ethnicassets · 5 days
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A Closer Look at the ‘Trafficking’ and 'RICO' Trend in the West
In recent years, the West has seen a disturbing trend in human trafficking, a crime that exploits the most vulnerable, usually for SEX, rape or pleasure for profit. However, the use of terms like “trafficking” and “RICO” (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) often distorts the reality of these crimes. Originally designed to combat inaccessible organized crime networks, RICO is now being applied to high-profile cases involving celebrities like Andrew Tate and even Donald Trump (both, who have cleverly used social media to rally public support and portray themselves as victims of a corrupt system.)
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Donald Trump and Andrew Tate and turned potentially destructive prosecutions into powerful Social Media capital!
Sean “Diddy” Combs faces similar accusations, albeit in a different context. These cases often involve organized orgies with drugs and alcohol, rather than the traditional notion of clandestine sex trafficking as brutality, kidnapping and forced drugging of young women and men. This raises a broader issue: the prevalence of purported sexual exploitation in places like Hollywood, Berlin, and even Dubai. Are legal authorities genuinely seeking justice?, or are they somehow indifferent to the welfare of actual victims of sex crimes, (and may actually be jealous of the celebrity in some twisted dark way?) using state laws to bring down the wealthy the beautiful and influential?
That's what it looks like, kids.
It’s crucial to question whether these high-profile prosecutions are the best use of government resources? Shouldn’t the focus be on dismantling the networks that perpetuate the REAL criminal organised gangs and KILLers, who commit brutal, human trafficking rather than sensationalizing the downfall of libertine celebrities and their private 'lifestyle' SEX party romps?
That's what's actually happening, kids. Now, aren't you more envious, and a bit horny after reading this post?
This Youtube post re: the 1999 Stanley Kubrick, Tom Cruise film Eyes Wide Shut pretty accurately present the voyeurism and exclusivity of these high level SEX driven soirées. You know you wanna go, init?
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ethnicassets · 18 days
When the #British colonized #NewZealand in the 18th century, they left the country’s indigenous #Maori population with nearly no land; war and new diseases they introduced to the islands nearly killed off all Māori. Nevertheless, Māori managed to survive—and for decades they protested against the British crown’s pillaging. By the 1970s, the crown could no longer ignore Māori’s mass uprisings rallying for justice; it was forced to respond and established a tribunal to investigate how it violated Māori sovereignty over New Zealand.
Since 1995, the British crown has been engaged in a process of land settlements with Māori—giving the tribes back land and cash, and offering apologies for their historical and modern-day thefts. By putting billions of dollars into this reparations program since the mid-1990s, New Zealand is leading the world with this kind of atonement and redress. In this special episode of Missing Chapter, Vox reporter #FabiolaCineas traveled across New Zealand to explore how Māori are using the compensation to build a new future for themselves — and to investigate what the USA (and #FBA) can learn about reparations from their story. via @vox
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ethnicassets · 26 days
How Brazil (uses) Immigration Edicts to Whiten Her Population since the 19th Century
Brazil is one of the countries where being black means being inferior. This video examines the origin of race tension and how Brazil got to where it's today. (video presentation by GreenMIc)
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ethnicassets · 28 days
The Foundational Black American (FBA) Class: The Path to Reparations?
The concept of the Foundational Black American (FBA) class–an idea introduced by controversial multi-media race-arbiter Tariq Nasheed– updates the historical lineage to the American Freedmen Act. In the 19th century, the US Senate documented the Freedman Act decree, which serves as a powerful legal precedent for FBA claims.
Why Lineage Matters (and not only RACE)
Common Black citizens must prioritize sorting their family/blood lineage paperwork, just as the Native Americans did. The Freedmen Act holds the key to creating a #ReparationsTrust benefiting all FBAs. Emotional arguments on Internet/social media platforms, among recent Black immigrants outside of this specific lineage, are irrelevant to this critical path event.
Blueprint for Justice
Similar to the Native American Reparations Act (see: BIA.gov) an infrastructure is already established. This blueprint will secure proper PENALTY payments for the brutalization of FBA predecessors by the US government and specific private sector companies that benefited from centuries of Black enslavement. A pioneering #ReparationsTrust will integrate both government and private sector funding benefiting qualified FBA lineage applicants.
A Historic Opportunity?
This could be Donald Trump and Robert Kennedy Jr.'s greatest deal in history. By revitalizing America's second-largest race group—the Black Americans, who were born under the yoke of brutal blood and tyranny—the FBA movement aims to make the nation's legacy whole.
