frozenwonders · 7 years
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My names Blurryface, take it slow
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frozenwonders · 7 years
Pairing: no pairing
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, John Winchester, Y/N littlesis! Winchester
Warnings: John (?), swearing, violence
Summary: You´re littlesis Winchester and live with your two older brothers Sam (18 y/o) and Dean (22 y/o), and your father. You have a very close relationship with your brothers, but the same can´t be said about you and your father. What will happen, when on one evening your own father hits you?
Word count: 2467
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A/N: Hello everyone! Heads up, I don´t really like John. At all. And you´ll see it pretty clearly while reading this. I absolutely love angst, so you´ll also see a lot of it too in this story. And also english isn´t my first language, so I´m very sorry about all the possible grammar mistakes! Either way, I hope you guys like it!
 I guess I wasn´t in the best terms with John… I mean my father. He had always hated me, why? You may ask. Well it´s quite simple actually. I´m a girl, that´s why. He never wanted a girl, he wanted three sons. Even though his relationship with Sam and Dean, wasn´t perfect, he wanted for them to stay around, he didn´t want to hunt alone. But for me? He thought I was useless. He always wanted me to come hunting, probably hoping something would kill me someday, but Dean and Sam wouldn´t let that happen. That´s because they care for me, they love me, and always said that hunting was too dangerous. John had started training me sense I was five years old! I knew I could handle it. So yeah, that is my life, having two overprotective older brothers, and one drunk careless father.
 I looked in to the mirror, my everyday look was complete. Black leggings, AC/DC t-shirt, black leatherjacket, little bit of makeup and my dark brown hair pulled into a messy bun. At the moment we were living in a detached house in a small town in Iowa. The main reason we came here, is because there´s a big vampire nest that needs to be taken care of. I hate that I have to change schools so often, so i´m happy that we get to stay here for at least three months. I exit my room and start to make my way towards kitchen. “Good morning princess!” Dean says as I step inside the kitchen. “Morning.” I reply. Sam kisses the top of my head as I pass him on my way to the fridge. I take yoghurt and sit down next to Dean. “I´m sorry we won´t be able to pick you up after school today.” Dean said. “We´ll be going on hunt straight after dropping you off at school and we´ll be back pretty late” I scooped yoghurt in my mouth. “Yeah that´s okay, I´ll just take the bus.” I smiled at Dean. “Why can´t you take the bus to school then?” Grumpy looking John said as he stepped in to the room. I sighed, he had a bad day, once again… “No, we can take her to school just fine.” Sam said. John muttered something and walked out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee. “We better get going kiddo, go get your bag.” Dean said. “Oh right, I´ll also brush my teeth, it´ll only take a second!” Sam laughed, “That´s what you always say and end up being late from school.”
 ~~Time Skip~~
 Thank gosh, school day had finally come to an end. I put my books in my bag from my locker, and started making my way to bus. People still gave me weird looks in school, not just because I was still kinda new around here, but because I was different, I was pretty much the only one who dressed the way I dressed. All the other girls were so, well… girly. But I didn’t care, I liked my style, I liked being little different, even though it was pretty hard making friends. “Hello there you hottie.” The school´s biggest jerk said as he sat next to me on a bus seat. “Hello there you fuckboy who I don´t recall wanting to talk to.” I said and put on my earbuds. “C´mon babygirl, talk to me.” He said and took my other earbud off. “No, leave me alone!” I said and looked out of the window.
  After for what felt like forever, I finally got to home. As expected no one was home yet. I went upstairs to my room and started doing my homework. At 6pm I was done and decided to go get some food. I made a sandwich and went to living room and started watching Grey´s Anatomy.
 It was already 8pm and I was getting a little worried, why were they taking so long? A loud BANG from the door startled me and a very drunk John made his way through the door. “Oh, hey dad. You scared me.” I said. His eyes found me and he looked very angry. “Is everything okay? Where´s Sam and Dean?” I asked worriedly. He took a big swig from a bottle of some hard liquor I just noticed he had in his hand. “I don´t know. And I don´t care.” He slurred. I stood up. “What do you mean you don´t know?” I said a little louder this time. “Are they hurt? What happened?!” I could see the boiling anger rising in his eyes. I got a little scared, he has never looked this mad before. “I left! I couldn´t bother to stay there. It isn´t my fucking fault that your brothers let one vampire get away. They can deal with rest of the nest by themselves!” He shouted. I took a step forward, now getting angry myself. “How the hell could you do that?! You can´t just leave them alone with a whole nest! What kind of a father does that?!” I screamed at him. All the sudden he threw the bottle on to a wall and glass went everywhere. “Don´t you dare talk to your father like that you worthless little bitch!” He shouted and raised his fist and hit me hard on my cheek. I instantly fell to the floor and felt horrible pain in my head, but also on my hands and back because the glass on the floor had cut wounds on my skin. I cried out in pain as John pulled my head up with my hair. “You are nothing. You´re absolutely worthless. I wish you were never born!” He yelled and dropped me on to the floor. “And if you say ANYTHING to your brothers, I will kill you!” He shouted and kicked me hard on my stomach and started walking to his room.
