fuelforcreativity · 6 years
let’s get this beautiful bread boy
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fuelforcreativity · 6 years
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I made a difference in the world!
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fuelforcreativity · 6 years
Life Update:
So I know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted on here, and I apologize for that. I’m in my final year of high school and I’ve been focusing mainly on that. Also getting lots of sleep because my sleeping schedule is always out of wack. However, I’m planning on posting more. It might not be all stories or poems, but maybe just little “journal entry” type things to portray how I’m feeling. Hope this works for y’all 💕
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fuelforcreativity · 6 years
You’ll never love me
Not the way I do
Because I’m nothing
Compared to the way he has you
You said the words
I thought they were true
But now they’re nothing
The longer he has you
One lethargic night
Those words that made me feel
I thought that you might..
But now I know that wasn’t real.
Fucking feelings drag me down
Wanna scream out down the phone
I was here, where was he?
Why choose him, why not me?
I know I’m not him. I’ll never be.
But know that promises hurt
Especially when they’re empty.
Now it’s lonely
You are through
No more games
She’s found the truth
How did you do it?
How did I miss it?
Where was I when you two started kissing?
Who’s keeping it going?
What’s your saving grace?
Why am I the one who keeps on fucking missing?
Betrayal is difficult
For all parties involved
Except for the lovers
Who’s puzzle goes unsolved
- Hey y’all! I know I haven’t posted in awhile, it’s really been a busy summer. But, summer’s over now basically. Back to school! (que collective groan of disappointment) But I’m gonna try my best to keep posting no matter how difficult it gets. Make sure to send me asks if you want me to write something for you! :) -
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fuelforcreativity · 6 years
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“We are all connected. We all know one another, even if we do not know it yet. You know your best friend, who’s cousin goes to the university near your house, which is the same university your mother went to to get her degree in business, where she was taught by a man who wrote a book that changed the person you just sold a bag of chips to from your job at a convenience store’s life. Everyone is interconnected in a tremendously massive spiderweb. Whether you know them currently, or knew them in the past, or have yet to meet them in the future. Every human being is connected. While someone may not currently be in your life, they were once. They changed your life, for better or for worse. Find your people. Make your life better.” -Connected- I had some fun with this one. Run on sentences are hard to read but, I think, are very fun to write. I remember as a kid I wrote an entire story in one sentence and my English teacher was so furious! [Photo description: A collage of nine photographs that I have taken. The top left is the ceiling of a dark cave covered in stalactites. Top middle is some old, wispy trees on the Grand Canyon. The top right is a murder of crows on and around a picnic table. The middle left is a close up picture of bright green leaves on a tree. The very centre of the collage is a picture of my dog, who is a medium sized Border Collie sheep dog. She has her right ear up and her left ear down. Attached to her harness is a blue and black checkered leash. The middle right is some white flowers on a bush. The bottom left is a bunch of green leaves on a tree. Bottom middle is a log laying in the bushes. Finally, bottom right is a close up photo of a dandelion in it’s seed spreading phase] #writersofinstagram #writer #author #writing #writingprompts #writingforfun #sendprompts #authorsofinstagram #books #stories #chapters #shortstories #poetry #writerslife #writerscommunity #community of writers #igwriter #wordgasm #photography #photographs #nature #animals #dogsofinstagram #dog #summer #spring #green #beautiful
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fuelforcreativity · 6 years
