fenthyr · 5 years
interview (Jake Gyllenhaal x reader)
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Summary: doing an interview with Jake Gyllenhaal is always fun. 
“Tonight at the late night show we have not 1 but 2 amazing guests who were cast in an emotional thriller about 2 girls gone missing. Yes, you guessed it I’m talking about Prisoners. Please welcome (y/n) (y/l/n) and Jake Gyllenhaal.” People start clapping and you and Jake walk up the stage. Waving at the fans and greeting James. “Hi, thanks for coming on the show guys.” “No no, thanks for having us this is awesome.” You laugh back. “So guys tell us something about the movie.”
“So uhm the movie is about 2 girls that went missing on thanksgiving and a detective tries his best to find them. I’m letting Jake finish this because I know I’ll probably spoil the movie.” “Yeah you’re really good at that, aren’t you.” Jake laughs. “I can’t help it. It’s out of my control.” Everybody laughs along with you. “yeah uhm I play the detective Loki who is assigned to the case and in the movie we see how the families deal with the loss of the kids and how it effects the detective’s life. It’s really something different because not only is it a thriller but there are also a lot of emotions and we go deeper in what such an event does to a family and the people around them.”
“How was the atmosphere on the set? Did everybody get along and did you do pranks on each other?”
“Some scenes weren’t easy to film because they were so heavy and after those scenes the atmosphere was always like quiet and calm but luckily for us we had (y/n) on the set.” Jake quickly looked at you and then back to James. “really she always knew how to make those scenes less heavy and bring our spirits back up after.” James looked at you with a surprised face. “really so (y/n), tell us what did you do to cheer everyone up.” “I really don’t know what he is talking about right now.” You laugh and so does the public. “I don’t know, yeah I am always happy and when I messed up a scene I just yelled in frustration and everybody just laughed at how I got frustrated.” “When you’re frustrated you’re so adorable. It’s so funny because you just need a second and then you realize how stupid your mess up was and you just start laughing. Or when we do a serious scene and (y/n) is out of shot but she is in the scene, then I see her just looking at us and smiling, like who smiles when you ask the parents who just lost a child questions about the missing kid.” Jake jumped in.
“I just can’t be serious at serious situations it’s a curse really. And it was so funny to see you all serious when I know you are the exact opposite of that.” “And I will take that as a compliment to my acting skills.” Jake added with a big smile.
“Okey guys. I have some more questions but we kind of made a game out of it.” you and Jake look at each other with a fake nervous look and then back at James. “We are going to test how much you know about each other. So here are some writing boards and some markers. Now I’m going to ask you some questions about each other and you both write the answers down before showing them alright.”
You quietly murmur ‘al left’ and Jake bursts out laughing. James quietly chuckles to himself and the public laughs with you.
“yeah we got it.” you look at Jake. “I’m going to crush you.” “We’ll see about that.”
“okey, first question. What is Jake’s full name?”
 “oh really, pff that’s easy.” You say while writing.
“Oh come on James I thought you were on my side in this.” Jake jokingly yelled.
“Let’s see, turn your answers. (y/n) what do you have?”
“Jacob Benjamin Gyllenhaal.”
“God dammit.” Jake faked and then started laughing.
“Next question, for Jake. What is (y/n)’s birthday.”
“If I get this wrong I’m going to hate myself.”
“Let’s turn those answers around.”
Jake looked at your board and laughed. “It’s (y/bd), I knew it!” he screams
You just laugh at his sudden outburst.
“Okey next what is Jake’s favorite book?”
“Oh come on James, give me something challenging.”
“She gonna know this one for sure.”
“Let’s see then.”
You turn your board around. “It’s ‘To Kill a Mockingbird.”
Jake turns his board around. “She’s right.”
“Jake what is (y/n)’s favorite food.”
You just start laughing an Jake looks at James with a fake angry look. “She love all kind of food how am I supposed to know which one’s her favorite?!”
The truth is you don’t really have a favorite so you start writing down your top 3. “Okey I’m writing down my top 3 because I don’t even know what to choose.”
Jake raises his hands and shoulders and just looks at James and the people with wide eyes. Then he starts writing.
“Jake, tell me what you got?”
“I wrote a few things okey, so here it goes. I think it would be pizza, hamburgers and cheesecake.”
“oh my god you did not.” You say with wide eyes and your hand over your mouth.
“what? What do you have?”
“you got it right. I wrote the same things.” You say happily and in shock while turning your board. Jake jumps up with his hand in the air and sits back down laughing.
“Next up what are the names of Jake’s dogs?”
“Oh no, I think I know but I’m not sure.”
“Are you serious, the names aren’t that difficult.”
“Well I know one but I’m not sure about the other and the names are weird.”
“show the answers when you’re ready.”
You turn your board around. “So I know one of them is Boo and that both names are from that book but the other one was tricky and I went with my instinct and think its ‘s Atticus.” You say quickly.
Jake just looks at you, no emotion on his face. “oh no, did I get it wrong?” you loudly ask.
“No you’re right. It’s Boo and Atticus.” He answers quietly.
You smile and stick your tongue out at him which he returns.
“One of the final questions. What was (y/n)’s first movie in which she played the lead?”
“If you know that I’ll be amazed because I don’t think I ever talked about it.”
Jake is quiet and starts writing. “Okey done.”
“Wait, you actually know this one?”
“Of course I do, before your final audition I checked all your work.”
“Oh no you didn’t.” “yes I did.” “that means you saw” “Yes, I saw that one too.” “oh no.” you place your head in your palms. Before you were a known actress you starred in some really embarrassing movie about some weird spaceship and you where one of the crew members who died because of some weird virus that turned you into an ape or something. You only took the role because you literally had no money.
“I feel like your fans should know this (y/n).” James laughed.
“They really don’t, just look for it you’ll find it, but please keep in mind that I was desperate and needed the money okey.”
Jake smiled and you gave him an annoyed look. “Well what’s your answer smart ass.”
“it’s Atonement.”
“yeah, you’re right, it is.”
“Final question about Jake. What role did he really want but didn’t get?”
“I Know 2 of them or maybe even 3.” You stated.
“You actually do? Wait 3 roles really, now I have to think.”
You write your answers down and wait for Jake.
“If you have 3 of them then just tell me because I can only think of 1 that I absolutely wanted.”
“Okey so I think the one you are least happy about is Frodo in ‘The lord of the rings’, then Batman in ‘Batman begins’ and the other one is a role in ‘The mighty ducks’.
“I wrote Frodo down but the other ones are also true actually.” He says surprised. “You know a little bit to much about me.” Now his face was filled with fake fear.
“I just listen to your stories when you talk.”
“Okey Jake if you get this one wrong you lose if you get it right you both win and are officially one of my favorite celebrity couples because you can’t know so much about each other without being an actual couple. Ready?”
“Yep ready, I can do this!” he yells.
“What is (y/n) biggest fear?”
“oh god I don’t think you ever told me this?”
“I don’t think I have. And that means I win.”
“No you won’t, I’ll get this one I just have to think.”
“okey big boy, take your time.”
“I got it, I go it, I know your biggest fear I think I know it.”
“Then tell me.”
“It’s dying or suffering a painful death because every fear anyone has is always because they think it could hurt or kill them.”
“What! How did you know that!”
“You told me one time when someone came to ask you for your help because there was a spider and you’re one of the only people of the cast that isn’t afraid of them.”
You just looked at him in shock for the umpteenth time that evening.
“You know what you two are officially married right now, you know way to many things about each other.” James interrupted and the crowd cheered. “That was it for tonight guys see you tomorrow.”
And with that the show was done. You and Jake stand up and give James a hand before returning to the guestroom.
“How did you remember the last question about me?” Jake smiled.
“How do you remember my biggest fear? That was months ago.” You add while taking your coat.
“I remember because I care about you and think you’re awesome and great to work with.”
“Well, maybe I think that about you too, maybe I think that you’re a great person and..” Jake stepped closer to you holding your gaze. Your words became quieter and eventually you stopped talking when he was close to you. His eyes switched from your eyes to your mouth. He closed in and your lips touched. You kissed him back and his hands found their way to your waist and you rest your hands on his chest. It left like seconds turned into ages, lost in each other. His tongue swiped over your lips and you responded by opening your mouth. His hand crept higher and onto the side of your face holding you close while your hands found there way around his neck, massaging the back of his head. You were interrupted by James when he walked by and saw that the door was open.
“I knew it! I knew this was going to happen.” He quickly left and ran to the fans waiting outside.
You and Jake parted and laugh about the fact that James just saw that. Both never letting go of each other. Jake looked in your eyes and spoke. “We should head outside otherwise James will probably tell everybody a bit more then the truth.” You laughed and he took your hand in his, walking out of the building and to the fans that were already cheering.
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fenthyr · 5 years
the scene (Jake Gyllenhaal x reader)*
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Summary: (y/n) is an actress. The movie she is working on is being filmed on the same set as Jake’s new movie. They worked together a long time ago when (y/n) was only beginning her career.
warnings: smut, cursing
 “Cut! Great job (y/n), I almost hated you in real life for a second.” “Thanks, I tried my best.” “Okey everybody one more time and then we’re done for the day.” You position yourself again to redo the scene. You’re character is the villain in this movie. Her power is some sort of sent that makes people lose it and hot, when people think with the brain downstairs they can’t think with the brain upstairs. That’s how she became so powerful, everyone would do anything if it just meant they could get some kind of release but she never gave it to them. you sit in your chair and he director yells. “action!”
James walks in and has a smug smile on his face. “please Mr. Davis, sit.” You gesture with your hand to the seat on the other side of the desk. He sits down and smiles wider and shakes his head looking out of the window and back to you. “let’s talk business. There is a man looking for us and trying to sabotage our little kingdom we have created.” “Our kingdom for as far as I know you rule this shit hole full of pathetic slaves.” “well, if you want it or not you are part of this and I need your men to kill the threat.” “My men? I’m not going to risk my men for your little problem. That ghost is way to powerful my men wont make it out alive.” You stand up and seductively walk over to James. You place your hand on the armrest of the chair. “I need your men, because mine are not as trained as yours.” You say with a innocent voice and you run your fingers over his shirt down until you reach his pants. you stop there and bite your lip while looking back up at him. His breathing become heavier and he licks his lips, almost not able to take his eyes of your hand but succeeding and looking right in your eyes. You lean closer and slide your hand over his crotch. “just do what I ask, please I need you.” His swallows when he hears your last statement. He nods eventually and you lean in and whisper in his ear. “thank you daddy.” You laugh and let him go when he tried to kiss you.
“Cut! Okey great job people now get some rest you all deserved it.”
When you turn your gaze from the director you see a familiar face looking at you. “OMG, Jake what are you doing here?” you ask while quickly walking over to him and embracing him in a tight hug. “Well, I’m filming a movie on the other set and I saw on the schedule that you were here filming a scene so I came by to say hi.” “wait are you in spider-man: Far from home?” “yes actually.” “Marvel isn’t giving you a hard time right. I know they can change the lines last minute.” “I’ve noticed, you have no idea how stressed I was about that and Tom was so calm.” You laugh with him. “Looks like you became big huh? This movie isn’t nothing and you did great on the scene really.” “Well thank you Mr. Gyllenhaal. I’ve been working on it.” Jake gets a text and you see him slightly panic. “What’s up?” “New script for tomorrow, lest just hope they didn’t change to much of my lines.” “if they did I would like to go over it with you. I’m done here and my lines don’t really change much when they change it.” “That would be amazing, why are you such a sweet person in real life and almost always playing a mean villain.” “I like the change.” You both laugh and you follow Jake to his room. he grabs the script that the writers already brought to his room and start reading it. “oh not to much of a change.” “goof than this will be easy.” He gives you a copy and you start reading it. “okey so, my character walks in and uhm where is the monster coming from?” “Let’s just say it’s the window.” You laugh at his creativity and stand in position. you walk away from the wall acting like you are selling fruits on a marked. Jake walks over. “Hi can I have 3 apples and a mango please.” Jake looks up and out of the window. “Shit!” He yells and jumps over the imaginary stand and tackles you to the ground, hovering above you to protect you from the stones and ash. For a while you look into each others eyes but then you remember what to do. You break the moment by fake coughing and Jake stand up giving you a hand. “come with me I’ll take you somewhere save.” He grabs your hand and you follow him to the other side of the room. he grabs your shoulders and bends a little so he is on your eye level. “Stay here and hide.” He runs away. You change character and walk next to him. “ what can I do?” “Keep the civilians save, I’ll try to fight it.” then you return to your original character and help some people while walking over to Jake. He looks at you and your character now wears some combat clothes. “ I’m a shield agent in training, I’m not going to hide and wait.” He nods and you skip the fight and go to the next scene. “Who are you?” “My name is Quentin Beck I’m from another world,…” he tells his characters whole story and you listen asking the questions your characters is supposed to. You end the scene and go over the script again. “you know that was pretty good. Those were some difficult lines but you nailed them.” you tell Jake. “Thanks but I do feel weird about the first part you know, where I jump over the stand and like shield you. I don(t really know how to position myself.” “then let’s do that again.” You get in position and do the scene again. Jake jumps and hovers above you. “Okey wait if I fall like this then I’m not really protecting you so I should.” Jake moves his arms so he leans on his hands who are positioned next to your face. Then he starts moving his legs. First his legs were wide apart and he moves them closer. “Now do that thing again that you lay on your side so I can lean on my left elbow and shield you from the fake stones coming from my left. You do as he says and he positions himself better. He wraps his right arm around you in the process and pulls you closer to him. After some more shifting he lets go. “ I think I found it but do you mind redoing the scene one more time?” “yeah sure.” Again he jumps, grabs your and hovers over you, you squint your ayes shut while laying on your side as if your scared and Jake quickly positions himself above you. You lay there for a while at least that’s what you think. You relax as you feel Jake’s breathing on the back of your neck. Your phone goes of and you snap out of it, Jake stands up giving you a hand. “thanks for going over it with me, this job is stressful, I get why Tom can be so confused. I owe you one” “Your welcome Jake, and you don’t owe me one. You taught me a lot when I just started.” “that just what coworkers do, I insist on it if you ever need some help just call me.” He smiles and you check your phone. Apparently they want to add an extra scene but it’s not finished yet so you don’t really mind. You don’t even know if you’ll be in the scene. Jake looks at you confused because you stare at your phone for quite a while. “What’s up.” he eventually asks. “They are thinking about adding an extra scene in the movie but it’s not finished yet. I don’t even know if I’ll be in the scene so I shouldn’t stress about it. and they need me back on set by 8 am which means that if I go to bed now I have 7 hours of sleep because I need to be at make up at 7.” “Well then I’ll better let you go, thanks again for helping me.” “your welcome Jake.” You say while walking out the door. You head to your room and try to catch some sleep.
