I became a feminist the day my daughter was born.
My very male professor
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We Couldn't Resist..
Dad: "What's this www. thing? Is that for the computer?"
Child #1: "No, you have to dial it up on the phone."
Dad: "What?"
Child #2: "Actually, you're gonna need a good flashlight for that."
Child #1: "And a phillips head."
Dad: "Oh shut up. It has to do with the computer, doesn't it?"
Child #2: "Yes, it has to do with the computer.."
Dad: "I knew it!"
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He actually has shiny, bronze pennies in his shiny, leather penny loafers? Instant respect. 
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Strange Aversion to Pants
Do we live in a society with a strange aversion to pants? I think yes.
Yes because females don't wear them and males don't know how to wear them.
If I see one more girl wearing leggings as pants or a skirt that would be more suitable as a stretchy headband, I'm going to cry.
And if I see one more pair of guy's boxers perfectly framed by the bottom of his shirt and the belt that was manufactured specifically to hold his pants up, I'm going to scream. 
Ahh well, I guess I have a lot of crying and screaming to do. 
Good going America. 
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Meeting My Father's Doctor
Please, excuse my staring, but what else is there to do when you walk in the room sporting the most wonderful mustache imaginable paired with a floral hand-tied bow tie and polka dot spectacles? You're lucky I didn't hug you and ask for a picture. It was just so glorious. You were just so glorious. 
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It's been decided.
I don't want a tomb stone when I die. If you have to visit my grave once a year to remember me, I haven't done my job. 
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Girl please.
Registering for a 5k precisely 10 hours after you almost die running in PE. I'll take a side of irony with that please.
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What can I say? The man likes tea..
Day #1- "Hey, she's got hot tea! Smart girl."
Day #2-"She's got her tea again! You know, I drink coffee in the morning and then I have an afternoon tea. I love tea."
Day #3-"Oh, there she is! You know, I wouldn't even recognize you without your tea in hand."
Day #4- "She's got her tea on the edge of her desk, scary!"
Day #5- "You got the only A on this test, what's in that tea?!"
...When your professor can't stop mentioning your tea.. Silly goose.
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Hipster "Costume"
Brother: "You should come to a halloween party with me."
Me:"I don't celebrate halloween."
Brother:"I know, but I have an idea. We make you a hipster.. You have the clothes. You have the glasses. All you need is the attitude."
Me:"What attitude?"
Brother:"You know, the "I know everything and I knew it before you even thought of it" kind of attitude. In an ironic sort of way. You could pull it off. It could work. It's perfect!"
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Camper for sale
I saw a homemade sign on the side of the road today. It read "Camper for sale $4500". I then thought to myself, "Like boyscouts? They're trying to sell a little boy? A camper...
...OH a CAMPER. Like the vehicle... Thank goodness. " 
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Never drinking Coke again, continued..
..To further my obsession, he showed up at school again today wearing a Mt. Dew sweatshirt. While I was drinking Mt. Dew. We're freaking soul-mates. 
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Yes, I bought..
mustache shaped post it notes. And yes, I will be using them for school. TRY AND STOP ME.
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Use them to make condescending people aggravated. I prom it’ll make your otherwise unfortunate encounter with them totes hilar. They’ll think you’re even more of a moron than they had previously thought and most likely walk away in a haughty frustration. And that’s what we call a SCORE FOR THE “DUMB” GIRLS USING ABREEVS. Thank you. 
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You're the last professor I thought I'd miss..
Teacher: "So you're one of my students that doesn't know how to use a semicolon, huh?"
Me: "Yeah.. I guess so."
Teacher: "In reality, you just needed a comma there and your sentence would've been correct."
Me: "What?! I put that semicolon there because I thought my sente...Wait, here's what happened. Ok, so I read on my paper that you suggest I proofread my essay next time, but the funny thing is, I DID proofread and that's exactly when I put the semicolon in."
Teacher: "Really.."
Me: "Yes! You see, it was an impulse dot. I already had a comma there but I thought the sentence sounded weird and would be wrong if I just left it like that so I put a dot right above the comma in hopes that a semicolon would make it make sense."
Teacher: *Laughing hysterically* "Oh, babycakes, I guess that didn't work out."
Me: "No, apparently not."
...Was I just called "babycakes"? Hahahaha I love that. ..I miss that.
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Randoms say the darndest things.
"When someone says 'YOLO' they're basically about to die. Example: 'About to go jump off a cliff! YOLO.' She's gonna die. Or 'Going 150mph down the highway! YOLO.' Him? About to die. Or how about 'Going to go tell off my mom! YOLO.' Definitely about to die."
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Parachute? Psssht.
You don't need a parachute to skydive! You need a parachute to skydive twice.
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Dearest Females..
When in doubt if it’s a dress or a shirt, pick the latter and put some freaking pants on.
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