fandom-gremlin-1987 · 3 hours
Bird Questions
Prompt idea
College student Danny Fenton is taking a much needed break from his studies, sitting on the roof of his apartment building. He’s sleep deprived and a little delirious, watching several of the Gotham vigilantes grappling between buildings in the distance.
“Do birds ever just fly for fun, or are they always on some kind of mission?”
Danny isn’t talking to anyone, he’s up on the roof on his own to de-stress. He was just thinking out loud.
So when he heard a snort and a chuckle from behind him, Danny felt like he was justified in his reaction of not only swearing, but also throwing a solid right hook at the same time that he spun around to see who the hell was there.
He didn’t mean to punch anyone in the face.
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fandom-gremlin-1987 · 4 hours
I have it under control, thanks.
A little art studio in Gotham. Everything looks normal, everything is normal. Except that its normal like really normal, nothing ever happens there. No villain goes in, no damage out of the ordinary ever happens. It's super strange for Gotham.
So people start hanging out there more, it technically belongs to a young rich woman named Samantha. So people go there draw on some Canvas that are free to use and look at the art of the young Manson and her friends.
Bruce is there to check why it's so safe there. He thinks it's suspicious.
But it turns out the owner just had everything under control. The Mad Hater came one time he got shocked. Some goon got a ball in the head.
In a bigger Gotham catastrophe, where the Joker was on Rampage. Batman was running to save the people in the studio, just to come and see him tied up. Manson and her to friends just look at him, when he comes. "I have this under control."
Her two friends just laugh, "Sam has this under control."
Batman is pretty sure she used to be a superhero.
Or a super villain.
There is not much to be found about her or the City she came from.
Her friends are kinda secretive.
One of her friends seems to be a child of crazy scientists.
Okay know he is pretty sure that Sam Manson was a Villain once.
But he will take future investigations.
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fandom-gremlin-1987 · 4 hours
DP X DC Prompt
Danny gets summoned by a cult.
Unfortunately, this time they tried to give him a sacrifice in the form of a small child.
Fortunately, the kid is still alive at that point in the summoning since the cult was operating under the assumption that he wanted to eat them alive or something (which. gross! but useful for him at least).
They make it out of the area that the summoning took place in pretty easily, but now they have to do a cross country trip in order to get the kid back to their family while trying not to draw the cults attention (which they already did once after attempting to contact the kid's guardian in a nearby town)
in the meantime though, this kid is acting pretty sketchy...
aka the cult accidentally (or even purposefully) used a kid that's related to a cape in one fashion or another and now said child is on a cross-country trip with a being of unknown ethics and abilities.
who are they and what do they do?
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fandom-gremlin-1987 · 16 hours
AU where Sam was livestreaming Danny's portal incident.
And the camera died a few seconds after the portal turned on, but before Danny crawled out as a halfa.
The A-Listers had been watching out of boredom.
Every single one of them got to hear Fenton scream as he died burning from the electricity.
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fandom-gremlin-1987 · 16 hours
Damian: How have you gain so much strength? You are not formally trained and yet you give both my parents a difficult time in combat
Anti-hero Danny: The power of love has given me strength
Damian: Disgusting. If this is some moral lecture-
Danny: Oh no, I mean love literally powers me. Any form of it, even just a love for combat. Your parents really like to fight and fuels me during my fights with them.
Damian: I hate everything about you
Danny: I'm getting stronger with every second you talk to me so we both know that's a lie.
Damian blushing: I'm not in love with you!
Danny blinking: huh well a few seconds ago it was love build on respect and desire to fight me but now it's romantic.....want to go on a date?
Damian: ......yes
Danny: Cool. Pick you up at 8 tonight. I'll go in my civilian form, so if a fourteen year old human knocks on your door later, that's me! Bye! *Portals away*
Damian whiping out his phone: Jon, you aren't going to believe this. Kon's dating advice worked.
Jon: First, I'm happy you got a date! Second, how dare you go to my elder brother for dating advice when I'm your best friend.
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fandom-gremlin-1987 · 16 hours
A Robin tradition
13 year old Jason: Dick, I need to borrow the Batmobile! Roy needs help with his English homework, Alfred is busy, and the Batmobile is the fastest car we have!