The next day starts easy, you don’t have to many scenes today but they scheduled all your scenes in the morning. So you’re free the rest of the day. After the final scene you head over to the Spider-man set and see that Jake is starting his scene that you practiced with him last night. He jump over the stand and hovers above the woman. He doesn’t act the same though, he’s more tense and his movements aren’t as smooth. Neither does he hold the woman, he just shields her but when you practiced last night he laid his arm around your waist to keep you close. You’re the only one that notices his actions because nobody reacts to it. when the scene is done he sees you and walks over. “Hey, enjoying the show?” “I sure am.” Someone yells his name and he gives you an apologetic smile. “sorry have to run. They really want these scenes done today.” “yeah sure go ahead.” You walk back to your room and watch some episodes of your favorite show before hitting the shower. walking out of the bathroom in only a towel you hear a knock on your door. “who is it?” “It’s me, Jake.” You open the door and he swallows when he sees your only wrapped in a towel. “ I just wanted to ask if you would like to eat something. I do have to take Tom, Jacob and Zen because they asked me to watch them.” “I would love to, I’m starving.” “I’ll just wait here till your ready.” “Don’t be silly come in.” Jake walks in your room and sits on your couch while you take some clothes from the closet. Bending down Jake can’t help but look. He doesn’t see anything to revealing but when you grabbed a piece of underwear out of the closet he knew you were fully naked underneath the towel. You walk to the bathroom and let the door slightly open so you can still make a conversation. “How did the scene’s go today?” Jake snaps from his thoughts and quickly answers. “great, great yeah we got everything done and no surprises for tomorrow so yeah everything went well.” What about you? You know anything about the added scene?” Jake could see a little bit of your reflection because of the mirror in the bathroom. You were wearing a bra and panties now but Jake couldn’t help him but shift a little to get a better view. “No nothing, I guess it wont be anything big then.” “yeah probably not.” He says while concentrated on your reflection and not really listening anymore. You come out of the bathroom and Jake quickly stand up. “let’s go.” You say with a smile. He follows your out of the room and takes you to where Tom, Jacob and Zendaya are waiting. You all go to a nice small restaurant and enjoy a nice meal with lots of jokes and laughs. You sit at the window next to Jake. In front of you sits Tom and next to him Zen. Jacob got the seat at the head of the table. after dinner you all sat there and talked a bit until Tom and Jacob got into an argument of who the best superhero is. Zendaya just followed the conversation, laughing at the stupid argument. You were listening in the beginning but soon your thoughts took their own turn. You thought about how Jake was looking at you when he was in your room earlier. You didn’t close the bathroom door on purpose. You wanted to talk to him while you got dressed but the main reason was because you wanted to know if he would react to it. you knew the mirror gave him some view of you and you deliberately showed him that you were taking panties from the closet you could have bended down in a different way and exposed less skin but that was also on purpose. You got the response you needed you saw him looking at you and you saw how fast he jumped up when you came out of the bathroom. But you wanted to test him a little bit more. You placed your hand on his leg knowing the kids wont notice because of the argument. You felt his muscles tighten under your touch but his face remained unchanged, still listening to the boys conversation. You slide your hand up and down waiting for a reaction and soon you got one when you slipped your hand a little bit higher then before. He shifted in his seat a little and cleared his throat not wanting the others to notice his change in breathing. you let go when you heard the conversation dying. “I don’t know about you guys but I’m gonna head back to my room.” you say while standing up. “yeah me to we have some early scenes tomorrow.” Tom said and they all agreed.
When arrived at the set the kids directly went to their room while you and Jake walk slower. “I’ll see you tomorrow Jake.” You quietly spoke and give him a slow and sweet kiss on the cheek. When you returned with your face in front of him he coughed and answered. “yeah good night (y/n).” you walk to your room and get ready for bed.
A few days go by of you and Jake just having small talk and you trying to let him make a move on you but every time you think he will he just freezes and has an excuse to leave. You already got the information about the extra scene and today the script came in. you were in the scene with James and it was way less innocent then the one you did earlier with him. This was a smoking hot sex scene but since Jake says he owes you one, you take advantage of it. you call his number knowing his scenes for the day are done. “Hey (y/n) whats up?” “Hey Jake the writers just let me know that the extra scene will include me and that we are filming it tomorrow. Do you mind helping me with the scene? If you do we are even.” “Sure when will you have the script?” “I just have to go get it from the writers room.” “okey I’m on my way.” “Thanks Jake.” You quickly run to the writers room get the script and a copy and then return to your room. you already made sure you looked hot. You wear your favorite dress because your character wears one in this scene and you also wears the sexiest panties you have because you know even if you wont do the whole scene he will at least see that. You hear an knock and open the door. “hey Jake, come in.” you close the door behind him. “have you read it already?” “Nope, waited for you.” You lied. You give him the script as he sat himself down on the couch. You sit on the opposite of him acting like you are concentrated on the script. It starts innocent. You just flirting with him and talking about some stuff but then the scene takes a turn and your character finally gives the man what her powers make him desire. “ready?” you ask as you sit up. “i-I uhm yeah I guess.” Jake stuttered. “Okey so the scene starts with you in a chair hands tied behind your back and me walking into the room.” you stated energetic as if the scene is about 2 kids talking about their biggest crush. Jake stood u grabbed a chair and sat down with his hands behind his back. You walk up to him and start the scene. “So, your men failed to kill the threat or you wanted commanded them to take his side. I think that I know what is going on here.” You grab his yaw to make him look at you. “you took sides with the enemy instead of using your balls and fight for what’s yours.” Your face were now nearly touching, feeling his breath on your lips. “I did, I did side with him.” You fake slap him and he grunts. “Why?” “Because you don’t deserve this. You manipulate people into doing things they don’t want to.” “I don’t manipulate people they still make their own decisions and still have their own opinions I just help them choose.” Your hand left his yaw and is now resting in his inner thigh. His breathing becomes heavier and he glares at you with anger in his eyes. “Now don’t be so angry. I gave you a choice, you made your decision and now I need to figure out what to do with you.” Your hand slides higher on his thigh until you reach his crotch there you start rubbing him painfully slow. Jake lets out a little groan that wasn’t written in the script. You smile and steady yourself sitting on one of his thighs. “you are useless to me now so I’ll have my little fun with you before I throw you out.” You say slowly in his ear. You start grinding on his thigh and Jake’s breathing hitches. You crown on top of him so you’re straddling his lap and starts moving. You feel yourself getting wetter when his cock starts to harden underneath it. you kiss him with lust and soon you were fighting for dominance. your hands slide over his chest opening the buttons of his shirt and moving it down his shoulders. You knew he wasn’t following the script anymore when he moved his hands from behind his back and took his shirt off. You start kissing him on the yaw down to his neck, collarbone then stomach. You repositioned yourself on the floor between his legs and look up at him with an innocent face before undoing his belt. You pull his pants down as he lifts his hips and then you start stroking him through his underwear. Jake groaned into the touch. You stand up still rubbing him and give him a slow but rough kiss. He grabs your dress and pulls it up revealing your panties. He stops to look at it and bites his lips. straddle him again and start grinding, rougher this time and still palming him with your hand. You moan as his cock touches your clit and Jake stand up. your legs around his waist and arms around his neck. He carries you to the bed and lays you down taking your dress off of you. He hovers above you and starts grinding his clothed cock against your clothed entrance. His hands move to your back and unclasp your bra revealing your breasts. He kisses your left breast around the nipple and then takes it in his mouth while massaging the other one between his fingers. You moan into the touch as his tongue plays with your nipple. He then goes lower and takes your panties off. Kissing your inner thigh and moving to your heat. He then starts licking your clit and entrance and in a sudden movement he sucks your clit in his mouth while his fingers play with your entrance. Your grasp his hair and tug at his hair. One of his fingers slip inside you and you moan. Bucking your hips onto his finger. “mgh another please.” He adds another finger and starts pumping. “aah Fuck Jake.” At the sound of his name he moans onto your clit and you feel the heat pooling in your stomach. “Fuck almost there.” He adds another finger and starts moving faster. You come with a loud scream of his name. he eats you out and when he is done he looks at you and puts his fingers in his mouth showing you how much he enjoys your taste. He crawls back up to you and kisses you. you wrap your legs around his waist and pulls him closer to you. your hands finding their way to his boxers and pulling them down. You take his hard member in your hand and starts pumping it. Jake moans into the kiss and grabs your wrist. “I’ve been imagining this for so long. One more touch and I can just come right here and now.” You let go and he positions himself in front of your entrance. Slowly pushing in and letting you adjust to his size. You moan and move your hips as a signal that you’re ready. He starts trusting into you at a slow pace. “Jake please, faster.” He moves faster trusting into you hard. “You feel so good around me.” Jake hits your G-spot with every thrust he gives and soon the heat in your stomach came back. You tighten your grip on him, nails running down his back. His head in the crease on your neck kissing your sweet spot. “mhh Jake, Jake uhm. I’m gonna.” “cum for me baby. I’ll be right behind your.” You come hard and then Jake hits his high because of the way your walls clench around him.
Both breathing heavy and unsteady he pulls out and hugs you tight. “if you dare doing this with James I’m gonna kick his little ass.” He chuckled and you laughed in response. “I won’t, I promise. Well maybe I’ll do the first part because that’s my job.” You laugh and Jake smiles. He kisses you on the forehead and holds you tight against his chest. “I’ll have to go back to my room before anyone realizes what we were doing.” “I think they already did, we weren’t exactly quiet about it. Just stay a bit longer please?” “of course.”
The next morning you woke up and saw Jake still sleeping. You looked at the clock and saw the time. Shit 11 am, Jake had a scene at 10. You shake him but all he does is turn around. “Jake it’s 11 am and you had a scene at 10, now wake up and get your ass to your set.” Jake shot up and quickly got dressed. “Shit well, if they didn’t know already they will know now.” He gave you a quick kiss and ran out of the room and to his set. You slowly got dressed yourself and went to your set to film the scene with James.
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fenthyr · 5 years
A complicated world (Bucky x reader) marvel x supernatural *
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Summary: (y/n) lost everyone in the snap. Bucky, Dean and Sam, all of them gone with the snap. After Tony sacrificed his life for everyone else’s and losing one of her best friends Nat, she tries to restart her life. While Bucky and Sam go on a mission (y/n) decides to visit Sam and Dean.
 (y/n) helped the Winchesters on hunts and they became family to her. In 2016 she accidentally stumbled upon a certain avenger, Steve Rogers. She helped them in civil war and took care of Bucky. After she was certain Bucky was in good hands she left and went back to the Winchesters. Some time went by and she got a call from Cap saying that Buck is doing well and that he is awake so she visits him in Wakanda. There she gets the news of a titan wanting to kill half the universe. She stayed with Bucky and while waiting for the titan to approach she fell in love with the one armed man. Thanos came and she lost him in the snap. When she returned to the bunker Dean and Sam were both gone. Nowhere to be found and all their stuff still in the bunker. After searching for a long time she realized they were gone and Castiel only confirmed that. The souls didn’t go to heaven or hell, they were just gone.
5 years went by and (y/n) gets the news that they found a way to reverse the snap. She helped the avengers to gather all the stones. That’s when she lost Nat, she didn’t return with Clint. She gave her life for all those who lost it. Finally the moment is there. Banner snapped his fingers and suddenly the birds start singing. Everything feels back to normal. BAM. Everything goes bright and as quickly the light came it left. She woke up, fought Thanos with the avengers but they could win he was to strong. Then circles of light appeared. People stepped out of it. Armies joining each other to become one great army. (y/n) couldn’t find Bucky in the mass of people and Steve yelled. After fighting for a long time she saw Thanos fighting Tony, Steve and Danvers. Thanos already had the stones and before he could snap his fingers (y/n) grabbed his the gauntlet. He was to strong and threw her aside but her plan worked. Tony had enough time to regain strength and launched at Thanos grabbing to stones. He sacrificed himself and all enemies disappeared. Pepper and Peter ran to Tony. Everyone approached and that’s when she saw him. Finally after 5 long years she finally saw his face again. He hugged her, he face filled with sadness but also hope. Everyone kneeled and when she lifted her head she saw someone standing away from the mourning people and gesturing to her to come to him.
You walked up to the man in a trench coat. He smiled softly but his eyes were also filled with sadness knowing that Tony meant a lot to you, to everyone. You cried even harder remembering Sam and Dean, hoping for good news. “hey, Cas.” “Hi,  (y/n)” he said quietly. “They are fine.” “Are, are they back?” “Yes, they are. I would take you to them but I guess you aren’t done here yet.” He stated looking over my shoulder. I turned my head, looking at Bucky and then at Tony. “ I guess I’m not. I’ll come by when I’m done here.” “ We will take care of him you know, in heaven.” “Thank you Castiel.” You gave him a sad smile and returned to the crowd who were now returning. Steve walking over to Tony and lifting his body from the ground. You walked over to Bucky who almost couldn’t hold his tears back. “He knew Buck, he doesn’t blame you.” “I killed his parents, I never even had the opportunity to say that I’m sorry, that I didn’t mean to.” You laid a hand on his shoulder as a sign for him to stop walking and turn to face you. “He knew it wasn’t you Buck, he knows it wasn’t you.” You hugged him and he returned the gesture, desperate for your warmth an comfort. “I missed you so much.” You whispered to him while the tears rolled down your cheek.