It must be done.
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ethnicassets · 2 months
Sorry, But This Is Impossibly Hilarious Racist Humour...
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ethnicassets · 2 months
Rare Footage of Kamala Harris' Physiologically Black Father Speaking with a Sophisticated Jamaican Accent in English.
Video posted on Youtube by Jamaican-American journalist named Tamara McKayle: Donald J. Harris speaking at a Econmoic forum in 1989 whilst part of a panel. He was an Economic Professor at Stanford University sharing insights on economic issues in America and other countries.
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ethnicassets · 2 months
Is Kamala Harris a Throwback to 1950s USA? The Triumph of the Bourgeoisie Black?
*In this video Mr Brooklyn Saint Mickell gives a dissertation of The culture and family of the Black middle class in the 1950s. This excerpt is from the book #BlackBourgeoisie written by Dr. E Franklin Frazier
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ethnicassets · 2 months
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Maverick FBA Intellectual Thomas Sowell Decries the Predicament of Western Intellectualism and How It affects the Dark Man Today. (Video is excerpt the book 'Intellectuals and Society' via @GoodReads):
The influence of intellectuals is not only greater than in previous eras but also takes a very different form from that envisioned by those like Machiavelli and others who have wanted to directly influence rulers. It has not been by shaping the opinions or directing the actions of the holders of power that modern intellectuals have most influenced the course of events, but by shaping public opinion in ways that affect the actions of power holders in democratic societies, whether or not those power holders accept the general vision or the particular policies favored by intellectuals. Even government leaders with disdain or contempt for intellectuals have had to bend to the climate of opinion shaped by those intellectuals.
Intellectuals and Society not only examines the track record of intellectuals in the things they have advocated but also analyzes the incentives and constraints under which their views and visions have emerged. One of the most surprising aspects of this study is how often intellectuals have been proved not only wrong, but grossly and disastrously wrong in their prescriptions for the ills of society—and how little their views have changed in response to empirical evidence of the disasters entailed by those views.
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ethnicassets · 2 months
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I promise you: SE Asian tribes (via Indo-Asian region) are as hopelessly dispersed across the globe as African tribes. Their lands, their people are not a monolith as their diverse culture reflect brutal conquests by multiple invading, raping, pillaging armies from the EMEA
Thus, enslaved Asians in Caribbean, South Africa, etc?, get no love in their ancestral homeland. Jamaican #Coolies could write their own book about #tether emigre from India, carpet-bagging from Kingston to St Anns!
It’s humiliating, but this is what it means to be Black in the Americas. We (BLKs) have been scattered to the four winds, our cultures and identities fragmented by more than five centuries of slavery, colonialism, and oppression.
Kamala Harris is a case in point; Her Jamaican roots are a testament to the forced migration of Africans across the Atlantic. But her Indian heritage also speaks to the complex web of migration and intermarriage that has shaped the Black experience in the Caribbean.
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Like many Black people (a term created to describe 'non-whites' in the Americas, actually!) Harris is a product of both the horrors and the resilience of our history. She is a symbol of the challenges and opportunities that we face as we navigate a world that is still shaped by the legacy of brutal ethnic cleansing of dark people in the new world.
Read More Re: Coolie people worldwide?
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ethnicassets · 2 months
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The Matrix movies made some thought-provoking points about the nature of reality and free will. But for all their philosophical musings, I can't help but find the irony of the franchise's ending to be more than a little funny.
The two main characters, Neo and Trinity, sacrifice themselves to free humanity from the grip of the Matrix. But in the real world, they're just two regular people who have been brainwashed by the machines into thinking they're saviors.
What's especially amusing is that the Wachowskis, the two brothers who created the Matrix, have decided to pretend to be women! So now, the two white male, hero directors who were lionised as the ultimate symbols of freedom and individuality have been subsumed by the very system of assimilation they visualised on the big screen?
Irony, thick as blood!
Of course, it's important to remember that the Matrix is just a movie, and it's not meant to be a perfect allegory for real life. Still its amusing that the Wachowskis ended up completely buckbroken like hapless deer in the headlights of modern cosplay narratives.
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Elon Musk and Andrew Tate have interesting dialectics about The Matrix and its themes. They point out that the movie forces humanity to confront the question of reality, and that the choice to take the red pill and accept the truth of the Matrix is an example of free will. They also draw parallels between the Matrix and our lives today, saying that many people are still plugged in to the reality constructed by society and questioning how many people really have the courage to break away from it and find their own truth.
