fritoshrimp · 1 year
Mine again
I wanted his love. It was such a selfish desire, I knew it, my friends knew it, hell even he knew it, and yet I couldn't bring myself to let him go. I needed his affection. If he'd let me, I'd replace his every thought of her, retrace every touch she'd ever made on his skin. Anything to make him mine again.
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fritoshrimp · 1 year
Tell me I'm not alone
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fritoshrimp · 1 year
I'm the shy girl that sits in the back of her class
the one no one notices, yup the one with the glasses
I hate introductions, because I tend to hyperfocus on your every reaction
And just thinking of presentations makes my anxiety skyrocket 
I want to be part of the laughter but I'm afraid if I'm boring you'll leave me right after and that would be disastrous 
So I prefer to be silent and smile a lot and sometimes I'm caught in between if I should smile or not
Social anxiety really is too much that's why if you need me you can find me in my thoughts 
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fritoshrimp · 1 year
Paranoia is sinking in again
Everything in me is leaking onto the surface
Your gaze is making me nervous
You can hear it can you?
My inner thoughts 
Fear is creeping in again
The voices are getting louder
They're in the walls
Across the halls
Reality doesn't feel so real anymore 
If you only knew what went through my mind would you believe me then?
You call me crazy
Perhaps I am
Perhaps I'm not
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fritoshrimp · 1 year
I want to dream
The places you'll take me
The people I'll meet
The lands we'll discover
In this new world,
Show me what beauty we can create 
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fritoshrimp · 2 years
Silent Anger
Temper Temper I have a million things to say but not a single soul to tell
Anger Anger The night is quiet but my mind is whispering louder and louder and it's finally piercing the silence
It's taking over me, this feeling,
Can you feel it?
Or is it reality?
Rage Rage These building blocks are falling around me like an impenetrable wall, dragging me in and closing me in. 
The sunlight is just over the horizon,but inside me, dark clouds surround me
I'm losing control, no ray of hope, my emotions overriding everything like a defection 
Uncertainty Uncertainty There is much to say but your so far out of my reach, that these words remain locked inside me
If only, if only
You could stop to listen to my silent anger!
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fritoshrimp · 2 years
"I have a million things to say, but not a single soul to tell."
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fritoshrimp · 2 years
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Bloody Rose
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Elezar couldn't ignore the beautiful women before him. She was like a delicate rose with thorns at her stem. She might be pleasing to the eye, perhaps even carrying a sweet fragrance, but if you touched her or held her in your hands, you'd feel the pain instantly and she'd paint your hands in blood just like the color of her petals.
Even so, she piqued his interest. Like a tiger observing its prey, he watched her as she waved goodbye to a woman and leaned against a pillar to sip her drink alone. He inwardly smiled. Perfect. He walked towards her with elegance and most importantly confidence. He grabbed a drink from a passing waiter and stepped into her line of sight.
Her bright blue eyes locked onto his as soon as she noticed him. They were calm but alert just like his eyes he thought. No, scratch that. His eyes were more dangerous. Could she feel it? Could she feel the dominance in him? The strength that wanted to overpower hers?
"I couldn't help but come to greet a new guest at my establishment. Would I be wrong to assume you're here to make connections? Information is power after all." 
She looked him over before answering him, " Am I that obvious?" Her lips twitched as she held on to his gaze not showing a single inclination of weakness. The way he liked it.
"Only to the one who built this place." He smiled coolly. "I'm Elezar Mendoza by the way, it's a pleasure to meet you, Ms.?"
"Emma Vinnera," she said and held out a hand.
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fritoshrimp · 2 years
Why do I instinctively write douchebags as male leads?
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fritoshrimp · 2 years
What if you pick a quote you can see your character saying and build dialogue based on that tone and emotion.
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fritoshrimp · 2 years
There's a ton brick on my back
My feet are shackled to the ground
There is laughter in my face as you tell me I'm not worth living
I crack a wicked smile 
Do you really think I've come this far to die like this?
Do you really think my endless nights of suffering have boiled down to this?
So when you look at me with triumph 
And tell me to disappear from this world 
I can't help but smile
Let me whisper in your ear the words you never expected
"fuck you bitch"
I'll tear these chains from the earth
Even if the pain is unbearable 
I stand to my knees despite the weight
Even as tears cascade down my face
All has gone hell
But damn it if I let you have the last laugh
The fact I'm still here
Means you've underestimate me once again
Even if it's just another day
I'll hold on to my precious life
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fritoshrimp · 2 years
The moment you looked at me with those eyes
I became that which I despise
My dignity caught by the need of acceptance
Your deviant smile lures me to a death sentence
I ignore the red flags with a kiss
I'll give you what you desire that what you can't resist
I sink into the furthest part of my mind
And let you love me the way they always do
Please tell me you need me, tell me I'm beautiful too
This is shameful believe me I know
But this is the love
The only one I know
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fritoshrimp · 2 years
Caged dove
The door was left opened
So I spread my wings wide open
I was ready for flight
Across the starry night
When I felt the sadness of the living
The hatred of the breathing
Taking over my psyche 
Suffocating me quietly
There was laughter
It said, what where you after?