At Tony’s funeral
Everyone was there when the arc reactor was placed in the water. Even Harley was there, a boy who met Tony years ago. It was quiet and the closest to Tony all went inside to watch Tony’s final message to the people he loved. A flutter of wings came from behind you and you looked back seeing Castiel walking over to you. Bucky followed your gaze and saw the celestial being approaching. “I visited him, he’s doing fine. He saw his parent again and everyone else he lost.” Bucky turned his head at the mention of Tony’s parents. “can you tell him that I’m sorry, I never meant to kill the people I killed. I didn’t want him to lose his parents, I didn’t want to kill the man who helped to save my life.” Bucky asked looking at the ground and then to Cas. “I will tell him.”  “Can you talk to his family about how he’s doing so they at least know here he is now?, they are inside.” You gestured to the house and Cas nodded. Steve opened the door when you knocked and gave you a confused look when you entered with the angel. Everyone around the device that had just played the hologram of Tony. They looked at you, confused about the strange man in a trench coat standing next to you. “ hi everyone, this is Castiel. He’s and..” “I’m an angel of the lord.” Everyone looked even more confused. “I came by to tell you than Tony is doing fine. He’s in heaven with his parents.” Castiel explained some more about heaven and Tony and when everyone was on board Pepper asked a question. “ Can you tell him something?” Cas nodded. “Can you tell him that we’re alright and that we miss him?” “I will.” Before Cas could leave a little voice caught our attention. “ can you tell him I love him 3000?” Morgan spoke. “I’ll tell him.” And with a flutter of wings Cas disappeared.
A few weeks later.
Steve brought the infinity stones back and stayed with Peggy to live the life Tony suggested him once. Cap’s shield was given to Sam and he and Bucky now worked together. You all lived in a nice apartment and had a beautiful view. One morning Bucky woke you up by giving you a kiss on your forehead. “hey doll, it’s already 11 am, id didn’t want to wake you but Sam found something and we are going to check It out. We’ll be gone for a few days.” You opened your eyes and looked at him. “well have fun, i’ll be at Sam and Dean’s place, I still haven’t been able to visit them, call me when you need me.” “I will doll.” He kissed you and left. After you showered and packed your stuff you headed for the bunker. It was 3 pm and you decide to eat something because you ate breakfast late. You stopped in a city and searched for a store when you saw 2 very known men in a suit talking to a woman. Who could not recognize the tall long-haired man and the blond brother. You parked your car and walked up to them when the woman left. They turned around and saw you. “hey guys” you say feeling your eyes tearing up. “(y/n)!” they both yelled and grabbed you in a tight hug. “God I missed you guys.” They let you go and you saw their eyes starting to water. “so, what are guys doing here. Another case?” “uhm yeah. Some people disappearing and some of them turning up dead with bite marks.” “So vampires?” “we guess.” “you know where they hide?” “no not yet, hey care to join for old times sake?” “ I would love to join the hunt. It’s been a while since the last time I killed some of those bastards.” “great lest go.”
After a day of research you and the guys go to a bar. “So (y/n), how is it gong with the guy you left us for a few years back?” Sam laughed. “Great actually, he was gone with the snap to so that’s why I didn’t directly came to you guys, he came back and his best friend left and a guy died before he could say sorry to him for doing something terrible that wasn’t even his fault. He went through a lot, I couldn’t just eave him like that.” “don’t worry we get it. But what the hell is this guy’s name you never told us.” Dean yelled playfully and Sam nodded in agreement. “James ‘Bucky’ Barnes. But everybody just calls him Bucky or Buck.” You smile at the thought of him. Wondering how his mission is going. “ You really like him, don’t you.” Sam askes eventually. “Yeah I do he’s awesome.” Is smile even more. “ Yeah well if he ever hurt you, you should know that I will kill him and it wont be a slow death.” Dean said and you all laughed.
After another day you finally got a lead. One of the people you where going to question ran and brought you to the safe place of the creatures. Dean, Sam and yourself got ready and entered the place because they would probably run or attack. it’s quiet and dark, they know we are here. All of the sudden 3 of them appeared but their eyes were snake like, not something a vampire has. “not vampires but vetala’s I yell as they attack. I quickly grab my silver knife and start to fight the monster that attacked me. I manage to stab it in the heart and twist my knife. The brother also manage to kill their attacker and Sam helps Dean stand up. “I totally forgot about those son of a bitches.” Dean grumbled. We slowly march forward and see a few hallways. “Let’s split to cover more ground.” I suggested and they agreed. I entered a room and started to look around for secret hiding spots or anything else. There is another door and I open it up. more vetala’s attack and I fight them off.
Dean entered the back room and stumbled upon some vetala’s. he started fighting but they were to strong. Suddenly he hears a window crashing and gunshots appear. Some of the vetala’s follow the sound and Dean was able to fight the remaining ones. When he entered the room with gunshots he sees a man with a beard and long brown hair trying to fight the creatures of. “Hey, stab them in the heart with this and twist 1 time.” He yelled and threw a spare silver knife at the strange man. They both fight the monsters until they are all death. Then they hear a scream.
Back to reader
They are to strong and only more of them appear. Sam already came to your aid but was dealing with some vetala’s himself now. The unknown man appears first and runs up to the vetala’s attacking you. He throws them off of you. You stab one of the creatures and twist. A grunt was heard beside you and then you recognized the man who just saved you. ‘Bucky?’ He was on the ground, a vetala burying his nails in his shoulder and back. You kill the creature and push him off of Bucky. “Bucky, you okey? What are you doing here?” you ask him while helping him up. “the mission want faster then expected so I tracked your phone to surprise you.” He grumbled. He had a big claw wound on his back and was also bleeding from his shoulder. “I heard fighting and came in to help.” Dean and Sam stood behind you. “so this is the famous Bucky we heard so much about?” Sam said with a smile on his face. “you know after seeing you attack some creature you didn’t even know existed just to help our little peanut here, I think I kind of like you.” Dean stated also smiling. “yeah well I would do anything for my doll.” Bucky noted in a low voice while looking at you. “come on let’s get you to the motel and patch you up.”
We arrived at the motel and Dean and Sam could stop asking questions about Bucky and the avengers. While entering the room Dean had another question. “So wait every avenger has some kind of ability like Thor is a god an (y/n) had special training but what is yours?” Meanwhile Bucky sat himself down with a grunt and took his jacket, gloves and long sleeved shirt off so I could take care of the wound. “ow that’s awesome dude.” Dean yelled as soon as he saw the metal arm. Bucky chuckled and flinched when I disinfected the wound. “How did you get that?” Dean was amazed by the arm while Sam was interested but didn’t show it to much, listening to the conversation while grabbing some supplies to take care of his own wounds. Bucky explained the whole story about HYDRA capturing him, escaping and his time in Wakanda. “and that leads to now.” A flutter of wings was heard and Cas appeared in the room. He saw Bucky’s back and walked over, healing him. “ if I knew you were coming I wouldn’t have wasted half of the stitches.” You laughed while Bucky just looked shocked. “How did you do that.” “I have healing powers, the wounds would have taken days to heal, even with your fast healing.” Cas stated but Bucky just looked confused. “What are you doing here Cas? Is something wrong?” Sam asks “I found out that some demons are acting out. I wanted to ask you guys if you would want to go and make sure they are dealt with.” “sure but it’s 2 am can we catch some sleep first?” “Call me when your awake.” And with that he was gone. “So demons, those exist?” “yeah, there is a lot you don’t know yet buddy.” “We’ll tell you all about it tomorrow but for now I need to take a nap and dream about some delicious pie.” You laughed and left Sam and Deans room and went to your own. You and Bucky laid down in your bed and Bucky hugged you from behind. “this world only gets more and more complicated with the minute.” “it does.” You chuckled.
Buck started to massage your stomach and his hand crept lower and lower. He kissed your neck. “ you know,” kiss “ We are in a motel.” Kiss “ and  no one is here to disturb us.” kiss his voice went lower and his breathing heavier. His hand crept lower and under you underwear. He pulled you closer to him and you could feel his member pressing against you ass. You moaned at the touch and he started to grind against your ass. His fingers still going lower and eventually playing with your clit before sliding a finger inside you. You opened your hips a little so it was easier for him to touch you. Moans escaped yours and Bucky’s mouth. “Fuck I missed you.” “I missed you to.” You moan while sliding your hand behind you and rubbing his member through his pants.  He moaned and you took this opportunity to turn around and straddled his hips. Bucky groaned at the feeling and placed his hands under your shirt. You took it off and started at his pants. soon you were both in only your underwear and you started to grind against Bucky. He sat up and captured your lips with his moaning into it. You broke the kiss and started kissing along his neck pushing him back onto the bed. You went lower and kissed his torso until you reached his boxers. You slowly slipped them of and let his hard member free. You started pumping him while keeping eye contact. Bucky was a moaning mess under your touch and you take him in your mouth. Taking him until he hit the back of your throat and pumped the rest you couldn’t fit in. swirling your tongue around his member and giving extra attention to the tip. Soon he started thrusting his hips into your mouth. “aah, aah, shit, you feel so good, uh. Fuck I’m mhg I’m gonna cum.” You stopped your motions and he grunts at the los of contact. “Not yet baby” you kissed his lips and took your panties and bra off. Bucky sat back up and started to attack your breasts. Taking a nipple in his mouth and the other between his fingers. You moaned at the touch. “shit, I need you inside me Bucky.” “ then take me.” You grabbed his member and lead it to your entrance. Both of you moaned while you took him in and after adjusting to his large size you started rolling your hips. “Fuck you’re so tight aah.” Bucky then attacked your neck and kissed every single spot and leaves your sweet spot for last. He starts kissing, sucking and biting it. he rolled you ever so you were on your back and started thrusting into you in a loving but hard pace. “Fuck I won’t last long. Tell me your coming.” “Yes almost. Aah fuck bucky you feel so good.” He buries his head in the croock of your neck and starts slamming into you in a faster pace. “aah Bucky faster, please.” And so he does. His rhythm become sloppy as you feel your own high approaching. “I’m gonna cum.” “so am I doll.” He slams into you and you came hard on his cock. A few more thrust and he came too. He rides out his high and slowly pulls out. Both of you out of breath and he walks to the bathroom and comes back with a washcloth to clean you. He lays down next to you and you lay your head on his chest. he kisses your forehead. “I love you doll.” “ I love you too, Buck.” And like that you fall asleep.
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fenthyr · 5 years
Karkinos (Bucky x reader) part 2
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Summary part 2: who are they, can i trust them?
They escorted me to a cell but this one had a bed and a proper bathroom or at least better. I lay down on the bed and fall asleep. they started to inject me with serum again because nothing was ever good enough for them. The beat me, cut me and just threw me back in the cell without even cleaning the wounds, the blood covering my body and clothes. One day I heard the soldiers running an yelling not long after gunshots were heard. I stand up and try to listen carefully to the fight. I smiled at what I think is hope. I come in action. If you’re sitting in a cell for almost a hole day you start thinking about how to get out and now that I have these powers I can probably melt the hinges and lock of the door. I started using my power which got more powerful with the extra injections that I had in the last couple of weeks. The door fell on the floor and I stumbled out, not yet recovered from the last beating I got. “How many of these soldiers are there left?” you heard a man say. “I’m not yet in the control room Sam, but I think it’s a lot.” The woman said through the com. I run the other direction not knowing if I could trust them. I keep running not knowing where I will end up. I went through the last door of the hallway and entered a grand room with windows and doors on my left, I could see the sun but after such a long time in the dark, it hurts my eyes. Left of me are stairs but I decide to go for the doors. I run as fast as I can but then I hear a shot and I hit the ground. I look at my shoulder and see fresh blood. “I found 48 we need to leave now.” The soldier that hit me said. I stand up and shoot light at the soldier. He hits the ground but still alive. He calls for backup and soon more soldiers arrive. I can’t take them alone. I’m tired, I’m hurt, I’m hungry. I just want to close my eyes. I fall to my knees in defeat but a fight starts again. A man with wings flies over the soldiers and shoots them while a man, with what I think is a metal arm, shoots them from the top of the stairs. I get up and run to the doors. “shit locked.” No time to melt, I look for cover behind wall. A woman with a red jacket enters the room and uses her power to throw soldiers against the walls. I hold my hand on the wound on my left shoulder and see that I’m losing a lot of blood. Then a man all to similar enters the room dragging the doctor with him. It’s iron man and looking at the door an other man walks in with a shield, captain America. The avengers, it are the avengers, they can help me. The shooting stops. “let’s check the other rooms for soldiers, we must have them all.” Tony spoke and they left. I hear footsteps nearing my hiding place. I get up and walk into sight of the avenger. It was the man with a metal arm. I notice that the other avengers didn’t leave the room yet and looked at me. “Don’t worry I got this.” He spoke to the others but Steve didn’t leave. The unknown man aims his gun at me. “who are you?” he asks with a stern voice but still friendly. “M-my name is (y/n)—(y/n) (y/l/n), I-I was captured a few months m-maybe years ago. They have been testi…hmhg” I couldn’t hold myself up anymore and fell to my knees. “Bucky!” Steve shouts at the man, but Bucky lets his gun down and runs up to me he grabs me so I don’t fall to the ground. “She’s losing a lot of blood we must take care of her as soon as possible.” “Take her to the jet I’ll let the others know.” Bucky picked me up and he walked to the doors. He punches the door down with his metal arm and starts walking to the jet. ‘I’m save, I made it, it’s over.’ I smile as I felt the suns warmth on my skin. Bucky put me down on a table in the jet and makes sure I’m secure. I struggle a bit because I don’t want to feel like I’m trapped again. “Hey, it’s okey, we are here to help you. I need to make you secure for the flight so you don’t fall or get yourself even more hurt.” I nodded and let it happen. He started taking care of my shoulder and soon the others arrived. “How is she?” Steve asks. “Fine just trauma, I took care of the bullet wound but she has a lot more bruises and cuts that need to be taken care of. I’ll let that to Banner or one of the nurses.” This must have been an important mission because I could count 11 people. I knew some of them like Tony, Steve, Clint and Nat but the others are unknown to me, they must have joined while I was captured. There was Bucky, Sam a man In a similar iron suit, woman with red, a man with a panther suit and a man that just went back to normal size from being really small. And a man with a stone, I think, in his head? The avengers take their seats. Bucky stays as close to me as possible. I lay my head down and close my eyes. The next time my eyes open we are back n the ground. Banner is waiting at the entrance of the building with a hospital bed and a nurse. Bucky helps me to the bed and gently lays me down. He, Banner and the nurse walk me to a room and Banner get a needle. I tense at the sight of a man in a white coat and the needle but Bucky squeezes my hand. “Don’t worry he is just going to help you sleep so he can take care of your wounds.” He smiled gently at me and I kept looking at him not wanting to see the man in a white coat. I feel him inject the needle and once again I tense. I try to move but Bucky gently holds me down and talk about how it’s going to be okey. I close my eyes and finally fall in a deep sleep. “You can leave now Bucky get some rest or someone to take care of the wound on your leg. Bucky looks at the place Banner nodded at and saw wound, luckily it only hit the side of his leg but it still needs treatment. He didn’t even notice it after he saw (y/n). He went to one of the nurses and then took a shower. coming out of the shower Jarvis spoke. “ Mr. Barnes, Banner would like to let you know that (y/n) is out of surgery and in room 53.” Bucky quickly got dressed and went to the room. He watched her carefully as she still laid asleep on the bed. She looked so peaceful. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked around. “Hey Buck, how is she doing?” Steve asked “as good as she can be after escaping HYDRA.” “you can come back later but we need to discuss the mission and what will happen to her.” “Yeah I’ll be right there.” Steve left and Bucky stood there for a while just looking at her and how calm she slept.