 I was shaking and crying on the floor. How could he do something like that? He has yelled at me before, but he has never physically hurt me before. I was so scared and weak. But then I realized, Sam and Dean could come home any minute and they couldn´t see me like this. I couldn´t even imagine what John would do if Sam and Dean found out. He´s probably quite literally kill me. My first attempt trying to stand up failed and I fell back on the floor. Second time I succeeded even though my head kept spinning. I went to my bathroom and looked myself on the mirror. There was a little cut on my cheek, but that would be easy to cover up. There wasn´t a bruise on my cheek… at least yet. There was few cuts on my arms and hands and on my back. I cleaned my cuts and covered up the one on my cheek. I raised my shirt and realized that there was going to a big bruise on my stomach tomorrow.
  I pulled on a sweater and decided to go downstairs to clean up the glass from the floor. I had just come downstairs and was about to start picking up the glass when I saw front door opening. Oh no! What am I going to do? “Hey Y/N/N” “Hello princess.” Sam and Dean greeted me. I went to hug them. “What took you so long? I was so worried.” They both embraced me. “I´m so sorry Y/N that we didn´t call. When dad left we were so busy that there was just no time to call.” Sam explained. “Yeah, it was hella big of a nest!” Dean added. I stepped behind from the hug. “It´s okay, i´m just happy that you aren´t hurt.” I said relieved. “Where´s dad Y/N?” Sam asked angrily. “Umm… he´s in his room.” I said with shaky breath. Dean and Sam both looked at me worriedly. “Y/N/N is everything okay? Sam said. “Yeah, you don´t look so well dear.” Dean added. I put on most realistic smile I could. “Yes i´m fine! Everything´s okay!” I said and turned around to go somewhere. That´s when Sam saw it. “Y/N. Why is there broken glass and blood on the floor?” He said with an extremely worried voice. I turned around and tried to figure out what to say. Dean couldn´t find words to say anything, he just stood there, looking at me and the glass. “ I accidentally dropped a glass and then stepped on it… I was just about to clean it up.” I explained. Sam and Dean both looked at me thinking something. “No Y/N, what really happened?” Sam repeated. “I told you. It´s the truth. It was just an accident!” I replied a little bit too fast. “Are you sure that everything´s okay?” Dean asked. “Yes I am! Don´t worry guys.” I smiled and started picking up the glass. Sam and Dean sat on the couch and put the tv on.
 When I was done cleaning up the glass I heard John coming downstairs. I was so scared to see him that I went to sit between Sam and Dean on the couch. Even though I was more scared than I had ever been, I felt a little more safe when Sam put his arm around me. “I see the whoole family is together.” John slurred. “Are you drunk?” Dean said angrily and stood up. “And what if I am?” He replied back. “You left me and Sam alone to deal with a huge nest of vampires just to go get drunk! Then you get your drunk ass home where your daughter is! What the hell is wrong with you?!” Dean yelled. Sam took better hold of me because he knew that I hated seeing either one of them fighting with John. I buried my head in Sam´s chest. “I can do whatever the hell I want! I´m your father, you can´t tell me what to do!” John shouted. “Get out. At least for the night. We don´t want you here that drunk. Y/N is scared of you, so come back when you´re sober.” Sam said. “I couldn´t care less if that little bitch is scared!” His rough words went right through me. “GET OUT!” Dean shouted louder than he had ever before. With burning anger in his eyes. John stood there silent for a minute and then walked out of the house.