Both Musk and Tate make some valid points. The Matrix is a powerful allegory that can be applied to many aspects of our lives. It is a reminder that we should never take our reality for granted, and that we should always be questioning the world around us. It is also a reminder that we have the power to choose our own path, and that we should never be afraid to break away from the crowd and follow our own dreams.
Andrew Tate pitches the original Wachowski Brothers Film idea as a form of religion. But, Musk takes a more intellectual approach to the film. As a computer scientist, he is fascinated by the raw, pure matrices, the mathematical exploration of the nature of reality and the relationship between humans and machines. He draws parallels between our own world, arguing that we are all living in a kind of virtual reality created by technology.
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Both Musk and Tate make compelling arguments about the Matrix's philosophical significance. Tate's interpretation of the film as a religion is particularly intriguing, as it suggests that the Matrix can provide people with a sense of purpose and meaning in a world that is often confusing and chaotic. Musk's deconstruction of the Matrix is more intellectual, but it is no less insightful. His analysis of the film's themes of reality, free will, and technology is sure to provoke thought and discussion. @ethnicassets
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ethnicassets · 2 months
e.Franklin Frazier offered a critical path to UNDERSTANDING why our values were/are the way it is. Excellent presentation by Youtuber Brooklyn Saint Mickell.
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ethnicassets · 3 months
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-- 1858 Abraham Lincoln v Stephen Douglas, U.S. Senate debate
A psychosocial covenant - the inevitable EC of Africans in Americas #RACISM
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ethnicassets · 3 months
Operation Alhambra: The Edict to Ethnically Cleanse All Dark Men in the Americas?
In c.18th, Argentina hid the reality, having more than HALF population of humans of African blood. If you parse the linguistics of Spanish culture, you will discover their canonical history of Frederick Douglas-scale BLK champions like Juan Bautista Cabral, Bernardo de Monteagudo, María Remedios del Valle, to name a few?
But the edict of Aragon, King Charles III, Isabella et al; Crown, State and Intellectuals, advanced the illusion of a burgeoning, (ALL) white/European nation in a brave new world.
Argentina reports a total population of 46 Million citizens today, with only 5% claiming African race blood or identity.
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ethnicassets · 3 months
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'POORTHINGS' indeed _
Two instances of disheartening #AmericanStyleRacism emerge from recent Hollywood films celebrated by The Academy Awards. In Oppenheimer Film, Cillian Murphy, playing the notable Jewish scientist advises Matt Damon (his WASP handler) to exploit Hitler's racism, allowing Oppy to recruit a predominantly Jewish brain-trust to expedite the development of the first H-BOMB. Methinks a fictional twist to heighten the irony? The Manhattan Project was a predominantly WASP production, and Oppy and the Jews are merely scapegoats, as usual?
In the second example, Emma Stone stars in a spoofy Frankenstein sex-swapped knockoff, PoorThingsFilm. During its MID(boring)second act, Victoria (established as a reanimated cadaver with a child's brain) encounters the sole African male in this hyper-reality. Surprisingly, she neither acknowledges his alien dark skin❗️nor considers 'furiously jumping' his BBC—despite her eagerness to explore other folks genetalia like a porn queen! A missed opportunity?
These cases exemplify how #AmericanStyleRacism casually affronts both Black individuals and Jews. Stephen King, known for his 20th-century prison masterpiece ShawShankRedemption, absolutely never wrote a 'authentic' Black character south of Scatman Caruthers. (Morgan Freeman's character 'Red' was written as a ginger-pate'd Irishman). Hollywood's RACIST guilt perpetuates the absurd practice of blackface-ing white characters, masquerading as some form of concession..?
🤷🏽‍♂️ Meh.
The solution? Create and support authentic and organic Black/African-RACE characters in original storytelling! Just as Star Trek designed race arcs for fictional Vulcans, Klingons, et al; Hollyweird must get accustomed to explaining African-RACE phenotypes as a rule. Its insulting to presume BLKS are satisfied swapping Caucasian roles, and having their race obviated?
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ethnicassets · 6 months
#AndrewTate, and the fan dust he's kicked up is actually not the BIG picture here. I invite you to dig DEEPer: beyond the cartoons of today's pop-culture. There was a film featuring celebrated actor, the late Chadwick Boseman as a warm up for his Black Panther success, called 'Message from the King' where CB portrayed a rogue South African cop; travels to LA to find his sister who was sucked into the 'sex-trafficking' underworld/lifestyle and was ignominiously murdered. I put it that way because the film gives a snapshop/a peak? into his sisters seeming investment or enjoyment, really, of the libertine lifestyle/Sex, drugs rock & roll. The plot thickens as Boseman's South African pathos collides with a brutal Romanian-emigre crime network.