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fenthyr · 5 years
Karkinos (Bucky x reader) part 1
Karkinos: crab that helped Hydra to defeat Hercules.
Summary: you’re captured by HYDRA and they torture you. One day you get help and escape. Do you plan on joining the avengers? And what are the effects of HYDRA’s torturing.
summary part 1: your time in HYDRA.
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Warnings: cursing, fighting, torture
“Shit” i muttered  to myself grabbing my bag and running as fast as possible. I could hear them yelling behind me, footsteps not far away and gunshots echoing off the walls. A few days ago I found a secret Hydra base. I spied on the base and concluded that it was a small one, easy to take out on my own, but boy was I wrong. I know I should have given an anonymous tip to the avengers but I really thought I could do this one. I don’t want them to bother with something if I can easily solve it myself.
I can hear the soldiers yell at each other, they are getting closer. Taking a turn I see 5 hydra soldier running up to me, when I look back I see another 6 of them getting closer and aiming their guns. I can’t take 11 heavily armed soldier out on my own, I know that but I have to try. Launching at the 6 soldier behind me and able to kill one off them I feel a sting in my leg. I fall to the ground and the soldier grabs me and put handcuffs on me they rid me of my weapons and drag me down the hall. I feel the blood dripping down my leg. We enter a room with unknown machinery and people in lab coats. The soldiers throw me in a chair and make sure I can’t escape. One of the ‘doctors’ approaches me with some tools and start digging in my leg, I scream out in pain while de man tries to get the bulled out. The man finished and quickly stiches me up. the soldier suddenly stand straighter and a man walks in the room and stands in front of me. “Look at that, (y/n)(y/l/n). What a pleasure to finally meet you.” I spit in his face and he waives his hand at a soldier behind him. The soldier walks up to me and hits me in the face. “You should know better than to spit in my face, I’m not the one trapped in a chair.” He wipes his face and gives the ‘doctors’ a nod. The chair starts leaning back and soon I’m laying down. “You probably wonder who I am, my name is John Wilson and I am the director of this base.” Of course I knew who he was. I have been spying on this place for the last few days. He walks next to me while explaining himself. “ I have been keeping an eye on you miss (y/l/n), you are trained in Hung Ga, Wing Chun, Ninjutsu and Judo. You work small jobs to pay for the chitty hotels you’ve been staying in and have no social life whatsoever. Nobody will miss you because you’re already a ghost. The perfect candidate for another experiment don’t you think.” He looked at the ‘doctors’ and left with a smile. 4 of the soldiers following him out of the room, 2 of the other soldier guard the door, one stand against the gray ugly wall on the left of me and another on the right. The other 3 soldiers stand at the other side of the room but a can’t see them. 4 doctors in total, all of them working with chemicals and serums. I try to pull at the straps on my wrists and ankles but it’s to tight and strong. One of the doctors puts a mask on my face I try to move away but I can only move a little and the doctor succeeds. My eyelids become heavy and soon I fall asleep.
I wake up in a dark room. Dark grey dusty walls, the air is damp and cold. There is only one door and no windows. The door opens and 2 soldiers walk in, I am too drugged to fight back an let them handcuff me and take me out of the room. Another soldier stands at the outside of the room and takes the lead walking through the small dark halls. I don’t recognize the hall although I learned all of them when I was preparing for the mission. They open a door with a code and when I look inside I know for sure I am somewhere else. The room is big and has a white floor, white walls and white ceiling. Again they strap me in a chair and the soldiers leave. At my right side I notice a window and at the other side of the window I see doctors and computers. I hear a door open and close behind me and a doctor wearing a protection suit comes up to me holding some kind of tube with green liquid he pours the liquid into a flask and adds a yellowish kind of liquid. He pours the mixture in a syringe and walks up to me. “after you have given her the serum you must leave the room as quickly as possible.” I hear a doctor say on the other side of the window. I try to move and grunt but again no luck. The doctor injects me and leaves. It burns, I can feel the liquid moving in my body. The doctors stare at me as if I just did the impossible. “ first test on subject 48 is a success, 48 shows no sign of burns, rash or others symptoms.” I grunt and tense my whole body as a reaction to the pain. “ 48 shows signs of pain but nothing else.” Again soldier come in and take me back to my room. Everyday they inject me again sometimes more, I only get 1 meal a day but I don’t lose weight. All I do is lay on the cold floor of the cell and still, I get stronger, but I am exhausted. I can’t sleep because I don’t have any kind of bed, I have to pee in a bucket that gets refreshed every week. And I never see the sun or hear the birds. When I’m in the cell I hear nothing but the footsteps of the soldiers passing by every now and then. After a few weeks maybe months of this the doctors decide to give me another formula of the serum. They inject the serum and this time it doesn’t burn it almost tickles like when you drink water after a long work out. It feels refreshing. Again they put me in my cell but the feeling doesn’t pass. I don’t get any injections anymore, I just sit in the cell.
Until one day. I feel my hands warming up, warmer and warmer. I started screaming but nobody is going to help me here, they just walk past. My hands start glowing and suddenly I gave this little ball of light floating in the palms of my hands. It’s peaceful but how did I do that. The next day, well I guess it’s the next day, soldiers once again take me to a room this time there are other people and guessing from their appearance they went through the same as I did. “ subjects 50,48,26, 67and 41 welcome to the training room. Each one of you survived the first phase to a new world. But we only need 1 subject and that is the strongest, smartest and most skilled one. Those who claim unusable will be executed. So don’t hold back. The first test is speed. If you don’t outrun the trained dogs you will die, as dogfood. They haven’t eaten in a long time and don’t mind killing for it”. One of the walls opens to see a open field and after that a forest. From the other wall we hear barking and grumbling. One of the other subjects starts running but doesn’t get far.
“No cheating, or you will suffer the same fate as subject 26.” The voice says. The dogs are free and everyone starts running. I quickly pass the field and get to the forest. I climb into a tree as high as possible and start jumping from branch to branch. the barking faded and when I look behind me I see one of the others getting attacked in the open field. The screaming stops and the only thing i hear are the dogs growling and feasting on the fresh meat. I keep going further into the forest until I see a wall. This base is way bigger then the one I attacked a few months ago. A door in the wall opens and I go inside. There is a doctor and several soldiers waiting for the ones that survived. As the doctor starts talking you realize that this is the same man as the one giving you the orders. “ well done 50,48 and 67. You are the survivors of the first test. The next exam will test your mind. Each one of you will walk into a different room through one of the doors to your left. 50 you take the left, 48 you take the 3th door and 67 the fifth. Good luck.” The man smirked and left. We walk up to our doors and open them. I go inside and when I turn around the door closes and there is no handle to open it. There are no other doors in the room. “I need to escape this room as soon as possible I guess.” I look up  but the ceiling has no escape options. The room is dark so I concentrate and make a ball of light in my hand. I try to put it down on the table in the middle of the room so it’s easier to look around and search through the boxes and move the furniture with both hands. “ I guess I need to find the handle of the door because there are no other escaping options and the door used to have one.” After searching for a while I find clue, a note that read. ‘I am here, I am now and I am everywhere. You can’t see me but you know I am here. You blame me for what I take and never thank me for what I give.’ I repeat the sentence in a whisper while I look around the room. I look at the wall and see a clock. “of course, it’s time!” I walk to the wall and take the clock. There is a piece of the handle for the door taped at the back of the clock. “Okey that’s one. Now the other part.” After searching for a while I still haven’t found any new clues. “ I need to improvise. I have the part of the handle that attaches the actual handle to the lock on the door so in just need something to use as a handle that fits the part I already have.” I notice a metal pipe that could be useful but it doesn’t fit. I see gum and use it to attach the pipe and the other piece together. It works. I open the door and see that I am the first one out. A few minutes later the second one opens the door and there is screaming from the still locked room. Again the doctor approaches us and claps his hands together 3 times. “ well done 48 and 67. Now for the final test you will need to fight each other until only one of you is still standing and breathing. If you don’t fight you will both die.” He leaves, guns that are controlled by computers aim in our direction and 67 looks me in the eyes. “we don’t’ have to fight we can escape together.” “Then we will both die and I rather don’t take that chance.” 67 wad a male, tall and muscular. He looks me in the eyes and launches himself towards me. He goes for a punch but I dodge it and grab his arm twisting it the wrong way. He screams and I let go. He falls to the ground and the bones in his arms cracked back into place. He healed his arm and attacked me again. I dodge down so I lift him up and let him fall to the ground. “ we both have abilities and we can use them against the soldiers and if we don’t succeed we at least died with dignity and a right mind.” The man looked at me but didn’t listen he stood up and ran to the side of the room. He grabs a pipe laying on the floor and throws it at me with an unhuman force. I try to dodge but he controls the pipe and hits me in the stomach. I fall down and the man starts hitting me in the face. I try to get him off without hurting him to much but I can’t. If one of us survives it should be the one that wouldn’t cooperate with HYDRA and I was sure that this man would do anything to survive. I placed my hand on the man’s head, I concentrated and soon light came out of his mouth and eyes. The light overwhelmed him and his body went limp. I calmed down and pushed the man off of me. Again the doctor came in. “ subject 48 you have proved us that the formula we gave you is the most powerful one you are the first of many superhumans that not only have more strength or stamina but also powers. 48 you are the first of many whom we call Karkinos.
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fenthyr · 5 years
Hi and Goodbye part 3 (Bucky x reader)
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Summary: he’s here.
warnings: spoilers avengers: infinity war, character deaths.
When you wake up you realize that the birds aren’t singing as they used to. The energy surrounding you is different, almost sad and the sun doesn’t shine as it always did. You shrug it off and make yourself ready for a morning jog. The air is thick and difficult to breath. Everything is quiet. The only thing you hear are your own footsteps and breathing. You’re used to running alone but it never felt like this, something is off but you don’t know what. The strange feeling didn’t go away and you decide to head back and take a shower. Walking home you see T’challa and Bucky in the distance. T’challa opens a box and Bucky looks at the box disappointed and sighs.
After your shower you hear loud noises that almost sound like bombs. Running outside and looking up you see ships of the black order crashing against the protective shield. Running back inside you put on your combat clothes and run to the ships that transports the people to the battlefield. Once you’re there you jump on one of the ships. As you get closer you see the army of the black order waiting for commands. Once on the ground you jump off and run to the front of the lining where T’challa, Steve and Bucky already are. you take place next to Okoye an wait for further instructions. everything is quiet now. only the breathing of the soldiers can be heard. you look to your left where Bucky stands. He looks at you and gives you a small smile before concentrating his eyes on the enemy again. The army of the black order runs to the protective shield. Some of them make it through other are cut in half and the first row of soldiers activate their shields. T’challa commands to shoot and you start firing your arrows. War machine flies over the army and drops bombs to kill as many as possible. More beasts get through the shield and soon there are to many of them to keep them at a distance. Everyone starts running and attacking the horrible creatures. You take your sword and slice one of the creatures head off.  Another crashed into your side and you fall a few meters further to the ground. You grunt and notice that you lost your sword. Before you could get up they started to climb on top of you. Unable to fight them off you release your knives from your sleeves and start stabbing them. The big creatures are still to strong and slice your arm. The weight suddenly decreases and you see Bucky shooting them and pushing them off of you. “Your knight in shining armor arrived miss (y/l/n).” he said with a smile before offering a hand to help you up. “Lucky me.” You said with an exaggerated accent and acted like you would faint and fall in his arms.
