fyeah-queer-ans · 2 days
zen was so cute for this why is this moment so underrated ;-;
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fyeah-queer-ans · 2 days
just obi complaining that zen doesn't take him on any dates
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fyeah-queer-ans · 3 days
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i was feeling silly so i made this :] low effort cuz i had a bad hand day but i think it looks funny
the ogggg
ive had multiple character alternatives including: garack to ryuu and other royal pharmacists "do you want us to make like. gay medicine. what"
zen to mitsuhide, raji to sakaki and haruto to zen and izana ksjhfsjkdf
i was gonna draw all of these but then i got hit with eepies so izana and zen it is! i think it being those two makes it even funnier
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fyeah-queer-ans · 3 days
I just think it would be SO funny if obiyuki was Lilias' number one OTP and then zen shows up for a visit and things get awkward real fast once it becomes obvious he and shirayuki are in a relationship and it sparks the most intense shipping war Lilias has ever seen until one day someone accidentally walks in on zen and obi making out and peace returns as everyone realizes that they're a throuple
zen is just confused why everyone who had been downright frosty to him ever since he arrived is now perfectly friendly
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fyeah-queer-ans · 3 days
Some cute obizenyuki relationship things for you all, because i cannot stop thinking about them:
Early into their relationship one day Zen finishes work late and goes back to his room to find that shirayuki and obi had fallen asleep in his bed waiting for him. Seeing them cuddling in their sleep immediately lifts his bad mood. It's the first time they all spend the night together and it's the best sleep he's had in ages. From then on they start sleeping over more often, especially when Zen is stressed. When Zen gets especially wrapped up in his work, Shirayuki and Obi are the only ones that can pull him away long enough to get some sleep, and Kiki and Mitsuhide are not shy about taking advantage of this knowledge.
Shirayuki walks into Zen's office one day to ask him a question, only to see him sitting at his desk, trying to fill out paperwork while Obi sits on the arm of his chair and drapes himself all over Zen's shoulders. Shirayuki tries not to laugh at Zen's expression of mixed relief and disappointment when Obi gets up as soon as she walks in and proceeds wrap himself around her instead. Zen usually loves it when Obi gets into one of his handsy moods, but it's not exactly conducive to getting work done, so Shirayuki pretends she needs Obi to accompany her into town for some errands. Zen whispers his thanks to her when she kisses him goodbye before leaving.
When the second prince of Clarines announces that he will be entering into a triad marriage, it takes the world by storm. Clarines is a wealthy country and no one can afford to offend their monarchy, so no one is outright disrespectful to him about his marriage, though it's obvious that no one really knows what to make of it. In the end, prince Raji is the one that breaks the ice when he invites Zen and his spouses to a ball at his palace in Tanbarun. When Zen says that he unfortunately won't be able to make it due to a prior commitment, Raji asks if Shirayuki and Obi will also be accompanying him. Zen says they won't be and in response, Raji asks indignantly, "What, so just because you can't come, they're not allowed to have fun either? Tell them to come visit without you!" Zen is taken aback, having assumed that their invitations were dependent on him being there. He's grateful though, because he can see now that in his own clumsy way, Raji is trying to show his support for their marriage, and he's doing it publicly and with pride.
The three of them discuss the topic of children at great length, and end up deciding to have two, both from Zen. As much as they would have loved to have children from Obi as well, they're very aware that no matter how hard they tried, there would end up being double standards between any children who were biologically Zen's, and any who weren't. They don't want any resentment to grow between their children, so this is the path they decide to take. Obi still loves their children as if they were his own, and anyone who even hints at him not being their real father is banned from the palace permanently. The children grow up happy and adored by everyone around them, and they love all three of their parents equally.
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fyeah-queer-ans · 4 days
there's something so dear about the way zen looks at obi and shirayuki when they're together. he always looks so content looking at them. the boy is in love
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fyeah-queer-ans · 4 days
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he's not fooling anyone
the og meme
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fyeah-queer-ans · 4 days
reminds me. something something shirayuki and obi being jealous of zens letter to the other. shirayuki being like hes so comfortable and intimate with you i want that while obi is like ?? hes writing poetry for you i want that. smh zen
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fyeah-queer-ans · 11 days
happy pride month to my favorite bicons especially
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fyeah-queer-ans · 1 month
What if I was a prince and you were the man I asked to act as my sword, and to protect my beloved when I wasn't able to?
What if you told me you were in love with her, but I still asked you to accompany her when she had to leave my side for 2 years because you were the only one I trusted to keep her safe?
What if I was in love with you, but I couldn't say anything because I am your prince, and you are my aide, and I don't ever want to risk pressuring you into something you don't want?
What if the two of us, my beloved and I, told you "We can drop our brave faces when we're around you," and what we meant was "We love you, we love you, we love you."
What then?
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fyeah-queer-ans · 1 month
am i crazy or does anyone else believe mitsuhide has a crush on izana...
he was so devastated to find out he was assigned to prince zen solely because he wanted to be at IZANA'S side. he's so in love.
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fyeah-queer-ans · 1 month
I've often felt drawn to the ship of Mitsuhide x Kiki, but I also find these alternatives compelling:
Mitsuhide is aroace
Mitsuhide is a Side B gay icon who is in love with Prince Zen and will stay by his side and be happy for him even when he loves someone else
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fyeah-queer-ans · 2 months
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I’ve never posted so QUICK , YALL ALREADY KNOW hehe
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fyeah-queer-ans · 2 months
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He did the smart thing and let his feelings be known 🫶🏽
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fyeah-queer-ans · 2 months
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so like. does he do this every night
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fyeah-queer-ans · 2 months
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domestic zenobiyuki >>>>>>
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fyeah-queer-ans · 3 months
UmiTorou headcanons cause yes it is like that
Umihebi never fundimentally changes, she just calms down in a sense. Perhaps even becomes nicer to people around her, in the slightest way possible.
Torou is the Sun that Umihebi orbits in this relationship
not a true love relationship but a codependency that forms slowly veryyy slowly overtime
Torou always wanted a rich suger mommy
Umihebi definitely thinks Torou is older than she actually is
I imagine there are two possible outcomes of their relationship -> Torou becomes a pirate and possibly a first mate down the line, "happily" living with Umihebi on her ship and terrorizing however many seas there are in AnS universe. OR -> Umihebi goes into hiding on land and starts traveling with Torou, doing odd jobs, possibly living my their cottagecore/forest lesbian dream
Umihebi's love language is gift giving. As a very material person who's a big fan of jewelry and trinkets she always gifts Torou various earrings from her pirate loots. Very expensive kind mind you.
In contrast Torou's love language(s) are physical touch and words of affirmation, which VERY frustrates Umihebi especially in public
Torou keeps Obi very much updated about her spicy relationship via letters, which for safety reasons (both his and the girls) Obi rarely reads and burns them. He would rather see no evil but he supports whatever makes Torou happy.
Torou messes with Umihebi on the daily, teasing, pulling pranks etc. and Umihebi just lets her even though it pisses her off. Torou is lucky she's cute and all that sappy shit.
Their relationship remains pretty open cause Torou is very free spirited and Umihebi can't be bothered most of the time, though if she must Umihebi prefers seeing Torou with other women rather than with men.
Torou is initially drawn to Umihebi cause she's a big shot captain and has very scary reputations and actual skills to show (unlike some other "important" people in the underground scene)
It's anyone's guess why Umihebi likes Torou. it's for her charming personality and bad bitch behavior
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