fairiesgaminggrotto · 2 years
I need some help (TW: S*cide) Am I the a**hole here?
I have two friends I'll call them their initials MI and TU TU is my korean friend online, he always wants to play games 24/7 with me so we normally play a lot even when I don't feel well enough to. So I do spend a lot of time with him. Not sure if thats what caused this problem. Or maybe it could be because his last friend chose someone else over him recently and abandoned him to game with them. It might be reminding him of that. MI has a friend called JA and LU I was playing a game with TU we had played for about 46 minutes, we hadn't played anything together in 3 days because he was gone due to his own mental health which I helped him through when he returned, for 2 of them. and I was busy on the 3rd day with pre arranged plans made a week prior. MI Came to me mid game. Telling me JA just attempted S*cide. He was missing and OD'ing LU was searching the streets for him. I left TU telling him vaguely about the situation, no details or parties involved just "A friend came to me with a s*cide emergency, I HAVE to go. Im so sorry" I've been with MI since helping her stay calm. Helping her with CPR and the recovery position. Helped her call 911. Been with her the whole time. Things are looking up but I don't want to leave her because shes still shaken up and crying. TU refused to respond to me properly just a clipped "k", went onto games with other friends and is treating me coldly and curtly, not being friendly or warm at all. He is angry at me for leaving him and has told me as much. Am I the a**hole for leaving TU? It was MI's friend who was s*cidal not a friend of mine so he doesn't believe I should have helped MI over him. He feels like I chose her over him. I genuinely thought I was doing the right thing? I'm really confused and i'm not sure what to do.
Please help me!
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fairiesgaminggrotto · 2 years
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Some of y’all in the community reaallly need to stop making us pay more to get your “exclusive” content.
Let us choose to support you. Some of us may not have the option now due to circumstances or COVID, but those of us that can WILL when given a choice.
The community has a right to say this is ethically wrong, regardless of the whole “EA’s TOU” debate.
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fairiesgaminggrotto · 2 years
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Nothing ruins my excitement for good custom content more.
Just follow the damn EULA y’all.
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fairiesgaminggrotto · 2 years
Things the Sims 4 Community Can Do About Paywalls...A Post...
[This is going to be a bit long, so you may want to save it and read it when you have time, or just…you know, buckle in.]
I thought I would ring in the new year by talking about something that I feel we as a community need to finally decide on. (It’s been debated since 2017 or so, and it’s now 2021…) I’d like, if possible, to try to suggest some real solutions and choices that we can make that will hopefully create a better and more honest community out of all of us.  Now I would like to start by making some postulates. In geometry, postulates are facts that do not need proven with a mathematical proof. They are assumed to be true. Thomas Jefferson and the founding fathers would call these “Self-Evident Truths”. I would like to use these as a bit of a basis for my arguments. 
Truth: The Sims 4 has been enough of a cash cow for EA.  If you buy the base game ($40) plus all expansion packs (40 each x 10) + all game packs (20 each x 9) + all stuff packs (10 each x 17) you would come to a total of seven hundred and 90 dollars ($790) plus tax. This is of course, without sales, bundling, etc, which many people DO take advantage of, but STILL. That is a TON of money for EA’s pockets.  EA makes a majority of its money on the fact that the Sims 4 is an “incomplete game”. It “completes” the game further and further by adding more “expansions” to the game to the point that it seems almost useless to buy the base game alone without adding to it. 
Even with sales and other things, it’s easy to spend over $500 dollars on the sims 4 game + expansions. Still a lot of cash for a game that is years old. This is just money that is spent on the game that goes to EA. This does not account for:  * Money spent to buy a new computer because your old one wouldn’t run the sims.  * Money spent supporting CC artists who have donations open or early access.  * Money spent on access to sites that have ads/paywalls/exclusive sims 4 CC such as Leosims, etc. (Which are the problem, frankly)
We should be able to respect the fact that a majority of us paid a hefty amount for this game. It is unfair, and frankly greedy to REQUIRE people to pay MORE just to unlock or gain access to specific user created content. 
I am not talking about a VOLUNTARY support or donation because they like what you offer. I am talking about FORCING people to pay if they want to ever be able to use the CC or mod you offer. 
Now, the typical defense for this is “Well, I’m an artist! I spend time/effort/etc working hard on these meshes, the code, etc to make this content!”  Which leads me to point #2. 
Keep reading
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fairiesgaminggrotto · 2 years
I wish I could make sims this beautiful oml, Everyone please check this blog out if you’re a fan of sims. There’s some really good CC they link to! Their photos are beautiful too, they really have an eye for this stuff!
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Guys Im so concerned that a lot of people can’t find me :( This is how my gallery looks like, I really hope you can find it!!