18 year old Dick: [is mad at Bruce and knows full well that this is going to piss him off] Say no more
[Dick gets the keys]
Dick: I'll hide the keys to the motorcycles and the plane. When Bruce tries to call you, just ignore him
Jason: [running to the car] Thanks, Dick! You're the best!
[Years later]
Tim: Jason please help me! I need the Batmobile to save Kon from Kryptonite Zombies!
Jason: 'Kay, try not to hit any pedestrians
Jason: [takes the Batmobile keys out of his pocket tosses them to Tim]
Tim: You just had them in your pocket...?
Jason: Zombies, Tim
Tim: Right! Thanks! [Runs away]
[Even more years later]
Damian: Drake! I require the Batmobile. Connor needs assist-
Tim: [already tossing Damian the keys] Cool, see ya later
Damian: [already running to the car] Thank you!
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fandom-gremlin-1987 · 16 hours
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A collection of ones I didn't really feel were post-worthy but have them anyway
More batfam twitter shenanigans here
Taglist under the cut
@scarlettauthor @searchingforthelamps @aceisferal @lady-bizarre @nana-mizu-shiki @reality-itself-but-magic @humanoidluv @shortstorylover @luckybyrdrobyn @ginevraxrogers @universal-travel-er @timpendragon @limeskittlesaredecent @illburnyouontheceiling @half-emptyjuicebox @genderlessblomber @i-suc-at-art @somniphobicfox @ultra-stormsaga @procrastinators-folly @folk-ever-lore @marinafanning @tzuyu132132 @sackofsadstuff @notarobot-lastichecked @blankliferain @kking13 @blackholegladiator @formulaonebuff @blackstar-gazer @wrongwaykelly @smiling-through-sadness @cygnusdoesthings @lyninabin @justabilingualchileangirl @atlasaurelius @xxrougefangxx @fictional-love21 @kittyplayz1 @bae-graphomaniac @rusty-lake-resident @spawn0fsatan @savetheupholstery @lostsomewhereinthegarden @dead-potato-monster @its-a-dam-blue-brick @elamimax @ja50nt0ddwa5h3r3 (continued in replies due to tag limit)
If you want to be added to/removed from the taglist let me know in the replies (easier to sort through than reblogs)
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DPxDC Vlad. Just... Vlad.
I like writing Vlad as a bad guy - he is convenient when evil. Need an antagonist? Here's a solid choice. I also like writing Vlad as redeemed - he has the potential to be good and nice and even caring. He's not an evil by core character, he's just in great need of therapy.
But my absolute favorite way of writing Vlad is the slightly condescending absent parent who doesn't like kids but still cares about them.
He won't do great with actual babies, yes, he is not sweet, he doesn't smile a lot, and he views kids as nuisances most of the time. But at the same time, he doesn't brush them off when they come to him. Jazz wants to go to an Ivy League college? Yeah, okay, he'll pay for it no questions asked. Because student loans are a bitch and Jazz is smart and she is his now. They don't get along, they barely talk, but she is his. Danny is mad at something about Infinite Realms business and snaps at him for no reason? Vlad is never one to back down from a fight, and by the end of it Danny is not so fuming anymore, and Vlad got to test his new ectoblast. Dani is back from her travels and decides to unload all her new bizarre stories on him? He is not interested, but he'll listen because otherwise she is going to start pouting and roll her eyes, and he doesn't want to deal with that. Dan asks if he could go hunt some ghost vultures for sport on his grounds? Danny might get mad later, but that's none of Vlad's concerns, and, besides, those vultures were starting to get annoying lately.
He's just... not a good parent and not a good person. He is mostly decent.
But the thing is, all the ex-Fenton kids don't need a good parent in terms of 'friendly, sweet and nice', they've had Jack and Maddie, they know the friendliness doesn't really mean shit. What they need is an adult that will back them up with no reprimand and then fuck off right after.
And Vlad is perfect in that sense.
What's funny about this is that when Phantoms/Masters meet Waynes/Bats, the latter ones are a bit thrown off by this dynamic. Like, what do you mean your adoptive father is your former arch-nemesis? What do you mean he didn't really stop doing his evil schemes? Surely he can't be good! Meanwhile, Danny just shrugs.
