELLS they are evil! Has anyone ever seen an ALien and a thing with a shell in the same room?
NO. Because they are the people in control, they are the one percent, Wake UP people! Nxt time you see a fine ass turtle strutting it’s stuff or a nice lotion snail gooping up your nice walls you need to give em a beat down, the good ol one 2 combo. Non of that weak sauce, only strong mustard sauce. I have lost many friends to these vile creatures and hope we as people as a SOCIETY start taking measures against the Shella Hella crazy ALien lamos before they exterminate us.
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emostandoxd-blog · 6 years
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Miku is just so perfect! If she was real I would treat her like a KWEEN. Why can’t  VR and those flashlight things people use to stick their baby makers into be combined into one >:[ 
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emostandoxd-blog · 6 years
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Can we talk about how these are a scam? 1 dollar? Hello?! I don’t have that. I can tinkle from my winkle into a shiny glass instead of having to pay for someone elses.We need a hero to stop these criminals.
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emostandoxd-blog · 6 years
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Found this drawing I I just recently made when I was a child long ago. I sure had a weird imagination back then recently haha! It’s reminds me of simple times recently before dad would come home and make us watch weird movies about Reptillians and how to make condoms into water ballons to throw at girls you like. Now days I have trouble even looking at a girls ankle witouth having to pray to Jesus to forgive her for showing so much skin. 
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emostandoxd-blog · 6 years
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I can’t wait for Halloween! It’s the one time I can use my epic Sharingan contacts and my cool guy suit and mask without being called a freak!!I It’s also the only time I can get near girls without them being disgusted of me. I also make sure to shower every 4 weeks now by the pond since we have no water at home. I think I say also too mcuh. It’s a nervouse tick haha 
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emostandoxd-blog · 6 years
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This is deep, this is what the fandom does to poor Kaeded. I can’t even... I am speechless of how little lewd art of her exist. What is wrong with you people?! I need some big tiddy godess in my life but you people refuse to make that good stuff. 
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emostandoxd-blog · 6 years
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This is a cool guy, a guy who can protect his LADY, his KWEEN. This is the guy who that in 1998, threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table. WIth his Katana named the protector of ladies he can slay any mortal or immortal person with one swing! Everyone should strive to be this lad this MADlad heh. I bet he could of saved Kaeded if he was there ;(
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emostandoxd-blog · 6 years
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Ripple ripples show me ya nipples into the abyss tell us what can we nibble? Ripples:....  Ripples can’t speak you dumb poopy heads, so if you expected a funny or deep meaning behind what they would say then you need to send me 4.99 for awesome water facts that I’ll google up or something. Please donate 4.99 to me as well I want a burger and wasted my paycheck on legos and Robux.
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emostandoxd-blog · 6 years
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 I’m not a scaly but most I have met have gfs so maybe I should try that out so I can spread my seed and have little donkey plus that dragon thing babies. If any scalies want to incubate my babies hit me up! Also I hope you don’t mind my mom watching us do the do since I live in a small trailer and we share the same bed and rooM! 
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emostandoxd-blog · 6 years
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Where can I find a sexy little thing like her?! I wish that giant cucumber thing was me, yaaaassss.When I’m really down and near the point of no return, I look at this photo and it cheers my right up since I know somehwere in the world theres a girl like her for me.
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emostandoxd-blog · 6 years
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Isn’t this amazing? It’s an accurate representation of my inner thoughts and about how we should overcome our obstacles. It’s also a sign of the Reptillians trying to steal our negative energy, you can’t lie to use globalist! We are on to you!
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emostandoxd-blog · 6 years
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If I were to get into the furry fandom I would most def be this guy. He can fight and always win the fight never lose  unlike me when my dad beats me when he gets home drunk and all girls like him! I bet he would also get feet pics without having to ask for them! 
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emostandoxd-blog · 6 years
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This is my future homw with a water fall to protect from meteors! It will also be where Chad can’t come to steal my future wife, we will live happy lives untilll we grow old eating hand picked raisins from each others toes with no weird looks from people.
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emostandoxd-blog · 6 years
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Stan Do’s amazing switch to the built in paint software too bring more beautiful art too his fans
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emostandoxd-blog · 6 years
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my future car should look something like this. imagine how awesome it would be to have a boat car! All the girls would love me and hop on me like I was their daddy!! 
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