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“You are my rainbow. Stuck by my side, through thick and thin. Through my darkest stormy hours, you will appear to shed light on my life. I couldn’t survive without your multicoloured thoughts and mystical, shimmering aura. When your hand touches mine, I know my face turns red, but you are the rest of those beautiful hues that make up that striking crescent. We complete each other, like complimentary colours. Grade school art class, experimental entropy feeling. Yet you continue to blossom like those spring flowers in our own little garden of eden, bringing brightness to an otherwise inky black world.” -Rainbow- I’ve spent some time with a dear friend recently and it inspired me to write this. I hope my love for her is accurately written. #writersofinstagram #writer #author #writing #writingprompts #writingforfun #sendprompts #authorsofinstagram #books #stories #chapters #shortstories #poetry #writerslife #writerscommunity #community of writers #igwriter #wordgasm #rainbow #friendship #love #storm #rain #pride #spring #summer (at Edmonton, Alberta)
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fuelforcreativity · 6 years
Best Imaginary Buddy
“”Charles, buddy!” Friend greeted him, pulling him into a tight hug. Charles had felt less and less of those lately, and it was good to have that warm fuzzy feeling in his chest once again, even if it was from his definitely imaginary friend. “Hiya Friend! How’s it going?” Charles asked, squeezing Friend. His real life friends said hugging was lame. They also said having an imaginary friend was lame. So, Charles needed to convince Friend to go away so he could finally fit in. The boys at school would finally let him play soccer in the field at recess! “Same as always... AWESOMESAUCE!” Friend exclaimed, messing up the hair on Charles’ head before pulling back and looking excited. “Wanna play hide and seek? Or tag? Or space monster? Or maybe the floor is lava?!” Charles only sighed in return, and shifted his eyes to the floor. Friends face dropped and his eyebrows furrowed. “Charles? What’s wrong buddy?” Charles bit his lip. He knew he had to tell Friend to leave, but Friend only ever brought good times and warm fuzzies! “Nothing. Well, something. But you have to pinky promise not to get mad.” Friend’s pinky was poking out in front of his face before he even finished his sentence. “Whatever you want pal. I pinky promise. What’s up?” Charles sunk to the floor to sit in a pretzel shape, and Friend followed. “My friends at school think having an imaginary friend is lame. If you stay around, they’ll never let me play soccer with them!” Friend, who had been intently listening the entire time, looked as if he had just realized something. “I get it, Charles. I understand. That’s what happens to imaginary friends. You grow up, and don’t need us anymore. You make friends, and leave us behind. But, what you guys don’t understand is that we suffer too.” Friend reached behind himself to pull out his tail. Or, rather, what was left of his tail. It was fading away, like Marty’s family did in Back to the Future! Charles gasped, and reached out to touch it, but could not feel anything. “We fade away once you’ve forgotten us. Never to play again.” Tears welled up in Charles’ eyes. “No! That can’t happen! You’re my best friend, Friend!” Friend had a melancholy look resting upon his features. His rather vibrant colour scheme that covered his body seemed to be dulling slowly. His long, bunny-like ears drooped. “You’re my best friend too, pal,” Friend sighed. “Sadly, the only way for us to stay friends is for you to convince others that I am real. I know you don’t want to do that.” Charles suddenly jumped up, grabbing Friend’s arm while he did to pull him up with him. “Wha-“ Friend started, but Charles interrupted, with a determined look on his face. “You mean a whole lot to me, Friend. Even more than those stupid boys at school! I’m gonna help you out, and we can be friends forever!” A humongous smile spread across Friend’s face. “Really? You’d do that for me? You’re the best buddy I could have ever asked for.””
This was based on a prompt from https://thewritersacademy.co.uk/ that said “A child’s imaginary friend needs to convince the boy he’s real so he doesn’t disappear.” My story didn’t quite follow the prompt to a tee, but I think it got the point across! I really wanted to get the feeling of childhood across and how much you cared for your imaginary friend. Thanks for reading!