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fairiesgaminggrotto · 2 years
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i chose lan wangji as my model in trying portrait art for my college activity
if anyone’s interested, i might start taking commissions like this. no prices yet but negotiable ^_^
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fairiesgaminggrotto · 2 years
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fairiesgaminggrotto · 2 years
To the few people sending me hate
I’m a monarch, I am a queen. I am a beautiful she/her, and a gorgeous they/them. You can sit here all you want sending me death threats or hate. But you’re not going to tear my self esteem down, I’m telling you this so you don’t waste your time. You’re like an annoying mosquito buzzing around trying to suck my blood. I have way too many important things to do and way too many people who do love me to listen to you. You can’t tear me down because the hard truth is, you don’t matter to me like I matter to me, or like they matter to me. I just feel sad for you everytime I see your private messages. Go touch some grass and get yourself an icecream or a yogurt or something. I think you need some comfort food bud, you seem pretty down on yourself if you’re trying to tear a stranger down on the internet. Go get some therapy you have some personal issues you need to work through by the sounds of it. Wish you the best of luck in your recovery. Sincerely. P.S go get a hug, I think you need one.
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fairiesgaminggrotto · 2 years
Something that needs to stop
I have to get this off my chest, I want to preach postivity, but I want to add a disclaimer: All gamers aren’t like this, gaming communities are not inherently like this and this is not an attack on all of them as a whole.  I am disabled, I am legally diagnosed and on disability. I am legally and medically physically impaired and mentally impaired with multiple disabilities. I am neurodivergent. I have tourettes, night blindness caused by the rod in my eyes, in turn I have a form of color blindness and can’t see as much vibrance as others and certain light levels in colors are fully shades of grey and black to me. I cannot see as many colors as most able-bodied people. I legally cannot drive. I have general + social anxiety, depression, OCD, Dissociation, ADD, Dyscalculia, agoraphobia, Sleep Paralysis, PTSD, Insomnia, Severe Asthma, I also have Irregular Sleep-Wake disorder. My legs don’t always work right, they will randomly seize up into pains where I can’t move then will be so stiff I have to use a cane for days or weeks on end. I also have early arthritis and my hands will lose all ability to move or function stiffening right up. My neck, knees, shoulders and lower back is the same way. I’m in constant pain every single day except for that rare in a blue moon day my body decides to work right, then I can get some house work done or do some baking. But Some days I can’t and won’t even get out of bed the pain is too bad. But the days I can push past the pain to move even a bit, I do because if I don’t fight it, fight past that pain to exercise my legs, my hands, my back I may lose use of them for good. I could be paralyzed and its because I didn’t develop properly internally I was born premature and then for a majority of my childhood was physically abused with an already weak improperly developed body. I have lived with most of this since childhood.  So my point here is, to show you and tell you, I’m not some nosy busy body, I’m from the community you are alienating. Now into the issue lets start by some common quotes I have been hearing all around gaming communities. “___ Will ruin the gaming experience it will take away the challenge” “Well why don’t you just do ___ to fix it, it doesn’t need to be implemented” “Well obviously you aren’t trying hard enough to fix it yourself” “The developers don’t have to cater to you snowflakes” “Your kind shouldn’t be playing games / People like you shouldn’t be playing games” “(Insert disability here) Shouldn’t play video games” Some of these are straight up ableist and gate keeping. We need to stop the gate keeping and exclusion based on disabilities. Tell me for those of you who think its okay to argue and protest accessibility options, for those of you who think a harmless gamma change for those who are nightblind or the ability to make controls easier for those who don’t have the same motor function the majority do, is going to ruin your whole entire experience when its an OPTION. I see all of your arguements as “Well this achievement will be worthless, it’ll be easier to get” tell me, did you work hard to get that achievement? Yes? Then how does that take away from it? It doesn’t invalidate the hard work you did to get there, it doesn’t make it so we have to work less hard than you. Wanting us to just “Deal with it” puts US at a disadvantage making us have to work HARDER than you just for being physically or mentally different than you. How is THAT fair? All adding options does is put us on a fairer playing field overall. But with that said.. Who actually cares about someone elses achievements? Unless you are in a professional and or competitive setting it does not matter, and regardless YOU can improve and get better a lot easier and a lot further and faster than some people with disabilities. The only thing I think when I see achievements is “Wow that person really loves and is passionate about this game. I wonder if its a good game.” I don’t think you’re some awesome monarch of a gamer or worship your feet, nor do I think you’re a loser for not having these super rare achievements. I don’t care, MOST people do not care. Some people might NEVER be able to play the game to the capability and ease you can. If you’re THAT threatened by people who are disabled being given a way to actually play and enjoy a game to a similar equality to anyone else and have a chance to beat you with their OWN skill, then