It was not a blessing but a lesson 
For a beautiful caged dove
Coming down from up above
You weren't meant for the wild
He said with a smile
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fritoshrimp · 2 years
The doors are closed
But I can feel them surface
From beneath the cracks
Like slithering serpents
Vipers ready to attack
I hear their laughter
And it's clawing at my heart
What are they after?
I feel exposed like a a snail without a shell
Nowhere to hide
Im still a child inside
My most intimate thoughts
For them to see
Entertainment for their eyes
As I toss and turn at night
Contemplating whether I should die
Indeed they are monsters in disguise.
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fritoshrimp · 2 years
An Apology To God
You know me best
You know why I am here
The need for attention is so clear
They won't listen
So I ask for your attention
The only one who will hear
My heart
In front of this audience
I come to you with an apology
I been arrogant these days
And I avoid you every day
Because I can't commit
You are so perfect
How can I ever be like them?
The ones who are devoted to you
I can't do a rosary
Or pray everyday
Depression has me hostage
But it was never your fault
Forgive me for blaming you
And being so distant
So angry and selfish
Forgive me for not being strong
Like the prophets
Please show mercy to me
Like that women in the fountain
When you looked in her eyes
Did you see me?
With gentle eyes
And a knowing smile
I ache for your embrace
Tell me it's okay
To be who I am
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fritoshrimp · 2 years
Snippet of short story
I never thought I'd be convicted of a crime.
Nor did I ever think I'd be descending the stairs of a dungeon.
The same stairwell thieves from fantasy books walked down.
An unpleasant odor of decay and urine draws me out of my mind. To stop the gagging, I hold my breath until my lungs decide to fail me –I've never felt so betrayed. 
The stench was intense. So much that I paused mid-step, only to have the guard behind me push me roughly.
"Keep up, we don't want to be down here longer than we need to." He growled like an angry Chihuahua from hell.
"Listen, it was a big misunderstanding. This isn't even my world!" I said through measured breathing. It was going to take a while to get used to the smell.
"Silence bandit, when the king speaks. His word becomes law. And the law states you to be thrown into the dungeon."
"Silence!" I feel a unexpected pain in my back. The guard had struck me with the hilt of his sword.
"Next time I use the blade." The Chihuahua from hell threatened.
I decided it was best to keep my mouth shut for now.
As my feet meet the cobbled floor I feel a sense of dread. Maybe it was the realization that this was real. 
The room was dark with small lanterns lighting the walls. The narrow hall had cells lined down the path.
I heard creaking and shuffling.
It's like those horror games where you're led to an abandoned asylum with a switchblade you found on a dead carcass.
I felt vulnerable.
Then I noticed it. I was being watched. I saw two pairs of eyes fixed on me –Make that ten.
The prisoners cling to the bars and rattled them.
"This one won't last!" One cackled like a hyena.
"Four days."
More laughter until the guards finally decided to stop them.
"Enough! Or does anyone want to join Mytos tonight?" At that, they go silent. Some withdraw into their cells while others just keep staring.
I wondered who Mytos was. by the sound of it, he wasn't good company.
I began to feel distressed. What could I do to get out? This whole situation was unreal. Before I can feel the weight of the world on my shoulders, I uplift myself.
I could do this. I just had to hold out a little longer. I would find a way out of this place. I just needed to be patient.
We abruptly stopped in front of a cell.
The guard that was behind me walked toward the door and opened it with a silver key. Even the keys were cliche. He held a hundred keys in a single keyring holder. How could anyone distinguish them?
The guard proceeded to grab me, his fingers sank into my skin, and without sympathy he shoved me inside the cell. 
I stumbled and fell awkwardly on my knees. I let out a hiss at the sting from the impact.
"This is your cell until the hearing. The king will decide then if you live or die. See ya then." 
"Wait" I stopped him. "What about these?" I raised my bounded wrist.
The Chihuahua from hell, whom I can see now, stroked his dark beard. 
"I could take them off but it would be more amusing seeing you helpless. Maybe if you can make it past the first few days I'll take them off." He laughed and shut the gate.
How was I supposed to do anything with my hands tied? Anger rouse in my chest, burning my cheeks as he walked away with two other guards dressed in their ridiculous armor.
I bet no woman loves you!" This is what I wanted to say. Instead, I sat quietly and watched them disappear.
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fritoshrimp · 2 years
I'm close to the edge once more 
It pushes me further
Untill I'm losing my mind
And my thoughts become scattered
And my memories become fragments
Then it drags me under
And drowns me with fear
Untill my delusions become real
And I'm trapped in a sea of predatory thoughts 
In the corners of my mind
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