#writersofinstagram #writer #author #writing #writingprompts #writingforfun #sendprompts #authorsofinstagram #books #stories #chapters #shortstories #poetry #writerslife #writerscommunity #community of writers #igwriter #wordgasm #imaginaryfriend #childhood #nostalgia
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fuelforcreativity · 6 years
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“Her purrs are as loud as a motorcycle speeding down the freeway, but her meows are as soft and sweet as a baby’s laugh. The way her fur rubs against my leg when she’s looking for attention is like the worlds softest blanket. Even when she lays on my legs and I can’t get up until she leaves, I’ll still love her for as long as I live.” -Peggy- I’ve always loved similes, so I decided to make a super short piece on my Grandma’s cat based around them. Hope you liked it! [Photo description: Peggy, a grey striped tabby cat, lays on a multi-coloured cushion in a deep sleep. She almost looks to be smiling] #writersofinstagram #writer #author #writing #writingprompts #writingforfun #sendprompts #authorsofinstagram #books #stories #chapters #shortstories #poetry #writerslife #writerscommunity #community of writers #igwriter #wordgasm #similes #simile #cat #catsofinstagram #cats #catnap
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fuelforcreativity · 6 years
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“Her purrs are as loud as a motorcycle speeding down the freeway, but her meows are as soft and sweet as a baby’s laugh. The way her fur rubs against my leg when she’s looking for attention is like the worlds softest blanket. Even when she lays on my legs and I can’t get up until she leaves, I’ll still love her for as long as I live.” -Peggy- I’ve always loved similes, so I decided to make a super short piece on my Grandma’s cat based around them. Hope you liked it! [Photo description: Peggy, a grey striped tabby cat, lays on a multi-coloured cushion in a deep sleep. She almost looks to be smiling] #writersofinstagram #writer #author #writing #writingprompts #writingforfun #sendprompts #authorsofinstagram #books #stories #chapters #shortstories #poetry #writerslife #writerscommunity #community of writers #igwriter #wordgasm #similes #simile #cat #catsofinstagram #cats #catnap
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fuelforcreativity · 6 years
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“Her purrs are as loud as a motorcycle speeding down the freeway, but her meows are as soft and sweet as a baby’s laugh. The way her fur rubs against my leg when she’s looking for attention is like the worlds softest blanket. Even when she lays on my legs and I can’t get up until she leaves, I’ll still love her for as long as I live.” -Peggy- I’ve always loved similes, so I decided to make a super short piece on my Grandma’s cat based around them. Hope you liked it! [Photo description: Peggy, a grey striped tabby cat, lays on a multi-coloured cushion in a deep sleep. She almost looks to be smiling] #writersofinstagram #writer #author #writing #writingprompts #writingforfun #sendprompts #authorsofinstagram #books #stories #chapters #shortstories #poetry #writerslife #writerscommunity #community of writers #igwriter #wordgasm #similes #simile #cat #catsofinstagram #cats #catnap
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fuelforcreativity · 6 years
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“I always come here to escape. Whether it’s from stressful situations, or I just feel claustrophobic sitting in my little apartment. The sweet summer air in my lungs gives me a sense of relief from the congestion of daily life. This picnic bench is my saviour.” -Saviour- This is taken at a golf course that I had been to for the first time. Not to play golf, as that doesn’t quite interest me, but the places around it. To actually get to see what goes on. It was an interesting little adventure! [Photo description: A soft woollen sweater is placed upon the seat of a wooden park bench, shaded partly under the branches of bright green trees. In the places where the sun doesn’t reach, it’s golden rays hit the wood and the brown wood chip covered ground] #writersofinstagram #writer #author #writing #writingprompts #writingforfun #sendprompts #authorsofinstagram #books #stories #chapters #shortstories #poetry #writerslife #writerscommunity #community of writers #igwriter #wordgasm
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fuelforcreativity · 6 years
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“Honey. That’s what she called me. Ever since we met for the first time. I remember it clearer than anything. I stepped onto the bus to find that all the seats except one was full. That one seat was next to the most exquisite woman I had ever seen. Her long dark hair and strikingly blue eyes stuck out to me. It was as if she constantly had a spotlight shining down on her. It was impossible to take my eyes off of her. When I reached the seat, I noticed she had placed her handbag there. So, as steadily as I could, I asked “Do you mind if I sit here?” I know for a fact that ‘as steadily as I could’ was super shaky, and I hoped that she didn’t catch on. It didn’t seem that way though, as she looked up, smiling through her pearly whites and said “Of course, honey!” Man, I thought my heart would stop when we made eye contact. Thankfully it didn’t, and I got