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Michael Mell gave up, after losing his only friend, Jeremy Heree
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Shouto Todoroki
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Male oc, son of Ariel
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Marie Antoinette
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More pen art
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Depressing art, don't like, then don't look.
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Sanders Sides
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More of my art
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I was going through my art, and decided to post some of it, rather than keep it hidden in my room.
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One year of being in space and fighting aliens. "When I say Vol, you say Tron. Vol," Lance said trying to get Keith to say it right, "Tr-" "Tron?" Keith said very confused. "You for it, Mullet," Lance says before doing something no one thought he would do. He hugged Keith. When the hug ended, Lance did something no one ever thought would happen to do with Keith. Lance kissed Keith on the lips. Keith and Lance both blushed deeply, then look away. Not sure what do to next. Little did they know that they are being watched. Watched by Pidge, Shiro, Hunk, Allura, and Coran from the distance, to be exact. "Finally," Pidge exclaimed. She was so happy that they are starting to figure out their feelings. "I was starting to wonder how long it was going to figure it out," Hunk said looking at the two blushing palidians. "Shiro, you owe me twenty dollars. You said that they would get together next year," Allura said with her hand sticking out, waiting for the money to be handed over. "Hold on, they only kissed and have to figure out what to do now. So, I don't owe you anything, yet," Shiro said looking away from the blushing couple. He really don't care if he lost his money, on his brother's happyness. "The human ways of romance is weird," Allura exclaimed looking at the rest of the palidians and Coran now. "How do the Alteanians do romance?" Pidge questioned wondering what was life like on Altea. "A bunch of suitors and marriage offers. Or that could just be me as a princess," Allura says calmly looking around at her palidians. "So like the older days on earth," Hunk says as statement rather than a quetion. "Oh, come on let's talk about this later and watch the Klance ship sail at this moment," Shiro said wanting to know what was wanting to know what was happening with his brother and possible future boyfriend. When they looked back they were leaving to go train. "I will go ask Keith about his feelings for Lance. Hunk, you and Pidge go bug Lance till he tells you about his feelings for Keith. Don't stop till he tells you," Shiro said trying to push them off after Lance to find the answers about what is going on with those two, or what was going to happen in the future. "We have to make sure that they are alone when we talk to them about. So wait in till they finish training," Coran said knowing that they both train for along time. Coran left to fix something else on the ship. "So after we eat?" Pidge questioned looking at Shiro and Allura for answers. "Till then, we shall leave them alone. Maybe by then they will figure out how they feel," said Allura said like a loving Space Mom that she is. She may not admit it to the others, but they have become like her's and Shiro's children. Like a parent, she doesn't pick favorites. But if she did, it would end up Lance and Keith. Even if she was hard on him for being half Galra, which was something that he couldn't control. After a long few weeks of fighting against Zarkon, they finally got a chance to talk to the pair. "Hey, Lance. What is going on with you and Keith? You two haven't been fighting for a few weeks now, not that we mind this new way of how you two act around each other. We just need to know why the change," Hunk said looking at his friend wondering if they finally got together. "Okay, you got me. Keith and I are dating. The fighting stopped when I confessed that I have feelings for Keith. Then he needed time to think so, I gave it to him," Lance said with dreamingly eyes. As he recalled the moment. It still felt like a dream. But he knew that is really happening. Just like how he thought that he was dreaming when he saw Keith again, and when they went into space. "My ship has sailed," Pidge exclaimed with glee. She was happy that Lance has found someone that makes him happy. He is as much as of a brother as Matt, her real brother. "But, you can't tell anyone else. Got it? Netheir Keith or I are fully out of the closet. I told my family that I am bisexual, and now you two know as well. Keith figure it out, kind of after I told him. He was confused if I was gay, bi, or something else. Anyway, Keith never had a family to come out to. He had Shiro, but I am guessing Shiro knows that he is gay. He needs to have someone to support him, and that is me, the supportive boyfriend that I can be for him," Man e said lovingly sincerely. "Okay we got it. We won't tell anyone," Hunk said knowing that at that moment that Keith was talking to Shiro about Lance. "We have to go train, right Hunk?" Pidge lies knowing that they had to talk to Shiro about what each group learned. "He, and I swear that we won't tell anyone," Hunk said as he pulled Pidge away from Lance, so that could go find Shiro. Meanwhile Shiro was about to ask Keith about Lance. "So, you and Lance?" Shiro asks knowing that his little brother was in love with the other boy. He happy with the boy, who just might be his love of his life. They could over time get married, hopefully the war will be over by then. "What about us?" Keith said trying to figure out what his big brother is talking about. "Did you finally ask him out?" Shiro said looking extremely interested in his love life. "Yep, we are dating. So what, is that all you wanted to talk about?" Keith said knowing what his brother was going to say next. "Yes, be safe and use protection," Shiro said turning into the Space Dad that he is. "We haven't. Were not that far. We just started dating," Keith said. "And I don't want to have this