maybe you’re just absolute trash at the game or put too much of your self esteem and ego into how many worthless achievements you can earn gaming. I think you need self reflection and to go touch grass above all. Tell me, take a step back from this post for a second and envision this. Your mother, sister, brother, father, cousin, best friend, wife, husband, sibling, spouse, whoever. The most important person in the world to you. Imagine them getting into an accident, imagine them losing the ability of their legs or their arms or maybe becoming visually impaired or getting some disability. Okay? do we have the picture right now? Now imagine people telling them similar excuses you make to exclude the disabled from gaming spaces, imagine it with a hobby they love. How would you feel hearing and seeing people saying those things to them? How would you feel if it got to them, you see a lot of people use gaming or other hobbies to escape depression, anxiety, to try to fight it. Imagine if they used that hobby as a distraction from darker thoughts, imagine how those kinds of comments would make them feel. How would that make you feel? Do you get my point now? You can’t say “Well theres things made for disabled people, games they can play” Thats not the point. There shouldn’t HAVE to be seperate games period and there isn’t as many games for them as there is games that exclude them and don’t consider them. Would you exclude someone based on their sexuality? skin? Gender? Color of their eyes? Their voice? If you wouldn’t then why are the disabled different? If you would however, then great you’re sexist, homophobic, transphobic and racist on top of that. Your parents must be proud /s You also can’t say “Well its just multiplayer games, it’d give an advantage in games like dead by daylight.” Okay, then whats your excuse for single player games or non competitive co-op games? Party games? It effects no one else except the player themselves in that case. “Oh but my achievements”  They mean nothing, they don’t earn you money, they don’t make you cool, they are literally little icons and descriptions or shiny badges that say “Hey I did this thing” no one cares if you yeeted a barrel into the abyss and got a rare elite achievement. Stop getting so hung up over achievements and learn to have a little humanity.
TL;DR Adding accessibility OPTIONS does NOT impact YOUR gameplay. Stop gatekeeping and excluding and get over your own ego. Go outside and touch grass and realize that achievements and video game stats don’t define you as a person, your personality and actions towards others does. Gatekeeping and being Exclusionary towards disabilities is ableist period. P.s  For everyone who is Disability friendly or has Disabilities like me, I want you to know you always have a safe space with me and I love you all dearly. If you need a virtual hug you can message me any time.
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fairiesgaminggrotto · 2 years
My Friendly Trickster #1
I plan to post wholesome DBD stories that have happened to me to lighten up the community and give hope to the killers and survivors out there who get discouraged by the toxicity on the reddit and forums. Anyone toxic will be blocked period. --- So I’m a semi-baby survivor less than 80 hours total on steam most in custom matches or the lobby or as killer not survivor, Still am learning how everything works, only recently found out theres non passive abilities for survivors and killers, still don’t know most terms, still can’t loop worth much. But hey I have normal healing and gen quick times nailed down atleast. (not so much the ones that get tiny or the ones to get the trap off your head) I got a trickster a few weeks back I hopped on for a couple rounds, I got stuck in a group of flashlight clickers. I was doing all the work while they ran around clicking, I did all the gens, unhooked, healed, was running around everywhere. When I got hooked for the first time, it was after I got the exit open, the clickers refused to come for me. Instead they sat at the gate which I could see from where I was because it was the map with the closer hook, tbagging and clicking. The killer got one of them and brought them over letting them wiggle out near my hook (I’m guessing he felt bad that they wouldn’t come get me) They ran away though, the clickers all decided to taunt him away from the gate for fun. He hooked the one on the closest hook he could find and then downed the other two, brought the other two infront of me and mori’d them before my eyes. The hooked person managed to get off the hook got the 4% chance, and he did the same with them after they were mori’d he watched me die. At the end of the game the whole team was blaming me saying if they hadn’t “come back” for me that they wouldn’t die. Not one attempted to rescue me they were only taunting the killer. He pointed that out and told them that I was the one he always caught doing all the gens and told them to be grateful I didn’t leave them for dead. He told me he was sorry I ended up sacrificed that if he knew no one would unhook me he would have given me the hatch. Well fast forward to 4 days later, I get a trickster again, I didn’t know it was the same guy, but he recognized my name in the lobby among the survivors. Once again I got stuck with 2 clickers and someone even more of a baby than I was. Long story short the two clickers rage quit disconnecting because they got hooked. So the trickster and I decided to teach the baby survivor using the two of us as an example on how to use pallets, how to vault, how to heal and unhook, how to wiggle. She got a lot of practice in. We also taught her how to loop and she was much better than I was at it. We were at it for a long time before finally we finished the gens and he opened the gate to let us go. The two of them added eachother as friends so he could teach her further and then we wished eachother a good week and I haven’t seen them since.
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