You continued fighting when suddenly a hammer full of lightning flies past you knocking some creatures down. Looking at the source you see a stream of light coming from above. As the light fades away you see a man grabbing the hammer as it flew back at him. That must be Thor, God of thunder. Next to him stood a tree and a racoon? I guess. The tree elongated its arms and pinned some creatures like marshmallows on a stick. You come back to reality when you hear one of those things scream in your ear. You turn around and start punching it. In the final punch you release your knife and stab it in the head. You kept fighting and realized that the creatures were disappearing. you looked over at M’Baku. He and his army started yelling in unison as if they won. But you know the battle isn’t over yet. The ground starts shaking and you see big things like gearing wheels emerge from the ground. You start running but the machines stop moving. You see Wanda throwing the machines onto the army of the black order. ‘If Wanda is here it means no one is with Vision. He needs to be protected, Thanos can’t have the final stone.’ You start running in visions direction and as you enter the forest you notice Steve running in the same direction. When you arrive you see Vision on the ground with a commander of the black army on top of him holding him down. Steve punches the commander off and you help vision. A Laugh erupts from behind you. Looking at the source of the sound you see him, Thanos. Steve tries to stop him as you help Vision up and run. Wanda emerges before you. “ I’ll take it from here. I’m going to try to separate Vision and the stone myself.” You nod and run back to Steve. Thanos was able to throw Steve to a tree and you attack the titan from behind. You tried distracting him as long as you can when he finally got a hold of you an threw you to the ground with all his might. You hit the ground with a grunt and felt the air disappearing from your lungs. Luckily Steve was able to get up and Banner showed up too. But Thanos was able to hold them off by using the power of the stones. War machine showed up but he wasn’t able to get close to Thanos either. Then you saw bucky running up to Thanos, shooting his gun. Thanos simply waved his hand and Bucky got knocked down and landed not far away from you. Finaly Steve took another shot. He was able to hit Thanos a few times but was taken out when Thanos hit him in the face. He walked up to Wanda who was still trying to destroy the stone and started using her other hand to slow Thanos down. Everything was blurry and you felt nauseous. You tried to stand up but with little success. You felt the back of your head and as you looked back at your hand you saw blood. Looking at the ground you saw blood. When Thanos threw you to the ground you must have hit your head on a rock. You try to stand up again but you felt your headache getting worse. Your vision still blurry you fall back to the ground. You look over at Bucky who was still unconscious. You look back at Wanda and see her successfully destroying the stone and causing an explosion. But suddenly the blast stopped and reversed. It took a while before you realized that Thanos used the time stone to reverse what Wanda had caused. He walks closer to Wanda and knocks her away. He grabbed vision and pulled the stone from Visions head. Thanos screams as he receives the power of the stones combined in the glove. Those 5 second pass slow and quiet. You look over to bucky who was waking up. He looked at you and yelled your name but you couldn’t hear it. Then a blue light hit Thanos and as the light faded you saw Stormbreaker, Thors hammer, slammed in Thanos chest. Thor emerged and held the hammer. You felt someone trying to get your attention by shaking your shoulders lightly. You looked up and saw Bucky. He picked you up and sat you down against a tree. He looked at you as he put a strand of your hair behind your ear. He looked sad knowing what was going to happen. You saw Thanos holding is gauntlet up ready to snap his fingers as he spoke the words. “you should have gone for the head.” SNAP.
Thanos disappeared and after a while everyone slowly stood up knowing what just happened. Your hearing became louder again and your vision got a little better. First you saw Groot turn into dust then Wanda. You looked at Bucky his face full of sadness and guilt. You put your hand on his cheek and he puts his hand on yours. Pulling you close and collided your foreheads closing your eyes. “Bucky?” you say through your sobs.” “shsh it’s okey, it’s all going to be okey. This is not a goodbye.” He said. Bucky stood up and turned around. He felt himself turning. “Steve.” He said softly before disappearing too. Steve turns around. He saw Bucky fading away and then saw you sitting against the tree. Steve looked at Banner who nodded. Banner got out of the hulk buster and walked over to you. Steve walked over to Visions body and sat down. He couldn’t hold it in any longer and started crying. Everyone who didn’t disappear came running and that’s the last thing you saw before passing out.
End of part 3
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fenthyr · 5 years
Broken (Castiel x reader)
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Summary: Lucifer has Sam’s body. Michael has Adam. Is this the end?
“So we are all gonna die and you don’t even want to try and save the world.” Dean yelled at Cas.
“Dean there is nothing we can do. Michael is the only option left.” Cas stated calmly.
“We’re going to die anyway so what do we have to lose. We can at least try.”
“Cas, Dean is right. We have nothing to lose.”
Dean and I stepped to the impala and drove to the graveyard. As we arrived we saw Michael and Lucifer standing and ready to fight.
“Hey idiots mind if we joined the party?” I asked.
They turned their attention to me and watched as Dean and I stepped closer.
“Dean this is not your fight anymore. You shouldn’t be here.”
“ah well, I’m gonna die either way so why not at least try huh?”
I saw something in the corner of my eye and when I turned my head I saw Castiel standing behind Michael.
“Hey assbutt!” Cas yelled and as Michael turned around he got hit with a bottle of burning holy oil. And with that Michael disappeared.  “he won’t be gone for long but you have your 5 minutes.”
“Oh Castiel, you really didn’t have to do that.” Lucifer said, turning our attention to him. “But you know, even though you made Michael disappear it doesn’t mean that I like you. you should be punished for standing in my way and helping the brothers here.” Lucifer snapped with his hand, and with that Cas’s vessel blew up. I looked in terror at the place Cas was standing 2 second ago, to shocked to move or speak.
I looked over at Dean. He was fuming with anger and walked up to Lucifer. “Sammy I know you’re in there. Just take control.”
Lucifer threw Dean against the car. Dean grunted in pain as I ran over to Lucifer and tried to fight him. Before I could hit him he launched me up and threw me against a tree. I felt my back cracking and I couldn’t move. Blood dripping from my mouth. Dean took this moment to activate the rings, and the portal to the cell appeared. I couldn’t see anything and couldn’t turn around. I heard Dean getting beaten up and asking Sam to take over. Suddenly it stopped. It was quiet for a while when I suddenly heard screams and the sound of the gate disappeared. It’s over, I thought. Dean offered himself to get Lucifer in the cage. He went with him. I started crying when I heard a grunt. “Dean?” I asked. “Yeah, I’m okey don’t worry.” “I Can’t move.” I said as I felt a tear rolling of my cheek. It was so quiet and peaceful. I closed my eyes as I prepared to be overwhelmed with darkness. There was a hand on my shoulder. “(y/n) you’ll be alright. Cas is coming.” Dean said in my ear. “Cas is dead Dean. He can’t help us anymore. This time there is no coming back.” I sniffled as I tried to hold back my tears. “You’re not leaving us (y/n).” I heard a familiar voice say. But it can’t be. I closed my eyes once again as I felt a hand on my forehead. My back cracked and in hurt to feel the bones coming back in place. It can’t be. I kept thinking to myself. Someone picked me up and as I turned my head I saw Cas smiling at me. I smiled back and hugged him tightly. “How?” “Guess God has more in store for me.” Dean gave me a hunting knife with my initials on it. “what is this for?” I asked him. “Take care of yourself (y/n). He walked to the impala and opened to door. “Wait, where are you going?” I yelled. “To live the life I promised Sam I would live.” He smiled at me and drove away. Cas looked me in the eyes our faces only inches apart. “I see you got your powers fully charged again.” “yes, it feels good to feel useful again.” he said looking at the ground. “So what now?” I asked hoping he wouldn’t leave me. “I have some business in heaven to attend to.” My smile left and I stared at the ground as Cas was trying to make eye contact. “I guess I’ll asked Bobby if he has some spare rooms.” “I’ll take you there.” And within the second we stood at Bobby porch. “Thanks for the warning this time.” I smiled. “I have to go now. But keep me updated on the hunts and where you are, please. And pray when you need me.” “I will.” I heard a flutter of wings and Cas was gone. I started walking to the front door and was about to knock when I heard a flutter of wings behind me. I turned around and Cas kissed me. I kissed him back. “I’m sorry, but when I saw you laying on the field today I felt guilty. I was angry that I never even tried…” I shut him up by kissing him again. my hands went to the back of his head holding him closer and his hands were on my waist keeping me were I stand not wanting to let go. We broke apart and rested each others forehead against each other. Our eyes were closed. When I opened my eyes he was gone. I turned around and knocked on Bobby’s door.  “(y/n), what are you doing here?” “Mind if I stay here for a while?”
The end
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fenthyr · 5 years
Clowns (Sam x Reader) *
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summary: Sam and Dean help you on a hunt while they wait for information about the yellow eyed demon from Ash.
warnings: Smut
After every hunt you visit the roadhouse. You’ve known Ellen, Jo and Ash for a long time now and count them as your closest friends. They help you when you have a difficult hunt or when you need a place to stay because you don’t really get paid for hunting monsters. Today was a day like no other, you sat with Ash at his desk trying to find what you were hunting by looking at some security footage from the street.
“Hey, wait go back for like 10 seconds?” 1person in the crowd has reflecting eyes, and with that you knew exactly what it was.
“It’s a rakshasa. He could be anyone right now.”
“Or she, you never know for sure.” Ash said with a smile on his face.
“Ha ha, really funny. I’m going to walk around in the sewers in this city for a while to see if I can find the rakshasa. Or at least find some clues of where it could be hiding.”
“And while you do that I’m going to sleep. If you need any help just call me,… or Ellen and Jo.”
“I got the hint don’t worry. You wanna sleep so I’ll call Ellen if I’m nearly dying.”
“You’re a fast learner, you know that?”
You left the little office Ash had and went up to meet Ellen and tell her you’re leaving to find the shapeshifter. You walk up to Ellen just as she finished closing the place up. Suddenly 2 man knock at the door. You look at Ellen and give her a unknowing look which she returns.
“I’ll open up the door you call Jo.”
You walked up to the door and carefully took your knife out of your pocked. You quickly open the door to see 2 men standing there. One once tall and had long brown hair while the other one is shorter and had short dark blond hair. You looked at them trying to figure out why they were here when one of the saw the knife. The shorter one took your wrist and shoved you inside. Ellen and Jo saw this and came for your help by hitting a riffle to the boys head. You stood up and helped Ellen tie the guys to a chair. Must be honest they kind of looked cute.
When they finally woke up Ellen started asking questions. “Why are you here?”
“Our dad John Winchester, he died a few months ago. You left him a message to help him with demons.” The tall one spoke.
“How can we be sure you are who you say you are.”
“We drove here with my dad’s car.” The other one answered.
I went to look at the parking lot and there were only 3 cars. Mine, Ellen’s and a black 67 chevrolet impala.
“What kind of car did he have.” You ask Ellen.
“An impala, 67 chevrolet to be exact.”
“Then there are telling the truth about that.”
You went outside to check their car. There was a book in the back of the car. You switched some page’s in it and realized it was John’s diary about the monsters he hunted. You went back inside with the book and gave it to Ellen.
“They’re speaking the truth. It’s John diary.”
Ellen looked at it and signaled to free the guys. They rubbed their wrists and stood up.
“So, you must be Sam and Dean.” Ellen said.
“Yeah, we uh just came by to ask you if you know anything about the yellow eyed demon.” Sam said
“I don’t know anything about it, but Ash may know some stuff.” Ellen said while walking to the ‘office’ of Ash and signaling Sam and Dean to follow.
Ellen called for Ash and you saw him fast asleep on the pool table. Ellen yelled again and Ash jumped up and fell on the floor. Ellen looked at the guys and told them to ask whatever they wanted about the demon.
They started searching but Sam and Dean weren’t really of use after they told Ash everything he needed so Ellen called you and asked if it would be fine if they helped you on your hunt.
“Of course they can help.” You said happily.
She called the boys and they walked over to the bar.
“As you have nothing to do for a while, I thought you could help y/n with her case.”
“What is it?” Dean asked interested.
“A rakshasa. Basically a clown that eats people.”
“Good, clowns.” Dean said with a grin on his face while looking at Sam. Sam gave him a frustrated look back.
“Let’s go and check the place out. Every one should be asleep by now.”
You and the guys left, leaving Ellen, Jo and Ash in the roadhouse.
You and the guys arrived at the carnival and started to check the place out. You see Sam tense as you walk by a fake clown. ‘Wonder what he will do when he sees a real one.’  You didn’t really find anything and went back to the roadhouse. Everyone was already asleep so you brought the guys up to a free room where they could stay until Ash found everything about the demon. The next morning you wake up early and put on some clean clothes. You went downstairs and saw that you and Sam were the only ones awake.
“Hey big guy, sleep well?” you ask the tall man sitting on the counter reading some articles on his computer.
“Yeah, I slept fine.” He said without looking away from his computer.
“Want something to eat? Could make you a sandwich?”
“Thanks, that would be nice.” Still not looking away from his computer. You started to get frustrated and exaggerated every movement you made. Still no reaction.
“Want something to drink with that?”
“No thank you. I’m fine.”
‘What is up with the guy. Just asking some questions.’
You made your way over to him and laid a plate of sandwiches next to him. You went to sit next to him and scooped real close. You saw him shifting uncomfortable. You laid your hand in his thigh and saw him flinch under your touch. He hadn’t scrolled down the page for a while and you were sure he had difficulty to focus in the article. You tipped it up a level and moved your hand higher up his thigh. Sam’s cheeks turned red and he swallowed hard trying to keep his focus on the computer. You heard a door opening and closing and quickly stood up from your chair acting like you were just putting Sam’s plate next to him. Dean came in sight and told you to hurry up.
“we’re leaving soon.”
Once done eating you all left and went to the carnival. There you offered your help to the circus and got a job as janitor. Not fun but it did give you the opportunity to look for clues. After some cleaning and finding absolutely nothing Dean walked up to you.
“Nope, nothing. There are so many clown here how do we ever know which one it is.”
Sam walked up to you guys with a disappointed face.
“Also nothing I guess?”
“It’s difficult to concentrate when they are everywhere you know.”
You and Dean laughed but stopped abruptly as you hear a girl shout.
“Mommy look the clown is waving at me.”
“Lisa, we really need to go now. We don’t have time for you games.”
You looked at where the girl was pointing and saw nothing.
“lets follow them and keep guard at there place tonight.” I told the boys. They agreed and you started following them.
Once you arrived at their house you searched for a good place to watch the house without looking to suspicious.  Dean laid himself in the back and went to sleep while Sam and I looked for any threats. After sitting there for an hour is got bored and Sammy didn’t say a lot. You scooped closer to him and put your hand on his thigh again. Sam flinched and looked at you. He swallowed as you moved your hand up and down his thigh. You saw Sam shifting uncomfortably. You stopped moving your hand down and instead just went up and looked him in the eyes. You felt the bulge in his pants and started to rub it. He threw his head back as he moaned. You quickly looked behind you to see if Dean was still asleep. He was fast asleep and there was no way he would wake up any time soon. You looked back at Sam and he was staring at you with lust in his eyes. you slowly got even closer and kissed him. He kissed you back and you unbuttoned his pants. He lifted so you could pull his pants down further without breaking the kiss. You placed your hand in his boxers and grabbed his member. Sam moaned in the kiss giving you the opportunity to kiss his neck. You kept kissing hem down hist chest until you reached his boxers. You lowered them and his member sprung free. You started rubbing the base of his member with you hand and twirled your tongue around the tip. After teasing him you took his member in you mouth as for as you could and started bobbing your head up and down.