conversation with you." With that Keith ran away to, what Shiro would guess would be, Lance's room. Keith barged into Lance's room. Lance imbraced his boyfriend. "Okay, they seemed to have figured us out, Lance. Before I was ready to tell the others," Keith wines as he snuggled deeper into Lance's chest. "It will be okay, I know it will," Lance said before kissing the top of Keith's head. "I hope that you are right," Keith said knowing that he is likely right about this sort of thing. "When have I ever been wrong?" Lance said, " don't you dare answer that question. Or no cuddles for a month." "Lance, we lost track of time in our first few months of being space. So jokes on you, and you would miss the cuddles, too," Keith said knowing that it's true. "Your right," Lance mutters into Keith's hair before they fall asleep on the bed like that. Shiro soon realized after Keith ran off, he knew he had to know what the others discovered from Lance. He raced off to find the others. "They are dating but they want us all to know for right now, and Allura here is your money that I owed you from this bet," Shiro said not caring as long as his little brother is happy. "Let me guess, you went all Space Was on Keith, and he ran away from you," Allura exclaimed knowing that very well that he did that. "Your no better Space Mom," Pidge exclaimed knowing that she could go all Space Mom, she had personally felt her mom-ness. "Neither are you, my Space Daughter," Allura exclaimed before she started to laugh at what is going on with them. "Well, we should check Klance. Let's go find them," Hunk countered knowing that the others would agree. When they walked into Lance's room, after checking the training room and Keith's room, Keitb snuggles deeper into Lance's chest, and Lance pulled him closer to himself. Everyone took pictures with the phones that Pidge and Hunk made for them. They all sent a copy to the couple's phones, that where on Lances dresser far, from the happy couple. They then decided to leave them to be till morning, knowing that Coran would wonder where the two where. But they couldn't let him know. Someone had to be the one to not know about these two being together. The next morning, Keith wakes up first. "Lance wake up," Keith said as he started to shake Lance awake. "What is it morning already, babe?" Lance asked trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. "Yep, we should probably tell everyone else. Who did you tell, Lance?" Keith asks a now fully awake Lance. "I more of confirmed Pidge and Hunk's theory. So, I guess I told them. Why? Did you tell anyone?" Lance asked knowing that the only person that Keoth would tell would be Shiro. "Hunk and Pidge ship us, as well as the others, who probably all know by now," Keith said looking down, "and I also only told Shiro. Which was a huge mistake. Since he is our Space Dad, and all." "Wait, did he give you the talk, but the gay edition?" Lance asks knowing that Keith doesn't know the gay edition even existed before now. "He only implied that we are having sex early in our relation ship," Keith said before asking, "wait, there is a gay edition? Why did no one tell me. Before Lance could come up with a flirty comeback, Pidge entered with her hands over her eyes. "Um, Pidgey, what are you doing?" Lance asks wondering how she would know that his boyfriend was in his room. "I didn't know if you and Keith are wearing clothes or not. So, I am not taking any chances. So are you or are you two not wearing clothes?" Pidge said still covering her eyes. "We are wearing our clothes. So what do you want?" Keith asked knowing that she knew that he was sitting on the bed, just know the part about being in Lance's lap till she opened her eyes. Pidge squealed at seeing them so close and affectionate. She squealed louder when Lance kissed the top of Keith's head. Keith blushed deeper that the read on his jacket which was sitting on top of his and Lance's phones that Pidge and Hunk made. Lance's jacket was on top of Keith's, so the didn't notice that they were sent a few messages with the pictures from last night. "So, why are you here Pidge?" Lance asks knowing that it was likely to inform them about a meal or training or they are being attacked. "Oh, right. I came to tell you that it is in fact breakfast time," Pidge said before muttering, "and everyone knows except Coran." Keith understaded what Pidge had said. Keith look Panicked, and Lance was confused what Pidge had said that would make Keith panic. Pidge soon realized that she forgot that was part galra, so his senses are better than to a plain human's. "What was that Pidge?" asked a extremely confused Lance. "I said Hunk wants us all there for breakfast, 'cause he is trying extremely hard to make pancakes. Which is hard since he is using stuff from space rather than from Earth. Which is hard no matter how hard Allura trys to explain what is what or how many translations Coran or Allura give him," Pidge lied then started to laugh because it was truly happening, but it wasn't what she said. She knew Keith unstud what she had said the first time. But she didn't care if he heard her, as long as Lance didn't hear. It was too funny seeing him confused. She knew that Keith would agree with her on that. "Okay, we will be down in a few ticks," Lance said trying to get her to leave so he could ask Keith what she really said. Pidge left knowing that they were going to talk a bit then change before coming to eat. "So, what did she really say?" Lance asked his amazing boyfriend. "They all know about us, except for Coran," Keith said looking at the man who just might be the love of his life, for the rest of his life. "So, how should this go down?" Lance asked knowing Keith probably did have a plan for if this were to happen, like it did. "We can walk in like we don't realize that they are in there, and be affectionate till someone says something. But don't go too far with it or we will be embrassed. Got it?" Keith said knowing that Lance would agree to the plan since he loves being affectionate to him. "Okay, got it. No going to far, or Space Dad might go crazy, got it," Lance said agreeing his love's plan. They got changed and grabbed their jackets. They notice their phone's have messages that they check. "So, Pidge was right. They