On the other hand, what do you mean your father won't allow you to do what you want? What do you mean he acts on your behalf? Does he not trust you with your own decisions? And Batkids are just 'he means well'. Yeah, well, Vlad also means well (most times), but he doesn't ground anyone? If Bruce means well, then why do you all act like you're annoyed with him?..
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Some extra content of the birthday post
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When Bruce “died” all his kids ended up gathering together for the reading of his will. Things were split pretty evenly between them with certain assets going to certain people (the company to Tim, the Manor to Alfred etc). At the end of the will there is one last line
“Don’t let your brother turn into a supervillian.”
All of the siblings are busy arguing about who Bruce might be talking about except for Tim and Cass, who are standing away from the group. Tim has an amused gleam in his eye and Cass is staring him down.
“Don’t you dare.” She signs at him knowing full well that Bruce was talking about Tim.
“I’m going to take over the League of Assassins.” He signs back to her.
Which was always the plan, he just couldn’t leave right away. Dick giving Damian Robin was a perfect excuse. Also, Bruce was def alive just lost in the time stream and the league would have the resources he needs to find answers.
Six months later, over 100 bases blown up, and with coordinates to recover Bruce, Tim returns to Gotham. He’s not alone though. Oh no. Drake Industries has had a complete overhaul under the leadership of the teenage heir and if all of the new employees are ninja assassins thats for Tim to know and no one else.
When Bruce returns he gets swarmed with questions from his kids about which brother he was referencing at the end of his will and he gives them all a confused look.
“Tim of course. The kid borrows my morals like library books.” At this, Dick goes ashen.
Tim? Bruce had been concerned about Tim? Tim who has been off the grid for the last 6 months doing god knows what?
“Tim should have known I was referencing him. He should have told you and the fact that he didn’t means I should be concerned.” Bruce glances to his son who can’t contain his smile.
“It’s hardly my fault the Ra’s has the charisma of a used gym sock. Besides, at least I offer benefits and paid time off. Also you don’t have to worry about the LOA anymore. They all work for me now.” He smiles a bit wider and then disappears into the shadows.
Bruce, who wrote that last line after going through Tim’s Young Justice Records, simply signs. “Could be worse. He could have become Gun Batman.” Which unloads an entirely new floodgate of questions from those around him, but as long as his kids are safe, happy, and still walking a mostly moral line then Bruce is happy.
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Danny: I was told to report to you
Alfred: Who told you that?
Danny: Didn't get his name, but it was a man with black hair, blue eyes, tall and sad?
Alfred: That's could be so many in this manor. Can you be more specific?
Danny: um, he was pretending to be stupid at last night gala?
Alfred: More specific
Danny: He yelled "Eat the rich" before nose diving into the glass tower.
Alfred: That's was Master Jason. Did he tell you why you needed to report to me?
Danny: He told me to give this to you when I found you *hands over folded paper*
Alfred reading: Dear Alfred, here is a boy who agreed to work part-time as a cook for the mannor while you recover from your broken arm and broken legs . Let me know if he becomes a problem. I'll kill him for you. Heart Jason
Danny: ....He was joking about the killing part right?
Alfred: No, he put a heart. He is rather serious.
Danny strain nervous smile: Oh
Alfred: Not that it matters. If you ARE a problem, I will put a bullet between your eyes before you can beg. Working legs or not. Now then, how about I show you the kitchen, yeah?
Danny: .....the pay is what again?
Alfred: Five hundred for each meal you prepare and an hourly salary of twenty-nine dollars for how long it takes you to cook.
Danny: Aight, I'm desperate enough. Lead the way sir.
Alfred studying him: You may survive the Waynes yet.
Danny: Wait. What does that mean?
