enkomion-brand · 5 years
Who Are You
There are 2 types of friends:
Those that enable you.....
Those that challenge you.....
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enkomion-brand · 5 years
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enkomion-brand · 5 years
The night was rough....sleep was not pleasant, so much was on your mind. You toss and turn, your eyes shut tightly to block out any light from entering.....but nothing is helping to shake the thought of the letter received earlier that day. Medium sized envelope, that of a possible bill collector, turns out to be from “Krewe.” This letter addressed to you read, “I know what you did last summer. Arrive tomorrow evening 6pm sharp at the Great Enkomion Hall, for we must discuss this in person.” The time is near. You check your watch and it is a quarter to six and the butterflies start the chatter as you approach the Hall. “Doors Open, SURPRISE!!!” Happy Birthday!!! - Enkomion
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enkomion-brand · 5 years
Especially those who don’t confront their issues....and choose to run instead. -Enkomion
“Life’s too short to drink crappy coffee and cry over people who don’t care.”
— Matty Healy
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enkomion-brand · 5 years
Such a tough act to follow.....
“Never let your mood determine whether you should do something or not. Mood is a bad indicator of the worthiness of any activity.”
— Leo Babauta, Essential Zen Habits (Page 80)
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enkomion-brand · 5 years
Elevate the mind.....and the body will follow
“Resistance can be overcome by doing the smallest possible step. For meditation, I just had to get my butt on the cushion. For writing, I just had to open up a document and write a few words. For cooking healthy food, I just had to get out a knife and an onion. For studying a language, I just had to press ‘play’ on the audio lesson. For yoga, I just had to get into child’s pose. For blogging, I just had to open up the form for writing a new post. For flossing, I just had to floss one tooth. For reading, I just had to open up the book and read a sentence. I think you get the point. Find the minimum viable habit. The smallest increment of doing the activity. The least objectionable version. And the resistance is overcome.”
— Leo Babauta, Essential Zen Habits (Page 80)
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enkomion-brand · 5 years
All these challenges on my mind......I talk to God about it, yea yea. - Enkomion
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enkomion-brand · 5 years
This can become abusive for the giver and a detriment for the receiver - Enkomion
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More Kindness quotes here.
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enkomion-brand · 5 years
Every 3 months, I set a small goal to accomplish. Something that will enhance my personal development....like learning a language, joining a workout class at the gym, or reading 1-2 books. This dedication to growth is Great for myself.......but is it a detriment to relationships with others? I do not know.....
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enkomion-brand · 5 years
Music is compiled of “short relatable stories” highlighting different experiences in our lives
“Music has taught me more than any person in any classroom.”
— s.s. (stephenstilwell)
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enkomion-brand · 5 years
Establish micro challenges, ways to incorporate small wins, in your life to defeat complacency -Enkomion
“You are living as if destined to live for ever; your own frailty never occurs to you; you don’t notice how much time has already passed, but squander it as though you had a full and overflowing supply—though all the while that very day… may be your last.”
— Seneca, via Essential Zen Habits (Page 22)
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enkomion-brand · 5 years
Creating Micro Habits......easy way to productivity.
“Remember the truth about the mind when it comes to change: it’s a little child. Imagine that your brain is a child that wants pleasure and wants to get what it wants, and it really wants to get out of discomfort. This Childish Mind will do everything it can to get out of discomfort. It will make you run from exercise, from doing difficult tasks, from new and confusing things. The Childish Mind will make excuses, rationalizations, beg to quit. It’s very, very good at what it does, and it’s constantly working against our best intentions. I learned how to overcome this Childish Mind Syndrome: I made my running habit ridiculously easy. I told myself all I had to do was go out and run for a few minutes. My Childish Mind couldn’t object to that, because it was so easy! And when you make your habit change easy, I’ve learned, the Childish Mind actually doesn’t work against you in the beginning.”
— Leo Babauta, Essential Zen Habits (Page 18)
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enkomion-brand · 5 years
Is the harder decision, choosing that first path to take? Or choosing the next day to create a different path? 🤔
“Imagine yourself as a kid who wakes up after a night of heavy snowfall. There’s a thick layer of snow on the ground, clean and without a path. The first time you walk through this snow, you have a very wide array of choices for what path to take. You can walk to the left, down the middle, to the right, zig zag, walk over that hill, and so on. Not only do you have many choices of paths to take, but each one will be very difficult, because there’s a foot of snow everywhere. Now picture walking to school the next day …the snow from the previous day is still there, but now there’s a bit of a path you created from yesterday’s walk. You can still create a new path, but the one you created yesterday will be a bit easier. So you take that one. Each day, you decide to take the path already created. This is a groove in the snow that gets easier over time, until you’re probably not going to take any other path. Creating a new habit is a lot like that: you’re creating a groove in the snow. At first, you can go anywhere, and it’s difficult going …but once you’ve created a groove, it’s much easier, and you don’t have to forget new paths anymore.”
— Leo Babauta, Essential Zen Habits (Page 28)
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enkomion-brand · 5 years
- *(Being stuck inside a elevator, all I could think about)*:
These are cheap ass elevators...
What lesson in life is this teaching me?
Sigh, what did I do today?
Will anyone hear the alarm?
Do I call right away or wait til someone hears me?
Good thing I ate steak earlier today...
Weird, not people....not loved ones....not items! Traumatic events force us to think about “key” moments in our lives and if we are making the best of it.
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enkomion-brand · 5 years
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“For Centuries we didn’t own our own (minds) and bodies, someone else did. That’s maybe why we choose to give them away so easily.” - Enkomion
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enkomion-brand · 5 years
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Sometimes.. 😔 https://ift.tt/37D8bt6
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enkomion-brand · 5 years
“Worth a shot”
"Tell me every terrible thing you ever did, and let me love you anyway."
Edgar Allan Poe
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