all know basically about us, and they took pictures of us in our sleep. But you have to admit that they took pictures that show how cute we are together," Lance said as he wrapped his arm around Keith waist then planted a kiss on Keith's cheek. "Shut up, Sharpshooter," Keith said as he just started to blush deeper. "Whatever you say, Samiri" Lance said kissing the top of his head making him blush more. They continued this cuteness till the entered the dinning room, then the kicked it up ten times more cute. Lance planted a kiss on Keith's face after he complimented him. They started using their nicknames for each other. Then to top it off Lance pulled Keith into a kiss on the lips, knowing very well that the others were in the room. When the kiss ended, Lance kissed the top of Keith's head before saying, "I love you, Samiri." "I love you too, Sharpshooter," Keith said before planting a kiss on Lance's cheack. "Oh, we didn't realize that you guys were here yet," Lance lied before looking back at Keith. "Well, morning everyone," Keith said blushing deeper than before. "Did I push it too far?" Lance asked the love of his life. "Just a little bit, but that is fine," Keith said before planting another kiss on Lance's cheack. "So, what is going with you guys?" Lance asked knowing that someone would freak out and scream with the happiness of them getting together. "You two are together?" Coran asked clearly confused about what is going on. "Yep, Keith and I are dating," Lance said lifting up their hands that hadn't let go of the other since they left their room(don't tell Shiro about the room sharing). "About time," Coran screamed. That was not what they expected of him to say. Everyone bursted out laughing about Coran's comment, since they all were waiting for those two to figure out their feelings. After everyone collected their breath Shiro said, "Just so you know Lance, if you hurt my baby brother I will hurt you." "Good thing, that I don't ever plan on hurting him," Lance says looking lovingly into Keith's eyes. No one expect that they're relationship was going to last as long as it did. Two years of being together as of today. The most unexpected thing that would ever happen after their first kiss two years ago. "Keith will you marry me?" Lance asked down on one knee. He ask Shiro a few months ago for promistion to marry Keith. Shiro said yes, and here we are now, waiting for Keith's answer. They didn't know that the rest of the team were watching from a safe distance. "Yes. Yes, Lance I will marry you," Keith exclaimed as Lance put the band onto his finger. Keith kissed Lance, getting so excited about he is going to marry the love of his life. Three months later, the war is now officialy over. So they could all return to earth for a while to see their families, who missed them or thought that they were dead. Or in Keith's case still in space(his mom) and dead(his dad), he still has his Space family and his adoptive parents who didn't really know if he was alive. It was time for the happy couple to get married, on earth. Lance wanted his huge family to see their wedding. Keith went along with it to make Lance happy. But too make them both happy Space Dad would make it official. After Lance's whole family deemed that Keith is good enough for their Lance, they had their dream wedding. "Do you, Keith Kogane take Lance McClain to be your lawfully wedded husband as long as you both shall live?" Space Was asked knowing that they would live long happy lives. "I do," Keith said with a huge smile on his face. "Do you, Lance McClain take Keith Kogane to be your lawfully wedded husband as long as both shall live? So help me if you hurt him, well you know very well what will happen," Shiro said knowing that Lance would never try to hurt as long as he was alive. "I do," Lance said not even fazed by the fact that his to be brother in law was threatening him. He was used to it from his years of dating Keith in space. "You may kiss each other," Shiro say before muttering, " it's not like we don't see that enough as it is." After a while of being married, they realize that they want kids. But sadly they couldn't have kids of their own DNA. So the decided to adopt, well they could physically have kids with something that Coran made but they were not going to trust it. After a year of trying to adopt a kid, they end up with twins that are from earth. They loved their son Nico, and daughter Biancia so much(sorry for adding them in as Percy Jackson characters). The war may have been over, but they still had to protect the universe from evil. So they still lived on the ship. They told their kids stories of earth, they didn't know what it was like on earth since they were adopted as babies and have been living on the ship since. Allura and Shiro became their god parents/ their Space Grandparents. Hunk and Pidge were their Space Uncle and Space Aunt. Shay and Hunk got married and had a son their age, named Will(sorry, not sorry about the names). Pidge met a guy on earth who was just as big of nerd(sorry, couldn't think of another word to describe both of them when I first wrote this), his name was Charles Becondorf(sorry, not sorry). They had twins. Their names are, Percy and Tyson(extremely not sorry). They kids didnt know what earth was like since the only place they knew to call home, was the castle. So their parents decided to show them what their lives were like before the night under the stars. It started of as a one time thing but everyone started to miss their families more, so they started to visit more. (PS.What happens on those trips will be another story, just like the whole thing on wanting kids, also I will do one where they do go with Coran's idea on how they could have kids. I have so many ideas for all of these stories.) (PSS. The names were not used in my original writing. Then when I tried to think of names, all I could think about where from my Solangelo fic that I am currently writing. That may over time be also posted here, we will see once I am done. Till then. Bye)
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When your mask slips for just a moment. Soon everyone sees how broken you really are. Let that mask slip. You can get help. Just speak up.
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