Sam started trusting needing more friction. He hit the back of your throat multiple times and flinched. He was close. Sam came in your mouth after a few more thrusts and you swallowed leaving little evidence of what just happened. Sam locked his hand to the back of your neck and looked you in the eyes before kissing you. he locked his hands on your waist signaling it was your turn. You heard ha scream and Sam quickly pulled up his pants. You both looked behind you and saw that Dean was still asleep. You looked at the house and saw a clown in the window. “I’ll be returning that favor after this is done.” Sam whispered to you. You woke Dean up and ran to the house. Dean opened the door and walked in gun first and a knife of pure brass. You followed him with Sam behind you. you went upstairs to the parents room and saw the monster. He wasn’t able to kill anyone yet when you came in and stabbed him in the back. He turned around and screamed at you. e tossed you aside and walked over to you. The creature fell down to his knees and you saw Sam standing behind it.
“You didn’t hit his heart.” He said with a smile.
Dean was outside with the kid so she would be safe from seeing her mother getting killed by the rakshasa. Luckily she survived but before she could see you you left and drove away.
you went to the kitchen to grab something to sleep when someone hugged you from behind and placed kisses on your head. Sam turned you around and put you on the counter.
“Time to return that favor don’t you think?” he said while kissing your neck sending vibrations to your core. You hummed in agreement and he took of your shirt. He kissed you and then went to your neck, chest and kissed you between your breasts. He took of your bra and massaged your breast while kissing your stomach. He unbuttoned your pants and pulled them down. He took the sight of you in and started kissing you again. his left hand on your back an his other hand just above your panties. He lifted you panties up and rubbed his finger over your clit. You hummed in anticipation. He slid his fingers between you folds teasing you. “Sam…I need you. Now” you said out of breath. That was all Sam needed to slid a finger inside of you. he moved in and out and curled his finger hitting the right spot. He entered a second finger and mover them uneven making you whimper. You bucked your hips and he held you down. “Sam, please.” “Tell me what you want y/n.” “I want you inside of me.” Sam took of his clothes while you removed your panties. Sam kissed you and you could feel his length pressing against your core. He lined himself up with your entrance and pushed slowly into you. you both gasped an moaned at the feeling of each other. You nodded and Sam started moving. Almost moving out of you before he thrusted back in. both of you were moaning messes. He picked you up and laid you on the sofa. You turned you both around so you strangled him and started moving up and down while he took one of your breasts in your mouth. He meets your thrusts in the perfect rhythm. “ Sam, I’m.. I’m gonna” “ I know I know me too.” Soon came and clenched your walls around him. He came right after and you helped him ride out his high. You fell next to him both out of breath and he smiled at you. after a few minutes he picked you up and took you to your room. He lead you down on your bed and started walking out. “where you going?” “going to pick up our clothes. Don’t want the others to see them tossed over the kitchen would you.” he said with ha sweet smile. He returned with all of your clothes and laid them in the corner of the room. He got under the covers right next to you and you laid yourself on his chest. Both of you dozed to sleep.
You woke up the next morning to an empty bed. Sam and Dean were of to find the yellow eyed demon with the information they got from Ash, but you had the feeling that it wasn’t the last time you saw the boys.
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fenthyr · 5 years
Hi and goodbye part 2 (Bucky x reader)
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Summary: you and Bucky have a plan.
The next morning you woke up at 8. You didn’t have a lot of sleep and it was visible. You got over your morning routine that consisted of waking up stretching out, eating breakfast and getting ready to train. Now normally you wouldn’t shower before training because you will need to shower after. But today you’re training with Bucky and well Steve but that didn’t really matter. Bucky knocked at your door at exactly 9 am. “Wow, talking about precision.”
Bucky chuckled “come on, you ready?”
“jup, all ready.”
You and Bucky headed for the training grounds. No sight of Steve, He doesn’t look like the guy to be late at a training.
“Never thought Steve would be late but we could start already?” Bucky said while walking over to the training tools.
You took some bandages to protect your hands. You’re going to train hand to hand combat. Wouldn’t want to hurt yourself on that sharp yaw line. You thought to yourself. Once ready Bucky wanted to show you some ways escape some grips.
You stood in the middle of the room trying to fix the bandage while Bucky went to one of the boxes behind you.
“Okey now when someone holds your neck with his arm and hold your mouth closed what do you do?”
“oh, come on that are the easy ones.” ‘How is he even going to do show that to me. I haven’t seen him wearing his metal arm once when I came to Wakanda.’
While you were thinking about what he was planning he gripped you from behind and held you in a tight grip. ‘Okey he still has a metal arm.’
he was holding your throat with his right arm and kept your mouth shut with his metal one. It’s a new one. It’s black and has beautiful lines on it. Wonder what he would be able to do with that you know.
Bucky snapped you out of your dream and asked you again.
“what are you going to do about it y/n?”
You turned around and grabbed his right arm twisting it in a very unnatural way. Bucky winced but kept standing. He looked at you with a grin and attacked. You dodged his punches and hit him in de ribs. He stumbled back and launched again. this time not holding back. He got you good and you fell to the ground. Bucky stood above you and held out his hand. You took it and stood up.
“When you dodge you keep a pattern. Never keep a pattern. Opponents will notice this and use it.”
“okey again” you shouted.
Bucky stood ready and launched again. He tried to tackle you but you were able to dodge him and tried to hit him in the chest witch he dodged in return. This kept going for a while. You were getting tired but the super soldier just kept going. His hair was getting lose of his bun and he was just al little bit sweaty. Because of your daydreaming Bucky saw a chance to get you to the ground. You hit the floor with a thud and the air escaped your lungs.
“come on y/n that’s a basic, keep your focus.”
You stood up breathing heavy and went to take a sip of your water.
Bucky sat down besides you and looked at the time.
“It’s 10:30, bet Steve isn’t coming.”
‘So that’s what Nat, Wanda and Shuri were doing yesterday huh.’
You chuckled and Bucky looked at you.
“What’s so funny?”
“Oh nothing it’s just Shuri, Nat and Wanda I think I figured out what their plan is.”
“What is it?”
‘Shit, didn’t think about actually having o tell him this.’ “Oh, you know you thought you wouldn’t get teased by them well to late, they are.”
“I haven’t realized a single thing of it.”
“Really, so why isn’t Steve here. He doesn’t look like the guy to miss a training?”
“He was pretty drunk last night.”
“Steve doesn’t get drunk. The only thing that can make him drunk is that little thing Banner made for him and Thor.”
“Your right on that part.”
“And Steve would never get drunk on purpose.”
“So you think Nat slipped it in his drink?”
“Oh no I know Nat slipped it in his drink.”
“Let’s have some fun with it.”
“Oooh, What do you have in mind?”
“Just follow my lead.”
_      _           _       _         _           _          _          _
That evening the girls came by to have a girls night. When they arrived at your place they heard screaming and fighting. They entered the house to see you and Bucky fighting.
“You moron, don’t you ever dare to look at me again!” you yelled at him.
“I’m a moron? Well in that case you’re a slut. And I would be glad to never see you again!”
Wanda used her powers to keep you and Bucky from ripping each other apart.
“What the hell guys, What’s going on!?” Nat yelled
“I don’t even know why you let her even fight with us. She won’t be of any use. She will only make it harder to beat Thanos.”
“I will make it harder! I’m not the one that almost killed our best chance against Thanos!”
“If you open that mouth one more time I will kill you right here right now.”
Just when you wanted to say another word Wanda shut you both up.
“Bucky you go outside. y/n you’re going to explain me everything.”
Wanda and Shuri went outside with Bucky leaving you and Nat alone.
“What the fricks happened y/n?”
“Just don’t ever leave me alone with that man again. I will rip his throat out.”
“But why? What happened?”
“When we were training he just kept telling me what to do. I’ve been fighting my hole life I know what I’m doing. He doesn’t have to lecture me about it. He got mad at me because I ‘wasn’t blocking his strikes the right way’ or ‘ I could have taken him down easier.’ He’s just so irritating and thinks he’s better than everyone.” I said angry. ‘They are totally buying it.’
“Okey if that’s how you feel we won’t let you guys alone anymore but just get over it. We have a bigger problem right now.”
“yeah yeah I know.”
“Do you want me to stay.”
“No, I’ll be fine thank you.”
“you’re welcome, if you need anything just call okey?”
“copy that.”
A few minutes later my front door opened and Bucky stepped in.
“They totally bought it.” He said laughing and sitting down next to me on the sofa.
“They totally did.” I said laughing even louder.
“Did you see Shuri’s face when she walked in it was hilarious!”
“Or Nat’s face she didn’t know what was happening.” Both of you kept uncontrollably laughing and talking about the girls.
“Stop, stop, stop my stomach hurts” you say while laughing and putting your hand on your stomach.
When you both calmed down your face were Inches apart. Bucky stared I your eyes and to your lips. You did the same. He placed his hand over your hand which was still laying on your stomach. Bucky got closer and kept his gaze on you. You closed the final bit of space by kissing Bucky’s lips. He kissed you back passionately and slow. As if the moment would be over faster if he kissed you to fast. He wanted to remember the felling of your kiss. He wanted to memorize it as good as possible. You broke apart and breathed heavily. It was as both of you forgot how to breath. He just stared at you and smiled. You smiled back at him and kissed him again.
“I should get going. Steve will wonder where I am.”
“yeah, sure. See you tomorrow.”
“Yeah you will.” He said with a smirk and winked.
He stood up and went to the door. He looked at you and then left closing the door behind him.
Holy mother of a cannelloni, you just kissed Bucky.
End of part 2
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fenthyr · 5 years
vampire nest (castiel x reader)
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summary: You ,Dean and Sam need help on a hunt.
Warning: Smut at the end
“soooooo, Sammy, Found anything?” you ask the Research pro of the team as I came into the room.
“yeah get this, there are these people disappearing from this little town. 2 months later they murder someone in other towns they do look al little different and have a different name but that’s easy to accomplish. The victims though are out of blood and have marks on their arms and neck.” Sam says without looking up from his computer.
“Vampires,how long is the ride?”
“2 days” Dean says while drying his hands and walking over to Sam.
“Is baby ready to drive?” I ask him looking at his hands.
“Jup all ready to hit the road.” He answered happily.
“Good let’s go.”
The guys and I packed our bags and hit the road. “Sam how big is the vampire nest you think?” “I guess there are a lot of them. There have been people gone missing for 3months now. Every week at least 2 victims.” You sighted “we won’t be able to take them all down by ourselves.” “I’ll call cas” Dean answered. Not even 2 minutes later the angel was sitting right next to you. “Why did you call me?”
“we’re going after a vampire nest but we guess the nest is pretty big. We think we can’t take them without a little extra help.” I smiled at Castiel.
“where is it?”
“Florida.” Dean said happily.
“I’ll meet you there. Just call me”
And with that the angel disappeared, but not without giving you a little smile. You fell asleep and woke up by the sound of Sam knocking at you window. You looked up and saw that you arrived at a motel. “We’re going to stay here. We’ll start searching tomorrow, I guess some of us need some sleep first.” Sam told me.
We entered the room and the boys went to bed. I wasn’t that tired. I slept in the car for the entire ride. I went outside with a drink and sat on a bench. I heard the flutter of wings behind me and saw Cas standing there. “hey Cas, what are you doing here? We’re starting tomorrow morning.”
“I know I just thought you would like some company.”
He came to sit besides me on the bench and I lay my head on his shoulder. He was confused at my act but didn’t say anything. He actually kind of liked it. Weird cause he never really understood the people manners. You sat there for a while just looking at the sky and the road.  Cas broke the silence.
“you should probably get some sleep. It will be a long day tomorrow.” “yeah, just five more minutes.” You said quietly. Cas didn’t object and just stayed there for another 5 minutes.
“you know the five minutes have passed.” He laughed. When he looked at you he saw that you were already asleep. He picked you up an carries you to the room. The boys were fast asleep and Dean took the bed instead of the sofa. Cas was not going to let you sleep on a sofa. He zapped you to another room and laid you down in the bed. You looked so peaceful when you slept. He looked at you and couldn’t help himself but to lay down next to you. You cuddled him with your head on his chest. For the first time in a long time Cas slept.
The next morning Dean woke up and saw a note on the table. ‘y/n, is in room 015.’ It read. Dean woke Sam up and got dressed. He walked to your room and knocked on the door. You woke up and saw Cas waking up right next to you. Before he could notice that you were awake he disappeared. ‘Did Cas stay with me the entire night? And I thought angels didn’t need sleep.’ You blushed at the thought and yelled at Dean that you were awake. You quickly got dressed and exited the room. You walked to the car and saw Sam, Dean and Cas waiting for you. Cas’s hair was all messy. ‘Guess he isn’t used to sleeping.’
“Let’s get those son of a bitches;” Dean said exited.
Everyone stepped in the Impala and we drove to the nest. Once arrived we took our weapons and slowly walked to the house. Why must vampires always live in such creepy places.
“y/n, Sam you take the back . Cas and I take the front.”
You and Sam walked to the back and quietly entered. You saw cages filled with innocent people. They were al weak and were full al bite marks. Sam started picking the locks and you helped the people out of the house.
“Final cage.” Sam whispered. You nodded. Just when Sam opened the cage he got tossed away by a vampire. You quickly shoot his attention turn to you. Other vampires came walking in. Sam fought 2 vampires while you tried to hold 3 vampires off of the people who you were trying to save. Sam was able to kill the 2 vampires quickly and started helping you by distracting the other. Finally the people got out save. You and Sam ran to the front and Saw Dean and Cas fighting a lot of vamps. They just kept coming. A vampire grabbed you and tried to feed you his blood but you were quick enough to throw him on the ground and kill him. You just looked around trying to find out were the Hell they were coming from. Seeing Dean surrounded you went to help him. Bad idea though. Other vamps noticed this and attacked you. They were with to many. You fell to the ground and the vamps surrounded you to. You tried to kick and punch them but it didn’t work. You closed your eyes not wanting to see what will happen. The weight of the vampires on you got lighter. You opened your eyes and saw Cas decapitating the vampires that had attacked you. One of the vampires got him good and Cas flinched. The wound didn’t heal. You looked at the vamp and saw that he was holding Cas’s angel blade. “shit” you cursed. You quickly grabbed a knife and threw is at the vampires hand. He screamed and let the blade fall. Cas quickly took the angel blade and decapitated the vampire. Sam an Dean were fighting the last vampires. You went to help the and ended the fight.