to sit down next to her. She even made conversation! Then for the next two months, we took the same bus, everyday talking and discovering more about each other. Then one day, she didn’t come. I thought “Oh, maybe she’s ill or late?” and went on with my day. But she didn’t show the next day, or the day after, or the day after that. I regretted not getting her number, quite honestly. Our chats had become the highlight of my day. One day, about two weeks after she had stopped taking that bus, I got on and took a seat at the back. The bus emptier than usual. As I sat, I noticed it. Graffitied on the seat in front of me, it said “Honey”. My heart skipped a beat. I didn’t know what to think. I looked up around me and my eyes caught some glittering blue orbs staring into mine. “Hey Honey, I missed you!”” -Honey- This is a story based around this graffiti that was on my bus the other day. I was so curious about why it was there and what it was about that I decided to write a short story on it. No I didn’t put it there haha! I hope you liked it! #writersofinstagram #writer #author #writing #writingprompts #writingforfun #sendprompts #authorsofinstagram #books #stories #chapters #shortstories #poetry #writerslife #writerscommunity #community of writers #igwriter #wordgasm
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fuelforcreativity · 6 years
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“Every time I look down, I see them getting darker. “A reminder,” I used to say, “Of what I have been through, and how to avoid it.” Now, I’m not so sure. It hurts to think of the past, and how I have no chance of changing what once was. That I have to think back on the terror and the heartbreak. I don’t deserve that. No one does. But here I sit, staring down at those god forsaken blackening spots that continue to grace my knees. They’re like black holes. My gaze is sucked in every time I look towards the floor. The disgust I feel towards them seems unnecessary, but then I remember how they arrived to place themselves there, and it makes me hate them more.” -Bruises- This is a photo taken by me from a couple months ago. No, they weren’t from some horrible accident like my excerpt explains. Actually I fell on the stage of my school’s theatre. They’re completely healed now :) [Photo description: A pair of knees on a dark surface covered in patchy bruises in many shades of blue, purple, and black] #writersofinstagram #writer #author #writing #writingprompts #writingforfun #sendprompts #authorsofinstagram #books #stories #chapters #shortstories #poetry #writerslife #writerscommunity #community of writers #igwriter #wordgasm
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fuelforcreativity · 6 years
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“Every time I look down, I see them getting darker. “A reminder,” I used to say, “Of what I have been through, and how to avoid it.” Now, I’m not so sure. It hurts to think of the past, and how I have no chance of changing what once was. That I have to think back on the terror and the heartbreak. I don’t deserve that. No one does. But here I sit, staring down at those god forsaken blackening spots that continue to grace my knees. They’re like black holes. My gaze is sucked in every time I look towards the floor. The disgust I feel towards them seems unnecessary, but then I remember how they arrived to place themselves there, and it makes me hate them more.” -Bruises- This is a photo taken by me from a couple months ago. No, they weren’t from some horrible accident like my excerpt explains. Actually I fell on the stage of my school’s theatre. They’re completely healed now :) [Photo description: A pair of knees on a dark surface covered in patchy bruises in many shades of blue, purple, and black] #writersofinstagram #writer #author #writing #writingprompts #writingforfun #sendprompts #authorsofinstagram #books #stories #chapters #shortstories #poetry #writerslife #writerscommunity #community of writers #igwriter #wordgasm
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fuelforcreativity · 6 years
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“Every time I look down, I see them getting darker. “A reminder,” I used to say, “Of what I have been through, and how to avoid it.” Now, I’m not so sure. It hurts to think of the past, and how I have no chance of changing what once was. That I have to think back on the terror and the heartbreak. I don’t deserve that. No one does. But here I sit, staring down at those god forsaken blackening spots that continue to grace my knees. They’re like black holes. My gaze is sucked in every time I look towards the floor. The disgust I feel towards them seems unnecessary, but then I remember how they arrived to place themselves there, and it makes me hate them more.” -Bruises- This is a photo taken by me from a couple months ago. No, they weren’t from some horrible accident like my excerpt explains. Actually I fell on the stage of my school’s theatre. They’re completely healed now :) [Photo description: A pair of knees on a dark surface covered in patchy bruises in many shades of blue, purple, and black] #writersofinstagram #writer #author #writing #writingprompts #writingforfun #sendprompts #authorsofinstagram #books #stories #chapters #shortstories #poetry #writerslife #writerscommunity #community of writers #igwriter #wordgasm
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