 As soon as the door was closed, I felt tears running down my cheeks. Dean turned around and the second he saw my tears, his anger vanished and he rushed on the couch beside me. “Shh Y/N, don´t cry. Everything´s okay, he´s gone.” He said and pulled me in his arms. I cried in Dean´s embrace for a while and then stood up. “I´m tired, I think I´m going to bed.” I said, and wiped the last tear from the corner of my eye. Sam and Dean both also stood up and hugged me once more. “Good night princess.” “Good night Y/N/N, we love you.” “I love you too.” I smiled and went to my room.
 I couldn´t sleep at all. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw John, fist up in the air, ready to hit me. I couldn´t even enjoy that it was saturday, because I knew, that John would come back today. I left my comfortable bed behind me, and went to the kitchen. Sam and Dean were still asleep, and I was relieved that John hadn´t come back yet. I grabbed some orange juice and toast and sat on the table. “Good morning Y/N/N.” I heard Sam say behind me. “Morning.” I said without looking at him, I was too focused on the magazine I was reading. Apparently some woman got put in prison for 15 years for a crime she didn´t commit. The article was quite fascinating. “Y/N! Can you hear me? I just asked you where´s the cereal?” Sam laughed. “Oh yeah, they´re on the middle shelf beside the oven.” I said. As soon as I rose my head and faced Sam, his smile dropped. He stared at me silently for a minute and then asked.
“Y/N, why do you have a terrible bruise on your cheek?” His voice was quiet and his look was extremely worried. I had completely forgotten to cover up my bruise! What was I going to do?! I was starting to freak out. I couldn´t come up with any lie, I was too scared. “What´s going on in here?” Dean walked in the room. He stopped dead on his tracks when he saw my cheek. “Y/N, what is that?” He said, now in a low serious voice. I couldn´t keep it in anymore. I had to tell them, I was too terrified, too scared. I fell on my knees on to the floor and burst out crying. “I-I-I´m s-so sorry.” I cried and buried my face in my hands. Immediately Sam and Dean were on my side. “Y/N tell us, what happened.” Sam tried to soothe me. I couldn´t say a full sentence because of my sobbing so I tried to calm down a little. “Dad… He...” “He did what?” Dean said, now anger rising in his voice. “He hit me.” I cried out. “WHAT!?” They both practically yelled. “W-when he came home last night, drunk, I-I started yelling at him for leaving you guys alone, and t-then he got mad at me and he h-hit me…” I said between the sobs. “Sam and Dean pulled me in their arms and tried to calm me down. “I´m so sorry Y/N… I´m so sorry.” Sam said repeatedly. Dean stayed silent, but when I looked up, I saw tear running down his cheek.
 When I had finally stopped crying we all stood up. “We´re leaving.” Dean said, and Sam nod at him as a sign of agreement. “What do you mean?” I asked confused. “He hit you Y/N. I won´t let anyone near you, who has hurt you. We´ll leave, go somewhere. Get a new place to live in.” “He was a horrible father anyways, we won´t need him for anything.” Sam added. “Thank you. Thank you so much.” I said. Dean kissed the top of my head and said “Anything for you princess. Now, go get your stuff, we´re leaving as soon as possible.”
 We had been driving for about an hour now. I had kept me eyes on the view the whole time. Everything was about to change. I would never again have to see someone who hated me every day. I would never again have to hear those terrible words come out of his mouth. I would never again have to be scared to go home. Not having a mother sucks. But not having a father, is way better, than having a horrible one.
      A/N: Well there you guys go! My first ever fanfiction. Please tell me what did you think! As an beginner I absolutely need feedback, so I would reaaally appreciate it if you guys could tell me what you liked about the story and what do I need to work on. Also as I said, english isn´t my first language so you can always correct my grammar. Anyways, I hope you really liked the story and I would be soo happy if you would leave me some requests!
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frozenwonders · 8 years
first things first. 
you NEED to go listen to this. this is one of the most incredible things i´ve ever heard. i don´t even have words to describe it.
 just. go. listen. to. this. right. now.
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frozenwonders · 8 years
hello everyone and welcome to my blog-thingy. this isn´t my first tumblr site, i have also my personal account, but this will be more about the things i love and i´ll also post some fanfiction! i´d love if you guys could send me some requests!
 i´m just a lil nerdy unicorn from somewhere faaar away.
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my life consists from the following things
Twenty One Pilots
netflix overall
but i also love:
Dan and Phil
Arctic Monkeys
My Chemical Romance
Fall Out Boy
Green Day
Gossip Girl (lol)
Doctor Who
all kinds of nerdy stuff eh
sooo if you guys are interested in the same things as me, you should probably stay around, yeah? 
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