Alfred: This way *rolling away in wheel chair*
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crack open a boy with the cold ones 🩸
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Danny holding a glowing jar: What is this? Clockwork: Oh, that's some human soul I won in a poker game with a few demons. Danny:A human soul? What the hell did you bet that was the same value as a human soul? Clockwork: Your hand in marriage Danny: I BEG YOU FINEST PARDON?! Clockwork: Relax, I won, didn't I? Now I have a neat soul in a jar. Danny: Who does this even belong to? Clockwork:A child. Danny: .....you're giving this back. Clockwork: What? Why? The child wasn't even using it. Danny: I'm taking the soul back. What's the child's name? Clockwork: *Sigh* Fine, ruin my fun. The boy is called Subject 514A. Danny: What kind of name is that? Clockwork: He's a clone of another human child that was experimented on and was never given a personal name. Hence, Subject 514A. His body is currently deteriorating as we speak. If he stays in his current dimension, Death will claim him. Danny: WHAT!? We got to do something! Clockwork: I can't in his current dimension. Death has jurisdiction there as Fate has set that child's life to end. Danny: .....you set this jar out to appeal to my Savior complex and help you get back at Death and Fate didn't you? Clockwork: I KNOW THOSE TWO CHEATED AT CARDS! So I figured stealing one of their little humans and moving him into a nearby dimension a few years ahead would drive them up a wall. They have no power there since the timeline is my jurisdiction! Danny: And I wouldn't let anything happen to Subject 514A, meaning that the world would accommodate the Ghost King and the child under his care. You're using me a pawn in your petty game. Clockwork: You're still going to take that boy and raise him. Danny: Yeah, because I have the body to be a perfect DILF, but that's beside the point! I mean if he's a clone would the orginal be in the new dimension? Clockwork: Yes, but Bruce Wayne would be a full-grown adult with multiple children of his own instead of a sixteen-year-old adolescent like Subject 514A. Danny: Great, a teenager in angst. why not. Clockwork watching Danny leave through a portal to grab his new son: All according to plan. Soon, Wayne will assume Danny is raising his unknown, ill son, and my ship will sail once they get to know each other. he ha he ha he ha.
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mcrmy in one picture
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“And it’s an emergency?” Bruce asked her, brow furrowing in concern.
Dani tapped her foot. “Yes. I need to leave now.”
Bruce sighed. “I’ll contact our pilot, but I can’t guarantee that he be able to fly you to Illinois last minute.”
Dani smiled weakly, “Thanks Bruce.” She said as she walked out the door, running into Damian.
“Where are you going?” He demanded, Jerry the Turkey trailing behind him.
“There’s a family emergency I need to go to.” Dani explained, ruffling his hair, grinning when he squwaked and hit her hand away.
“When will you return?”
Dani hesitated, smiling fading, before she looked in Damian’s eye and forced a grin.
“That depends. But I’ll be back, you don’t need to worry.”
The study door opened, and Bruce poked his head out, phone in hand. “Dani, the plane will be ready right after dinner at the soonest. Where exactly are you going?”
“Amity Park, Illinois.”
Danielle’s ‘minor family emergency’ was a huge lie.
Damian saw her smile dim and her hands shake as she told him she would be back.
Danielle was in danger, he didn’t need Leauge training to be able to tell.
That dinner, Danielle’s suitcase and bag was right next to her chair as she ate, looking very distracted.
“Woah!” Duke yelped as he tripped over the bag, stabilizing himself on the wall. “What’s the bag for?”
“Sorry, I’m going to Illinois after dinner. Family emergency.” Dani sheepishly, kicked the bag under the table and out of the way, smiling apologetically at Duke.
“Family emergency? But I thought…” Duke trailed off awkwardly. He didn’t need to finish his sentence for everyone to know what he trying to say.
Dani shrugged but didn’t give them an answer.
Duke, Damian’s nd Bruce locked eyes with each other and shared a minuscule nod. They would be investigating in the cave that night.
“Ok, I’m heading out!” Dani said, giving each of them a hug that lasted longer than usual, as if she was leaving for the last time.
Dani’s flight was around 2 hours, and the only sound that was in The luxury cabin was the sound of her foot tapping.
She apologized to the pilot for the last minute notice, but he waved her off with a smile. Dani tipped him a couple hundred anyway.
The airfield was pretty far, so Dani called an ride to pick her up.
While she waited, she checked Danny’s message from this morning.
Prototype: Dani we need you in Amity
Protoype: The GIW are acting funny
“Tt. When is the car arriving?”
Dani froze, whipping her head around to see Damian holding a duffel bag and staring at her with a raised eyebrow.