You looked over to Cas and saw him holding his left side with a bloody hand. “Cas, you okey?” you asked the angel. “yeah I’m fine.”
You saw him stumble and helped him to the car.
Once back in the motel you helped Cas onto your bed. He didn’t have one and the guys were stitching and cleaning their wounds in their room.
You looked at Cas and signaled him to take his coat of. He looked in confusion.
“Hey angel, you got stabbed with an angel blade, Can’t fix you up when I can’t see the wound.” I told him jokingly.
He took off coat and shirt. The wound needed stitching, it was pretty deep no wonder you needed to help him walk. You grabbed the first aid kit and a bowl of water to wipe away the dried blood. He flinched and grunted at the water touching the wound. I started stitching with my left hand holding his chest because he always tried to move away. “you need to sit still if you want me to do this quickly.” He grunted and closed his eyes. once I was done he laid down and breathed heavily.
I went to take a shower and when I got out Cas was under the covers and almost asleep.
“I didn’t know angels needed sleep?”
“They don’t but sometimes it’s nice to get away from the world and think about something else.”
You agreed and went to lay beside him.
He scooped closer and hugged you from behind so his bare chest was against you back. You laughed to yourself and closed your eyes.
You woke up in the middle of the night and turned around. Cas was also awake and just looked you in the eyes. you stared back into his shiny blue eyes. you wanted to speak but couldn’t because your face were so close to each other.
“y/n, I have this feeling around you. And don’t feel like that around anybody else and when I saw you getting attacked the other day I just got so angry. I sincerely care about you.”
“you felt your heart flutter as Cas looked into your eyes to your lips to back to your eyes as if he was asking for permission. You scooped closer and kissed Cas. For a moment he didn’t react but quickly followed your motions. You pulled away and looked into each others eyes again. you saw lust in his eyes which made your lust grow as well. You kissed him passionately and pulled yourself on him. Cas pulled himself up so he was sitting against the wall of the bed. You started moving your hips and owned a moan from Cas. You felt him harden against your core. You started moving faster and Cas started kissing you yaw and neck. You took of you shirt and Cas stared at you with lustful eyes. he started kissing you more roughly now and you started to move harder. You both moaned and removed the rest of your clothing. You strangled Cas again but before he could enter you he stopped you and put his finger between your folds. He started rubbing and you were a moaning mess. “Cas I am going to” you breathed heavily. “Not yet little angel.” He removed his finger and pushed inside of you. “so tight angel.” He grunted. You moved your hips and he met you with thrusts. “Cas… please… harder.” Cas rolled you over so he was on top and started thrusting into you. you could feel Cas twitching inside of you. you knew he was close. He wanted to take you with him and rubbed your clit with the right amount of pressure. You moaned his name loudly as you came. That was enough for Cas to come right after you. He looked you in the eyes as he tried to get his breathing to steady. You both smiled and Cass rolled off of you. He put his arm around you so you your head lays on his chest. Cas kissed you one more time and then the both of you fell into a lovely dream.
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fenthyr · 5 years
vampire nest (Castiel x reader)
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Summary: You, Dean ans Sam can’t take the vampire nest alone and need some help of a good friend.
“soooooo, Sammy, Found anything?” you ask the Research pro of the team as I came into the room.
“yeah get this, there are these people disappearing from this little town. 2 months later they murder someone in other towns they do look al little different and have a different name but that’s easy to accomplish. The victims though are out of blood and have marks on their arms and neck.” Sam says without looking up from his computer.
“Vampires,how long is the ride?”
“2 days” Dean says while drying his hands and walking over to Sam.
“Is baby ready to drive?” I ask him looking at his hands.
“Jup all ready to hit the road.” He answered happily.
“Good let’s go.”
The guys and I packed our bags and hit the road. “Sam how big is the vampire nest you think?” “I guess there are a lot of them. There have been people gone missing for 3months now. Every week at least 2 victims.” You sighted “we won’t be able to take them all down by ourselves.” “I’ll call cas” Dean answered. Not even 2 minutes later the angel was sitting right next to you. “Why did you call me?”
“we’re going after a vampire nest but we guess the nest is pretty big. We think we can’t take them without a little extra help.” I smiled at Castiel.
“where is it?”
“Florida.” Dean said happily.
“I’ll meet you there. Just call me”
And with that the angel disappeared, but not without giving you a little smile. You fell asleep and woke up by the sound of Sam knocking at you window. You looked up and saw that you arrived at a motel. “We’re going to stay here. We’ll start searching tomorrow, I guess some of us need some sleep first.” Sam told me.
We entered the room and the boys went to bed. I wasn’t that tired. I slept in the car for the entire ride. I went outside with a drink and sat on a bench. I heard the flutter of wings behind me and saw Cas standing there. “hey Cas, what are you doing here? We’re starting tomorrow morning.”
“I know I just thought you would like some company.”
He came to sit besides me on the bench and I lay my head on his shoulder. He was confused at my act but didn’t say anything. He actually kind of liked it. Weird cause he never really understood the people manners. You sat there for a while just looking at the sky and the road.  Cas broke the silence.
“you should probably get some sleep. It will be a long day tomorrow.” “yeah, just five more minutes.” You said quietly. Cas didn’t object and just stayed there for another 5 minutes.
“you know the five minutes have passed.” He laughed. When he looked at you he saw that you were already asleep. He picked you up an carries you to the room. The boys were fast asleep and Dean took the bed instead of the sofa. Cas was not going to let you sleep on a sofa. He zapped you to another room and laid you down in the bed. You looked so peaceful when you slept. He looked at you and couldn’t help himself but to lay down next to you. You cuddled him with your head on his chest. For the first time in a long time Cas slept.
The next morning Dean woke up and saw a note on the table. ‘y/n, is in room 015.’ It read. Dean woke Sam up and got dressed. He walked to your room and knocked on the door. You woke up and saw Cas waking up right next to you. Before he could notice that you were awake he disappeared. ‘Did Cas stay with me the entire night? And I thought angels didn’t need sleep.’ You blushed at the thought and yelled at Dean that you were awake. You quickly got dressed and exited the room. You walked to the car and saw Sam, Dean and Cas waiting for you. Cas’s hair was all messy. ‘Guess he isn’t used to sleeping.’
“Let’s get those son of a bitches;” Dean said exited.
Everyone stepped in the Impala and we drove to the nest. Once arrived we took our weapons and slowly walked to the house. Why must vampires always live in such creepy places.
“y/n, Sam you take the back . Cas and I take the front.”
You and Sam walked to the back and quietly entered. You saw cages filled with innocent people. They were al weak and were full al bite marks. Sam started picking the locks and you helped the people out of the house.
“Final cage.” Sam whispered. You nodded. Just when Sam opened the cage he got tossed away by a vampire. You quickly shoot his attention turn to you. Other vampires came walking in. Sam fought 2 vampires while you tried to hold 3 vampires off of the people who you were trying to save. Sam was able to kill the 2 vampires quickly and started helping you by distracting the other. Finally the people got out save. You and Sam ran to the front and Saw Dean and Cas fighting a lot of vamps. They just kept coming. A vampire grabbed you and tried to feed you his blood but you were quick enough to throw him on the ground and kill him. You just looked around trying to find out were the Hell they were coming from. Seeing Dean surrounded you went to help him. Bad idea though. Other vamps noticed this and attacked you. They were with to many. You fell to the ground and the vamps surrounded you to. You tried to kick and punch them but it didn’t work. You closed your eyes not wanting to see what will happen. The weight of the vampires on you got lighter. You opened your eyes and saw Cas decapitating the vampires that had attacked you. One of the vampires got him good and Cas flinched. The wound didn’t heal. You looked at the vamp and saw that he was holding Cas’s angel blade. “shit” you cursed. You quickly grabbed a knife and threw is at the vampires hand. He screamed and let the blade fall. Cas quickly took the angel blade and decapitated the vampire. Sam an Dean were fighting the last vampires. You went to help the and ended the fight.
You looked over to Cas and saw him holding his left side with a bloody hand. “Cas, you okey?” you asked the angel. “yeah I’m fine.”
You saw him stumble and helped him to the car.
Once back in the motel you helped Cas onto your bed. He didn’t have one and the guys were stitching and cleaning their wounds in their room.
You looked at Cas and signaled him to take his coat of. He looked in confusion.
“Hey angel, you got stabbed with an angel blade, Can’t fix you up when I can’t see the wound.” I told him jokingly.
He took off coat and shirt. The wound needed stitching, it was pretty deep no wonder you needed to help him walk. You grabbed the first aid kit and a bowl of water to wipe away the dried blood. He flinched and grunted at the water touching the wound. I started stitching with my left hand holding his chest because he always tried to move away. “you need to sit still if you want me to do this quickly.” He grunted and closed his eyes. once I was done he laid down and breathed heavily.
I went to take a shower and when I got out Cas was under the covers and almost asleep.
“I didn’t know angels needed sleep?”
“They don’t but sometimes it’s nice to get away from the world and think about something else.”
You agreed and went to lay beside him.
He scooped closer and hugged you from behind so his bare chest was against you back. You laughed to yourself and closed your eyes.
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fenthyr · 5 years
smut = *
Time travel (5x13)
vampire nest no smut / with smut --> vampire nest smut*
Broken (5x22)
Hi and Goodbye part 1   part 2  part 3
Karkinos part 1  part 2
A complicated world *
Jake Gyllenhaal
The scene*
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fenthyr · 5 years
Hi and goodbye (Part 1) (Bucky x Reader)
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pairing: Bucky x reader
Summary: Steve approaches you to help him fight against Thanos in Wakanda. Of course you help him and there you meet Bucky again after Civil war. He’s different now. Good different.
Ring ring.
“yeah with y/n”
“y/n,it’s Steve. Where are you we need to talk”
“I’m in New York actually. You?”
“I’ll be in New York by 7pm. You know where to meet me.”
_   _   _   _   _   _  _  _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _  
You were standing at the tree in the park. This is where you and Steve met for the first time. There was an attack from Loki in New York a few years back. You were fighting some of those idiots when Steve came by to help because you weren’t exactly winning. A few years later you helped him with civil war. Steve kind of saved your life and you owed him that much. There you met Sam, Clint, Scott, Wanda and Bucky. And now Steve needed your help again and you were glad he called you for this. You always want to help him, you may not see him a lot but he’s still a close friend.
“y/n, How are you?”
“Great, well you know fighting the little crimes to get some exercise.” I laughed.
“Good, it will be useful.”
“what’s going on? what can I help with?”
Steve sighted “ there is a war coming. A big one.”
“against who?”
“Thanos.” Steve said angry.
“Thanos, I’ve heard of him before but I thought it were just stories?”
“No, he is very real and he is coming for earth.” Steve looked away. “He wants to kill half the universe, but to kill half the universe he needs all of the infinity stones.”
“How do we even know were he’ll be when he comes to earth?”
“Vision has the soul stone. He will coma after him. We go to Wakanda so less innocent people will die and we will have more warriors.”
“okey, when do we leave?”
“pack your stuff we leave in an hour. I’ll meet you at the avengers facility.”
You went back to your shitty apartment and packed your stuff. You also packed your combat clothes. You got those from your family, it’s been in your family for years to wear these kind of clothing and it makes you feel warm and close to your family. It’s the only thing you have left from them.
You met Steve at the avengers facility  and saw Natasha standing there too.
“Hello Natasha” you said politely. She is a scary women you know. Don’t want to be on her bad side.
“Hey y/n, ready to go?”
“yeah, I’ve heard a lot of stories about Wakanda. But I guess people are just making some stuff up. I’m wondering witch story is true.”
“okey let’s go, we need to be there by morning.” Steve stated.
You all stepped into the jet and took of to Wakanda. The fly was boring, everyone was tense for the fight to come especially when you don’t know when it starts.
“So who will be there?” I asked
“Banner, Every warrior in Wakanda, we, Wanda, Vision and Bucky. That’s what I know for sure. I don’t know about the other guys.” Steve answered.
“you think we will make it? Or stop it?”
“I don’t know.” Natasha said worried.
We finally arrived at Wakanda. Steve went to greet Bucky. Hmm, Bucky changed. He wasn’t wearing that metal arm anymore, he looked happier too. And kind of cute. It made you happy to see him like that. His smile is so innocent and sweet. ‘I can’t believe that once he was this cold blooded killer. Of course it wasn’t him but still.’ You gave him a small nod and a little smile when he saw you. Just then Shuri walked up to you.
“Hello there, you must be y/n, Hi I am Shuri, T’challa’s little sister. Come I’ll show you your place to stay.”
“Thanks Shuri. Will you be fighting with us?”
“Of course I will. I am a warrior, you know that suit that my brother wears. Yeah I kind did the special effect with that.” “ I also make other weapons. Like Bucky’s arm, I am the one fixing it.”
“hey are those you combat clothes?” Shuri asks while eying your bag.
“yeah, these kind of clothes have been in the family for a long time. It’s an honor to fight in them.”
You arrived at a little cottage. It looked nice although it was very luxurious as in the city, but I liked it better here, it was quiet and peaceful. Right across the little cottage was another one. It looked like a little farm with goats. There were some other cottages to but they were further away. All around you were trees. ‘perfect place to train’ you think.
“So I’ll leave you to it. Make yourself at home.” Shuri said happily.
“Oh, I almost forgot. Tonight there is al little feast. I’ll let someone pick you up around 8pm. And wear something fancy.” “You did bring something fancy right?” she asked
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t worry I packed something for every occasion.” I said laughing.
