hey i’ve moved but not really but yes i have
i’m leaving this blog as an archive but going to be (hopefully sorta more) active on my new art blog which is basically… exactly… the same name…
i know pretty much everyone followed me here for RTAH art but heads up it’s not very likely i’ll be drawing much of that anymore, so if you like my art in general feel free to follow my new art blog >>
and if not no worries, i had a lovely time with you all, hope you’re all doing well, see ya round!
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hey i’ve moved but not really but yes i have
i’m leaving this blog as an archive but going to be (hopefully sorta more) active on my new art blog which is basically... exactly... the same name...
i know pretty much everyone followed me here for RTAH art but heads up it’s not very likely i’ll be drawing much of that anymore, so if you like my art in general feel free to follow my new art blog >>
and if not no worries, i had a lovely time with you all, hope you’re all doing well, see ya round!
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Chapter 3,4,5: and it will make you whole
A sort of resolution, and how healing starts with connection.
*calls into the abyss* Anyone still like climbing class in here? Still caught up with a horror video game from years ago?
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nice to see you around again!! just popping in to say that I really love your wyrd fates universe, and I hope it still holds a special place in your heart too 'v' have a good day!!
Thank you! I’m still kicking around quietly! Oh I’m so glad you do because yes Wyrd Fates is still very special in my heart and every so often I have a manic surge of working on the story in bits and pieces. I should really post more about them here
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Well damn if I did I sure can’t find it :’D   It was one of those stories that was supposed to be short but very quickly spiralled into multi-chapters and then got lost in the wip folder
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The imaginary friend one was Slow Moments! (which despite the fact that I wish I hadn’t written it in first person I’m still kinda fond of)
The road trip one was unfortunately one of the ones that had a whole lot of dirtbagHeyman in it so I deleted it :/
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You said you wanted to talk abt more fandom stuff and can i just say i still think abt ur mavin art and fics? I remember this one that was like, i think michael was a ghost? Okay its been literally so long since ive read these fics 😭
I’m like wracking my brain to remember this, cause it sounds familiar but also my memory is a sieve and throwing up an error404 :’D
Okay I just looked back through some of my old fics and realised that I did have one that was about Gavin being a ghost but I never finished it and never published it HOW DID YOU GET IN MY BRAIN FILES????
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I've been trying to look at your nsfw Mavin artworks that I used to check out a couple of years ago but it doesn't seem to work ;^; I dunno if that's just me or just Tumblr in general
Ahh yup that would be tumblr in general, plus the fallout of when everything was getting flagged as inappropriate :’)
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Thank you all for your input/messages; I think for now I’m just gonna leave everything but if in the future some stuff disappears you’ll know why.
Hope everyone is taking care of themselves, and also remembering that as much as fandom can be a big part of your life it certainly isn’t the most important thing. And as much as it sucks to find some really rotten parts, well, out with the trash and keep the good.
When I come back it’s gonna be with different stuff and more original stuff so until then, love y’all <3
well everything is just awful isn’t it
I’ve been drifting away from RTAH for a while, but it was always like a home to come back to every now and then (and for the good ones who must be hurting just as much, I’ll still likely come back for them) but for now I just really can’t be present.
Honestly, I’m tempted to delete a lot of Certain Drawings because man I just can’t stand it, but I want to know if anyone else has an opinion on that.
Should I delete them? Should I include the ones that are based on the FAHC character? Should I just leave it all up and trust that y’all know they were drawn when we were all in a different place, before we knew?
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well everything is just awful isn’t it
I’ve been drifting away from RTAH for a while, but it was always like a home to come back to every now and then (and for the good ones who must be hurting just as much, I’ll still likely come back for them) but for now I just really can’t be present.
Honestly, I’m tempted to delete a lot of Certain Drawings because man I just can’t stand it, but I want to know if anyone else has an opinion on that.
Should I delete them? Should I include the ones that are based on the FAHC character? Should I just leave it all up and trust that y’all know they were drawn when we were all in a different place, before we knew?
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it’s me again! i’ve been completely more or less out if the fandom so i’ve had no clue about joel until just now. i’m quite bummed to find it out but i completely understand why you took the fanfics down. thank u for responding !!
No worries! 
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for some reason i was going through my old ao3 bookmarks and realised a load of your fics were missing - specifically a joelay one that was my favourite. i’m sorry if i’m intruding but i was just wondering why you took them all down (you don’t need to say why if you don’t want to i understand) i love your writing and even more so your art, so even after all these years later i’m so glad to see that your tumblr still exists!!
well, long story short, after realising what a trash excuse for a human joel was I just didn’t want to have any content of him.
As long as tumblr itself exists, this blog will never cease to exist :’)
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Off Topic is on YouTube early. Go watch it. This is required viewing for all RT fans
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Richie Tozier drives into Maine on a Tuesday morning.
It’s not planned; not the state, nor the day, nor the driving. The red convertible was picked up from a rental place in Chicago on a Sunday, signed over within fifteen minutes of him walking into the office, and with no set end-date given, paid for with a credit card on a day-by-day basis.
By mid-morning that same red convertible pulls over on the outskirts of a small town, Tozier gets out and looks around, seemingly picks a direction at random and starts walking.
His phone buzzes on the dashboard of the car.
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replied to your photo
“They’ll say the sun is dying And the fragile can’t be saved And the...”
Jesus fucking Christ, sir. This is absolutely gorgeous. The coloring is phenomenal and the facial expression is superb! You do such amazing work and I am consistently blown away. Amazing!
I can’t even words good to express proper gratitude but thank you!! 😊 
This is amazing and the colours!!! Just wow
this is gorgeous
Thank you both!!
Please tell me why I sang this to the tune of baby it’s cold outside?
Why indeed, I don’t even know how you could manage to fit the words to the beat... how??
(the song is Void by Muse btw)
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They'll say the sun is dying And the fragile can't be saved And the cold, it will devour us And we won't rise up and slay giants
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there must be some kinda way outta here
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walking-saints replied to your photo “them teens”
My reply was therefore deleted and can I just say that I want you to know it doesn't matter. My love for this artwork and how cute and happy they are transcends the existence of words. They are a paltry pittance for the love I feel for your art and I still love this piece!
The loss of your ever lovely words was part of why I screamed agony. Oh cruel technology that let slip such script, as I treasure each letter!
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