“Uh-what? Damian?” Dani stammered in surprise, before she got angry. “Damian Thomas Wayne, why and how the hell are you here?”
Damian rolled his eyes. “I snuck on the plane and followed you, of course.”
Dani’s eye twitched and Damian got the feeling that this was a bad idea.
There was a long silence before Dani dragged him to the wall and whispered to him, “Damian, I have a reason for you guys not to come. A good reason. So you need to get a plane back to Gotham before it’s too late.”
Damian shook his head. “The pilots gone. And it is too late to catch another flight.”
Dani groaned, but was interrupted by her phone vibrating in her pocket.
She pulled it out and cursed as she read the message.
Dr.Jazz: Dani the GIW is closing down airports
Dr.Jazz: Nobody can get out or in
Dr.Jazz: are you here yet?
Fenton 2.0: I’m here
Fenton 2.0: with an unexpected guest
Her phone binged again, and she snapped her fingers to get Damian’s attention away from his phone- which he had pulled out when Jazz messaged her.
“Our ride is here.” She said curtly, picking up her bags and walking outside the terminal.
Dash Baxter was leaning against his car, searching the crowd. He caught sight of Dani and Damian, giving the younger girl a nod and the tween a raised eyebrow.
“You guys are lucky you got here when you did. The guys in white just closed everything down.” Dash said as he loaded their luggage into the back of his car.
Dani opened the backseat door and let Damian climb in before sitting down after him.
“What’s going on, Dash? Danny hasn’t been replying to my messages and Jazz is being extremely vague.”
Dash started the car and pulled into the freeway.
“Can’t go into detail. Too many cameras. We’re probably being followed.” Dash looked at Damon through the rewrite mirror. “Whos the tyke?”
“Damian. Damian Wayne.” Damian said as he wrinkled his nose.
“Dash Baxter. How’d you get caught up with the Waynes, Dani?”
“Bruce is fostering me. We just haven’t made an official announcement yet.”
Dash let out a whistle. “Nice. I won’t be able to drop you at the FentonWorks Lab, but Star and Paulina wanted to talk to you out anyway.”
Dash pulled into the park, and helped Dani and Damian with their bags before driving off.
There were GIW agents setting up cameras all around the park, in trees, lamp post, and they were even shoving warrants in the faces of home owners and setting cameras on their property.
Around 2/3 of the town was in the park, watching the GIW and talking in hushed tones. They all turned to stare at Dani and Damian as they walked through.
“Why are they stareing at you?” Damian asked, glaring at a boy his age, who squeaked and sprinted away.
“Because my family is rather well known.” Dani glanced at Damian. “And I have a Wayne with me.”
They turned around to see two girls, one Latina dressed in pink and one blonde with large blue eyes.
“Paulina. Star. How’ve you been?” Dani smiled at them.
Star smiled at her, but it wasn’t real and plastic looking.
“I’m doing great. A little ghosty told me that the Fentons are waiting for you and Damian at the FentonWorks Lab.” Star eyed Damian with a curious eye and peered at Dani through her lashes.
“Don’t you think it’ll be to dangerous for the kid?” Paulina asked, ignoring the way Damian bristled at being called a kid.
Dani’s eye sharperned as she places a hand on Damian’s shoulder. “We have no choice. The GIW closed down the airport. He’ll have to learn how to survive.”
The girls faltered.
“W-what? But my dad is in New York! He..” Paulina stammered, and Star was at her side in a second, comforting her.
Dani and Damian walked away, Danis hand still on his shoulder.
They walked for some time in silence, until Dani stopped them and pointed at a GIW agent.
“Wanna help?” At Damian’s nod she smirked and continued. “Let’s put your training to good use. What do you think they’re doing?”
“You knew?” Damian asked her.
“You guys aren’t the only vigilantes in my family.”
Damian nodded and turned away from her, observing the agents in white.
“They’re setting up cameras. And cold sensors.”
Dani’s lips twisted into a small smile. “The GIW are officially called the Ghost Investigation Ward, but we call them the Guys in White.”
Damian raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t realize there were other ghosts.”
Dani’s eyes flashed green as she grinned.
“Well, Damian, you have a lot to learn. But yes, there are other ghosts.”