Shuri closed the door behind her and I started unpacking. I got bored and thought it would be a good idea to train a little bit. I put on some training clothes and went outside. I saw Bucky and Steve talking with T’challa while Bucky was throwing some straw on a pile. They looked serious, I guess they were discussing the battle. I walked to the forest and looked for a death tree. I know fighting a person instead of a tree would be way more useful. But I can’t just ask people I don’t know to fight me. Or at least I think it’s weird. after some running and jumping around to warm up I focus on the tree. First the basics of course. Slicing the tree at both sides with a knife. After that I take my sword. Attacking the tree until it’s barely standing. Suddenly I hear a noise behind me. I take my bow and aim at the place where the sound came from.
“who’s there?”
Bucky came out of the shadow with raised hands.
“wow Don’t worry it’s just me. I saw you running into the forest and thought I would check on you.” He said with a little grin.
“you should know never to sneak up on people who are training and expecting a fricking war any second now.” I said jokingly while putting my bow down.
Bucky just laughed. “ your pretty good with knives you know. But training with a tree? I don’t think that very useful. They don’t exactly defend themselves.”
“I know but it’s better than nothing.”
“you should train with me and Steve tomorrow, we’re going to train hand to hand combat.”
“yeah, just tell me when and where.”
“I’ll pick you up at 9 am, just be ready.”
“okey” I smiled at him and he stepped away.
Okey I have to admit that I maybe kind of really like the guy. Last time I saw him he was so cold and now he is so happy. It instantly makes me happy too. Oh, and those eyes I could drown in those eyes. And then we haven’t talked about that ass. I stood there for 10 minutes or so just dreaming about the guy until I realized I needed to go shower and get ready for the party tonight.
you are so happy that they prepared a music instillation in the cottage. I know right who thought a cottage could have a music instillation in every freaking room. I put some of my favorite song in the playlist and turn the music on before I go to take a shower. I walk into the bathroom and take in the sight of a beautiful modern but still cozy bathroom. ‘This place is way better than that apartment.’ I cleaned myself up and went to the closet. “Okey what to wear?” you had this beautiful dress that you wore when you had a mission at a party. ‘well I did look good in that dress?’ ‘outfit chosen.’ Once the dress was on you did your hair and make-up.
Knock, Knock.
‘Oh no, of course I need to start stressing right now. I don’t even know who came to pick me up.’
I walked to the door and opened it to see a very handsome Bucky open the door. He had his hair half up an was wearing a black suit. God he looked great. Bucky cleared his throat and I caught myself staring.
“So, you ready to go?”
“Yeah, Totally ready” I answered with a smile.
We hooked our arms together and walked to T’challa’s place. Bucky greeted Steve, T’challa and Bruce while I want to greet Natasha, Wanda and Shuri.
“Hey y/n, we haven’t seen you all day where were you?” Natasha asked.
“Oh, well you know preparing for the fight of our lives you know how it goes.” I said jokingly
“oh, I love this song” Wanda said while giving you a glass of champagne. And ran to the dance floor. She turned around and motioned us to follow her. Nat, Shuri and I Shared a look and followed Wanda into the crowed. Nat looked over your shoulder and smiled, you wanted to turn around but Nat kept you in place.
“Don’t look now but I think someone likes you.” She said with a grin
“oh come on Nat at least tell me who it is.”
“don’t worry you’ll know soon enough.” She took another sip from her drink while looking you directly in the eyes. You just looked back confused cause you had no idea what she was planning. Wanda and Shuri must have noticed Nat’s sudden change and already knew why too.
“Okey Girls what’s going on?” I asked kind of scared.
“oh nothing don’t worry about it.” Wanda answers.
Shuri just stood there with a smile on her face. They are definitely up to something.
After some dancing and ignoring The girls Glances and grins you start feeling tired. You did drink some more than you intended but that’s definitely Nat’s fault she kept giving you more drinks and did not give up until you drank it so you just went with it.
“Hey, I loved this evening but I think I’ll head to bed now. I have an early training session with Steve and Buck tomorrow so. See ya later girls” I said tired and maybe a little to exited about the Bucky part.
“Okey bye y/n sleep tight!” they yelled drunkly.
Natasha’s POV
“Okey tomorrow she has a training session whit Buck and Steve. Now there is one problem.” Nat said
“Steve.” Shuri and Wanda said in unision.
“I’llmake sure he won’t make it. You two go talk to bucky. It will only work better if we get the two alone as much as possible” Nat winked
Nat walked over to Steve when she saw him sitting alone.
Your POV
You were walking to you cottage. Well a little bit slower than normally cause you know alcohol. When you heard someone call your name. you turned around and saw Bucky running up to you.
“Hey y/n, leaving already?”
“Well lets see its 2 am and we got training at 9 so yeah. Plus Nat, Wanda and Shuri were feeding me alcohol like I would die if I didn’t have a drink every 2 minutes.”
“that’s what they do to new members of the group you know. It’s like their kind of ritual. The’ll be teasing you about a lot more the next days.”
“what did they do to you?” you asked thinking about how Bucky would be when he is drunk.
“I’m a lucky one they didn’t tease me. That’s probably because of the whole fight between Steve and Tony and the things with Hyrda.”
“So they haven’t teased you yet.” You said thinking out loud
“yet? I don’t think they will. You know I think they are secretly scared of me.” He fake whispered.
“Hahaha, Natasha, scared, of you. Hahaha Don’t make me laugh.”
“What it could.”
“Thanks Bucky, for walking me back. See you at 9 in the morning right?”
“yeah see ya y/n”
End part 1
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fenthyr · 5 years
time travel (5x13)
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pairing: castiel x reader
summary: travel back in time to save Sam and Deans parents from Anna. but Castiel loses a lot of strength traveling back and you take care of him.
your character: y/n has powers but can’t fully control them and doesn’t even know what they are. She can travel back in time but when she does it takes a lot of strength to make herself visible or to even touch something. she’s like a ghost. same goes for when he teleports.
Dean and Sam ans you were staying in another crappy motel room. You just came back from a hunt and you rushed to the bathroom, that’s one thing you learned after hanging out with the Winchesters for the past year. You quickly showered, got dressed and got out. Sam rushed into the bathroom before Dean making Dean yell BITCH.
“Hey Dean, I am going to get some groceries you want something?” “ooh, pie sounds nice.” You chuckle and leave the room. When you came back Sam and was totally clean and looking on his computer. “Dean’s still in the Bathroom?” “yeah, what did you expect.” Sam answered whit a chuckle. Just then Dean opened the door of the bathroom, letting al the damp the shower caused into the room.
“Aah finally food.” He said with shining eyes looking at the pie.
“So Sam, found anything yet?”
“No, not really. Or at least nothing closer than a 2 day ride so I guess we should hit the road tomorrow.”
“Well I think its nice to have a day without worrying about demons and angels and fricking death.” Dean said with a mouth full of pie. You chuckled at his comment while taking a bite out of your sandwich. After dinner Dean went to the bathroom to brush his teeth.
“ oh shit, Cas! You scared me. How many times do I need to tell you to stop popping up behind me!” Dean yelled. “sorry Dean, but this is important.”
Dean and Cas came out of the bathroom and greeted everyone. “oh hey Cas, long time no see.” You said to the angel.
“I have some important matter to discus with you guys.”
“And here I thought we had a nice quite little vacation for once.” Dean said while raising his eyebrows. Cas let out a sighed before he continued.
”Anna, she got out of prison and I looking for you, Sam. She wants you death. She thinks it’s the only way to stop lucifer.”
“I thought it was impossible to escape prison in heaven?”
“It is. They must have let her escape.” Castiel answered you.
“I told her I would kill her if she came close to you guys. So she will probably try to find another way to fade you from existence.”
“So, Anna wants Sammy gone without getting near him.” Dean stated while thinking how she could do that.
“maybe some sort of spell?” I asked.
“No, she won’t use any spell. She will want to be certain he’s gone and won’t come back.” Cas said.
“What if she goes back?” Sam asked.
“What do you mean goes back? Like back in time?” you ask.
“She could make sure you never even get to exist.” Castiel clarified.
“Cas bring us there!” Dean said immediately.
“I don’t know if I can. Even with a bond with heaven time travel is very difficult and askes a lot of energy.”
“then at least try.” Dean answered getting angry.
“Cas, you get the boys there I’ll travel by using my powers. But I won’t be able to do a lot there. It will ask a lot of energy to let alone pick up an object or make myself visible for you guys. I wish I could take someone with me but i can’t control my powers enough to do that. And that if I am even able to take someone with me while time travelling.” I said. Cas nodded and disappeared with the guys. I followed soon.
When I appear in 1978 I see Dean and Sam in the middle of the road. I run up to them and try my best to make myself visible. “Sam, Dean. Were is Cas?” Sam an Dean signaled you that they didn’t know. The three of you rushed to the sidewalk, getting Dean an Sam out of the way for the cars. When turn to your left you see castile sitting against a car with a bloody nose and obviously in pain. ”Cas, Cas you okey!” you yell. “yeah, mhm. It’s less bad than I thought.” He said right before coughing up blood and losing consciousness. Sam picked him up and Dean searched for a motel. Finally finding a motel Dean left to pay while Sam carried Cas to the room they got Cas. Sam putted him on the bed and looked at him with hurt in his eyes. Cas is becoming part of the family. “I’ll stay with Cas. I am not useful anyway. I can only watch, I can’t fight or even talk. And it are your parents anyway you deserve some time witch them alone.” I said looking at the unconscious body of Cas.
“I’ll make sure he gets strong enough to go back to 2010.” Dean and Sam nodded and stepped to the door.
“y/n, if anything’s wrong don’t hesitate to come okey.” Sam assured me. I nodded and they closed the door behind them. You looked at Cas an decided that it probably wasn’t very comfortable to rest in a trench coat. You took Cas’s coat’s off and removed his shoes and tie. After you finally managed to do that, you placed the blanked over him. You layed next to him and decided to read a book. Luckily this motel had some books laying around otherwise you would probably be bored out of your mind. You finally decide that it’s time to sleep at 10 pm and go to the bathroom. ‘shit, forgot that I didn’t bring any other clothing.’ You undress and wear just your t-shirt and underwear to go to sleep. You quietly shove under the covers next to Cas because it is the honeymoon suite Dean got you. Pfft the tease. You close your eyes and find yourself drifting away into a deep sleep.
You wake up to the sound of someone grunting. You turn around to face the noise and see that Cas is awake.
“Hey, hey easy there. You were hurt pretty bad yesterday. You need to rest and strengthen up for the travel back to 2010.” You said with a worried voice.
“mmh, I’m fine, I need to help Sam and Dean. Anna won’t be alone.”
“and the guys know that, they can take it they are stronger than you think.” You say while getting up and pushing Cas back on the bed.
“You are not leaving until you have enough strength to go back.” Cas looks you up an down with a confused face. ‘ oh God, I forgot I’m just wearing panties and a t-shirt that doesn’t cover enough.’ You awkwardly turn around and head for the bathroom to change. “Don’t you dare to even think about leaving.” I yell while closing the door.
When I came back out of the bathroom Cas was still laying on the bed under the covers. He didn’t look good. He looked pale and was sweaty. “Cas, you okey. You don’t look good?” he doesn’t say a word. Just a little grunt leaves his lips. I walk over to him and lay my hand on his forehead. ‘He is burning up. What should I do he is a fricking angel. I didn’t even knew they could sweat. But well I don’t know al lot about angels.’ I took a damp washcloth and moved it over his forehead. I looked at him and sighted. He’s actually kind of cute when he needs to be taken care off. Cas had dosed back to sleep. He was still very sweaty so I decided to clean him up a bit. He will probably be happy that he doesn’t wake up all sticky and smelling. I went to the bathroom in the hope to find a bowl there. I found a little bowl and filled it with water. I put the water on his nightstand an remove the covers. I remove his shirt and start washing the sweat off of him. ‘God I never noticed he looked so good.’
Cas’s POV
I feel sweaty and overall just bad. y/n comes out of the bathroom with a washcloth and brings it op to my forehead. The coldness of the cloth feels good against my aching head. I’ve never really been alone with y/n. And being here with her is actually not bad. She is a caring person and a hell of hunter. I close my eyes and feel myself falling to sleep until y/n removes my shirt and holds a cold washcloth against my chest. It awakens some kind of feeling I haven’t felt before. Its weird. It makes me feel safe and loved. While I’m trying to recognize this sudden feeling I doze to sleep.
Your POV
Once I cleaned Cas and make sure he is sleeping, I head out of the room and walk around town a bit trying to find a place to eat. I find this little place next to the road and walk in. I quickly order something to take with me not wanting to leave Cas alone for to long. While walking back to the motel I notice a little shop with old books. Out of curiosity I enter the shop and walk past the shelves of books and movies. I look at the movies and pick a-one that I hope will be interesting enough. I walk back to the motel and see that Cas is awake.
“hey, you feeling better?”
“yeah, thanks for taking care of me.”
“No problem, that’s what friends are for right.” I chuckled. “when do you think you’ll be strong enough to return?”
“A few hours maybe.”
“Good. I think the boys are back to 2010. They aren’t with John anymore. Aand I found this movie we could watch together while you heal.”
“y/n, you know you can just leave right. I’ll be fine. You can go back to the guys, you don’t have to stay for me.”
“But I love to stay here with you. Who else is going to keep you company.”
Cas smiled a little, not something you see often. You smile back thinking you want to see that smile more often. And you would love to be the cause of that. After finishing the movie and answering Cas’s question about the movie and the actions the characters did, Cas stood up and looked at you.
“I think it time to go back y/n.”
“you sure?”
“Yeah, I’ll see you there.”
And with that he vanished. You quickly followed and emerged in Sam and Dean’s motel room. Looking around you see Cas isn’ t here yet. Probably because it take a lot of strength for him to time travel. Just when you wanted to ask Sam and Dean Cas appeared behind Sam. He looked confused and unaware.
“Cas! Wow take it easy.” Sam said while turning around.
Cas looked at him before he realized he was back in 2010. After that he fell to the floor. Sam quickly grabbing him laying him on the bed.
“Cas! Cas?, Shit” I said.
“I hope you at least killed the bitch.” I said turning to Sam and Dean.
“Well, she is death but we didn’t kill her.” Dean said. Silence and confusion filled the room.
“Then who did?”
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