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The film gives brilliant insight on #Romania, Sex-trafficking, and racism. The Balkan mindset vs the West is recalcitrant, indifferent to trendy/popular politics and American legal culture. If you're not inclined to travel and live among Byzantium as the Tate's have (and as I have) then you will never appreciate these vulgar realities. The hegemony (Rome/fascist/lefty authourity) is intact. Balkanism(if you like) is a pitbull serving the west. You can't get around it. Will the Tate Brothers end up wards of British Courts? Possibly. You don't have to look far to understand how UK's handling the data-peddler Julian Assange, punishes rebels ad-nauseum...
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ethnicassets · 1 year
Many countries in history have been represented by embattled politicians, Sultans and Kings. If Donald Trump runs from prison? Chances are, he'll likely WIN from there! Just ask previous USA pol Eugene V. Debs! He managed to snag over One Million votes on a 10 year bid!
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ethnicassets · 1 year
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If u think Kai Centat's pied piper act was a crime? Revisit Travis Scott's stampede that killed a 9-year-old boy. But the real Pied Piper of mindless minions is (still) Diddy, whose 1991 charity event snuffed out at least nine lives.
Ten people (!) were trampled to death in a crowd surge at Travis Scott's Astroworld Festival in Houston, Texas on November 5, 2021. The victims ranged in age from 9 to 27 years old. Another 300 people were injured in the stampede. The crowd surge occurred during Scott's headlining set. As the crowd surged forward, people were crushed against barricades and against each other. Some people lost consciousness and were trampled. The surge lasted for several minutes before it was brought under control. The deaths at Astroworld have been the subject of much controversy. Some people have accused Scott of inciting the crowd to surge, while others have said that the festival organizers were to blame for failing to adequately plan for the large crowd. Scott has denied any wrongdoing, and he has said that he is "devastated" by the deaths.
The deaths at Astroworld have raised concerns about the safety of large-scale music festivals. In the wake of the tragedy, some festivals have implemented new safety measures, such as requiring fans to scan their tickets before entering the festival grounds and limiting the number of people who can enter the festival at a time.
The 1991 charity basketball game hosted by Diddy (formerly Puff Daddy) at City College/New York had an estimated attendance of 5,000 people. However, the event was only supposed to have a capacity of 2,700 people. This led to a crowd surge that resulted in the deaths of 9 people and injuries to 29 others. The event was organized to raise money for the Fresh Air Fund, which provides free summer experiences to children from low-income families. However, the tragedy overshadowed the event's intended purpose. Diddy was later sued by the families of the victims, and he settled out of court for an undisclosed amount.
The stampede at Diddy's charity event is a reminder of the dangers of crowd surges. When large groups of people are gathered in a confined space, it can be easy for panic to spread and for people to get trampled. It is important to be aware of these dangers and to take steps to avoid them, such as staying calm and moving away from the crowd if you feel it starting to surge.
It is important to be aware of the potential consequences of social media pranks before posting them. If you are thinking about posting a event or prank, take the time to think about whether it is funny or harmful? If you are not sure, it is better to err on the side of caution and not post the prank!
There were a few reports in 2022 of large groups of BAME youths congregating in central London streets. The reports sparked concerns about public safety and social unrest. However, it is important to note that these reports were often sensationalized and inaccurate.
In reality, there was no evidence that these groups were involved in any criminal activity. In fact, many of the youths were simply hanging out with their friends and enjoying the summer weather. There were also reports that some of the youths were attending protests against racial injustice.
It is important to avoid making generalizations about these groups of youths. They are not a monolithic group, and they come from a variety of backgrounds. It is also important to remember that they are still children, and they deserve to be treated with respect.
The reports of large groups of BAME (Black/Asian etc) youths in central London streets were a reminder of the challenges that these communities face. They are often stereotyped and discriminated against, and they can feel un-welcome in certain parts of the city. These reports also highlighted the need for more understanding and tolerance between different communities in London.
In conclusion, there is no evidence that hundreds of race minority kids descended upon central London streets in 2022 for any nefarious purpose. The reports of these gatherings were often sensationalized and inaccurate. It is important to avoid making generalisations about these groups of youths and to remember that they are still children who deserve to be treated with respect and care.
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