Damain nodeded and glanced back toward the Agents.
“Tt. If they investigate ghosts, why are they barricading the town?”
Dani’s face darkened and she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Damian, there’s a lot I don’t know. But I can tell you this:”
She whispered her next few words.
“It’s about to go from bad to worse. Brace yourself.”
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There aren’t any Batman beyond x dp, so let me try and fix that. Fair warning, I’ve only seen the show.
So this involves immortal halfas. Danny is king on the GZ, and Dani is still traveling there world as a preteen.
She comes across Neo-Gotham, and watches Batman (terry) fight his villains of the week.
This his super early on in his vigilante career, so he makes enough mistakes for Dani to go
Holly ravioli this kids going to die I gotta train him somehow.
And she forces her way into the batgirl mantel.
Keep in mind, she still looks 12, so to Terry and Bruce, a 12 yo girl figured out his identity, and is trying to join the crusade.
They tell her no.
Dani stills ends up breaking in the Batcave and helping out, and Bruce and Terry grow fond of her and finally let her be batgirl.
Well, at the same time, Gothams ghost population seem to be whispering about a cult attempting to summon Pariah Dark out of his sleep
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There's a new intern at the Daily Planet, Daniel Fenton, and the lucky son of a bitch joined the day that everyone brings in food for the November potluck.
Clark greets him, clocks him as a meta (no one's heart is that slow naturally, and he saw the kid accidentally float earlier), and asks how he likes Metropolis.
Metas aren't unusual, after all. If the Intern doesn't want to let people know, then that's his own business.
He's more interested in listening in to people trying his Ma's apple pie. She insisted he bring hers as well as an apple pie from Mrs. Moore, because she wants to know who's is better.
Apparently, the judges in Smallville were too afraid to favor one over the other and claimed it was a tie.
So he'd grabbed Ma's pie, stole Mrs. Moore's from her windowsill (he left money behind and a note of apology), and set them gently on the table full of food.
So far, everyone is favoring his Ma's.
He didn't like putting people down, but his Ma's pie was the clearly superior one. She made it special, with a little dash of orange juice and a secret ingredient she refused to share.
The only other person who had known was that ingredient was had been Pa, and he'd taken it to his grave.
So Ma's pie is, obviously, far better than Mrs. Moore's.
When Fenton picks up a piece of Ma's pie, Clark immediately tunes in to hear his opinion.
Fenton takes a bite.
Fenton freezes.
Fenton leans back a little and eyes the plate suspiciously.
"...Pa?" Fenton mutters, sounding more than a little confused. "This tastes just like...yeah. Pa makes it just like this, but not as pretty. Clumsy lattice or not, though; same taste. Who made this one?"
How does Fenton know how Pa made his own version of Ma's apple pie, down to the lattice being "clumsier"?
Danny has just moved to Metropolis, leaving Amity Park in the hands of Vlad and Valerie, who are more than enough to wrangle the ghosts still coming out of the Zone looking for a fight.
With them in charge, Danny is clear and safe to retire from heroing.
Instead, he takes an intern position at the Daily Planet in Metropolis; it pays, has benefits, and the Daily Planet will assist with tuition and work with his class schedule.
Even if he doesn't want to be a journalist, it's too good to pass up.
But at the potluck (lucky!), he eats a pie that tastes exactly like Pa Kents.
The ghost that had insisted he was going to be Danny, Dani, Dan, and Jazz's other father years ago. The ghost that had a standing invitation for any of them to drop by at any time.
The ghost that made his apple pies almost exactly like this one, but didn't quite get how to make the top of the pie aesthetically pleasing.
...Wait, Pa had said his son was working at the Daily Planet.
Was the huge, wall of muscle that had greeted Danny earlier his...?
Danny looks up, mouth full of pie, and accidentally meets the eyes of Clark Kent.
Wait, so if Pa insisted on being Danny's (ghost) father, and by ghost law that was pretty finalized, then that meant that Mr. Clark was his-
"...Brother?" Danny muttered around the pie, wrinkling his nose in even more confusion.
If Mr. Clark isn't dead, then does ghost law apply?
But it's too late.
Mr. Clark must know how to read lips, because he's walking towards Danny with a really intent look on his face.
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